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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 153 KB, 720x1280, jelly.question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9896828 No.9896828 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel /fa/ no matter how much money you spend on clothes, Chad will still get all the women?

>> No.9896833

But I don't want women

>> No.9896841

This, really. I'll move forward if they make the first move but other than that I got better shit to do than get slipped up on some trick

>> No.9896842

You're alone, taking selfies half-naked. Think about that.

>> No.9896848

>dressing for women

>> No.9896856

>I got better shit to do than get slipped up on some trick

Like post on 4chan.

>> No.9896858

>implying you've never been alone and taken a picture
Fat fuck detected

>> No.9896860

No shit

>> No.9896862

You seem mad at the revelation selfies are for losers.

>> No.9896871

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.9896883

Maybe in your experience.

>> No.9896885


>tfw i'm /fa/ and /fit/

superior chad here, move aside pleb

>> No.9896900

nobody that actually likes clothing dresses to attract women

if a pathetic female falls for a bland knucklehead only bc he has developed muscles, than he can have her... not interested

keep your shallow sports bar sluts, chad

>> No.9896907


I'm /fa/, /fit/ AND /ck/.

Literally master race. Hard to beat this

>> No.9896923
File: 157 KB, 301x307, Its-chad-warden-here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chad warden?

>> No.9896925

Hahahaha fucking pleb. I'm
I'm not even effay, I just wear clothes that fit me and shitpost ALL of the ladies are murrin my anime posters and figures. Get on my level you fucking scrub.

>> No.9896995


>> No.9897002


>massive backne

ya m8

>> No.9897009

>what is freckles
> nice try matey

>> No.9897013

I don't really care tbh. I workout a bit but I'm not interested in getting swole.

>> No.9897016

I only workout for basketball, bodybuilding just for the sake of bodybuilding is literally for cucks

>> No.9897022

How much steroids for this?

>> No.9897040

gay niggas

>> No.9897140

Just like everybody in here?

>> No.9897156
File: 66 KB, 625x626, 4L_rLVGl09P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9897157


>> No.9898638


>le 2d face

fuck off weeb

>> No.9898799
File: 19 KB, 313x360, nicklestat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except you're not the Chad everybody wants kid.

>> No.9898854


>> No.9898867

No because most people have a fucking mirror lel.

And how in the world is not taking a selfie any indication of how attractive you are? Are you cereal?

>> No.9899634

No one ever gets women with their clothes alone, to assume so is to take fasion much too seriously.

This board just enjoys talking about outfits, that's all.

>> No.9899649

>dressing nice
>to get women

>getting fit
>to get women

kek why do you enslave yourself to the weaker gender? why not wear nice clothes because you fucking like them? or get in great shape because YOU like it?

don't cuck yourselves, live your own damn lives and do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.9899668

/fit/ are a bunch of virgins

>> No.9899908

I started getting interesting in clothing about February last year. About this time last year, I had my first kiss, and shortly after lost my virginity. I'm not some chad or anything, but I've been with 8 girls since, 3 of which were way more attractive than I thought I would ever have a chance at sleeping with.

So, basically, yeh, clothes can get you laid too, ya know.