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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 3.08 MB, 2368x2368, udFENwT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9902186 No.9902186 [Reply] [Original]

From mfa today
"Couples fashion: Dick owens"

Chin up, /fa/, at least youll never be this bad

>> No.9902192


You mean find a person who shares your interests and doesn't mind indulging in a bit of silliness? Already stuck with him, unfortunately. I'll try to shake him off if you think that's the right move, anon.

>> No.9902200

a large portion of fa is infinitely worse than your photo and will never reach half of ding teng in your photo there...which is the saddest part

>> No.9902201


>> No.9902241

Eh, I've seen worse. I hate those fucking shoes though.

>> No.9902249

I've seen much worse Dick Ovens wearers, they actually make it look (somewhat) normal

>> No.9902261

I don't think the fits are that bad.
They just both look too old.
The guy has the classic "I'm filipino and over 40" haircut.

>> No.9902262


>unironically believing that people should care more about their looks than their happiness

this is everything wrong with this board.

>> No.9902266


Probably Taiwanese, but close enough.

>> No.9902342

Can you articulate exactly what it is you don't like?

Preferably without all caps or dead memes.

>> No.9902345

It's "overplayed"

>> No.9902376


>> No.9902386

you are the worst poster on this board, the average quality of your posts is shit and right now you are the author of half of the thread sup right now

you truly are the cancer killing this board, get off your fucking adderall and go outside you ogre faced whore

>> No.9902396
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 3610153781908_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that hair
>that ugly face
>scoop neck tee
>skinnier than his girlfriend
>rick x adidas

lol you angry little man

>> No.9902401


>you are the worst poster on this board

>> No.9902404

i didn't post either of those, i'm just sick of seeing this whore in every single thread making a thread every 5 minutes for the past 8 fucking hours seriously get a job

>> No.9902409


joke's on you, i actually am sitting outside

>> No.9902412
File: 17 KB, 294x422, pt-2715-75dpi-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah because the womens shelter is closed you fucking faggot seriously get the fuck off the stims you really think people give this much of a fuck about your opinion that you post every minute of every fucking day like it's your blog

>> No.9902416

at least this couple is having fun. you sound like a very grumpy sod.

>> No.9902420

when are you going to realize you're just as bad as him/her mate
you're fucking pathetic too

>waaaaaah! these people enjoy the clothes they own! waaaaah!

>> No.9902424

>womens shelter is closed
lmao nice

>> No.9902426


Yep, pretty sure that's Taiwan. Went to that street last year.

>> No.9902427

you really are clueless arent you

ree needs to go back to her tumblr and keep posting her stim crazed bullshit where i dont have to look at it, im speaking up on behalf of the gods of this board, I am the embodied spirit of cooltop, slater, tomorrow and alekzias smelly vag, FUCK OFF REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9902429


It says Taipei behind them.

>> No.9902432

why does everyone hate ree? It seems like there is always more hate towards what he/she posts than them actually posting shitty content. I don't rly get it, is it because of the trip?

>> No.9902438

It's this "I think that people give this much of a fuck about my opinion to the point of giving myself a name on an anonymous imageboard", and posting 500 threads an hour on stupid shit for attention or to gain popularity and awareness of her trip, it's literally personal blog cancer that completely dismounts the spirit of this board; to anonymously make fun of faggots dressed by the internet

>> No.9902439

why are you here then

>> No.9902441
File: 216 KB, 778x518, sausage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I really want to go back for some street food.

>> No.9902455

and the vital difference between other people that trip that have been known as the popular people on this board is that they offer value, they offer an interesting edge on things, something to laugh at, ORIGINAL fucking content. What reeee is providing is nothing but the recycled ideas of a self important meme crazed moron who just discovered 4chan, seeking to take value rather than be somebody that offers it to the board. That's why alekzia is the only tolerated trip around here, because if you look at what she posts she only has value to add to people that she has gained from pretty much living the past 7 years of her life on this board

>> No.9902479

so what are you gonna do about it
all you're doing is being a bitch lmao
filter them, problem solved

>> No.9902482

you really need to take a break from the internet pal

>> No.9902491
File: 35 KB, 468x487, 1427536636876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fight back against the new age meme scourge and try to preserve what little integrity my board has by calling out little retarded self important whores

>> No.9902552

yep, definitely log off, for your own good

>> No.9902617

saw some little asian kid walk back from middle school in ramones

i almost bursted out laughing

san jose is funny.

>> No.9902705


Because, as hard as it might be for you to understand, it is possible to care about fashion without being a total try-hard dick hole that makes a meme out of everything

>> No.9903407

The Asian girl's New Balance's w2c?

>> No.9903414


i think you need to take a little break from the internet

if you're laughing at a pair of sneakers like it's an episode of friends

>> No.9903424


>this comment
>that trip
opinion discarded

>> No.9903487


>San Jose

I love seeing the lanky Indian dudes wearing $300 dollar shoes with $10 jeans.

>> No.9903503


>> No.9903550

its not that ree is that bad, its just that ree literally has never contributed. once you notice it, it sticks out really bad, and every time you see a post by ree it just gets more and more annoying. ive literally never seen ree post anything besides >>9902342 esqu sarcastic arrogant shit posting. that post just smacks of a kind of delusional self-aggrandizing narcissism.
all ree ever does is talk down to people. never posts fits, never offers opinions, never says anything constructive, just talks shit. usually off topic shit. ree never misses an opportunity to bicker with someone (who is probably just ree samefagging without the trip)
its super annoying.
if i wasnt such an autist i would just leave the thread, but autists dont like to break routine, so im gonna suffer a little more before i finally leave.

>> No.9903561


>implying Friends is funny


>> No.9903562

i meant board

>> No.9903564

i do wish mods were a little more active here on this board, and banned some of the trolls and certain trips who bring nothing to the table

>> No.9903569



>> No.9903573
File: 11 KB, 1024x575, whoosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm i found the gif

>> No.9903578

this proves if you're ugly no matter how on point the fit is you'll, always look like you're compensating because the fact you got the short end of the stick in the genetic lottery.

>> No.9903590


I am a new/fa/g

what do you guys mean when you say mfa? The first thing I think of is master of fine arts. and for a hot second I thought yous were saying (in other threads) that you dont like how people in master of fine arts programs dress. ha

>> No.9903596

its museum of fine arts, faggot

>> No.9903598

master fashion artist, basically a term for the fashionable elite here who have earned their stars and stripes

pigfuck is the king

>> No.9903603

*immitates average ree post*

that's not a .gif. You are fat and stupid. aand are you serious with the placement of the head in that notevenagif picture?

oh wait even that has more readable content

>> No.9903610

I'm so fucking lonely

>> No.9903615
File: 27 KB, 1024x575, whoosh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's the right gif

>> No.9903617



is it reddit's male fashion advice?

>> No.9903621


>the gif

try harder

>> No.9903622


>> No.9903623


never heard of that tbh

i didn't know guys were into fashion? on reddit of all places?

>> No.9903626


They used to be active last year but they ruined the board by being overzealous with power.

They would ban you for the the STUPIDEST shit like going slightly "off-topic" on a thread.

>> No.9903652

They don't make me want to burn all my rick stuff, and that's rare given how much fucktards are wearing rick these days.

>> No.9903667


Solid subtle brag about how much Rick you wear and how long you've been wearing it

>> No.9903682

mifune looks like shit and cannot even comprehend simple 1st year english grammar so disregard what he says

>> No.9903714


kek. noted.

>> No.9903967


>> No.9904191


/fa/scist has been around for a while and actually knows what he's talking about, you're an idiot