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File: 28 KB, 640x480, too hot to handle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9803491 No.9803491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

who /devilish/ here

>> No.9803499
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>> No.9803503


>> No.9803510




>> No.9803515

damn cucked in his own thread wow

>> No.9803521

Quarterback how did you start browsing this website? Did you grow up with wealthy white friends? How come you aren't /niggerish/? What made you stay away from the thuggin? This is a legit question btw.

>> No.9803525

Fourth ban today? Don't you ever think this is sad?

>> No.9803526
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>> No.9803530
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what are you gonna do about it fag?

>> No.9803535
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what is this christmas island looking pineapple headed freak doing in my thread?

>> No.9803538

Quarterback is better looking than you, pigfuck. Call me a cuck all you want, we both know it's true.

>> No.9803539

I've been browsing 4chan on and off for a long time. Since I've always been into video games and shit, I ended up pc gaming and was curious about the so called "cesspool" called 4chan that everyone talked about. I found it to be a rather honest place, rather than scary that everyone claimed it to be. I browse more out of habit than anything else.

I'm not a thug nor do I ever claim to be. I never grew up in the hood, middle class predominately white suburbs. I played sports and stayed active with school, and stayed out of trouble. 4chan helped me grow a thick skin, so all the racism I've encountered growing up wasn't a real problem.

>> No.9803540
File: 923 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mvrvzfTVq41sjn7iao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to the racist shit already?

>> No.9803541

said the cuck while masturbating to his pics
theres no need to hide it friend, come out

>> No.9803546
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 1423402789972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to make less ridiculous claims if you want me to do anything but laugh


>quarterback doesnt look like a monkey!

that way ill take you seriously

>> No.9803550

LOL no

I am what you'd consider a liberal but jesus lol, just no.

>> No.9803551


youre a literal cuck son

>> No.9803552
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Your trying too hard.

>> No.9803553

Nice. You seem like a cool guy. There is quite a bit of /black/ people that browse this board. FLIX and Al( Even though he hasn't posted in awhile) but I just think it's interesting because black people where I live don't know what the fuck a 4chan is. Just weird how you got into this whole internet culture.

>> No.9803557
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>> No.9803560
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>> No.9803564

>here is quite a bit of /black/ people that browse this board
we're working on a solution to that problem.

>> No.9803569
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I hope one day you'll find help for your mental illnesses, pigfuck.

>> No.9803570

10 times the man you'll never be, piggie

>> No.9803571

I don't mind black people. I hate niggers, fags, trannies,weebos and other degnerates. People like QB,Al, and FLIX are capable of not chimping.

>> No.9803575

You can't stop me.

>> No.9803577

>le chris rock meme

the only difference between a nigger and a black person is situational. exceptions apply but the human race would lose nothing if they were all wiped out.

>> No.9803580

u mad piggie lol
oh he mad
oh yes he is mad the piig


>> No.9803581

who /inlovewithpigfuck/ here?

>> No.9803584

I agree with you but since that's not going to happen then I would suggest allying with the blacks and shunning the niggers.

>> No.9803588

lets not get silly

>> No.9803594

pigfuck more like big cuck

>> No.9803601


that applies to every race u mad cumskin

fact is youre a literal cuckold who posts pictures of his used girlfriends asshole so nerds in the internet masturabate to it, literal degeneracy

>> No.9803603

if there were blacks who would reject the majority of the subhuman kin, hold no resentment for the white man, were capable of rational and critical thought and would side with the white man over the majority of the black population in the name of the greater good i would work with them.

fact is even the ones moderates consider 'black people' are often race baiting, white hating resentful shits as well, look at obama.

>> No.9803605

What do you think of gooks and spics?

>> No.9803607

do niggers think this is the equivalent of shitskin or something lmao

gets me every time

i cant imagine what itd be like being a nigger and having no incendiary racial slurs for the white race, everything a nigger has in his arsenal is totally ineffectual


oh how horrible, please stop!

fucking monkeys man.

>> No.9803612
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>This is a legit question btw.

>> No.9803617

they're ok, they dont belong in white countries though. i am separatist before i am a supremacist. although i think africa is totally wasted on the blacks. i would absolutely advocate a recolonization followed by depopulation, sterilisation and eugenics program for the negro.

>> No.9803625

show the goods love.

>> No.9803627

>negative canthal tilt


>> No.9803631
File: 555 KB, 572x602, yfw god exists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you knew about the term before i wrote it on /fa/

its called angles dumb dumb. i have a positive canthal tilt.

>> No.9803635

i would be on your side if you were even white you faggot, get the fuck outta here ugly fuck.

>> No.9803637

this is my favorite pic of yours <3

>> No.9803640

I knew about that term long before i came on here pigcuck, i don't even usually pay attention to your weak b8 threads, but thanks for posting a more clear picture where I can see your neg tilt even clearer.

You have a shit eye area/neg tilt

shit eyebrows


weak cheekbones


good chin though

Now go back to sluthate faggot.

>> No.9803645


every single thing you think whites invented were stolen from the blacks/asians/arabs, lol. that includes every single classical instrument, modern medicine, mathematics.. If there's one thing the whites are actually good at it's murder and theft. Whites stole America, killed everyone and then half of them decided to steal America from themselves, hahah.

>> No.9803644

tbh QB probably looks more fuckable to 90% of women than piggy

piggy isn't head-turningly handsome and thus on a similar league with QB in terms of looks

he's handsome to a point where if you asked somebody they'd be like, 'yeah he's pretty good looking i guess'

except QB has the nice, approachable black guy persona with a familiar personality, which gives him bonus points with 21st century lib girls (which is a pretty huge subset of girls these days) who want that entry level BBC

sorry if this rustles any jimmies

>> No.9803646

calm down monkey magic, you seem irrational and jealous, not the kind of negro we whites need for cannon fodder at all.

>> No.9803648


lmao this filthy cumskin is mad as fuck

why are cumskins so fucking disgusting and retarded?

>> No.9803651

i think only attractive people appreciate pigfuck's looks, i am a dude who is also really attractive and i can absolutely see why everyone thinks hes so hot, but /fa/ has a lot of ugly people who don't recognize what it means to be attractive.

just my opinion

>> No.9803655


he has positive tilt in the second pic, its obvious.

>> No.9803659
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>> No.9803660

who said im black dumbass

>> No.9803661
File: 48 KB, 343x424, you were saying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine how fucking fanny fucked you'd have to be to write all that out

>> No.9803663

ugly cumskin

>> No.9803667

itt mad cumskins btfo

>> No.9803670

Took literally 1 minute, you know i'm right on everything i said.

>> No.9803672

looking at this thread can anyone deny im the most popular, loved, divisive, jealousy inspiring, jimmy rustling, coon killing, kike hating, liberal flustering man this board has ever seen?

>> No.9803683


>> No.9803684

So sad that most sheltered white girls are liberal. They just don't know what it's like to be around the chimpanzees every day. They'll learn once the country is in ruins.

>> No.9803686
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>> No.9803687
File: 454 KB, 960x1280, IMG_7316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you can repeat it as much as you like fact is(and it is a fact) im whats known as a 99th percentile male, i have an iq of 135, im hot as fuck, white, tall, funny, impeccable taste, i am the complete package.

most of you should count yourselves lucky that you're even interacting with someone like me

>> No.9803691

You look like one of those retard children who was born with a massively oblong head.

How often do you cut yourself for not being blonde or blue eyed? How often do you cry at being considered degenerate by the very ideology you live by?

>> No.9803692
File: 450 KB, 752x941, CIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're an absolute madman

>> No.9803697

lets be honest man you take selfies all day and walk past people becuase of your lack of social interaction. you're ugly and samefag all day. pathetic. not even fucking aryan masterrace.

>> No.9803698

u forgot QWERTY the only black girl on fa

>> No.9803699

not him but only thing i would agree with is weak eyebrow game but some people like the bushy look. the rest was pretty obviously you being angry at marty.

>> No.9803700

bro you're legit ugly compared to me, I'm signed to 2 international agencies. Also look at those eyes lmao

>i-its just a-a-angles, I don't have n-n-negative tilt!!


>> No.9803701
File: 1.96 MB, 1628x2032, Mephisto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know nothing about it, fucbois.

>> No.9803703

I'm a model, my job is being attractive. PF isn't ugly, he's average. Jaw and overall bone structure are good, aside from a serious case of neanderthal brow, his problem is all of his facial features look off. They're too small for someone with such a big head.

PF, get contacts and do something about those godawful eyebrows because they honestly look like some 14yo's first moustache.

>> No.9803705

daily reminder that mad cumskins will spam threads everyday to compensate for their shitty lifes

daily reminded that cumskins will be gone soon, cumskin holocaust when

>> No.9803707

It's obvious that pic is somewhat distorted

Why can't people understand camera lenses in 2015

>> No.9803711

>everyone thinks hes so hot

vice president of piggy's fanclub pls go


you forcefully memed yourself into being a prevailing figure on this board. a board which happens to be the fashion board of the meme epicenter largely populated by defunct teens.

yeah, it worked, but is that a title you really want to have and be proud of

>> No.9803712
File: 74 KB, 480x640, 86498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get into landscaping piggy
uni is shit

>> No.9803713
File: 161 KB, 1080x1776, 1430345725070_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pigfuck am I 99th percentile male? I have an IQ of 130 and I'm 6'2.

>> No.9803716

I understand it, it doesn't stretch the face to pigcuck's level. His face is too bony and neanderthal-like. It's like he hasn't evolved. I literally want to take a hammer to it and smash it because it looks so offensive.

>> No.9803717
File: 611 KB, 1433x3147, domineerring scowl power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would literally pay anyone itt to prove they're even in my league let alone as attractive as me.

itll never happen though, jealousy breeds hate

>tfw 9.5/10

>> No.9803730

>understand it, it doesn't stretch the face to pigcuck's level. His face is too bony and neanderthal-like
these are desired traits in modelling, go roleplay somewhere else. you keep talking about his brow but his brow is probably one of the most sought after and rare things he has tbh, i dont think you know what your talking about.

>> No.9803733

if you were even somewhat serious and mentally capable of seeing yourself as completely unremarkable and average faced guy you are i'd post a pic, but nah.

>> No.9803737

i dont landscape, although i would if such a job was available, outdoors work like that is the best.

you look young but nice, give your face time to mature i foresee good things.

>> No.9803739

handsome dubs u got there

>> No.9803743

Regardless, they aren't arranged in an attractive way, else pigcuck would be a model by now and stop shitposting.

Many models are ugly too.

Models like Francisco Luchowski does not have pigcuck's level of boniness, he looks balanced and handsome.

I definitely know what I'm talking about.

>> No.9803745

Thanks pigfuck. I support your movement on an ironic level.

>> No.9803746


>> No.9803747
File: 1.95 MB, 265x308, 1425147089264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa, so many cringe threads here

>> No.9803750
File: 320 KB, 384x354, super cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'd post a pic, but nah.

another one bites the dust, who can compare to the great one?

i will literally stop posting forever if someone can post a selfie that proves they're even NEAR my attractiveness.

>> No.9803756

No you don't. And you're definitely not a model lul

Plenty of people are out there who could be models but aren't. What a stupid argument, that means nothing.

>> No.9803760

hi pigfuck

>> No.9803763

look at this backpedaling roleplayer, i have modeled, it doesnt pay well and the hours are shit, i am also too old now to pursue with a good agency to make a career out of.

the other anon was right, you dont know what you're talking about, my browridge is one of my best features and total rarity/commodity in modeling, my only flaws(so im told) are my eyes not as big as they could be and my mouth could be a little bigger.

stay in school kids.

>> No.9803767

true dubs

>> No.9803771

hi i do not own a camera but i am a very attractive black female who has a much more superior aesthetic than you. Don't you worry martie ill show you once I buy a cam. You will see the unholy.