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9897151 No.9897151 [Reply] [Original]

Any /fa/ vegans?
Where do you buy your shoes?

>> No.9897484

buy macbeths

>> No.9897492

animals exist to serve the human race

>> No.9897513

Yeah lol also women in the kitchen and niggers on the cotton fields amirite? xDD

>> No.9897526

Let's see who is laughing once the human race goes extinct on a few thousand years tops and animals keep thriving for millions of years as they have always done.

Also it's very egocentrical of humanity to think literally anything we could do could wipe out even a quarter of the life in the planet. Life has survived things that make all our nukes together look like a firecracker.

>> No.9897536

I actually have a pair of macbeths... Is that bad?

>> No.9897575

yeah, that shit is blink 182-core

>> No.9897586

Actually spot on. Life was perfect back then.

>> No.9897592
File: 408 KB, 5221x3481, white_turkeys-2dlovi7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also it's better for humans in the long run to eat plant based
You need a lot more vegetables to feed animals because most of the energy gets wasted as you move up the food chain
But even if it would be better to eat animals it's a huge moral question
But factory farming should be erased for sure
(I'm not even vegan)

>> No.9897602

animals eat other animals, but human animals aren't allowed to eat other animals because why?

>> No.9897607
File: 184 KB, 1024x1024, 1390114026458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9897608

what the fuck is the point of being vegan

>> No.9897629

Because we can comprehend what suffering is and want to avoid that.

>> No.9897652

>saving images of fellows attired in antiquated headwear to post on an armenian alabaster archive

>> No.9897656

Your point is that we are animals and should act like animals. If you are stronger than others you can bash their heads in if you feel like it, right? They are animals, you are an animal. It's only natural.

>> No.9897674

I don't post fedoras so I had to google tbh because your post was just perfectly fitting.
>Life was perfect back then
I hope you're baiting.
Protip: what if you were the black guy?
>inb4 I'm not black lol
I don't know why I'm arguing with you. Go back to /pol/ or /r9k/ or whatever shithole you get your edgy sociopathic ideas from.

>> No.9897681

It wasn't even me who said
>Actually spot on. Life was perfect back then.
I just thought up the sentance "saving images of fellows attired in antiquated headwear to post on an armenian alabaster archive" (with some inspiration) and i wanted to use it on the first Fedora poster I saw.

>> No.9897685

National socialism is the future. I'm not racist I just believe in preserving culture and race.

>> No.9897690

>I don't post fedoras so I had to google tbh because your post was just perfectly fitting.

Because it disagrees wit your leftist political ideas?

I don't even agree with >>9897586, but dismissing someone else's political views because they disagree with yours, regardless of their degree of retardation, with memes is equally laughable.

>> No.9897694

Yeah that's because your knowledge of history and philosophy is limited to /pol/ threads and Nietzsche/Evola motivational pictures.

>> No.9897697

I don't even browse /pol/. Why is that so hard to accept? I believe natsoc ideals are superior in every way.

>> No.9897707

I presumed he was trolling. But whatever, you're right of course, and here is the refutal >>9897674 If he's serious I don't think he will suddenly get what empathy is from a post. People who buy into the /pol/ hivemind are mostly beyond save, I mean they are literally conditioning themselves to be sociopaths and most of them have no real life experiences (and the little they have they already judge with a twisted view).

>> No.9897712

What do you honestly think about the Holocaust?

>> No.9897714

It happened. Hitler was a loon. But that doesn't represent natsoc as a whole.

>> No.9897728

>buying dress shoes and belts not made from calf skin

How do guys justify this?

>> No.9897729

Son. I have gone to a 44% negro school. I have lived among the negros and befriended them through sporting activities. I enjoy them for what they are. But I believe they should go back to Africa and have their own culture.

>> No.9897760



Fucking, shitting, and eating is a hell of an existence.

How many great works have animals created?

How many impressive feats of engineering and construction have animals achieved?

Animals know nothing and just exist without the faintest understanding of the world around them save for the most base level of understanding.

>> No.9897808

Without human beings the universe ceases to exist.

Without a sentient observer there is nothing.

>> No.9897818

>Hitler was a loon. But that doesn't represent natsoc as a whole.

lmfao being this fucking stupid

>> No.9897820

"Own culture".

Too late bud. We're all heading towards the same bullshit culture. Muh McDonalds.

You dont even have much of a right to say that kind of shit (Assuming you're an American). You should go back to Europe and let the natives preserve their own culture you fucking retard.

Listen. You dont have to say

"Africa for Africans, Europe for the Europeans, Asia for the Asians and WHITE COUNTRIES FOR EVERYONE".

You could just say

Africa for Africans, Europe for the Europeans, Asia for the Asians and America for AMERICANS.

And it would be more accurate.

>> No.9897873

Does not matter the place where the culture exists. It just needs to be isolated and not tainted.


>> No.9897891

Every culture is tainted.

Literally everyone has been tainted by American Super culture. There is 0 purity.

Just say that this is nothing about culture. You just dont like it when dem jeans get blackwashed.

>> No.9897900

As a french person who doesn't give any fuck about this whole nationalist/racial bullshit, I'd gladly welcome american immigrants.
Really. You may think we hate you, but we actually like you. We just mock people we like. And we naively think you're doing the same eventhough you genuinely hate us.
Come back to europe guys !

>> No.9897920

Can we actually discuss vegan clothing?

Fuck... I thought I was on /fa/, not /b/ or /pol/

>> No.9897921

I want to move to France. They are at the forefront of the natsoc white nation movement.

>> No.9897927

Well ok. Remember we're the forefront of anarchist shit too. You and I may beat ourselves up in the street. But it's okay ! It'll be part of your integration ! We can kill each others and stay friends !

>> No.9899329

So any store recommendations or

>> No.9899350

just buy preowned, it's cheaper anyway

>> No.9899570

Mooshoes is good, it's a dumb name for a business tho. Somewhat expensive but it's worth it.