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/fa/ - Fashion

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9810896 No.9810896 [Reply] [Original]

Is dying your hair white /fa/? How do you go about doing this? What are the setbacks to it?How much does it cost? I'm really considering it.

inb4 hair thread

>> No.9810912

Only if you're Christie from DOA or Storm

>> No.9810919

Go to a salon and have it done

>> No.9810951

Ive been thinking of going white but im a black girl with okay aesthetics, should i go for it?

>> No.9810954

post pic qt

>> No.9810956

i thought i was the only black girl on /fa/ fuck off u poser

>> No.9810957

saying this without a pic...

and no, you gonna look like you're Storm.

>> No.9810963

Depends on your face. Black girls with blonde hair are hit or miss

>> No.9811000


I'm not posting a pic. The reason I say "okay" aesthetics is because I despise every single aspect of my appearance, but I'm told that I'm cute by strangers and when I posted here in a facial aesthetics thread a couple years ago, the comments that weren't calling me a nigger generally said I have great aesthetics.

I mean, I know contrast is usually a good thing and I always thought it'd fit my artsy style, but wonder if a mature grey-ish white would look bad against my dark complexion.

>> No.9811011

link the thread from warosu or calling bullshit. im p sure i look better than u either way

>> No.9811026

I'm pretty sure you do to be quite honest with you

>> No.9811037

Please stop trying to derail this thread. I'm just asking simple questions. Please

>> No.9811046

Do you have storm's face structure? If so dye it white, if you are glozell tier don't try it.

>> No.9811052

Why are you such a douchebag

>> No.9811058

You probably won't get an answer unless you post a pic, general as fuck words like "cute," and "okay" mean nothing. So post a pic if you don't want the thread to derail.

>> No.9811070

Im OP. I'm not a girl. Just asking its general consensus on the hair and its health factors.

>> No.9811084


post face but most likely no

>> No.9811090

look, the easiest way for us to see if white hair will work for you is to post your fuckin face.

>> No.9811099

Bitch fiiiiight

>> No.9811101

Ahahaha Sachia I know you are here somewhere or you started this thread. Your hair is /fa/ as fuck don't worry

>> No.9811111

If you are already blond it can look good, but it looks pretty bad on brunettes especially because of their muddled complexions and colorations. Some Asians seem to pull it off though.

>> No.9811121

>tfw white guy w/ jungle fever
Pls be in SoCal

>> No.9811126

Ugh guys this isn't me, I'm OP but I gues msaybe forget about it I might do it anyway and hope for good reactions

>> No.9811134

Oh hey! You missed me months ago. I'm actually from San Diego but sadly I reside in Texas now

>> No.9811142

W2C glasses Ive been looking for them everywhere but can only find them on ebay

>> No.9811144

gtfo jew faggot

>> No.9811158
File: 118 KB, 600x868, mp928743_1422969439668_3_th_fv23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been really considering it too. I would get it done at professional for the first time though.
I've already been growing out my hair and aiming for cut/length like here and then I saw pics of this guy.
More info: I'm pale guy with medium-dark brown hair.

>> No.9811169
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it

>> No.9811175

My girlfriend and I have been talking about dying our hair together.
She want's silver highlights but I was thinking of maybe getting a singular streak of hair like some Sweeney Tood or just doing the whole thing.
Still not sure.

>> No.9811177

back to /pol/ cunt, I'm not a kike, I just want to fuck a black chick whys that so wrong, its not like I'm breeding with her, or are you just a jealous nigger?

>> No.9811179

Should have mentioned this, but she's black too.

>> No.9811185

What if you're a dude with a (slight) beard?

Like, I'm an asian dude, I had white hair before, and that looked good, but I was clean-shaven then. Would the contrast in black facial hair and white head hair be a bad thing?

I've never really tried that combination, so if anyone has opinions on something like that I would be interested to know.

>> No.9811193

to be more formal, stfu rob

>> No.9811194
File: 338 KB, 900x1190, wenn21335497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not feeling it

>> No.9811195

OP back her again. Would if I have slightly darker skin. Skin dark enough I could pass off as a jap. So not that dark

>> No.9811217

how would white hair look with a jewfro? cuz i have a jewfro and i want white hair. how damaging is it?

>> No.9811218

Hmm…you can get whiter than that, though. Like, that still looks somewhat yellow to me. I mean WHITE white. Still, I get your point. It's a bit weird.

Would you choose the white hair and go clean shaven, or keep the facial hair and change the hair back to black?

>> No.9811242

>asian dude
>white hair
>looked good
hahahahhahaha pretty sure you looked like some weird ass anime dude and people were laughing at you

>> No.9811259

Actually, not really. People did compliment me a few times (also partly in surprise that I could get black hair that white), but yeah, I met a bunch of my old high school friends that summer, and (according to a good friend of mine) word spread that I had bleached my hair and that it looked pretty good. I mean, sure, maybe she was lying to be nice, but in that case, she probably wouldn't have brought up anything at that point, and I can usually tell if she's BSing me anyway. But yeah, sure, whatever.

>> No.9811276


if your gf is black really advise against going silver she's gonna look like storm from x-men lmao. you and your girl should just shave both your heads and go full shaka zulu tribal niggercore I mean full disc in the lips, mutilate her clit, get aids; go all out for yr fit bro

>> No.9811335


actually it's a common fad in japan for guys to color their hair blonde/white

>> No.9811345
File: 275 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20141017_0009152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would i be able to do it?

>> No.9811346

To be fair, I live in the States. Then again, the population was largely asian/mixed race, however that ties into the whole thing.

>> No.9811349
File: 187 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 4-10-15 at 5.09 PM #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting our hero Rob

>> No.9811351
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>> No.9811352
File: 48 KB, 720x960, 5lSIK9P[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9811362

wtf is with those ugly duck lips man it looks like a hoard of bees stung the fuck out of his lips, and those cum stained bug eyes not to mention that shit speckled face. it even looks inflammed

>> No.9811363

forgot to change the filename, rob


>> No.9811368

>trying this hard

>> No.9811371

thats not the best part of me and thats a really bad picture, in general i look good enough to be called attractive, u can shit post and hate continuously it will back lash. expect some shit to hit u

>> No.9811374

not ttrying hard he just looks really unapealing

>> No.9811380

Why would you ever post that

>> No.9811381

your hair is bad even for black people's standards
also you're fat
end of discussion
rob is a qt man

>> No.9811391

>also you're fat

Dude, she's not fat, are you kidding me?
I get it, it's fit, you're all models, but come on, she ain't fat.

>> No.9811397

im not at all fat versace u literally have no proof im fat and i flat ironned my hair, i can easily fix it to look better if i condition it to it just has to grow out, stop being such a waste of my time and say something worth investing in

>> No.9811402

you dont get it

>> No.9811406

This thread is going off the rails real quick.

>> No.9811407

some1 call pigfuck we got a nigger sighting

>> No.9811408
File: 28 KB, 500x205, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post
Do you need a hug?

>> No.9811412

you're 5 ft 7 130 lbs

thats fat

your voice is repulsive your hair is disgusting your style is non existent and i'm pretty sure you're actually autistic based on the shit you said in skype and tinychat

>> No.9811413

On 5/1/15, at 5:18 PM, triggered :-þ wrote:
sorry but theres honestly an underlying feeling of dislike towards u guys and that was when i was removed, i dont take it seriously either esp since they can never take anything i say lightly or even doubt that im really stupid as i make myself look like wtf its no big deal amn, and the way they describe me "autistic" or make me feel pleb is annoying too but w/e its nelson's bant about chat was prety accurate and i actually agree with him on it and anyway what else? oh yeah just dont call me that 15 year old black girl it gets me SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO infuriated.. im obviously not going to be myself around ppl who make me uncomfortable , and i actually attempt to get u guys but ur so confusing like what do u mean im a "normie" holy shit u guys are like sooooooooooo prententious man like jesuuuuuuussss christ why cant u give me a chance im not even used to this thing gosh treat ur new friend with respect i cna jus leave rn and not give a fuck ok srsly stop and i wont act formally until i udnerstand u and u guys have an idea of who i am bc u all seem to forget each day GOSH its been 2 weeks and im still a stranger to u guys ughhh. and btw ROB I DO HAVE FRIENDS, A LOT OF THEM OKAY? I JUST CANT CONTACT MUCH OF THEM BECAUSE I HAVE NO FUN OK SO THANK U FOR THAT COMPLIMENT U GAVE ME BEFORE
If you thinking She can't be serious just try to coordinate with me OKAY

>> No.9811422

oh,hello, cow boy

>> No.9811425
File: 36 KB, 457x380, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious daddy issues if this is real

>> No.9811432

nice repost it will definately give me a good upvote in this board, thanks man. you guys really are just a bunch circle jerks who over react over the dumbest shit its amazing you're all so delusional u think ur different from the norm for some reason and treat me accordingly because im a "misfit". I would only care about this shit if it wasnt all light heartily done.
I actually fucking love this shit, you're showing the whole of /fa/ how retarded you are to not only fall for my ridiculous obvious bait but this whole thing with the online group chat. I would be embarassed if i were you man.

>> No.9811435

first ashley now betsy
you kno we're getting pretty good at this
it is....unfortunately

>> No.9811436

not real trust me. they fell hard for bait tho

>> No.9811438

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.9811439

can someone put this gross nigger out of her misery?

why is it tripping on a fashion board?

>> No.9811441
File: 80 KB, 786x751, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking normies lmao, she SERIOUSLY doesn't get it oh god I can't even tell if she's just baiting, how long have you been on /fa/ ffs do you even go on other boards? You're embarrassing yourself for the love of god just turn off your phone and leave, I'm trying to help you here

>> No.9811444

versace ur taking this so seriously man im getting a different effect from this bc i see ur taking this to the heart and i feel really bad. like cmon man u cant be this dumb i even said multiple times i was being meta yet u just couldnt resist embracing ur inner retardation. god damn

>> No.9811448

>i was only pretending to be a nigger

>> No.9811449

>being meta

betsy just turn off the computer and stop posting

>> No.9811452

im assuming you are too? this is like another justin bieber thing where people overreact over some kid doing kid shit, its so stupid

please explain, really tell me how much of an oldfag u are acient one, tell me your years of browsing on 4chan and fapping to your anime waifus. there is something i need to learn isnt there.

fyi this is not my first board, ive been on 4chan for a long time and i just wen ton /fa/ bc i was into fashion. boom?

>> No.9811454

I wanted to get my hair dyed white and was told it would cost about $1200 and take eight hours. I have thick, almost-black hair naturally

>> No.9811455

watching this thread like a hawk funniest shit in ages

>> No.9811457

listen, i dont know who you are, but nobody likes you here or ever will

we're going to be causing you some trouble in the future if you continue to post here with your trip

it'd save you alot of trouble and your sanity if you just stopped posting now

just a heads up, there's has been more than one female trip that has killed herself here, we wouldnt want u to be one of them, would we? :^)

>> No.9811460

cool m8 :))))
im good, oh dont forget to make a chain of screenshots and repost this thread incessantly to remind /fa/ how alpha you are

>> No.9811461

she's 15

>> No.9811464

........well hopefully it doesn't cost 1200$ for someone with thin light hair
o b o y
you just don't get it

>> No.9811469

wow you
>here's has been more than one female trip that has killed herself here, we wouldnt want u to be one of them, would we

holy shit you come in a pack what a fucking badass, oh no you make the bodies drop here huh? woooh what a smooth killer man im so scared.

yeah something this stupid isnt something worth offing myself to. i would rather do it if 1d departed or if half 3 life was confirmed but this? dont get me started

>> No.9811474

i actually do know what you mean by "normie" but that shit you entitle newbs and people who arent used to this side of the internet, or even contain the same characteristics is pure foolishness and dumb. anyone who uses that word against someone should an hero

>> No.9811476

who wants more pics of this jungle nigger beast lol

>> No.9811479

Why do you try so hard to be accepted by a group that hates you? Oh that's right, because you're a special snowflake that can't even begin to imagine any sane person as not liking you. So we must all be crazy right?
fapping to waifus isn't /fa/ bitch, get the fuck off my board

>> No.9811483

i didn't call you a normie?

>> No.9811493

i dont want to be accepted in the group i dont want to sound manipulated which is what i was trying to avoid but i was just experimenting you guys and i already knew what to expect, it was all fun while it lasted and was only a game i played and tried to out until it was game over, cringe example ik but its true and if i cared so much about the group chat i wouldnt be half annoying or fake around them. i just pretended to be desperate and new af so snails can add me in group in sympathy and well everything i did gave the expected results and i dont mind at all. i can change the game but nah its not worth my time anymore. every1 there is a lame

>> No.9811496

>Damage control
You're psychotic

>> No.9811497

My response was directed to your statement about me not getting the term "Normie"

>> No.9811499
File: 30 KB, 480x640, XKCtGCq[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahaaaaa what the fuck

>> No.9811501

Holy fuck, $1200 is someone just tryin to rip you.

>> No.9811502

I would of taken that comment seriously if it wasn't on a anonymous image board saturated in mental escape patients. i dont use damage control its only the truth

>> No.9811508

Believe whatever you want to make yourself feel better :^)

>> No.9811509

would i be able to do it?

>> No.9811516

Do it pls

>> No.9811517

why would i believe it for myself if im the one pursuing it? its basically reality at this point

>> No.9811525

post some1 you think you look like
like really look like, not like, they look like you if u had no flaws look like you.

bc its something that u can't just tell everyone to get, a lot of people would look like ass with it.

I would love to dye my hair white but I also know it would look atrocious

>> No.9811526

Niggah lmao

>> No.9811547
File: 1.17 MB, 374x352, this_stupid_trip_edrama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can pull it off as long as you go for a more blue shade of white. Also, do you think you're hair is going to be able to survive the hair dye and look healthy enough afterwards? Something to consider.

>> No.9811677

tripfag just kill yourself already thx

>> No.9811680

seriously pls die and take your autism with you

>> No.9811681

you cant break me, and why are u even following with fashion killing cult? oh wait i forgot ur not a norrmie and ur trying ur best to be cool on /fa/ oh i see

>> No.9811683

yeah ok normie girl keep telling yourself that, i'm not the one tripfagging

>> No.9811684

I wonder if you guys think this is working, /fa/ has really reached a downfall but so has this whole website and you a literally going to a dead end with this, just stop.

>> No.9811686

just gunna assume thats some cheap bait shit

>> No.9811688

I wonder if this girl knows we are hackers and we can kill her family,... in telling /b/ abot this....

>> No.9811689

:^) as i said, tell yourself whatever you want if it makes you feel better, delusional tripfag

>> No.9811697

oh no now theres a l33t haxtor after my arse oshit
same to you cap'n
this is all to contradicting

>> No.9811700

>I dont want approval/attentio from /fa/ xxxxDDDD
>still posting

>> No.9811706

still posting, i can do whatever the fuck i want m8
probably one of those frequent fags who post those sickening fits gtfo here

>> No.9811707

oh girl your so punk rokc ಠ‿ಠ xDDD

>> No.9811715

>trying so hard to strike a chord yet missing horribly every time
I dont post fits on /fa/ because I dont need approval, unlike you, how else would you explain the pictures and the trip lmao

>> No.9811718

Ah! Fuck! So sad!

>> No.9811723


dont feed these fuckface trolls they are entirely not worth it

>> No.9811726

Ah! Fuck! So sad!

>> No.9811743

i didn't post those pictures u autismo

>> No.9811771

Ah! Fuck! So sad!