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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 80 KB, 500x750, CbH19OR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9828609 No.9828609 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is going to get shit but I don't care, this is how I want to dress. I want advice and to toss ideas back and forth with people that have similar ideals.

Well now that I got that out of the way, I've been trying to get a very "witchy" feel to the way I dress. I have a couple pieces that have that sort of vibe, but I'm looking for more stuff that isn't incredibly expensive. I guess my ideal aesthetic could best be described as "tech priest" I love the look of techwear, but I also love the drape of artisanal clothing.

I'm not looking to spend a fortune, I'm fully aware some of the best ways to achieve this would be to buy clothing from designers but if that can be avoided that would be great. If I do buy pieces that go into the 200+ per piece range I'd like to focus on things that really bring a lot to the look not just basic shirts and what not. At the same time I'm not trying to look "goth" in the conventional sense, I want to avoid anything that would be sold at hot topic.

>> No.9828613

That is more Goth-ninja than anything

>> No.9828618

>I've been trying to get a very "witchy" feel to the way I dress
>I guess my ideal aesthetic could best be described as "tech priest"
>I also love the drape of artisanal clothing.

You have autism.

Wear normal clothes you sperglord

>> No.9828623

how can you walk around in public like that though? not trying to shit on your idea, but i dont get these people. are you going to go to your job looking like this? graned i dont live in ny or la, but ive never seen one person in public dressed like this. if i did, id think he just left hot topic or the haloween superstore.

>> No.9828633
File: 63 KB, 640x853, 1390689657495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gothninja has nothing to do with the phrase "goth" by itself. goth barely means anything anyways, and depending on the person it can be different. look at the goth kids from southpark, main guys fit is pretty dope but is nothing like you would expect the modern day goth, who look like fucking jokes. hot topic sells pop culture shit anyways, doubt you'd find anything there besides an ill-fitting bazinga shirt
by not giving a fuck, plus drapey things are comfy

>> No.9828637
File: 784 KB, 650x981, tumblr_m39w0wKO4w1qhex2qo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you have to make yourself feel better by putting other people down.

I guess that's why I want to avoid a lot of the cheap stuff because there is a visible difference between something that's very "hot topic" and something that's clearly well made.

Also you don't have to go full goof all the time, same way you don't wear a tux every day of your life.

>> No.9828644

I'm just saying people are going to laugh at you and you're going to make them feel uncomfortable

>> No.9828647
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Also I guess what I mean is literally anything by the "tripp NYC" brand. Anything that's made by them looks like shit and I'm just trying to drive home what I'm trying to avoid.

>> No.9828661
File: 81 KB, 478x637, summer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand your concern, but I literally don't care. Also not trying to be a dick but if you're not going to give advice then ignore the thread? Do we really need to go through this every single time a thread comes up that isn't "normal" clothing.

>Why would you wear that?
>Because I like how it looks
>But (I think) you're going to look dumb
>I don't think I will, and you don't have to wear it

>> No.9828667

Unfortunately, doing what you want to do and what you've described isn't something that can be done on a budget, unless one was to catch mad deals on Rakuten/Yahoo JP.

The whole Goth-Ninja/Techwear/Trunks-Core/Stylezeitgeist thing isn't going to be easily replicated by fast fashion. You're not going to look as cool as you think in these pictures if you're not willing to spend the cash. You'll look exactly like the hot topic kiddie you were trying to avoid looking like.

>> No.9828668

okay i'll stop but you're still autismal as fuck

>> No.9828680

Thank you for the constructive criticism. I guess it's just best to buy things very slowly and work towards an awesome wardrobe than buying everything at once and looking like a hot topicfag anyway.

>> No.9828703
File: 32 KB, 500x668, 1426414323849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now this is what my wardrobe consists of (in this vein)

>about 8 basic shirts of varying cut and color, all dark earth tones, besides a couple tan

>three pairs of pants, all black. Drop crotch, Skinny, and cargo

>drop crotch shorts

>two pairs of footwear, all black docs and a pair of all black slip ons

>3 drapey cardigans

>> No.9828705

No problem. I actually really like the look, even though the over saturation of all black isn't needed all the time.
I think it's an intriguing look, but carries a lot of stigma and takes not only a lot of cash onhand and a lot of confidence.
People will look at you funny if this is really the path you choose, and people will judge but then again I guess at that point it won't matter.

>> No.9828726

I mean that being said. That argument is so ridiculous to me; "WHY ARE YOU GOING TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE IN GOTH NINJA THAT'S DUMB" no fucking shit. Hell if I'm running to the store to get groceries I'm not trying to impress anyone, and I doubt anyone is going to care if I'm wearing black pants and a black/grey/tan t-shirt. To me it's akin to wearing a suit to similar places, you just wouldn't do it.

>> No.9828862
File: 667 KB, 602x674, Screen Shot 2015-05-11 at 2.30.11 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you own that?

Ive got this jacket in black, but if a cream/grey one comes up ill defo cop. Double wired hood oh baby.

Versace offered to blow me for it

>> No.9828865

u fuck

>> No.9830698

I'm kinda new. Where can I get such clothes?

>> No.9831667

"did that guy just call me a faggot?"

>> No.9831686

say what you will, that girl's outfit is great
guy's not so much

>> No.9831696

If you don't want to pay an astronomical amount on Rick Owens and Ann Demeulemeester, I recommend checking out Ovate or Damir Doma, look through grailed.com

>> No.9831715

What you think you look like etc etc

>> No.9831747
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 10986814_775573739178913_8280834940091026281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the look you are going for is impossible to achieve on a budget, buying one piece at a time would be a bad idea because clothes like that need to be styled properlly to not look stupid, which is impossibe to do without a great wardrobe.im assuming you are around 20 years old and not a part of anything that has a thing to do with art. avantgarde clothing is extremley hard to wear without looking awkward if you arent in some creative field or at least somehow involved. im also guessing you are new to fashion as a whole, i suggest you dont just jump head first into avantgarde clothing. trust me it is just a bad idea, just wear really toned down versions of the styles you like now and try to somehow evolve your wardrobe alongside your taste in clothing.

>> No.9831827

is that my girl rei kawakubo

>> No.9832730


wtc these shoes plz.

>> No.9832775

honestly i sympathize with you and actually think its a dope look but if you dont have a muddle-tier body+face, it wont work, you're just going to look like a weirdo in a dress. still though, good inspo. just try to tone it down.

>> No.9832915

You shound poor.

>> No.9832954
File: 128 KB, 1200x800, Equilibrium-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Father: Mankind united with infinitely greater purpose in pursuit of war than he ever did in pursuit of peace.

>> No.9834776


>> No.9834894


Advice like that is given so often because so many people who post on this board (and especially about such niche styles) are teenagers who have no concept of personal style and think they can emulate their favorite anime irl or some shit. If you have the confidence and access the quality, then go for it. But as somebody who is interested in something as specific as this, I'm sure you could understand wanting to dissuade somebody from pursuing the look for the wrong reason.

>> No.9835338


Oh hey my thread is still alive. Actually I'm heavily involved in the art and music scene of my city. Albeit I don't make good money from what I do but I'm pretty well known. I think that's also why I don't care because of the people I surround myself with, I know they're into the things I do and even if they aren't they're not shitheads. I am around 20. Well it's funny that you mention slowly incorporating things because that's basically what I have been doing, but my wardrobe has always been pretty monochrome/earth tones. Most recently I've just become obsessed with silhouettes and the potential in them.

>> No.9835344

Yeah I guess I forget that a huge demographic on here is teenagers/people who actually have no idea what they're doing.

>> No.9835351


>> No.9835359

Wtc those shoes and pretty much everything

>> No.9835361

these threads remind me of when i was a teenager. I was a raver in the 90's, and wanted to achieve a certain look. beleive it or not, high end fashion shops, for a short time, were selling high end designer scuba masks and snorkels. i bought a few, and walked down the street , on a sunny day, with my scuba mask and snorkel, and loud rave clothing, as people pointed and laughed. only now do i see how absurd and stupid i was being. Equilibrium is a cool movie, and i love mad max, but walking around the streets of a average city looking like a tech priest or future apocalypse survivor just makes you a ridiculous looking eyesore that draws attention for the wrong reasons. just dress functional, and adapt to your social climate.

>> No.9835367
File: 177 KB, 500x750, rarp_darp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9835385

OP, what's your favorite William Gibson novel?

>> No.9835406

>dress for others, not for yourself
>give in to social pressure
>give a shit about what other people think of your choices

>> No.9835416

it's called gothninja, look it up

>> No.9835430

Read this


>> No.9835550

I dunno. I see more like if you're not confident enough to wear that style just to go to the grocery store, how are you gonna rock it anywhere else.

>> No.9835561

Fucking hell, why don't you just call it "Black Dragonlord Knight King Warrior Death Demon Hell Viking -core"

>> No.9835564

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.9835576

check this out, they have some very interesting pieces now and then


>> No.9835613

cause that would just mean dressing like Orion or Shagrath or whatever. Meaning spikes, chains, lots of leather and belts and chainmail and rugged textures, and that's obviously not what OP has in mind.

>> No.9835632
File: 101 KB, 556x880, Mechanicus_Tech_Priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is techpriest

what you have in mind is gothninja

>> No.9835635

implying I wouldn't want to look like that

>> No.9835638

Lol I'm sure all the Harry Potter fans will appreciate your dedication.

>> No.9835649
File: 204 KB, 900x1350, Techpriest_Enginseer_Cosplay_by_ATOMIKA135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah right

>> No.9835656

Yet another fuccboi has fallen for the transhumanist propaganda conducted by Apple and Microsoft.

>> No.9835668

>lugging around a bunch of old vacuum hoses, a huge drill and some skulls, with a ton of european power cords sticking out of your shoulders

>> No.9835761

Because Gothninjas gotta eat like everyone else, duh. Can't eat autism.

>> No.9836536

looks like black air force 1 mids. nikes. pretty common here in white. they're nice shoes imo.

>> No.9837683


>> No.9839159

Thanks for the reply. The prices sadden me though as I'm a poorfag. I'll probably never own any of this.

>> No.9839184

>ill-fitting bazinga shirt
holy shit yeah

>> No.9839193

Yeah, pics like that look edgy and cool because the model is standing motionless with good lighting and Photoshop editing.
When you're walking around Tesco with your mum you'll just look pretty ridiculous.

>> No.9839196


Unability to understand or accept other peoples' feelings and thoughts is a sign of autism, you should get yourself checked anon.

>> No.9839203

If a saw a person dressed like this I would wonder what they did for a living and honestly what direction their life was heading.

>> No.9839207

W2c shoes pl0x

>> No.9839219

>wearing all black
>wearing a scuba mask
these are a little different

>> No.9839342
File: 1010 KB, 500x300, kanye r u srs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not recognizing geos

>> No.9840627

Going off topic, but is there a socially acceptable version of this style? I don't mean "ALL BLACK AN MUH MATRIX" but just neat, straight lines. Military-esque, for men?

>> No.9840633

inb4 suits

>> No.9840643

All black tends to have bad connotations, even if it's something as innocuous as a black shirt and black suit. Try neat, straight lines with a very muted palette - same effect, less stigma.

>> No.9840649

Yeah. That's why I said I didn't mean all black. I meant just the form.

Also, I wear all black every day and nobody looks at me funny.
>Granted, those are work clothes for my hotel job

>> No.9840653

>paying to look like Morpheus from the matrix

>> No.9840693

I would say that black suit and black shirt mostly just makes you look like a gigging musician. Maybe that counts as a bad connotation.

>> No.9840708

Its not your fault, your assumption is what /fa/ should be.

>> No.9840721

I think that your post exemplifies what a lot of people don't think about. Everyone's condition is different. Obviously if you work in an office/white collar or blue collar job you're not going to dress in goof, just as an example. Also, its no secret that people wear different clothing for different occasions so I don't know why everyone goes "hurt durr that looks awful, everyone would laugh at you"

>> No.9841714

pretty sure the shoes are Hender Scheme (modeled after AF1s)

>> No.9841878


You obviously has personal insecurities, which is probably why you choose to put others down and discourage.

>> No.9842862

Op here, still shocked my thread is here. It seems to have dwindled a bit but thanks for the actual criticisms and ideas.

>> No.9845281
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>tech priest

yes hello?

>> No.9845429

People who dress like this on a daily basis generally work in the arts. If they don't then they just wear gothninja when they're going somewhere it's appropriate, such as fashion events, avant-garde/underground oriented clubs, museums, art performances, etc...

>> No.9845772

>not paying to look like Morpheus from the matrix