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/fa/ - Fashion

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9881709 No.9881709 [Reply] [Original]

femanons, what's your opinion on leg hair on guys?

>> No.9881714


>> No.9881730

I had a Chinese girlfriend who was absolutely obsessed with my arm/leg hair. If we were sitting next to each other just talking or watching something she'd constantly be stroking/brushing it.

Really weird, but I guess it isn't something Asian girls are used to.

>> No.9881733

If they're nice legs who cares

>> No.9882017

Thinking one Chinese girl's opinion is generally the same for every Asian.

fucking retard

>> No.9882033

rofl Mao

>> No.9882037

hairless is weird

>> No.9882162

is it ok to break up with a girl bc of her hairy arms?

>> No.9882186

just wax them while she sleeps.

>> No.9882226

this seems appropriate.

my gf has broken out in what she calls "stress induced spots" but what I think is just late developing acne (apparently her skin was perfect up until this point) she said because theyre "t zone spots" its likely stress/diet induced. But she went full vegan like 2 weeks ago so we'll see what happens.

She doesnt seem to do anything about it rather than her normal face care regime which doesnt seem to be doing a great deal. i want her to go to the dr's and get duac or accutane or something like that but she wont.

Wat do.

>> No.9882265


buy her makeup and let her be

>> No.9882269


of course u dont buy it for her, but make her buy it, accutane is way too strong for some random acne

>> No.9882374

yeah she hates using makeup

>> No.9882391

lol chill bruh, it is tho

>> No.9882685

but im sure you could think of another reason

>> No.9882733

I don't like it when guys shave their legs and I don't think any of my friends really care about leg hair

personally i don't think men need to shave any of their body hair. it's effeminate and emasculating

>> No.9882738

I disagree

>> No.9882747

>caring what females think
beta as fuck

>> No.9883370

What about my ass hair?

>> No.9883501

are you gay? if not then don't worry about it

>> No.9883514


fucking an asian. she loves it.

>> No.9883518


>> No.9883575

Apart from pubic, facial, and head hair trimming everything else is getting gay

>> No.9883595

Mine is pretty bad, no one needs as much ass ass hair as I get. Can't even take a shit sometimes fucking genetics...

>> No.9883768
File: 250 KB, 1280x960, ef3742bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gay, but I wouldn't mind some entirely heterosexual cheeky back-door shenanigans (pegging/rimjobs/clockwise finger-rubbing).

>> No.9883788

Who is this ectoplasm orgasm?

>> No.9884296


ass hair is irrelevant. get u a girl thatll eat ur butt regardless of there being a forest back there.

>> No.9884640

I really love body hair on dudes. I prefer if the hair isn't coarse, but I don't mind if it's all over. I especially love hair on legs, arms, armpits, chest, and treasure trails. I'm eh about pubic hair but I don't mind it. Facial hair is hot too as long it's not horrible hipster styles or a goatee.

>> No.9884661
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who cares lmao

>> No.9884674

hanna hallysem

>> No.9884676

Dear Lord, even straight men are turning into faggots.

>> No.9884690


>> No.9884702
File: 18 KB, 330x329, rickybabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing more alpha than having a girl eat your hairy ass out

>> No.9884739

It's a feminine position. If you think making yourself the woman is alpha, have fun.

>> No.9884746

The fuck lol

Im asian and all the males in my family have as much hair as arabs

>> No.9884786
File: 13 KB, 290x365, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a beta like yourself would automatically think of submissive positions.

>> No.9884839

that's pretty weird, ever asian i know has fine girly body hair

>> No.9884972

10/10 image

>> No.9884983

Sure it is Chandler

>> No.9885077

It's not a huge deal or anything, but I definitely prefer when men don't have a lot of leg hair. Looks and feels better.

>> No.9885094

he's probably shitskin asian while you're thinking about other asians

>> No.9885933

Work friend expressed real surprise in the changing rooms where we work because he saw my underarm hair. There's definitely something wrong if a guy thinks it's unusual to be unshaven anywhere except the face. He is pretty hairless though.

>> No.9887570

makeup is not good for you skin. do not recommend

>> No.9887643

Underrated post.
>inb4 le underrated post meme

>> No.9887650


Ayy I fucked lmaod

>> No.9887753





>> No.9887787

yeah it is, just cant grow much facial hair tho (chinese)

>> No.9887858

I am gay and the fact that you're into that means you've probably had more than a few gay thoughts. You may need to check yourself.

>> No.9888299

I'm not that guy but there isn't anything gay about enjoying anal stimulation. That doesn't mean you like dudes.

>> No.9888302

yea.. girls dont care about body hair dog lol

>> No.9888349

I had an asian bf with no leg hair it was pretty awesome(so soft) but he refused to wear shorts because he was self-conscious about it.

>> No.9888584

I actually like it when men are hairless. There is something dirty about body hair that is more that peach fuzz.

>> No.9888620
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>> No.9889212

I agree.

>> No.9889244


>> No.9889252

i don't mind, either if he has it or if he shaves

>> No.9889257

I don't even know anymore...

>> No.9889275

Nice played anon.

>> No.9889344

>this is what honkeys actually believe

>> No.9889418


getting your ass ate is cool

only one girl has done iy for me but she submissive and let me do basically anything its a shame we live in different cities i miss her

i like it because its a mixture of dominant and submissive

>> No.9889471

>i like it because its a mixture of dominant and submissive
>and submissive
fag detected

>> No.9889495

>this is what minorities actually believe

>> No.9889511
File: 113 KB, 502x212, Tradional_Hero_peloton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaving your legs is GOAT if you're a cyclist. But it looks like shit in normal clothes so I always wore jeans during summer.

>> No.9889523

you two are disgusting. why don't you just fuck little boys instead

>> No.9889525

is eating out a girl's ass a /fa/ thing to do?

i tried to do it as a surprise on this girl i'm seeing, but she wasn't too into it. wouldn't even let me stick a finger up it

>> No.9890634

Why don't you just fuck a bear

>> No.9890650

Imagine asking this question out of this boards context

>> No.9890871

i fuck normal looking guys thank u very much

>> No.9890875

If she doesn't like it don't do it. If you like/need it find another girl who does too

>> No.9891082

do you like getting your ass eaten out? do you like doing it for others?

>> No.9891201

I am a girl and I love my bfs hair. I may have some sort of fetish, I love his pubes and armpit hair especially. Rly enjoy licking them, not weird though

>> No.9891936

ape man here
really wish i could find a girl like you
most girls at my uni consider it a turn off

>> No.9892056
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>contradicting opinions on my /fa/

>> No.9892068

I am a male and hate body hair. I shave my legs, arms, and pits.
What does /fa/ think of this?

>> No.9892267


>> No.9892362

If you're good looking and have body hair, don't worry about it. Ugly or mediocre? Who fucking cares. Hair or no hair, it won't make you a 10/10