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9901048 No.9901048 [Reply] [Original]

is fasting effay? pic related ate about 2400 calories yesterday, going on a 36h (most probably 48) fast. so far 20 hours and no issues; i'm also skinny but want to shred extra fat for a clean-cut face

how do you maintain a sharp, skinny and healthy body?

>> No.9901060

>Fasting while skinny
>Not being /fit/ and lean
Better off killing yourself.

>> No.9901059

Why not just watch your calorie intake and lower it on daily consumption instead?
Trendy miracle diets come and go, I just can't take any of them seriously when magazines for middle aged women hype the new ones every single week.

>> No.9901065

fasting is useless
read the /fit/ sticky, you need to make long-term dietary changes, not binge eating one day and then fasting for however many hours, starvation won't help anything.
From the /fit/ sticky...

Starvation is bad, OK?

Weight loss is largely a matter of reducing calories and increasing activity. So if 500 fewer calories a day than you need to maintain is good, 2000 less is better, right? Not really. Because below a certain threshold, your body thinks you are one of those starving refugees on TV, and does a bunch of things that hurt your long-term weight loss.

Read that again: starving is a bad way to lose weight.

Why this is so:

Your metabolism slows down. Your body will burn fewer calories to maintain itself, and you will feel awful. This is bad for weight loss because as soon as you quit starving yourself, you'll gain weight fast because your metabolism has bottomed out.
You will tend to lose muscle more than fat. Your body will naturally try to conserve fat and cannibalize muscle if it thinks it is outright starving. This is bad because your real goal is FAT loss, not weight loss. This is how you have people who lose 100 pounds and reach their "ideal" weight, but still look amazingly flabby. Also, losing muscle slows your metabolism down even further, amplifying the giant horrible rebound effect once you quit starving yourself.
Your life will be a living hell. You'll eventually feel horrible, the diet will fail, and you'll binge eat and regain everything you lost, plus interest.

>> No.9901067

Go to the gym nigga

>> No.9901078

This man speaks the truth. Stop fasting like some sort of impulsive manchild.

>> No.9901080


Med student here, fasting for a day does jack shit.

Yes you will lose weight but gain that immediately when you start eating again, initial weight lost on a fast is primarily fluid, not fat.

>> No.9901083

>Starvation is bad, OK?

Not according to actual studies. Intermittent fasting is actually good for your long-term health.

>> No.9901084

because from experience fasting gives me visible results more quicker, it makes me feel good, i feel like i'm not losing any muscle, and helps me to put everything into perspective (i know when to eat, i know what it feels to eat after long abstinence etc.)
plus i can eat a shitton (i overeat any of my fat friends) hence restricting myself daily is more difficult since i never feel full which just makes it more miserable (and it just makes me feel weak in general)

i also like challenges

>> No.9901094
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oh, okay then?

>> No.9901102

You know that's not what actual studies show, right?

>> No.9901106
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man, you are not gonna make it
I don't think this I know this, you are fucking retarded

you're literally like one of those moms who hears about some new miracle diet bullshit from her friend and believes it, half-ass tries it for a week or two and then gives up

see >>9901094
how about you link me a study instead of just parroting

>> No.9901112

i mean, for me it's much easier to restrict myself completely from eating, rather than stimulating my tastebuds and teasing me with quite-but-not-enough-to-feel-full amount of food.

oh and i don't binge eat, i exercise daily, eat relatively healthy on all days :^)
i have relatively high percentage of fat on my face and shedding off the last bf% is the only solution; IF is the easiest and most suitable way for me

>> No.9901592

I lost >100lbs by "starving myself" (I ate usually <500cals/day for a long time) and I felt energetic and amazing the entire time. Haven't regained anything despite upping my caloric intake a bit, I'm not in perfect shape yet but getting there.

>> No.9901632

You'll hear this by 643837363 people, but lift weights. I'm 5'11 and 140lbs with 7% BF. (Genetics, bro). I still look pretty skinny with clothes on so everything fits nicely. As an added bonus though, I look good with my shirt off and girls will want to touch you just because they're thirsty whores.

Tl;dr - Eat the same. Lift heavy weights. Fuck bitches. Get money.

>> No.9901928

Eat 1200 cal a day
Do cardio
If you want to lift, do low weight/high rep
Eat filling stuff like salads and veggies, don't eat fast food or snacks you'll just get hungry faster.

>> No.9902017

starve yourself. works for me

>> No.9902254

>filling stuff like salad and veggies

u wot m8

>> No.9902351


>> No.9902358

Salads can be really filing if u eat enough

>> No.9904456

anyone doing keto diet?

>> No.9904460

anything can though lol so it doesn't make sense to state that this one thing that isn't filling in normal amounts relative to other foods is "filling" in general

>> No.9904480

Guys. I've never been to the gym in my life, and the only exercise I get is from pretty vigorous skateboarding (really, my thigh muscles are fucking huge and it bothers me). I'm 5'11, 176 lbs. I want to get down to ~150. Should I just eat less calories and call it done? Fast? Really never thought about my health or appearance in a while (other than fashion of course) but I've recently gained some weight and I want to lose it fast.

>> No.9904503

I go to gym a lot and would probably be lean as fuck if I didnt drink like 2500 calories every weekend.
its not like im fat but my abs are just barely visible

>> No.9904641

If you really want to fast, I'd suggest fasting for only the first twelve hours of the day, and then eating a high protein meal. Greek yogurt, chicken, black and brown rice, filler plant stuff.
As for face chubbiness..
Keep a good amount of caffiene in your system, drink enough to have yourself urinating twice a day, sleep about 8 hours and avoid anything more than a recommended amount of sodium. Although Sodium is useful as fuck, It can cause water retention. Avoid crappy fats, and processed sugars. Eat clean generally, but don't force yourself, and have a snickers or whatever, every now and then. Nothing wrong with that.
I'd suggest going a gym as well, If that's something that interests you. Light cardio and an average joe gym routine does alot of good.

>> No.9904665

Yep, works like a charm and I can still go to the gym.

>> No.9904793

>thigh muscles are fucking huge

pls keep them, hungry skelly grill from aus wants to sit on them

>> No.9904801

lots of fibre, protein, water and green. eat a lot of oats, fruit and protein shakes or bars. wouldn't hurt to add a daily multivitamin as well.

add some light cardio and weight lifting 3-4 times a week

>> No.9904896

just consume less calories than you burn a day, and stop eating refined sugar/most carbs.
fasting is okay, but not beneficial for long term results. you'll look great the next day, but your body will absorb all of the food the next time you eat instead of what it needs. and you'll be so hungry that you'll most likely wind up binging instead of eating "normally".
try to eat a lot of veg (especially those high in fiber), lean protein, nuts, one piece of fruit a day, and maybe some dairy product (egg white, non-fat plain yogurt, etc). chew slowly, and stop when you feel full, drink water in between bites, don't eat after a certain time, and keep your body hydrated.
i mainly eat veg, one apple, and nuts, i don't really eat dairy, i drink black coffee, lots of water.
i'm losing weight quicker than when i was fasting, massively restricting, or purging or whatever.

>> No.9904900


>> No.9906428

Speed helped my neighbor lose weight but he became addicted.

>> No.9906717

>med students knows fuck all about dieting. you are educated to forward your patients to experts.

fasting for one day does quite much. there are many proved health benefits from fasting. fasting is not guaranteed weight loss however.
kcals in weekly < kcals out weekly = weight loss
one day fasting is easily 2000 kcal weekly deficit.
fasting twice a week will put you at 4000 kcal deficit and if you eat at maintenance rest of the days, you'll lose 1 lbs weekly.

>> No.9906797
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This fills me up pretty good.
Also do cardio and drink lots of water.

>> No.9907525

3 hours away
still close.. right?

>> No.9907529

half asleep responding to my own post >>9904793

>> No.9907555

does smoking count as cardio

>> No.9907848

if you pace around while doing it then sure

>> No.9908859

where has my big thigh guy gone ;_;

>> No.9910014

any tips for achieving a slender model body? I'm currently ~172, 6 feet and I'm trying to drop down to around 160.

>> No.9910043

stop drinking anything that isn't black coffee/tea/water.
also cut down on pizzas/mcdonals/ w.e
should be good to go.

>> No.9910062
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What's a good way around alcohol?

spirits usually make me more depressed and cider/beer is very high calorie

>stop drinking

>> No.9910108

>wah I want my cake and I'll eat it too

nah fuck you

>> No.9910122


>> No.9910144

this is so true, I experienced it on my skin
my muscles are fucked up and I have some extra skin on my belly and (jesus why) face

>> No.9910229

clear spirits + soda water is the lowest calorie way to drink. the alcohol probably doesnt make you feel differently, it's probably just you.

personally i would just prefer to do other drugs

>> No.9910252

If the average person eats 2000 calories per day, that's 14,000 calories per week.

With a one day fast, that's 12,000 per week.

You are effectively eating less, and in the long run, WILL lose weight.

>med student here
no you're not. If you were, you wouldn't have said something so stupid. You're probably in undergrad and counting your eggs before they hatch.

>> No.9910258

ever notice how only fat people do keto?

>> No.9910267

maybe you're right, i'll move back onto the spirits for a bit see how it works out.

used to overuse amphetamines, had to take a break 'cause the depression afterwards was outweighing the good times

>> No.9910350

starving mode is a lie though

>> No.9910602

It's sort of true if you're only eating 500 cal a day or something. What most people attribute to "starvation mode" is their BMR dropping since you're losing both muscle and fat, so their metabolism slows down. It doesn't slow that much though.

>> No.9910638

I started a vegetarian diet recently. I expected to lose a bunch of weight because everyone I know that went veg did (not the reason I started the diet, though). I've lost like 5 pounds in 2 months, and my face and arm muscles are more defined, but now I have more belly fat. I don't lift often anymore but I run a couple times a week and walk several miles to and from class each day. Am I not eating enough protein or something?

>> No.9910651


doesnt matter. keto works perfectly fine, lets you keep your muscles and you mainly lose fat and feel absolutely zero hunger while staying on 1k kcal per day.

the main disadvantage (and why quite dangerous imho) is the lack of vitamins and minerals. no milk, no fruits, no oats, no whole grain bread, no potatoes, ...

>> No.9910695

why would thin people do diet plans

>> No.9910772

Bodybuilders use it to get rid of stubborn body fat

>> No.9910787

Do you still eat bread?

>> No.9910815


>> No.9910823

vodka w diet soda as chaser is what i tend to do. shots on empty stomach get you really fucked up so i have to drink less anyways

>> No.9912575

may i ask what you ate for those 500 daily calories

>> No.9913624

yo faganons,
what do when skinny fat?
i have that flab in mid section and i fucking hate cardio (i know this is the reason). what else can i do? sit ups? (suggestions other than changing diet; i have a very healthy diet)

>> No.9913649
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>tfw you wake up after 3.5 hours of sleep, pop your EC stack then lipsync, dance and play air guitar to Joy Division/King Crimson/Talking Heads in front of your bathroom mirror for about an hour wearing only boxer briefs and sweating like an asshole
>tfw just took the second dose and already cleaned half of the house and even recycled plastic

I wish if I was the man I'm on stimulants. Also down from 210lbs to 195, 25 more lbs till 10bf% (6'1").

>> No.9913684

Do it like me and abuse stimulants forever*.

* - Not actually recommended, I'll probably die quickly

>> No.9913690

Lift weights.