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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 600x399, ass cheeks hangin out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9845962 No.9845962 [Reply] [Original]

hi, /fa/

i'm new

what do you thing about pic related?

i personally think it's a disease and it has to stop
it's not sexy it's trashy

>> No.9845967

thats how you spot cheap easy sluts, how else are you going to tell? talking to them? what a waste of time

>> No.9845982
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>> No.9845984
File: 51 KB, 204x256, team_hedi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gay if you dont like them

>> No.9845992



just wait for the day your mother wears them because it's the new cool thing for cougars

i'll be the first one smashing that pussy

>> No.9845993

my dick likes it

>> No.9845997


what about your brain?
does it count?

>> No.9846000

why? thats how you spot them, i´m not saying that they shouldnt wear it, its trashy-sexy, its just not, lets say, appropiate for wearing when you´re not looking for casual sex

damn, i would hit that ass any time

>> No.9846009


Haven't devoted much time to thinking about cutoff shorts, but my dick likes them.

>> No.9846014

It's actually sexy, it isn't fashion but the more exposed skin

>> No.9846046


>> No.9846075

Absolutely awful, does nothing good for your look.

That girl has a nice ass though so like I would probably not complain in this case

>> No.9846127

They give further proof that women's fashion is useless aside from highlighting ass and titties

>> No.9846134


>> No.9846147
File: 163 KB, 620x853, Selma-Blair-Maison-Martin-Margiela-Paint-Platter-Lace-Up-Sneakers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9846149

>what do you thing about pic related?
I'm all for girls wearing less clothing, though I will concede it's tacky and un-/fa/.

>> No.9846153


>> No.9846163


>> No.9846171

Reddit is that way faggot, do you think that girls buy purses and shit to impress guys? If your clothes can't get you laid then they're effectively useless.

>> No.9846173

I think it can be tasteful on the right little perky bum.

>> No.9846177


>> No.9846182

lol relax lad

>> No.9846195

Dumb and terrible, thanks for bring it up yet again.

>> No.9846217
File: 255 KB, 640x427, louis-vuitton-fr-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so diluted in pop culture
how do i into houte couture?

>> No.9846222
File: 665 KB, 481x720, Screen Shot 2015-05-14 at 11.02.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9846227

how do you into spelling?

>> No.9846233

I hat feminism but you're just as cringey on the opposite end of the spectrum bud.

>> No.9846242

lel, i fucked up there m8, thanks for the point out

>> No.9846276

np haha

>> No.9846283

stupidest thing ive read all day

if u were attractive, you wouldnt need clothes to get laid lmao

>> No.9846285

there's nothin wrong with feminism

pol is this way >>>/pol/
reddit is this way http://www.reddit.com/r/adviceanimals

>> No.9846286

I don't give a fuck unless a man's wearing it, not to sound sexist. Women's fashion is uninteresting to me.

>> No.9846290

Lol ree, put a slug through your skull

>> No.9846294

>nothing wrong with feminism
Modern day feminism is embarrassing. Same deal with the fags over at redpill.

>> No.9846295

how ignorant

>> No.9846298
File: 551 KB, 275x206, 1412023638650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres nothing wrong with feminism
lol retarded tripfags never cease to amaze me

>> No.9846301

people like you are so open minded your brains leaked out

>> No.9846303

explain yourself

>> No.9846305

theres no point

the wage gap doesnt exist

theres also no need to completely erase the differences between men and women in society, since we were made differently.

feminism has done its job already

>> No.9846306

actually this is the stupidest thing i've read this whole week

how is it possible to be *too* open-minded? it's a desirable trait, you dumbshit

>> No.9846307

Not disappointed by /fa/ calling op a fedora tipping faggot
good job /b/ros
>giving a fuck about what other people where
>secretly wanting that ass but can't take it because you're ugly
go to >>/r9k/ faggot and spout ebin memes their
>thinking they wear them for your opinion

>> No.9846309

maybe if youre a cuck

>> No.9846310

Ree you sound like the kind of person that would be pretty popular on Reddit and Pol.

Maybe if you want a board where everyone doesn't dread your ass you should check them out.

>> No.9846311

Agreed high-waisted clothes are fucking cancerous

Short shorts are ok tho ;)

>> No.9846315

in some parts of the world, women still do not have equal rights to men

also, it's necessary that people still remain advocates for gender equality, otherwise things will eventually go back the way they were

>> No.9846316


>wanting STD infected hoe booty
>thinking sloots don't wear them to attract men

>> No.9846320

are you able to defend your opinion instead of resorting to weak ad hominems?

most kindergarteners could maintain a discussion longer than you

>> No.9846321

>in some parts of the world, women still do not have equal rights to men
I agree, so feminism should be focused on fixing that there, rather than battling a mythical wage gap or trying to enlist women in the draft

>> No.9846325

that is none your fucking business
we don't go criticize you for your cargo pants/shorts and your mlp special edition shirt
the world doesn't revolve around you faggot
shorts are fine in summer

>> No.9846326
File: 67 KB, 692x414, 1410313959994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed my friend

these 4channers are not intelligent enough for the likes of us
*sheathes katana*

>> No.9846328

1) what do you think "cuck" means
2) why didn't you answer my question: >>9846306

>> No.9846329

I bet you think the NAACP is a good organization too. In my honest opinion I think men are more biologically equipped to lead. Women are too emotional. That being said we shouldn't limit women in any way and they should be treated the same. But modern day feminism is a joke.

>> No.9846330

>that is none your fucking business
says who
>we don't go criticize you for your cargo pants/shorts and your mlp special edition shirt
women actually do make fun of the autists who wear that, as do I
>the world doesn't revolve around you faggot
I beg to differ
>shorts are fine in summer
might as well wear underwear at that point if half your ass will be hanging out, you hoe

>> No.9846332

are you able to defend your opinion instead of resorting to weak memes?

most kindergarteners could maintain a discussion longer than you

>> No.9846333

Let's play the translation game.

What reeeeee actually implies:
>Women should be of equal status to men
>It's important to maintain this equality, even where equality has been achieved
>This does not necessarily implicate specific policies, but rather is a broad statement of applicability

How most people here will take it:
>"All men are cis scum"
>"I support Anita Sarkeesian and want to take away your video games"
>"Men should be forced to work in lead mines while women sit on couches and eat bon-bons"

>> No.9846334

ree is right.

>> No.9846337

i agree

>> No.9846338

>>Women should be of equal status to men
they are

>> No.9846340

alright cool

>> No.9846341

You're the biggest cuck I know. You're also a very poor nigger who has no friends irl and dresses like shit and you get cucked by ree 24/7 in an attempt to "sway" her. Go smoke some weed and do some gangster shit damnit. You're black. You have no expectations. You can do whatever you want to.

>> No.9846345


im not a cuck though

>> No.9846347

I like you now.

>> No.9846351 [DELETED] 

>In my honest opinion I think men are more biologically equipped to lead. Women are too emotional.

i don't know enough about biology or w/e to argue, so i'll assume you're right

>That being said we shouldn't limit women in any way and they should be treated the same

of course. all humans should be given equal rights and opportunities regardless of their ability to succeed

>But modern day feminism is a joke.

in what way? i think it's important that certain questions are raised, regardless of whether or not they're reasonable, or if anyone even agrees

>> No.9846354

go out sometimes faggot
you would realize no one would fucking look at the behind of these girls wearing short clothes nobody gives a shit
killyourself abdul mohammad we don't want your girls with burqa
>being this triggered over some grill
back to r9k

>> No.9846357

thanks, and nice dubs

>> No.9846364

i browsed r9k a day ago and i saw a thread like this. This is just a reminder how lifeless and autistic someone could be without pretending

>> No.9846366

>you would realize no one would fucking look at the behind of these girls wearing short clothes nobody gives a shit
hahaha what the fuck are you talking about, everyone does

>killyourself abdul mohammad we don't want your girls with burqa
Im from eastern europe originally, lol

I guess its different there, since in the west women are so ugly they can only attract men by wearing shorts that come half way up their ass

>> No.9846367

you are free to judge people based on what they wear

i still think it's unnecessary to start a thread about it

>> No.9846370

Because 90% of modern day feminist aren't actually interested in bettering conditions for women who are actually being oppressed. They would rather complain about stupid shit but when Muhammad moves into their country and makes his wife wear a burqa they don't say shit because they want to defend sandniggers wonderful "culture".

>> No.9846378


>> No.9846389

burqa = isis baby maker 2.1?

>> No.9846397

90% of people interested in "fashion" have no taste

that still doesn't discount the artistic value of fashion

>> No.9846399

>easter europe
this explains why your opininons is bias by islam that says women who wear this is haram .
>living in a 3rd world shithole
>being a nigger in europe
>having moorish blood
you're a clown hahahaha i would stop arguing to you right now since none of your opinions matter over things nobody gives a shit about. ibet you think you won something this day haha

>> No.9846402

omg I bump this tesla boy all day. if I weren't in a government run facility.

bump. dope.

>> No.9846404
File: 46 KB, 600x703, 1430793593724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga. I'm not discrediting feminism as a whole. Modern feminism has become a joke though. Comparing that the fashion was a poor.

>> No.9846412
File: 150 KB, 300x199, 5540705+_b2c7f9136aa9b50e57cff4661ce3dde7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's not a big deal, easy women and girls are feeling more free to do that kind of stuff, you know, wearing certain clothes helps us sending a message, in their case, is slutyness. Nothing wrong with that. But I'm a simple man, maybe my opinion doesn't matter that much.

>> No.9846422

lol bro wtf are you saying

there is no moore blood in Belarus

and I live in the US now....

>> No.9846426

this is /fa/ not /pol/ or /r9k/ . Your ideal hijab wearing women doesn't exist in western civilizations . Why would you care what these women wear? they don't fucking wear it for you nyways and based on your opinions you'd likely gonna die a virgin waiting for a conservative woman you don't deserve

>> No.9846450

why are you so butthurt you AIDS ridden hoe?

despite what you want to believe, nobody wants women like that outside of a one night stand,

a good girl is like a hankechief while a girl that wears shorts like >>9845962 is a tissue, meant for one use

>> No.9846460

Sometimes shorts just fit like this depending on your body type. You don't notice on the dressing room but only once you wear them. they make big asses look bigger. I don't think it's usually intentional

>> No.9846462


so spaketh SLP, the edgiest fat virgin on /fa/

>> No.9846474

read the last sentence

>> No.9846482

>this is /fa/ not /pol/ or /r9k/
yeah, and shorts are fashion
why the fuck would it restricted to /pol/ or /r9k/?
jesus christ at least think before getting assblasted

that said OP cool your jets, it's shit but they don't have to stop because you don't like it
it's pretty ugly either way

>> No.9846483

thank god I'm not the only one who feels this way

>> No.9846493

do you enjoy being dumb? op is talking about how women are such whores for wearing these shorts and op clearly points he want a conservative women that sums up /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.9846494

but that fit is awful?
why would you post that?
was that supposed to be an example?

>> No.9846500

So if I dislike these, even though it's because they're unfashionable and solely for sad thirsty faggots, I have to be a /pol/ Nazi KKK MRA oppressive anti-semitic buzzword meme redneck?

What skewed views some of you retards have.

>> No.9846505

>Women's fashion is uninteresting to me.
you could´ve said that instead of calling womens fashion boring

lel, this is so true, women in mexico get paid like the 40% of what men earn

>edgiest fat virgin
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, ok hun, >>>/b/ is over there m8

damn, even /fa/ gets hit by summerfags

>> No.9846511

do you enjoy being dumb? it's a thread about fashion
if a designer shirt has "Descarte" or "Kepler" I suddenly have to remove it from /fa/ and post it on /lit/ and /sci/ respecitively?
no, kill yourself
if someone posts "w2c 5 panel hats" and someone say it's overdone and looks ridiculous does it have to suddenly go on /r9k/ or somewhere else? no
please consider suicide

>> No.9846513

oy vey
it looks very pleb bu to stress about it like what op is doing makes you a neckbeard

>> No.9846521


>reacting to all these posts
>claims not to be an edgy fat virgin


>> No.9846522

That's fair, but some people are getting offended over not liking it.

>> No.9846533

no. what you are saying is completely different from what op is doing . He is bitching
also read the last sentence of your sentence
oh you told me to kms boohoo so mean :( haha no

>> No.9846541

op is getting offended just by women wearing shorts. How autistic that could get

>> No.9846548

yes, bitching about a fashion item
>oh you told me to kms boohoo so mean :( haha no
jesus christ this makes me cringe
do you spam ":)" ironically at people you're fuming mad at because you're desperate to appear unphased?
haha lmao like yeah no -.-"""
the equivalent to a /b/tard spamming "u mad xd"

>> No.9846552

I did say "that's fair", as in "I agree that OP is being autistic and his opinion is unfounded or based on skewed logic".
I'm just bitching about the other half that get offended over stupid shit.

>> No.9846592

after the word item the rest is not needed . Thats just for the ruse mate can't believe you fall into one

>> No.9846653

fuc off summerfag

>> No.9846665


Go get bullied off the internet again, dude

>> No.9846690

I'm gay but I love when girls wear shorts like this i love my slutty girls (;

>> No.9846701

not gay but i agree

i love butts

>> No.9846714

ree is getting torn up tonight

>> No.9846724

I don't know why a str8 man would call this pic trashy...doesnt matter they're not the guys that girls are fucking anyway

>> No.9846768

you guys really think daisy dukes are "slutty"?


why is a woman's sexuality threatening to you guys?

i can't believe people actually think like this lol

>> No.9846775


its fucking gross and never looks good
never compliments a girl unless she's a slut with a nice ass

in which case fuck her for being a dumb piece of shit

>> No.9847181

ur mind gets overwhelmed by too much ideas, therefore it is not desirable :)

>> No.9847190

Slutty as fuck and I don't get why they would wear them because the weather is hot.

Why don't all women just wear sundresses and skirts more?

Better in hot weather and actually are sexy.

>> No.9847194 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 706x615, 1430461132927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up cunt

>> No.9847203

dude this is a pick up artists site
when u click 0n the article an ad asks if u want t0 d0wnl0ad their text messaging guide

l m a 0

>> No.9847208 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1042x814, 1430121625811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up cunt

>> No.9847209 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 400x604, 1430118157128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunt shut up

>> No.9847212 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 580x369, 1430104892411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

up cunt shut

>> No.9847215 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 830x422, 1430105735473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunt up shut

>> No.9847219

ayyy oxford lmao

>> No.9847549

i love you

>> No.9847660

wow this is really mean i hate feminist but this is different

>> No.9847765

Reeeeeeeeeeee you've won me over <3

>> No.9847785

don't worry. it's just pigfuck trying to assert himself as a dominant male again. he's so insecure about his masculinity that he needs to tell us that even ugly girls on twitter are below him.

this is what happens when you grow up with no dad. poor pigfuck.

>> No.9847802


>> No.9847804

well, at least i'm not pigfuck.

>> No.9848020

OP here

i was just expressing my opinion
i would never hurt a woman
i got a gf she wears shorts, she does not show her ass tho
and she doesn't wear bras anymore

and i'm not muslim and i don't call women sluts based on what they are wearing

I was talking about that type of shorts showing ASS
and I can't go a day without seeing a girl with one anymore
i have sisters and they seem tempted to wear them that's why I think these are a disease


>> No.9848045

no why are you talking the prophet from a greek epic

>> No.9848052


>> No.9848073

My collage roommate Stephanie wore shorts that short all the time. She's from the UK so I don't know why she owns so many. She has an amazing body but horrible British face and the look of sexually transmitted diseases.
Anyway, she would wear those shorts even on her period. Once she stood up and her tampon had slipped out of her and was left on the chair. She didn't even notice and I had to tell her. Was fucking discusting.

>> No.9848075

That's fucking vile

>> No.9848082

How the fuck could she not notice her tampon fall out of her? How the fuck does a tampon just fall out?

>> No.9848091

god, you're such a fucking idiot. please leave and go to an institution where you belong.

>> No.9848159

disgusting basic trash

>> No.9848196
File: 178 KB, 480x480, eyebrowpuppy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tampons do not "fall out"
why lie? on a chinese cartoon fashion discussion website? why?

>> No.9848201


I wonder what that guy was thinking in that situation.

Looks like hes ''Oh shit what do I do should the break or keep pedaling''

>> No.9848207

No it isn't, being too open minded means having no strong opinions of your own and accepting highly unreasonable behavior.

>> No.9848214

>She's from the UK so I don't know why she owns so many

You answered your own question.

>I don't know why she owns so many
>She's from the UK

>> No.9848215


>actually this is the stupidest thing i've read this whole week

How weird, because this is the most retarded thing I've read this week


>> No.9848243

Yes they do bud.

>> No.9848342

Other than the OP there are 0 (zero) short shorts/ass cheeks pics in the thread.


>> No.9848374

This. Fucking man up /fa/.

>> No.9848479
File: 51 KB, 1066x919, 2lutiea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk something about those jean frills and how just the underass looks makes it very unappealing to me. Pic related is way hotter. Either that or full bikini ass hole string thing.

>> No.9848654

this board is fucking pathetic

it's literally /pol/ now every thread is just a bunch of autistic fedorabros spewing their reddit opinions all over the place

i thought that i would escape it on a fashion board but i guess not

you are all disgusting

>> No.9848751


>> No.9848774

I fell you big Wil. It is summer though.

>> No.9848792

>"dem lips n eyes say one thing but them eyebrows say nigga buy da new jordons pumps are back"
are there any resident negroes that can decipher this african american vernacular

>> No.9848813


>> No.9848851

tripfaggot pls

>> No.9848858

>wearing shorts is a disease


>> No.9848899

lmao wtf

>> No.9848909

i love you

wish there was a button to filter anyone who signed up after may 1, 2015

>> No.9848958

i think the jean short from about 2007-2012 complimented asses WAY better.

This makes asses look like they sort of hang down outside of clothes, and sort of wobble and fold in a weird way.

>> No.9848965

To sum it up: 6/10 would give them the D. There's no other use for them.

>> No.9848970
File: 109 KB, 205x260, 1430343012211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a 9/10 qt in my European history class and sits with her legs spread up on the table

>> No.9849002

fuck off and die please

>> No.9849027

Wow, a european? That's exotic.

>> No.9849045

What? I'm American, I just had to take a history class for my major and I prefer European history to America's.

>> No.9849054


>> No.9849062

So you're offered either american or european history?
Are Americans that arrogant they think their little history fits into the same amount as the entirety of Europe's?

>> No.9849088

Get of your high horse, Eurotrash. Even you wouldn't know much is your own history before the year 1200.

>> No.9849092

>ad hominem
people using this term has become a red flag of stupidity for me already

>> No.9849106

>Even you wouldn't know much is your own history before the year 1200.

>implying my main area of study isn't England 793-1066.
Nice one bellend.

>> No.9849109

That's not true

>> No.9849205

Nothing wrong with some underbutt

>> No.9849219

Depends on the quality of the butt.

>> No.9850122


welcome to SS 15, this collection now has more /pol/ autists than ever


>> No.9850129


>> No.9850428

lol, you ran out of pics of me, thats sad

>> No.9850539

>Signed up

>> No.9850665

Whoah, haven't seen you in a minute

>> No.9850686

I bet you don't like leggings either.

>> No.9850698

Do you have the one with the long necked girl that says "I showered today. #brave"

>> No.9850732 [DELETED] 

Those are better than naked. Whoever doesn't like them needs to die.

>> No.9850785

pic related has happened to me too many times

>> No.9851311

oh shit well that solves it then

>> No.9851395

Care to give us an example with a pair of your own?

>> No.9852639
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>> No.9852722
File: 87 KB, 606x608, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love high waisted and I love seeing cheek. Fuck y'all.