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File: 53 KB, 488x350, poor-posture-exercises-to-improve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9901588 No.9901588 [Reply] [Original]

how2get better posture?

>> No.9901594

I stand like #2 and girls think it's cute.

>> No.9901603

>tfw 6'2''
>taller than almost everyone I meet
>can't avoid Forward Head posture due to having to look down on people all the time

>> No.9901607

>reactor: online
>sensors: online
>weapons: online
>all systems nominal

>> No.9901633
File: 1000 KB, 500x500, 28AQOxE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9901647

Took me a few secs to get it but fuck you I chuckled.

>> No.9901654

Weight lift. Seriously. Lots of these issues can be exacerbated by various weaknesses in your muscles.

Also a standing desk helps, I love mine.

>> No.9901660

I stand like the second one help how do I fix that

>> No.9901671

Same. Just look down with your eyes all condescending like. Puts the manlets in their place.

>> No.9901678

Yeah, I love doing that.

>> No.9901692
File: 12 KB, 300x200, e8Ukt8Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weight lift.

>> No.9901694


>> No.9901701
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>> No.9901709
File: 100 KB, 275x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lift weight

>> No.9901757

Joking aside, it's good advice. My posture has improved since I started lifting.

>> No.9901764

I have an lumbar spinal syndrom (nothing bad) and the doc said it comes from too little muscle mass in my back.
easy to fix with daily gymnastic exercises and shit. but I would always recomend seeing an doctor before starting any exercise you see on the internet!

>> No.9901804


on reddit fitness yesterday a post was made with a pdf full of stretches adapted to each posture problem

>> No.9901819


>> No.9901845

try being 6'5" and hearing someone tell you every day that "you should play basketball" even though you're a clumsy lanklet looking at tops of heads all day.

>> No.9902547

are you me?
how long are your legs? 36" here it takes the fucking piss they don't do mens jeans in my size

>> No.9903584


>> No.9903604

>tfw forward head from looking down on the ground all the time due lack of self-esteem

>> No.9903611

Marching Band

>> No.9904549

I have #1 and #4 and I stand on the balls of my feet at least 60% of the time I'm standing.
How fucked am I?

>> No.9904558

Here you go guys


>> No.9904632


>> No.9904920

oh look another /fit/ thread in /fa/

>> No.9905121

No no no you got it backwards... You gotta make sure you have decent posture BEFORE you even attempt to lift anything.
Yes, some exercise might help you because bad posture is almost always caused by weak muscles but you don't do starting strength with fucked up knees or back and expect it to magically fix your problem.

If you have a posture problem, go see physiotherapist if it's severe or get a good personal trainer if they are just mild 'computer guy' posture

>> No.9905231
File: 131 KB, 551x535, 1432642734225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think my sides disintegrated

>> No.9905746

Honestly, yoga helps. I had a huge hump in my back, I did yoga and it went away.

>> No.9905755

I have a weird standing situation. I have great posture,but I lean forward. Like from my ankle. I put my weight on the balls of my foot and I've been trying to correct it for months but I've stood and walked like that for years and I feel weird when I stand straight with weight balanced. For example, in the good posture picture, his body and feet make a 90 degree angle at the ankle. When I stand up straight, it's about a 75-80 degree angle. Any tips to help?