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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 162 KB, 905x935, 2813023_Goth_ninjaAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9839318 No.9839318 [Reply] [Original]

What makes a makes a man think "I want to dress goth ninja/fuccboi?"

>> No.9839322

First they think "it looks dope"
Then they think "I wanna look dope"

don't you?

>> No.9839326


>> No.9839344

I can't conceive of it looking "dope" in any way.

Maybe "dope" actually means, "looks like shit and is laughable."

>> No.9839389
File: 880 KB, 280x192, -Dean-Winchester-rakshasa-and-friends-obsessions-31504857-280-192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think is insecurity; dressing like a "ninja" or covering most of the body compensate any flaws they may have self perceived or feel. My opinion is, it will look good on kids, building confidence and whatnot, but if you are 18+ then, it will look weird and not necessarily good nor dope.

>> No.9839452

Because trends

>> No.9839461


>> No.9839531

sort of makes sense, i guess

>> No.9839542

what makes a makes is that dey wanna makes

>> No.9839569


wouldn't insecurity stop you from wearing gothninja? if you're insecure you would feel too self-conscious/awkward

it sounds like you're the insecure one

>> No.9839592

Insecure about not looking like a freak desperately rebelling against society? That's not insecurity, that's called being well-adjusted.

>> No.9839942
File: 73 KB, 780x624, Sm_af2cbb_5535488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insecurity can work both ways as it is created from fear. It might stop you from doing something or get you to do something.

Let me give you a piece of advice Anon, in the fashion world there's no space for insecurity, you either know what looks good on you or not at all. If for some reason "goth ninja" is helping you transmit your personality (and if it is a good fit, good fabric and suit your style) then, by all means, wear it. At that point it doesn't matter what strangers think, except when there's a strict dress code like semi formal or formal. Have a nice day.

>> No.9840054

It looks cool, but that doesn't mean it works in real life.

>> No.9840067
File: 213 KB, 853x1280, IMG_1743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this looks good as fuck, i don't care if it's from reddit

>> No.9840076

w2c wristbands like that

>> No.9840100

im going to state the obvious here. its becoming clear to me, that if you look at much of the ridiculous fashions on this board, like goth ninja, tech wizard, urban warlock, post apocalypse survivor, they all are somewhat 'video game' inspired. these fashions are mostly popular with younger generation people who were raised on video games like mortal kombat, played fallout games as teenagers, and all of these influences unfortunately are being expressed through todays fashions. this nonsense is the product of a generation addicted to video games. sad, really.

>> No.9840101

good thing there's a trash can beside him because he could just throw himself out

>> No.9840103

i miss his gigantic, autistic smile

>> No.9840115

it doesn't look cool

wouldnt ever dress my rpg character like that

>> No.9840122

diaper pants aren't cool

neither are astronaut boots

>> No.9840145

that posture is something else

>> No.9840162

Is he in FFXV

>> No.9840170

complete bs
designers like rick, ann d, viridi anne, l&f, ccp, carpe diem, luc, and ma+ are not inspired by video games in the slightest
as for the people wearing their clothes, just look at the average age and income of users on sz, who are the poster boys for the gothninja look. hardly a "video game addicted" demographic

>> No.9840190


yeah but they've been made famous by the videogame loving crowd.

You don't see older people wearing their clothes.

>> No.9840201
File: 84 KB, 736x1105, a06eb5e3a35a123c56533d5842a69861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9840222
File: 311 KB, 311x574, phila4-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only women I've known to wear Ann Demeulemeester have been middle-aged/old women.

>> No.9840223

>they've been made famous by the videogame loving crowd.

Are you retar—

Oh, this is bait, nvm.

>> No.9840230

Honestly, You need to be older to look good in Rick/AnnD.

If you are too young, you cant pull it off.

>> No.9840246
File: 108 KB, 570x857, o-RICK-OWENS-4-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that's why Rick used older models in his Fall 14 show

>> No.9840268

so goth ninja is dadcore?

>> No.9840287
File: 125 KB, 640x743, 1390662416425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to be older to look good in Rick/AnnD

>> No.9840318

exactly why

>> No.9840334


>> No.9840386

lol. if i saw anyone over the age of 25 wearing rick/annD i would point and laugh. what older man would wear super baggy joggers and white hi top sneakers or dress like a ninja? the whole thing is ludicrous

>> No.9840397

>implying Rick only makes sneakers

Yeah, you're really showing off your fashion knowledge here, buddy.

>> No.9840408

thank you for sharing your clearly informed and discerning opinion
feel free to go back to mfa now

>> No.9840412
File: 67 KB, 600x600, 581215010631_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of those you mentioned several play video games, it wouldn't be far fetched to imagine their experience with video game material instructed their designs.
Also works the other way around of course.

>> No.9840413

look at that counter-argument

> no ur wrong and dum!

Hope you didn't spend too much on these costumes, because it's a matter of time before you embarrassingly throw them away.

>> No.9840416

Is it bad that I agree with this opinion even though it's clearly meant to be inflammatory?

>> No.9840425


>> No.9840426

>it's clearly meant to be inflammatory?

How? I'd be very concerned about a full grown man dressing like lord of the rings villain. That in itself is inflammatory.

>> No.9840431

>Hope you didn't spend too much on these costumes

... No, I don't even own any rick, and I own a single Ann Demeulemeester belt.

The whole point of what I'm (and everybody else in the thread is) saying is that you have to be of a certain age to pull of the Gothninja look. You need to be well past the age of self-consciousness. You need to be fully secure, and can't let the clothing wear you. If you have a baby face, trying to pull off head to toe Rick, you look ridiculous.

Side-note: Rick's sneakers are his least interesting footwear.

>> No.9840433

W-welcome back

>> No.9840434

no, it's bad that someone as irrelevant as you has decided to inflict this board with another useless fucking trip

>> No.9840437

>dressing like lord of the rings villain
fucking lol

I am stealing this description and using it for all Rick/AnnD outfits from here on out. It's goddamn gold.

>> No.9840445

Long time no see (because I haven't been on here hurr)

>> No.9840463
File: 27 KB, 600x600, 1048131421300-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made it all up
and I'm lying on 4chan.

>> No.9840472

are you developmentally impaired?

>> No.9840473
File: 81 KB, 300x450, Rick-Owens-paris-Men-SS15-7908-1403787627-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being secure doesn't mean wearing ugly clothes and being oblivious to the fact that they're ugly as fuck but for some reason popular.

The clothing is just bad, plain and simple. It's not "sometimes it looks good, but you gotta strong" IT ALWAYS LOOKS SHIT.

goth ninja fanboys confirmed for new

>> No.9840486
File: 227 KB, 500x751, RM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what goth ninja would look like if it wasn't shit (if it wasn't goth ninja).

>> No.9840490

i dont know, maybe im a normie. i guess I look at most of these pieces considered goth ninja and I put it in the same category as people whose cars are covered with opinionated bumper stickers. they are people who are literally screaming for attention. theyre shouting, notice me! im different! im cool, look at me guys! im an individual, im not like the rest of the crowd! i want to stand out with my ninja clothes, look at me guys! i want to be special! please give me attention! literally thats the mentality of anyone who dresses in this shit.

>> No.9840501
File: 30 KB, 333x500, e7b17ef377d950ecdde5bf74fd85f404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another example.

Notice how it doesn't have retarded drop crotch pants? No dumb silhouette that people mistake for cool or interesting just because every designer in the past didn't do it because they didn't hire blind people to make their clothing?

And no retarded rubber boots.

>> No.9840510

this stuff i can get behind. its more tibet-core, earthy old person-ish. its functional and makes sense.

>> No.9840515
File: 55 KB, 466x700, 9dce8aeef3fb1eff67d32ed823d32c3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9840518

this is just an old lady with a large coat

>> No.9840527
File: 324 KB, 1366x2048, Damir-Doma-05-1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to go, you found a Rick runway piece that you don't like. That's not even what Rick's baseline aesthetic is, and how many of those do you really think he is manufacturing to sell in stores? Its a runway piece.

When people are talking about Rick's clothing they are obviously not talking about the few denim tunics he did, one season.

Pic semi-related. Damir Doma

>> No.9840530
File: 67 KB, 535x610, rnzj93-l-610x610-coat-ninja+goth-street+goth-blvck-fashion-dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if goth ninja wasn't shit it would look like an old lady with a coat


whats the appeal in this?

>> No.9840539
File: 46 KB, 620x400, ihinbl91rktc71cgzord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing by Rick Owens looks good.

It's like some stupid gangster rapper decided to listen to marilyn manson and still not pull up his pants.

And his entire fanbase is completely oblivious to the fact that it looks like shit and thinks everyone hates it because they're not confident and they're jealous.

Goth ninja is a mental illness.

>> No.9840544

looks atrocious

>> No.9840547

Good samefagging!

>> No.9840556

that wasn't me

You think there's only one person in the world who thinks it looks shit? I am 100% not trolling when I say star wars characters look better than this.

>> No.9840566

this man is 100% correct

>> No.9840590
File: 101 KB, 423x636, photo_mid_def_3672852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing by Rick Owens looks good.

Citing a fucking RUNWAY show, as proof that something looks "ridiculous" shows how little you know about the subject. Runway shows are meant to show a designers concept in as explicit and exaggerated a way as possible. Runway shows are meant to get people talking about the collection... its not a fucking look book.

And to say all Rick's clothing is ugly is absurd. If you were to take individual pieces from his runway shows—even if you didn't like the whole look—they wouldn't look as strange and avant garde... they would just have small details that made them different. Take the jacket on the right of the picture you posted. Thats really just a motorcycle jacket. If you zipped it down, and folded the lapel back, you would have a pretty standard leather jacket. Its unique because of the fit, materials and details, such as the arm zippers. However, its nothing that crazy.

Take my picture for example. Notice how the coat (if taken out of the context of the Rick Owens show) would just look like a black overcoat/topcoat. Painting all Rick clothing as ugly, just because you don't like it on the runway is dumb.

>> No.9840606

talk shit post fit

>> No.9840608

> this entire post

You just decided to turn Rick Owens into "just another topcoat" in which case, why is Rick Owens famous or liked? It's literally just normal clothing, right? Minus the drop crotches, stupid boats, retarded zipper vests etc

There's nothing special about him and you just proved it.

And now find me someone who wears "just another topcoat" by Rick Owens and not "a ridiculous costume more laughable than the Insane Clown Posse."

>> No.9840613

I just did exactly that.

>> No.9840618

Skipping leg day

>> No.9840619

> can't defend his favorite designer
> sees his entire worldview come crashing down on him
> "w-well y-you c-can't critique unless y-you p-post a selfie!"


>> No.9840625

Can you fucking read?

The fabrics Rick uses, the way he places seams, the colors of his clothing, the textures, the details he puts into pieces set them apart from standard.

The point I was making was that you clearly can't understand Rick's clothing as art... that's fine, whatever.
But also understand that his pieces are so much more wearable than you are giving them credit for.

>> No.9840626

FIT STATUS: unposted

>> No.9840635

I want to look more urban/futuristic but I don't want to go full goof. Any recommendations?

>> No.9840639

"Stop liking what I don't like"
What exactly are you trying to prove here?

>> No.9840640

It's simple, they are not men.

>> No.9840642


>> No.9840675

Whatever you need to tell yourself anon, just know that with this attitude you are limited, and won't branch out.

>> No.9840684

>implying you'd be able to recognize either designer, except for Geos/Ramones

>> No.9840747

Dressing like a clown isn't branching out.

>> No.9840775

Shieet, threads like these makes me want to vomit, Im not a fan of the goth ninja look but shit you guys are close minded plebs.

>> No.9840779

I cant wait for rick owen's label to be defunct and I cant wait for his shit fanbase to leave

>> No.9840783

>society doesn't understand my eternal struggle

>> No.9840812

Please be trolling.

>> No.9840815
File: 54 KB, 426x482, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I'm getting out of this whole thread is that you're pissing on Rick and his aesthetic because it's not digestible, agreeable, and socially integrated, which is literally the whole point of pursuing art to begin with.

Have you actually stopped to think about the objective reality of what you're stating?
"I don't like this therefore it's bad and people should stop doing this"

What would become of creative industries if people stopped attempting to go against the grain? This whole thread is silliness. Not once have you made any kind of decent criticism, just shit flinging anecdotal quips chock full of opinions that people with no real interest in fashion would regurgitate.

>> No.9840824

You are alone in a sea of high quality fabrics but poor designs, my dear anon.

>> No.9840827
File: 58 KB, 391x530, rick-owens-spring-2008-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> look at me, I'm pursuing art!

cry more

>> No.9840831

why are you even on a fashion forum?

>> No.9840833

>look at me, I have no capacity for anything outside of binary thought, incapable of forming informed opinions nor a shred of intelligent insight

>> No.9840837

My statement wasn't referring to goth ninja though. It had more to do with your definition of well adjusted.

>> No.9840841
File: 44 KB, 580x944, rick-owens-penis-on-runway-2__oPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> >look at me, I have no capacity for anything outside of binary thought, incapable of forming informed opinions nor a shred of intelligent insight


holy shit youre serious

nah, you can't be,

fuck i dont even know

>> No.9840844

> forming informed opinions

top kek, how old are you, really?

>> No.9840846

>I can't describe why I dislike something because I can't bring myself to understand it first

>> No.9840849

>i wouldn't wear it so its bad.

you guys are philistines

>> No.9840857
File: 175 KB, 500x375, 1418098776093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old enough bb ;)

>> No.9840859


my sides

I don't have to do anything to make you guys look retarded, you just deliver the comedy gold.

>> No.9840860

Haha lmao who actually reads letters these days?

>> No.9840871
File: 85 KB, 800x533, ff3b99f5f4e9d67a2ba6c19c16b13c25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> people who think this looks retarded don't understand art and cannot branch out and trapped in BINARY THINKING

>> No.9840882

Honestly thats true.

You posted a picture of a runway show. A runway show that consisted of a dance piece by professional step dancers.

Can you actually not understand that clothing can be art? And that while some of Rick Owens' clothing can be strange, that doesn't mean its bad?

>> No.9840897
File: 111 KB, 500x376, 1384686730543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who think it's retarded because they take it entirely at face value without giving it a second thought are dumb as shit, fact. Anyone with even a modicum of industry knowledge would know not to judge a runway look, especially that of a niche designer, based entirely on its physical aesthetic.

There's a lot more to clothes than just how they look kiddo, maybe if you'd slow down your fuccboi parade and make an effort to learn something, then perhaps you'd have something more in your head than the pile of dicks in ya mouth

>> No.9840910
File: 794 KB, 980x1473, 245-Le-21eme-Arrondissement-Adam-Katz-Sinding-Unknown-Le-Marais-Paris-Street-Style-Fashion-Blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


T.S. Eliot's poetry is art. Wearing a cape and being proud of it is just stupid.

>> No.9840921
File: 307 KB, 470x656, rick-owens-coat-street-style-125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with sick fits binary plebs cant understand

>> No.9840925
File: 14 KB, 236x344, aacade42b151ecce07dd34875714de11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a lot of close minded idiots in here

>> No.9840940
File: 120 KB, 960x1443, 256_960n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so focused on the idea of wearing the clothing.

Not all clothing has to be something you would wear. When Rick is putting things down his runway, he isn't thinking "Everybody should be wearing these exact outfits next year".

The clothing in runway shows is meant to express the designers inspirations and thoughts behind a collection. That is art.

Why is clothing any different than a sculpture?
Pic related. Very unwearable, but meant to be enjoyed visually as you would a sculpture from stone.

>> No.9840948
File: 153 KB, 900x1233, 9436602168_2150bab27c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww, baby is sad he cant pull off a cape :(

>> No.9840949

I want to see the girl version of this. Exposed vag needs to be a fashion trend.

>> No.9840987

>Why is clothing any different than a sculpture?

A shit sculpture is still a shit sculpture. And it's not because "durr I can't wear it."

Rick Owens fans don't seem to understand this.

>> No.9840989

oh yea real sad i cant hide my acne with a cape

>> No.9840999

If you don't like it its fine, that's not even the point.

My point is that Rick's runway shows ARE art, and meant to be looked at and enjoyed as one would a gallery of sculptures.

>> No.9841005

>Rick's runway shows ARE art

>> No.9841014

I just want you to keep posting for a big collage I'm making of "shit goth ninjas say"

>> No.9841016

Can you explain why they aren't?

>> No.9841024

Oh, no I'm not a gothninja.

I don't subscribe to that style at all. I wear APC, BLK DNM and brands like that. I just like to appreciate Rick's clothing without being a consumer.

>> No.9841027

jeesus christ

>> No.9841038

But can you fit your wallet, passport, and sandwich in the pockets (if there are any)?

>> No.9841063

Welcome to /fa/ friendo :^)>>9840871
Pls trip so we can all block you

>> No.9841080

>thats the mentality of anyone who dresses in this shit.

there are going to be people with that mentality who dress in any way that you can conceive of. it's not unique to any style, nor does it wholly encompass any style.

>> No.9842597

> this just how i imagine my video game persona to dress like!

>> No.9843803

jesus Christ teenagers these days.

you are so ridiculous.

you could probably benefit from some mind-expanding substances considering you are the most narrow minded dumb-ass bitch




white trash

all this rude nonsense shitposting = self defense mechanism for low self esteem

before you start with your "this is 4chan" BS notice this is a fashion board - DILUTE UR SHITPOSTING with at least a little knowledge of fashion or fits...but you've never posted in waywt have you? only thing ive seen you wear are fucking cut-offs

your ignorance is baffling.

if you don't grow out of this you will have a difficult life girl-child.

every post I read is so cringe-worthy ive ignored you so-far bc why give attention-whores attention? but youre cearly beyond trash. ironically the thing you call everyone else

so before you make such stupid senseless posts - think for a second - pretend you are a mature classy lady and prince charming is watching you - wouldn't you be fucking ashamed of yourself?

>> No.9843822

>he believes that looks good

>> No.9843947

You wont convince them, and even if you do there are always going to be more coming in.

>> No.9844015


If you're not baiting you have some real shit taste there son :'DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.9844044

how young are you that you haven't grasped the concept that different people have different preferences?

children usually learn this by the age of 2 or 3

>> No.9844076



Why are you back?

You're worse than HIV

>> No.9844095

>he thinks goof nigger et al. don't live off their internet meme status
You SERIOUSLY underestimate the influence the internet has on the zeitgeist nowadays.

>Ha, that would mean I could make whatever fashionable as long as I spam it on enough forums and imageboards!
Yes, this is exactly what it means, and it's exactly how fashion is made nowadays.

>> No.9844104

that wardrobe is straight 2013 /fa/...