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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 213 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9825542 No.9825542 [Reply] [Original]

Body thread? Post pictures of your body and give opinions and advice.

Pic related. Mine, trying to get more muscle. Very dyel atm. Also, what's my skin colour?

>> No.9825550

not white

>> No.9825568

v. nice fold you have there
v. nice
can you keep coins in ?

>> No.9825616

*hearty kek intensifies*

v. nice

>> No.9825630

Give me one reason this thread isn't on /fit/ Hint, there are actually none

>> No.9825648

Because people always post irrelevant topics on fa?

>> No.9825814

v. nicely memed my friend

>> No.9825967


How old is the baby you gave birth op?

>> No.9826019
File: 199 KB, 720x1280, 170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll contriboot.

>> No.9826023

you look like you have a small donger. No offense tho, looking good. Too much shoulder imo

>> No.9826025

Get rid of that disfiguring mole
Otherwise it's perfect, don't change a thing <3
Cut your hair
Shave your tits
Shave your fucking tits for fuck's sake

>> No.9826057
File: 34 KB, 768x559, 097c9760-2fb9-45fa-9d97-8cebf1b2779f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pullups

>> No.9826125

These both guys seem to have around same amount of muscle from what I can see (or think), but why is the second one so much more attractive?

>> No.9826136

back to /fit/ faggots. Daily reminder that you will never be effay

>> No.9826191

I think they both have around the same amount of mass but the first one has less muscle and more fat and the second one has more muscle and less definition

>> No.9826229

3 possible reasons
My last are a bit more pronounced which creates more of a v taper which is common in athletic looking bodies.
I'm also str8 flexin and I have a pump from just working out.
Also could just be better overall proportions in muscle mass.

>> No.9826233

Skinny fat pleb/skeletman detected, shame you'll never be masculine

>> No.9826264

skeleton is the effay body you fucking fuccboy.

>> No.9826287

lighting and proportions.

The first dude has sick lighting, he's smaller, but he has more otter proportions. Larger shoulders, larger chest, not popping his traps out.

Appears he has less fat too.

Probably weaker if that matters to you at all.
>I know that it doesn't.

>> No.9826316

Thats because /fa/ is filled with little emo kids who were bullied in highschool for doing shit in gym class

>> No.9826334

No it's because designers go after the androgynous style and not after some douche with tons of muscles.

>> No.9826345

and you just proofed that you're some shithead from /fit/

>> No.9826355

>douche with tons of muscles
Kid who was bullied in highschool detected

>> No.9826357

>gyno due to genetics
>middle portion of my body is thin, thin arms, small wrists
>a bit of a belly
>wide hips
>large ass

I'm not posting my disgrace of a body.

>> No.9826365

tanned idiot from the south detected

>> No.9826368

So do something about it fatty

>> No.9826382

>You must be 18 to post on 4chan

>> No.9826392

stop being buttmad and go back to your favourite board.

>> No.9826395

ur a funny guy

>> No.9826404

>calls me a tanned idiot and a douche with muscles
>implying I'm the mad one

>> No.9826421

what's your routine?

>> No.9826424 [DELETED] 
File: 981 KB, 2432x2689, _20150510_153317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9826427

Why should I be mad? I'm not the one who has to buy a XL tee because he can't fit into normal sizes

>> No.9826434

you dun goofed

>> No.9826448

Local group address tattoo? Not feeling it.

>> No.9826449

Are we getting raided again?

>> No.9826495
File: 20 KB, 610x358, body-positivity-art-by-spooky-femme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does MFA and every other fashion Forum approve of fitness but here we all want to be scrawny fucks from Ethiopia?

Listen /fa/ggots. Being fit is effay AF.

Bunch of faggots couldn't even get laid are just mad that the opposite sex prefer men that dont look like a stick.

>> No.9826497

holy shit
get it removed asap
one of the worst tattoos ive ever seen not even kidding

>> No.9826498

LOL I'm fucking ottermode I wear medium and they dont drape on my cause I'm not malnourished

>> No.9826501

because all pleb fashion Forum and MFA dress like shit in H&M and Zara

>> No.9826507

i don't hate the tattoo but i do hate the location, aesthetically anyway. i get it symbolically tho.

>> No.9826511

and I'm raf simons

>> No.9826514

Implying that you are superior in any way. You're all poor fucks in highschool or college you can barely afford designer shit quit trying to act high and mighty

>> No.9826517

btw fashion isn't about getting laid. Most plebs actually prefer shitty v necks to actual designer stuff.

>> No.9826518

>implying ottermode is difficult aesthetic to aquire
This is the icing on the fucking kek

>> No.9826525

top kek. My fits might be shit but at least they are worth more than 1 year of gym membership

>> No.9826528

4chan. The homeland of the weeb and autistic. If you think /fa/ has a community that isn't shit and its only being held back by belonging here then go ahead and make a new site.

Maybe one were people can take criticisms because they aren't /fa/ggots hiding behind the name 'Anon'.

>> No.9826534

I don't care how difficult it is? Stop trying to change the topic /fit/faggit

>> No.9826536

How is a body thread irrelevant on /fa/

>> No.9826537

I'm not scrawny. Lmfao.

>> No.9826541

>my fits are shit
>but I'm using more money than a gym membership
Are you fucking b8 or are you that fucking retarded

>> No.9826542

>Implying fasshun is just a art form.
>Implying that physique isn't.

Like I said before. Being fit is more effay than /fa/.

>> No.9826551

You just tried to say it was unfathomable that I was ottermode by saying sarcastically you were raf, I'm completely on topic you're just mad you're losing an argument

>> No.9826552

but the autist actually care enough to read into that topic.

>> No.9826559

It probably is till you wear something...

>> No.9826564


>> No.9826566

hurr lets call him manlet xDDD

>> No.9826567

You do realize you can have good fits without being a scrawly little fuck?

A far majority of the Male models that aren't a damn cliche have some physique.

>> No.9826570

actually you can't

>> No.9826571

oh sorry did I trigger you? sorry you'll never be an adequate height


>> No.9826572

Physique > Being able to wear black leggings.

Are you a little fucking girl? You might as well cut off your dick because thats ruining your fit.

>> No.9826575

This kid is so stuck on being skeletman cause he is too lazy to change

>> No.9826578

you don't have good fits either

>> No.9826588


Sorry Im not into Emo, Gothninja, or whatever gay shit style you think you have.

>> No.9826592

Well yes using the manlet meme shows that you're not from here.
hurr da durr
why don't you just go back to /fit/

>> No.9826598

What are you doing here then ? every style that is like on /fa/ only looks good on skeletons ?

>> No.9826602

Lol scrawny faggots remind me of the Tumblr Fat Acceptance Movement.

Niggas, you scrawny fucks are NOT beautiful.

>> No.9826613

funny, cause it's the same when fit faggots try to be effay

>> No.9826616

you're clueless pal

>> No.9826671

I could name a few exemptions.

>Anything not gay.

>> No.9826681

do it

>> No.9826942


The fuck

We have the SAME stretch mark right at the stomach

>> No.9827127

Well shit. I blame lighting and black pants
I wish I could. I probably should, but eh.
Pullup guy has much, much more lean mass than I do. I haven't been lifting for more than 6 months, minus several weeks of inactivity from when I broke a wrist.
The lighting in that bathroom is pretty sick. I am weaker than the other guy, especially during the time of that picture, when I was on a rushed 600-1000cal deficit cut for a few weeks. Lost gains, but it probably helped me fuck a girl I had the biggest crush on back in the day.
I hate to admit it, but I have a terrible problem with sticking to programs, even programs that I've made myself. I try to hit legs 3 times a week, sometimes I just settle for twice. Overhead press twice a week, followed by shoulder work, and then dumbbell shrugs followed by front and back barbell shrugs. Chest twice a week, and I start out with some high set low rep benching, and then go to incline dumbbell press, flys and body weight shit. I'll work arms once a week, with all the basic shit like ezbar, alternating and hammer curls, skull crushers and various tricep extensions.
And for abdominals, sometimes I'll plank while things are in the microwave, and do some full body crunches when I wake up in the morning, when I'm waiting for a game to load, etc. I should probably start working them routinely.

>> No.9827186

No it isn't. Top male models all have some slight muscle. Heck, even your God Dick Owens encourages working out.

>> No.9827202

Did we play too much computer games :(


Do grills like my bod :3?

>> No.9827207

Skellingtons look shit in suits. You need a manlier physique to pull off a suit well.

>> No.9827212

Bodies are extremely /fa/ relevant. If architecture and how to act "wealthcore" is allowed, then bodies should be more.

>> No.9827224

Sorry you aren't perfect like me

>> No.9827232

OP here. I like them too. Sadly I can only do 25 :(

>> No.9827258

>francisco lachowski
>sean 'o' pry
>every Abercrombie model
>every menswear model ever
>meme Owens
Sorry bro, the most /fa/ men all have muscle, it doesn't have to be zyzz level but some muscle gives you a great silhouette and tightens the body.

>> No.9827334

i have one too but i think it's just like a crease from sitting in the same position too long. pretty sure it goes away after standing for a while but i've never actually checked.

>> No.9827399

I think it's a wrinkle bro. Wrinkles don't go away. The stomach crease is developed from poor posture.
>grills never complained tho

>> No.9827405
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>> No.9827416

Nice adonis, but do you even curls?

>> No.9827427

this just in mine is not a wrinkle i have been out and about today and it is not there i just looked. mine's a more reddish color tho, like the one you get from the band on underwear that are a little too tight. pretty sure it's where my skin folds when i'm half laying down. no pics b/c broken phone but i'm pretty much the same body type as op

>> No.9827439
File: 686 KB, 667x1000, benjamin_jarvis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the /fa/ body is something between the skinny and the ottermode

>> No.9827480
File: 268 KB, 500x746, andrew_w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9827493
File: 137 KB, 800x800, tommaso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9827505

i agree with this guy, but i think more muscle definition and less body fat is always more /fa/ as long as it doesn't get in the way of your sp00ky silh0uette

>> No.9827506

Gotta love the persistence /fit/izens have. If you want to be effay so bad, why don't you stop lifting? Deluded fucks, you'll never be effay.

>> No.9827529
File: 44 KB, 430x333, francisco-lachowski-male-model-shirtless-photos-01252010-14-430x333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao shut up nerd

>> No.9827599

Have fun looking like an anorexic girl instead of being a beautiful man. We aren't even promoting roided body types. The men in the pictures are lean and slightly muscular, the most achievable physique

>> No.9827605

>Have fun looking like an anorexic girl

I fuckin' will cunt im living the dream

>> No.9827611

this one /fa/ af

got that jared leto rib game

>> No.9827671

>being this mad
Why so salty? Anorexia failing to get you laid? Do women always overpower you in bed?

>> No.9827702

do you even care, or do you feel the need to feel superior in an 80's Taiwanese infomercials imageboard?

>> No.9827707


Dude Im just hella happy how I am

>> No.9827731
File: 100 KB, 466x699, abs-francisco-lachowski-lachowski-man-model-muscles-Favim.com-52065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck off /fit/, being a skeleton is the most effay even though the top male models do some kind of workout XD

>> No.9827754
File: 51 KB, 640x380, 20120928_karlieklosss_promo1.1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you're seeing isn't ribs.
External oblique muscle.
Pic related is ribs. Photoshopped out because disgusting.

And serratus anterior, a bit to the back of the obliques, where the "ribs" change direction.

>> No.9827884

Looks like I hit a few nerves. Skellies trying to justify their incompetence

>> No.9827894

>skinniness is /fa/! Have fun having a shit silhouette!

>> No.9827901

Damn, thanks for teaching me this anon. They look like muscles for protecting your ribs. I wanna get some now.

>> No.9827927
File: 45 KB, 450x495, 1429909024725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw this is what my body looks like

>> No.9827940

Tell us how to achieve. What routines/muscles to work on?

>> No.9827979

You don't need a gym membership because calisthenics is a thing.

>> No.9828142

A model physique can easily be achieved without a gym membership. Push-ups, sit-ups and pull ups combined with squats make great workouts to create some slight muscle.

>> No.9828351

Does your name start with a K?

>> No.9828460

I'll leave the gains for the 5'7's that need something to look forward to. Face is all.

>> No.9828488


Post your face then pretty boy

>> No.9828768

Why do I keep seeing these threads on this board? Take it to /fit/ you faggots.

On this board you're only going to get garbage advice from skinny sub 20 bmi fuccbois

>> No.9828947
File: 115 KB, 640x854, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions pls. What can I do better? What is good and what is bad?

>> No.9828950
File: 152 KB, 400x711, abs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9828965


>> No.9829172

>face is all
Tell that to Francisco Lachowski you basic bitch. Looking like an ayylmao is the worst.

>> No.9829503

push ups, sit ups and not a whole lot else

>> No.9829507

work on shoulders more and maybe back too, cant tell

>> No.9829521

Is this body effay? I have a similar body shape and I hate my hips.

>> No.9829660
File: 694 KB, 1156x1856, IMG_1818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my body /effay/?

>> No.9829682

nice tits son

>> No.9829702
File: 24 KB, 218x255, So+should+i+say+my+hobies+include+collecting+art+_60b3e908f0f7b3a8a149c249dc656e5d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks your mom liked sucking on them ;^)

>> No.9829870
File: 77 KB, 480x800, Snapchat-6773109561611043443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a gf

>> No.9829891

<33333 karli

also, kek @ muscle

you should be looking like you are about to die from malnutrition if you wanna be a model tier teen

fuck muscle

>> No.9829912
File: 125 KB, 640x426, body1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry about the favourable light, only spot where I can take a pic standing

d-did I make it f/a/?

>> No.9829914
File: 87 KB, 640x832, tumblr_n7f77tjEi71r8qm4ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BMI over 19?

not effay sry

>> No.9829935
File: 76 KB, 740x358, 11-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking flat cause 3 days of low carb :(

>> No.9829954
File: 312 KB, 478x640, 1402793315-jederangele18-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 195cm
> 62kg

>> No.9830018
File: 128 KB, 621x945, 288583713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why you like so much to be wrong?

>> No.9830021

is your rib cage ok

>> No.9830061
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20141225_114834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my skinny fat chest

>> No.9830069

what the fuck

>> No.9830139
File: 207 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9830206

Just do any ab exercise except abs.
Abs (the exercise) is about hip flexion. Hip flexors are damn useful for any sport but not important for aesthetics.
If you want to target obliques specifically start with russian twists. But any abs exercise will target them a bit too. Better be lazy and just do one exercise. L-sits for example.

Push-ups, sit-ups and pull ups combined with squats make great workouts to create some slight muscle.
Without adding weight: Extremely slight muscle. At great effort and you'll stall progress in a few months.
Take the easy way and go to a gym.
Or at least non-retarded calisthenics.
Something where you progress how much strength you need for each exercise. By adding weight or changing leverage.

>> No.9830209


lol did you get your ass kicked or something

>> No.9830412

no, the girl likes her sex rough. rape fantasy, stuff like that

>> No.9830637


what's wrong with your skin, loser?

>> No.9830656

>tfw same huge hips but he still looks /fa/ as fuck
this gives me hope

>> No.9830657

what would /fa/ recommend to lose 5 pounds of love handles? i'm satisfactory thin but bc of bad diet before i put on weird weight there that won't go away.

>> No.9830689
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>> No.9830691
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x720, Photo on 5-11-15 at 2.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good diet and exercise

tfw wind blowing towards u and rick tee looks GOAT on ur pecs

off topic but the ss15 bamboo tees arent so bad, thought they were gonna b shit tbh

>> No.9830704

I'd say maybe delts and traps. Can't really see lats but they look good mate

>> No.9830714

Pushing your arms against your torso like that to make them look bigger makes you look like a tool

Also work on your chest

>> No.9830733
File: 185 KB, 750x1000, forever uneffay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wide never-gonna-make-it hips comin thru

bmi 18.3

>> No.9830740

Edu plsssssssssss

>> No.9830742

That ramone made my chuckle

>> No.9830743

what a douchebag

>> No.9830748
File: 61 KB, 500x666, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9830752

nice body

average face

great height

overall much better than the average person. nice man!

>> No.9830824
File: 562 KB, 2048x1536, 11052015005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Havent trained in three years, eat what i want. enjoy life.

>> No.9830837

>Havent trained in three years, eat what i want.

Nobody's surprised

>> No.9830859

nice faggot tattoo

>> No.9831300
File: 469 KB, 2048x1232, IMG_2482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat

>> No.9831334

Man, awesome hair

>> No.9831387

What a sneaky tactic, saying you're fat so that people will tell you you aren't! It's like you're a 16 year old girl, but a grown man!

>> No.9831419

Personally i think your jaw is too wide to be so skinny
I'm sure you look fine with clothes on though :)

>> No.9831695

nice, reminds me of robert pattinson

>> No.9831773

Are you a fucking incest baby? Lachowski could be starving to death and he would still be a top model because of how his face looks.

>> No.9831800

your head is enormous

>> No.9831806


>> No.9832101
File: 39 KB, 346x618, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck me off faggots

>> No.9832139
File: 535 KB, 1536x2173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 or h8

>> No.9832152

Nope. M.

>> No.9832170

No biceps, big chest gap, wide hips
no shoulders, zipper abs

do you actually even lift faggot??

>> No.9832178



>> No.9832191

then don't post shirtless photos you fucking faggot

>> No.9832198


this is /fa/ not /fit/ you cuck

>> No.9832275

Curlbro detected.

>> No.9832294


>> No.9832520

you look like you have a massive difference in size between your two traps.

otherwise hella hot. Pale is cule

>> No.9833838

>at doctor
>tells me my bmi is perfect
>bmi is 21.6
Have fun being a shit tier male.

>> No.9833846

Thanks for the advice breh, both questions were by me.

We're all gunna make it to lachowski mode

>> No.9833850

Regardless, he'd be way shitter without his muscles, else he wouldn't get them.

>> No.9833910
File: 973 KB, 596x800, elaine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


routine? How long you been at it? Height?

>> No.9833914


sup jmackness~~~

>> No.9833916
File: 53 KB, 779x337, charlie_sheen_ferris_Bueller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


routine? How long you been at it? Height?

>> No.9833921
File: 115 KB, 831x640, mustard fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


routine? How long you been at it? Height?

>> No.9834053

v v good

>> No.9834056

If you actually worked out your hips wouldn't look so wide.

>> No.9834059 [DELETED] 


best itt

>> No.9834131

>bmi is 21.6

hahaha holy fat fuck

>> No.9834140
File: 134 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 12-05-15 at 12.33 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw dont even have to work out because austrian genetics

>> No.9834143

Hahahah, you're retarded. I'm OP. Im pretty much the opposite of fat. Keep being a deluded weak cunt.

>> No.9834173

It might be the pose, I just checked and my traps look the same
thanks guys :3

>> No.9834193

do you really want to settle with this mate?

>> No.9834199

sure why not. i drink too much to work out, and i do alright withe women as it is. i see no reason to start a routine or get a gym membership

>> No.9834529

Your body is defunct. You have what's called anterior pelvic tilt, it's not your genetics, sorry bro.

>> No.9834660

where did you get your top from

>> No.9834735

I think it's from doing sit ups I have it too

>> No.9834938

Working out is modern cotoure

>> No.9834959

how do i get a body like this?

>> No.9834999


tbh nothing
just eat less if you aren't like that

>> No.9835021

>getting a semi before you take a pic

god damn you /fit/fags are gayer than I thought

>> No.9835259

whisper "grow grow grow" to yourself everyday

>> No.9835307

what's a good workout session without increasing the size of my legs?

>> No.9835513

Okey! Thanks

>> No.9835902
File: 192 KB, 666x1000, sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started working out. Gonna try to gain some muscle but i'm not really interested in bulking this close to summer so we'll see how it goes.
6'1, 29 inch waist.

>> No.9835919

Gain another few pounds of muscle and lose that tiny bit of fat so that your abs show and youll be perfect ottermode. Nice genes.

>> No.9835936

ITT: Grindr

>> No.9835996

Nice, but you should shave and get a tan.

>> No.9836037

lol you cut off your arms from the pic?

>> No.9836173

It's a mirror dumbfuck

>> No.9836178
File: 107 KB, 1000x1500, alex+meier[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOAT /fa/ body

>> No.9836186

this /fit/fags are gay as fuck

>> No.9836199
File: 541 KB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_1430001477496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malnutrition vs. Healthy diet and exercise
Who wins?

>> No.9836204

>shaving your pubes

does your daddy want you to look like a prepubescent boy when he fucks you in your ass with his big black dick?

>> No.9836239

he's actually gay and posts on /lgbt/
ive seen this pic there before, for reasons

>> No.9836258

>not shaving your pubes
enjoy girls being disgusted to go down on your smelly caveman niggerpubes
>b-but muh manliness

>> No.9836484

I've never had a woman ever comment negatively on my pubes and I've slept with well over a hundred. Woman want a man, not a little boy.

>> No.9836521

shoulders and six pack, especially the lower stomach muscles.

>> No.9836526


as a woman, i can actually say that i never minded pubic hair ever. in fact, if they shave, it means they care too much and are lame af

>> No.9836605

as a man, I've never even really minded pubic hair on a woman either. i don't need the women i sleep with to look like pre-teen little girls like a lot of the pedophiles and closeted faggots here do

>> No.9836621
File: 257 KB, 1536x1003, 20150501_132423~2~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't completely shave I trim and not everyday either sometimes I do let it grow
Lame af? Why

>> No.9836659

>Lame af? Why
i find the idea of it really weird, like you take a razor your your genitals and shave a bunch of it off for some reason, like you've always been insecure about your puberty or something. it makes you look like a little boy. not to mention the vanity that comes with such an action. it's nothing you should really worry about, so to shave it raises serious red flags for me

>> No.9837234

what would your father think of you taking pictures like this and posting them on the fashion subreddit of a chinese children's cartoon forun

>> No.9837510


>> No.9837515

i do it because the girls think my dick is extra long ;)

>> No.9837564
File: 64 KB, 434x540, 1431313275962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


other than almost certainly lying, you are also wrong. Unless you live in rural africa, trimming your pubes is at least expected if you want head

>> No.9837616

I see some irony in the fact that /you/ care so much about whether somebody else shaves. Some people are more comfortable shaven; trimming your pubes doesn't make you gay or insecure, and it isn't because of the daddy issues that you're projecting. I'm sorry that pubic hair triggers you, but it's not a big deal either way.

>> No.9837662

sorry you have to deceive people like that

well fuck where do you live? i live in america, i get head all the time, even with my bush. no1 cares.

>getting head
>not eating girls out then fucking their assholes

>> No.9838866

>needing to compensate for your little white dick

>> No.9838882

>Spot reduction
Guy needs to work his lats

>> No.9838898

wanna know how I know you're a manlet?

>> No.9838925

because he's asian?

>> No.9838998
File: 26 KB, 262x367, c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just gotta hit chest harder

>> No.9839056

good abs bro.
whats your ab routine?

>> No.9839068 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1002x597, 1417020190769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good abs bro.
>whats your ab routine?

>> No.9839096

hanging v's and other gymnastic style stuff.
theres a difference between having a solid core and visible abs

>> No.9839101

needs more traps too

>> No.9839103 [DELETED] 


>ab routine
>to improve the way your abs look
>which are totally based on your insertions


>> No.9839116

If you think your insertions are holding you back you got bigger issues.

yeah theyre pretty much nonexistent. gotta start shrugs.

>> No.9839131


>> No.9839153

Damn I didn't know Meier was such a hottie... he looks kind of chubby in clothes.

>> No.9839154
File: 1.80 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> patrician body coming through

>> No.9839213

please clean the cum stains off your mirror

it takes like 20 seconds with a bottle of 409 and a paper towel. to be honest, the fact that you don't do such minor things makes me not give a shit about how your body looks. i once went home with a smoking hot guy only to find his bathroom was an absolute mess, trash over flowing, no soap, dirty mirror, piss stains and pubic hair all over the toilet. ended up just walking out and not even telling him i was leaving

>> No.9839504

fuck me what happened to your ribs

>> No.9839514

You may have a "pectus" please visit a doctor for more information. It is normally harmless but you may get breathing problems with the age.

>> No.9840393

pls fugg my boipussy

>> No.9840460

this is my problem

i am ridiculously good looking but live with my white trash parents in a disgusting house

>> No.9840774

why don't you move out?

also, post body (and pics of white trash house)

>> No.9840959

nomen est omen

>> No.9840972

that feel when having become skinny fat from bulking while working out


>> No.9841345

>i am ridiculously good looking
pls let's not

>> No.9841384

Idk why this killed me

>> No.9841394

wb but that little pouch above your crotch is weird.

no bellybutton? its ok tho. wb

definitely a bottom

key your hips are bigger than mine

same body as ex bf, wb

>> No.9841433
File: 810 KB, 2448x3264, CameraZOOM-20150513210027925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost anything I had going muscle-wise these past two months. Now I'm just skinnyfat af. Any recs for a simple gym workout would be awesome. I already do a fair amount of cardio so I guess anything besides that

>> No.9841520

>image on front page of 4chan
>check out thread out of curiosity

Holy fuck /fa/ is annoying as shit

>> No.9841578
File: 326 KB, 1013x974, awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suicide mode

>> No.9841590


>cut soda and any sugary drinks entirely
>cut pizza and unnecessary carbs
>don't eat within an hour of bed
>drink a lot of water
>eat vegetables

lift a lot of heavy things

>> No.9841646

I know.. I started this thread to get opinions and advice on how to improve my figure, but the skellingtons of /fa/ started bitching out of insecurity.

>> No.9841801

bday: king of the skinnyfats

>> No.9841824


Oh I know all that already, still thanks for the advice! Pretty much the only soda I've had in recent memory is like 2 Baja Blasts when they came back. Normally drink ~100 oz of water a day.

But yeah, big part of the problem is being a poor college student and living at home and my dad is a manchild and won't eat vegetables so none are ever bought and any leftovers are 95% carbs. Luckily I should be able to afford to start buying a little bit myself with farmer markets starting back up.

About to get a promotion too which should allow me to move out and then hopefully I'll qualify for food stamps and can actually have a decent diet.

Other than that I'm just an apathetic lazy fuck who needs to do at least some bodyweight workouts as I imagine I'm like 30% BF now. Should be a bit easier to actually start up now since I dropped my antidepressant and have some energy again.

>> No.9841925

What a bunch of pale twigs ITT

>> No.9841936


>implying pale is bad

>> No.9842018

suntans are a result of too much exposure to uv rays, most literally cannot help it unless they want skin cancer
>inb4 spraying harmful chemicals on your skin for a fake tan

>> No.9842640


how big is your dick? cut or uncut? i need to know for ehh... reasons

>> No.9842660


Is /fit/ the most pathetic board on 4chan?

I've never seen a /fit/izen not get butthurt whenever anyone criticizes their lifestyle.

>> No.9842680

>>inb4 spraying harmful chemicals on your skin for a fake tan
I've probably inhaled my share of fake tanner spray. Also not recommended, though I'm sure my lungs are swarthy as fuck.

>I've never seen a /fit/izen not get butthurt whenever anyone criticizes their lifestyle.
There's a decent argument to be made that it's the most self-conscious, though rivaled closely by /fa/ and /cgl/.

>> No.9842731
File: 486 KB, 1536x1880, cXBejPh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be better
i-im not a robot

>> No.9842796

What else did you expect from a literal Fußballgott?

>> No.9842807
File: 1.19 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to tone up my stomach/chest?

>> No.9842846

plz fuck my boipussy
:( :(

>im serious.

>> No.9842849
File: 41 KB, 731x950, 371817-800w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ body

>> No.9842864
File: 102 KB, 500x750, IMG_1624.jpg.2048x1566_q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9842865

yaoi hands

>> No.9843075

Shit, that looks like me back when I was a 12 year old manlet. Not joking at all. I had that body.

>> No.9843139

I have pretty much the same shit going on, with a bit worse skin, admittedly

>> No.9843144

itt: faggots

>> No.9843163

thanks for the new jerk off material

>> No.9843215
File: 61 KB, 640x640, BIG BODY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i bulky enough /Fit/

>> No.9844090


>> No.9844498
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least will smith wont shoot you

>> No.9846722

i'd still roughly have my way with you, bday.
nice veins

>> No.9846726

your body looks like a 10 year olds

>> No.9846807

mirin those lats brother

>> No.9846830
File: 977 KB, 3240x1880, IMG759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you guys are pretty out of shape for people who spend hours daily online scorching the physiques of others.

>> No.9846845

nice dude. do you have a fitness regime? diet?

>> No.9846851

>says the dyel

>> No.9846859

you look like a 12 yo
get some traps pls

>> No.9846864
File: 1.47 MB, 1035x2099, skellly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skelly reportin

>> No.9846876
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20150514_234703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9847437


Gotta work those ta-tas more son

>> No.9847442 [DELETED] 

excuse me

>> No.9848387

Thanks. Yes I've been going to gym for two months now, but before that I was in competitive fighting.

>> No.9848391

those hips

>> No.9848394

Part of the reason why is because of the pose, but also this picture was taken off season, I'm a lot bigger and more vascular in the chest, traps, and shoulders now

>> No.9849387


>> No.9849420
File: 935 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small nips are effay

>> No.9850613


>> No.9850619

i have pepperoni nipples and i wish they were a lot smaller

my gf's nipples are like the size of nickels while mine are the size of 50 cent pieces

>> No.9850787
File: 3.81 MB, 5312x2988, 20150515_215106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my body fa?

>> No.9850804


Today. Anon was literally a faggot.

>> No.9850835

Just a reminder, if your not /fit/ and don't at least try to be, you'll eventually become /fat/ which is not /fa/ at all

>> No.9850863

how to get a decent looking body like the people here? im skinny af and turning to skinny fat. how do i start

>> No.9850867


Go to the gym, you lazy loser

>> No.9850874

i am planning on it. im doing my research and shit. but god its hard to pick a program that is right for me. or even understand the instructions. its like reading chinese.

>> No.9850879

This looks like a 12 yo Channing Tatum

>> No.9851251



>> No.9851838

looks like you're the one who was getting raped

>> No.9852858

Lmao wtf my thread is still here. I feel proud.

>> No.9852865

Lichlord tier.

>> No.9852867

Also pls tell us what you did to attain that body, op here, wanna get to that level

>> No.9853045 [DELETED] 
File: 387 KB, 1936x1936, IMG_3340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best ones in thread.

only ever been into running but over the past 5 months i've built upper more and cut during track season. pics are
start>1 month>3 month> 5 month

>> No.9853099

lol getting raided hard

>> No.9853486
File: 222 KB, 404x416, 1427133176549.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9853504

u wanna feel my muscles bday?

>> No.9853587
File: 181 KB, 1026x1608, DSC_0319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started at 176 lb
currently 168lb
working my way down to 150 lb with a 1000 Cal deficit

>> No.9853897


>> No.9853923

how the fuck i go from skinnyfat to skinny without gaining much muscles? i dont want to get thicker legs

>> No.9853964

I'm a model so I work out and eat very clean. At the time I was 6'2" 150. I have since put on more muscle so my routine and diet have changed but here's a rough outline of my diet and routine at the time.

Oats/Muesli with fruit, greek yogurt, and nuts
>Salad with nuts cheese and berries, Oil olive and vinegar, or Brown Rice/Avocado/Fried Egg
>Chicken Breast with kale or broccoli
>nuts, berries, cheese, sardines.


>Stairs or Jump rope (interval training) 3-5 times a week

>High rep low weight and pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups 3-5 times per week

>> No.9854129

You don't typically gain muscle when losing weight.

>> No.9854735

Is that your tampon anon?

>> No.9854764
File: 65 KB, 541x960, goodfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shows off my weight and hand (no "s")

>> No.9855733

I am a skinny fag, and i want to get that body, whats your height and weight? healthiest look for me, easier to get muscles and look well