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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 84 KB, 800x790, Ouroboros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9852368 No.9852368 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/, I'm thinking of opening up a small business selling clothes.

tl;dr: something like h&m with mostly plain stuff and cheaper. mostly normalfag stuff with nice colors.

would you like to help me with a few ideas for names pls?

pic related is what I might be using as a logo (will be embroidered in small on the clothes)

also if anyone has/had a /fa/ related business - or any business - maybe share a story.

>inb4 hurr durr why should we help you make money
if you don't want to, don't post. pls. thank.

>> No.9852384

Shit logo. Why would you embroider some stupid ass skyrim logo on your clothes?

>> No.9852396

if you have to ask for name suggestions from a internet forum populated by manchildren (and just plain children) autists, then you in no way will never succeed.

just give up before you waste any money on your shitty idea

>> No.9852402


stupid as fuck. You cant compete with the huge chain markets.

you best focus on one area and do it extremely well(it can still be relatively cheap look at gustin for example).

>> No.9852413

Ur deep with the ouroboros bro

>> No.9852435

the fuccboi general store

>> No.9852446

Gay and Gayer: A Faggot Company

>> No.9852461
File: 110 KB, 385x447, poopy-clothes-company-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skyrim logo
dude what. that's an ouroboros.

oh also suggestions for logo welcome.

I don't see what you mean but whatever.

and yet there's plenty of shit businesses the size of mine making bucks. at least where I live. and I do mean shit.

it's a neat symbol imo. looks as well as meaning.

>> No.9852465

I thought people told you why this is a bad idea in your previous thread.

1. You can't compete with shops like h&m. How the fuck would you be cheaper than h&m if they mass produce their stuff?
2. Why would people buy your clothing instead of h&m or any other big company?
3. You really think bethesda would approve of you using their artwork as your logo?

Tldr: your idea sucks

>> No.9852475

Listen OP. I commend you for taking the initiative to start your own business. Now with current trends no one wants some loud ass emblem. People(even normies) want minimal branding now. Since you're making basics I would worry more about other things besides a logo. You need to provide quality product at a decent price. You need to have an easy and not 2deep4me name. And also fuck a logo just put the name of your company on the tags.

>> No.9852481

if you're going to brand something with a logo, keep it to one of the tags on the inside don't fucking embroider it on the outside lmfao

>> No.9852492


>> No.9852498
File: 11 KB, 835x473, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here a logo for you.
now the name must start with a N and an S, so 2 parts

>> No.9852501

that's not what I'm asking in this thread though

but I'll respond since you bothered to write that (thanks btw)
>1. You can't compete with shops like h&m. How the fuck would you be cheaper than h&m if they mass produce their stuff?
china mass-produces the stuff and I buy it from them.
>2. Why would people buy your clothing instead of h&m or any other big company?
cheaper, more colors, less retarded stuff, also I'll try my best to provide the best quality for the price. also they don't have to buy exclusively from me.
>3. You really think bethesda would approve of you using their artwork as your logo?
I don't want THAT ouroboros, just an ouroboros.

thanks man.

sometimes a small logo on the outside can look good if placed right. I will definitely think carefully about this (if I do use a graphic logo) and not just go around throwing huge logos on everything.

>> No.9852504

fuck what anyone is saying on this thread. Do whatever u want and goodluck. My sister had her own online shop thing and it was kind of a success.

Anyway im not too crazy about the logo. Just do some minimal text and thats it. I made the logo for my sisters business and it was just the name of the brand with a nice font

>> No.9852505

Damn you americans seriously have no culture, like when you come to florence and you're all like "hurr durr assassin's creed". fuck you

>> No.9852507

Nigger Shits

>> No.9852529

not sure if serious but I kinda dig that.

thanks man, I appreciate it. I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel here. small businesses like this exist here and they seem to have some clients. otherwise I wouldn't try this. this probably wouldn't work in the US though so I understand why everybody is being negative.

also there are a lot of physical shops here that specialize in selling really cheap no-name clothes and people flock to them like crazy. basically the equivalent of a dollar shop but with clothes. guess what? the things they sell are utter shite. I won't comment on quality but the designs, holy shit man, horrible stuff.

>> No.9852536


>> No.9852537

"negative space"

>> No.9852538

But why would you even bother with this business idea?
There are literally thousands of stores doing exactly the same thing. The competiton is just to high imo.
You have to have something that devides you from the rest.
If we take h&m as an example:
H&M has stores in every fucking town on the planet, they are farely cheap and they spend a shit ton of money on commercials.
A friend of mine is in charge of their PR in germany and they spend roughly 1 million € on every music festival they attend.
You will never be able to compete with them in that regard.

>> No.9852545

it is kinda serious, im glad you like it

>> No.9852573

the same can be said for any business dude. I've been thinking about this for some time and it's one of the few things that I see having a chance at success here. h&m is not really my competitor, lol. other small businesses like mine that sell similar stuff but have no fucking clue about what looks good or even just common sense for that matter, are my competitors.

the only young market that I can think of are electronic cigarettes but even that is starting to get saturated. lots of small shops with shit quality and high prices, but also quite a few good shops that I stand no chance against. especially since anybody who's vaped for more than a couple of months knows that they can buy their gear directly from china. but that's normal in a hobby business. clothing is not a hobby business.

diggin this, thanks.

>> No.9852585

If you're sewing the clothes yourself this could be okay (but it won't be cheap). If you're just buying them from china then what's the point, if someone wants cheap normalfag clothes they can just order them on amazon without leaving the house

>> No.9852594

Tread carefully. Boutique shops are certainly something that can be successful, but they are far from a unique idea, and they are infamous for being failures for the ill-prepared.

Some things to think about:
- Where will you get your money from? You will need a LOT of up-front cash, even if selling online, to maintain stock.
- How will you market? You need to drive people to your store. Existence does not generate attention.
- How will you maintain relevance? Fashion trends change wildly. Can you change stock quickly? Can you afford it if something you have goes out-of-style? Do you have back channels to offload that shit fast?
- If you intend to brand anything or otherwise make stuff, how will you get it manufactured? Who will be maintaining quality control? Who do you have drafting contracts?
- How much is your time worth? Will you pay yourself?
- Who will invest in growth when you need it?

Not saying this is a bad idea, just gonna require a lot of thought.

>> No.9852601

>other small businesses like mine that sell similar stuff but have no fucking clue about what looks good or even just common sense for that matter, are my competitors.

So you're okay with having next to no customers?

>the only young market that I can think of are electronic cigarettes
Really? What about the social media market? Snapchat went from worth nothing to millions in a few years, because there was nothing in the market like it, and it was innovative.

Your idea is not. Without already being ridiculously rich, you don't have a chance. If you are ridiculously rich, you have a better chance.

>> No.9852633

>and yet there's plenty of shit businesses the size of mine making bucks
It might be shitty, but the point is that it's still focused on something specific. Small companies can be competitive/functionnal/make bucks when they are focused on producing something specific (some niche product).
They can't compete with big companies on plain/basic/common stuff. You don't have the advertising, mass production to reduce costs, etc.

>> No.9852641

are you a fucking reseller?

dont peddle sweatshop made trash, asshole.

>> No.9852651

don't waste your money
i'm at a fashion school learning about this shit and your plan to compete with h&m is ridiculous
> I'll try my best to provide the best quality for the price
you can't
if you're buying your clothes for a b2b that does private label, you have NO fucking influence on quality

>> No.9852672

first off, you sound way too underprepared to start your own bussines. as people already pointed out you will need a lot of money for up-front investments, it is a saturated market and if you dont have a target audience you are bound to fail, you can not market to the same people as H&M, becouse their target audience is basically everyone, H&M is basically the place where people go to when they need clothes, becouse everyone shops there, i doenst matter if you care about fashion or not, they just sell plain stuff that keeps you from being naked, but of course it took billions in advertising to bring them to where they are today.
also remember that as soon as you put a logo on something you are no longer just selling a shirt, you are selling an image, and an image is hard to establish, it takes a lot of time and advertisement.
keeping prices on a H&M level is pretty much impossible without reducing quality considerablly, the only reason fast fashion has such low prices is because they mass produce and use low cost labour from third world countries, a lot of people are getting royally screwed to provide you with those prices, and the margin is still very high.
even if you somehow manage to get clothes from asia for cheap you will still need someone to do quality control at the factory, and im asuming you will also want the embroidery done at the factory as it is cheaper than having it done later on. also, one last thing, that logo, if you want to keep it smal, is too detailed to make a good embroidery

>> No.9852674

amazon is not a thing here. they could, however, order from aliexpress, but let's be honest, who the fuck does that?

thanks a lot man. here's what I think so far:
-start small and reinvest every single cent for a while. also start with only one item (say snapbacks, these sell a lot here, and there's only one size. this allows me to provide a wide palette of colors for cheap.)
-social media, word of mouth.
-idk how I would handle that other than having a sale. perhaps the best idea (and part of my philosophy) would be to not bring "trendy" stuff. I doubt hoodies, bombers, skinnies, chucks, etc, will go out of style anytime soon.
-just pay another company for the embroidery, one that does exactly that. later I can do the branding directly in china (they offer that if you buy large-ish quantities. and in china they can make anything from shit quality to best quality if you ask them to (and are willing to pay, obviously). also it helps that my mom is an accountant.
-I literally make no money right now and live off my parents. which obviously sucks ass. I just want to make enough to support myself while I mind my other hobbies. I don't want to get rich. if I make minimum wage, which is not that hard I think, for less work or even say 8h/day, then that's already good. what is better? flipping burgers for 8h/day or packing clothes in boxes and shitposting on /fa/?
-hopefully I can manage this myself. that's kinda the whole point. I'd rather have that than huge amounts of money.
thanks again.

>So you're okay with having next to no customers?
oh trust me, they have customers. if they can afford to rent a small boutique in a mall, they have customers.

dude they just sell random clothes. maybe I'll take some pics some day and post them so we can all laugh at what horrible shit they sell.

>don't resell stuff made in china
so basically almost every small business then? lol

>> No.9852688

fuccboi dot spreadshirt

>> No.9852690

there's not only one size of snapbacks do you seriously not know the product you want to sell?

>> No.9852693

>-start small and reinvest every single cent for a while. also start with only one item (say snapbacks, these sell a lot here, and there's only one size. this allows me to provide a wide palette of colors for cheap.)
This is not a financial plan. This is a concept. You need serious capital to run a business. Even with one item, I'd want ~$50k just to cover basics. Rent, insurance, storage fees, stock, infrastructure, and even just electricity cost real money.

>-social media, word of mouth.
This is not a marketing strategy. Real marketing requires money and serious effort. This is especially the case where you want to develop some sort of logo and market it.

>-idk how I would handle that other than having a sale.
Find someone who will buy your stock for cheaper or something - but that causes more hell because, if your customers learn that will happen, they will simply wait until you do that and will buy your stuff for cheaper.

>-just pay another company for the embroidery, one that does exactly that.
How will you handle shipping? Quality control? etc. China is known for being more than a little bit lazy with long-term contracts. Accountants are not lawyers, nor are they good at international business deals. And the rate you would get as a random guy asking for assistance is going to be leagues higher than if you had an "in" somehow.

>I literally make no money right now and live off my parents.
Then you cannot start a business because you have no money. Address your own life, then start a business when you can afford it.

>> No.9852697

oh so you're mom is gonna help that's cute you have to be bait right

>> No.9852704

> no way you will never succeed

>> No.9852718

you haven't even begun to speak about the fashion business needs
how is he going to meet the minimums from these b2bs selling him the private label tees
these companies wont even sell unless he has some industry credibility

>> No.9852729

most brands sell a one-size-fits-most, including hm.

>what is family business
>what is free accountant

>> No.9852733

100% correct. I just got lazy and hit only the easy targets. This whole thing sounds like a Kickstarter, and I mean that in the most derisive way possible.

>> No.9852740

Holy shit OP
This never going to work.
Especially is you live off your parents.
I had a similar idea when i was 16. I wanted to jump on a bandwagon and print sick allover shirts in China.
If i recall correctly it was about 2 dollars per shirt if you ordered 1000 shirts+
But you have to order s, m, l and even xl with a large quantity to make it work.
You need to ship it, you need to rent a shop, you have to pay for advertisement and logistics.
How do you want to achieve that without any money to invest?

>> No.9852750

nah doesn't even sound like a kickstarter, since those always have either a moral purpose or the idea of making life easier
i think OP is literally just trying to make some money

>> No.9852764

OP just stop.Give up for now.

Get your life together and start making serious capital. Go Into IT, Law, Medicine some real money maker.

If this is your dream you'll have to wait 10+ years to get to the point where its feasible.

If your smart you WILL be making money with a real career first and networking, finding potential business partners on the side.

>> No.9852774

Snek Inc.

Nah jk, if you have an exotic name or sure name use it, if not just your name or a word that represents your style

But if it's just simple basic clothing which isn't going to develop don't make it look exotic

>> No.9852778
File: 51 KB, 204x256, team_hedi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9852796

cuckfartz = brand name

>> No.9852840

sorry, this is getting a bit huge to answer to each and every post. earlier I hit the character limit.

I think you are all overthinking this a bit. I don't want to make a huge business. I just want a small family business that can bring me anywhere from - minimum wage while, you know, not flipping burgers - to - I'd be content with about twice the average wage. where I live both minimum wage and average wage are really small so this is not such a crazy idea as it sounds.

thanks to everybody who posted. I'm taking all of this in and thinking about it.

>> No.9852874

im guessing you replied to the wrong post

>> No.9852881

the first name that came to mind when i looked at the logo , was, "Talisman". I think that would be a cool name for a store.

>> No.9852897

also, i have an awesome business idea that i really think would take off. its sort of a 'niche' idea, but i think someone should make super artistic, fashionable, fa-level kites. yes, kites, to fly. made in the usa, out of top of the line, beautiful materials, with gothninja like designs and stuff. like real works of art. someone should hop on this idea. i would but i have no money to start up a business.

>> No.9852902
File: 11 KB, 312x210, sacred-bones-records.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats sacred bones' logo
if you want to be an unoriginal tool go ahead
but now you know

>> No.9852907
File: 44 KB, 638x640, 11010972_924849097538182_7538663969108871307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9852942


>> No.9853152

Can i be ur CO.

>> No.9853168

the volcom logo but with opened sides

>> No.9853188

Explain exactly what an ouroboros has to do with your shitty "brand"

every month theres a new chump on here who's drawn a triangle for a logo and put some greek symbols on it or some shit, wanting to build a brand around their tacky cliche logo

why exactly is your endeavour any different

>> No.9853191

You're better off trying to collab with a brand, rather than start your own

>> No.9853232

Have you even done a SWOT analysis? Do you have the income or investors to pay for rent, electricity, design? Do you have money to pay salary? Do you know anything about running a business and marketing?

>> No.9853362

>why exactly is your endeavour any different
I want to provide nice, cheap, plain, no bullshit hype, normal but effay clothes (bombers, hoodies, skinnies, etc, etc) in nice colors (think palewave, think earth tones).

so what makes you think it's any similar?

how you went from a simple ouroboros to tumblr triangles is beyond me.

and if you honestly can't see the relation between fashion and the meaning of the ouroboros (re-creating yourself, etc), then I don't know what to tell you.

like I've said, y'all are overthinking it. this is a very small business we're talking about. and I've seen bigger businesses started by people who didn't finish elementary school and I've seen businesses start in the trunks of cars. first hand. I doubt they'd done a SWOT analysis.

>> No.9853476

not op but look up the ouroboros, so you can promptly shut the fuck up about the 'skyrim' symbol.
i'm p sure it's part of scandinavian culture/mythology

>> No.9853494

>like I've said, y'all are overthinking it. this is a very small business we're talking about. and I've seen bigger businesses started by people who didn't finish elementary school and I've seen businesses start in the trunks of cars. first hand. I doubt they'd done a SWOT analysis.
There is no such thing as overthinking this.

Yes, people stumble across success without effort. You could also theoretically hit a three-pointer without ever playing basketball. That does not mean you will. This is especially the case where you don't have a good idea beyond "cheap clothing in nice colors!"

One thing to keep in mind: let's say you indeed have a good idea. If it were obvious, other companies with established manufacturing/distro chains would already be doing it. If they weren't and you began to get a taste of success, they would emulate you and underprice you to starve you out. The most intellectual property you could scrape together would be covering whatever logo/name you end up using, which would not prevent the freight train of the Gap group/H&M/etc. from bowling you over.

>> No.9853616
File: 20 KB, 615x461, 26637065_1_644x461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt I'll be a trendsetter man. This whole discussion is heading toards the absurd already. Like I've said, big chains are not my competitors. I want a small shop where poorfags like me can buy decent clothes that don't look like pic related. That's all and maybe, maybe, I'll try a few prints at one point or buy and embroidery machine and make custom stuff for my clients. The purpose is more utilitarian than anything, with influences of actual fashion that I gather from you bunch. That's all.

>> No.9853680

looks like a mashed up swastika. your not gonna be popular with the jewish market if you use that mate

>> No.9853700

In that case you ought to be concerned about appealing to the normies rather than appealing to people with a sense of fashion

>> No.9854054


OP, these are all very very good points. Please evaluate and come back with a better plan. Even if it is still in its preliminary stages it doesn't seem you have a grasp of what the business, however small, entails.

I'm part of a small local forum which focuses on clothing. Do you know how many small businesses like yours pop up in a month? Dozens. In the years i've been there I only see 1 every few dozen being maintained after more than 6 months.

Also you're mistaken if you think made in China means equally cheap all around. I've seen people order jackets tees and such directly from the mainland and they're still marked around 10-20$ a pop at least. If you say you're gonna mark it at h&m prices, you've got a problem. Whats more, if your branding is designed to be minimal theres no added value in buying yours over another place which may sell it cheaper (again, as prople pointed out, h&m).

The thing with sought after minimal designed items nowadays is that they have to be high quality, thats the entire point. Having stuff made in China means you got a generic ass item every other shop sells or someone savvy enough will just buy online.

You're much better off setting up a consignment store and buying interesting items. Or do the cringey sneakerhead thing and camp out for sneaker releases

>> No.9854159

Thanks for posting man, I appreciate any help I can get. And I will think about everything that has been posted.

>> No.9854465

Call it Opies

>> No.9856447

>looks like swastika
>implying thats not the idea behind it

>> No.9856491

You got to be kidding

>> No.9856512

On A fucking rick level tee lolololol

>> No.9856524

actually it's greek

>> No.9856585

actually it's part of many. read the wiki it's really interesting

also what do you guys think about OPVS for a name?

>> No.9856626

just call yourself Ouroboros

>> No.9856650
