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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 139 KB, 640x640, 11005062_690314131077674_89636910_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9800475 No.9800475 [Reply] [Original]

is this shemale /fa/?

she models occasionally

and her fans want her to become a victoria's secret angel.

your thoughts?

>> No.9800483
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 10994987_1578500965741464_344892664_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9800492
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 10453861_557367847713091_1647112156_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9800505
File: 89 KB, 650x975, 71a70e3c0aafb8e181aa0c8c56685a90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tits too fake 2b victoria's secret angel.

>> No.9800508


that's a bad pic of her.

but yeah tits 2 fake

>> No.9800530
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 10954748_756939721048653_620569850_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9800602

he looks disgusting as fuck

>> No.9800605


>> No.9800607

besides how absolutely DEGENERATE this is:

no thigh gap
face not pretty enough
big, thick, frame (because it's a MAN)

>> No.9800650

Word to, I'd still hit it.

>> No.9800683


i like my women thicc

>> No.9800691
File: 163 KB, 512x1024, B-BKQABIUAASP_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9800711

Fucking disgusting. If she becomes a VS model there is no hope for this world.

>> No.9800722


how do you like your men? because that's a DUDE.

remember: it's a not chick with a dick, it's a dude with tits.

>> No.9800724

oh lawd

>> No.9800746

It's 2015, get over it.

>> No.9800760

I won't get over it. That's fucking disgusting. Anyone who does this shit has a mental illness. I'm not gonna try to stop them but holy fuck that shit is wack. Nigga was born with a dick why did he have to go cut it off and drill a hole between his legs? What sane person would do that shit. Fucking ewww. Get it the fuck away from me.

>> No.9800767

My nigga... I think you need to be real with yourself. That's all I'm going to say.

>> No.9800774

I am real with myself. These niggas are the ones aren't being real. If they were being real they wouldn't want to change their self to be fake.

>> No.9800782

he's right about the mental illness though

>> No.9800799

oh is he now

>> No.9800806

yah does that make you mad? Why do you think most trannies commit suicide?

>> No.9800810

i agree

i know the big liberal trend right now is to accept these people but what we really need to be doing is putting them into mental rehabilitation centers where someone can cure them. it's filthy and disgusting and i don't want my future kids seeing it.

>> No.9800813

just suck me

>> No.9800818
File: 272 KB, 1080x1088, xunya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she isnt. But Xunya/Berry is my favorite dressed trap.

>> No.9800820

everyone suck me

>> No.9800821

Don't feed these niggas. It's not solving anything.

>> No.9800826
File: 275 KB, 1080x1088, xunya1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who has her/his nudes?

>> No.9800834

The only thing that can solve this problem is a bullet to the dome.

>> No.9800844

suck me

>> No.9800849

Alright, man. I hope all goes well in your life.

>> No.9800890

guess she's not quite /fa/ she's like classic celebrity wear, looks nice but not unique/?????

>> No.9801065

that persons not going to be a Victoria secret angel ever. too much weight and has the bone structure of a man.

>> No.9801068

meant to quote>>9800475

>> No.9801080

yes he is

being a tranny is literally called having a gender identity disorder, however for some reason it's not being treated like a disorder, doctors and super left wing liberals are pushing the idea that we should let these people indulge their disorder, instead of treating it for what it is. i say super left wing liberal as a mostly democratic voter.

>> No.9801085

“Transgender” is a Mental Illness and Should be Treated as such: Former Johns Hopkins Chief Psychiatrist

>The “transgender” craze currently being promoted by the controlled mass media as “the next civil rights frontier” is in fact a mental illness and its promotion is aiding and abetting mental disorders, the former chief psychiatrist for the Johns Hopkins Hospital has said.
>Dr. Paul R. McHugh, who is currently Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at the world-famous hospital, also said that sex changes were “biologically impossible” and that those doctors who “promote sexual reassignment surgery are collaborating with and promoting a mental disorder.”
>In addition, he said, “transgenderism is a mental disorder that merits treatment” like society would treat other mental disorders, and it should not be catered to by the media or the medical profession in the way that it is.
>Dr. McHugh, who is the author of six books and at least 125 peer-reviewed medical articles, made his remarks in an article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Transgender Surgery Isn’t the Solution”, in which he explained that transgender surgery is not the solution for people who suffer a “disorder of ‘assumption’”—the notion that their maleness or femaleness is different than what nature assigned to them biologically.
>In support of his opinion, he pointed to a recent study which showed that the suicide rate among “transgendered” people who had reassignment surgery is 20 times higher than the suicide rate among normal people.
>Dr. McHugh also pointed out studies from Vanderbilt University and London’s Portman Clinic of children who had expressed transgender feelings but for whom, over time, 70–80 percent “spontaneously lost those feelings”

>> No.9801088

everyone suck me

>> No.9801092

It doesn't take a PhD to realize this if you aren't halfway retarded. I don't see how people see it as anything else.

>> No.9801093

thank you based Paul McHugh
reminder that if you are a disgusting tranny you will never be effay no matter how hard you try

>> No.9801102

>gets called out for being fundamentally wrong
>"i can't come up with anything intelligent or constructive to rebut with lol ill just write suck me over and over again, that'll show em"

>> No.9801106

dont worry about that person. They'll off themselves sooner or later anyways.

>> No.9801107

suck me

i'm peeing on everyone i dislike itt

>> No.9801114


It's not even in the top 5 trannies i've seen, and i haven't seen that many. fucking SJWs man.

>> No.9801116

I don't know if fa, but I'd definitely suck his dick.

>> No.9801140

definitely not /fa/. please leave

off yourself already tranny, you know it's gonna happen sooner or later

>> No.9801143
File: 98 KB, 640x640, 2e0a62443f5c11e3a67b22000a9e0056_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9801156
File: 47 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nkld51JQPd1ric2iqo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for someone who transitioned later in life she looks good imo

>> No.9801172
File: 359 KB, 800x1101, Andreja_Pejic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious lack of Andreja in this trans model thread

>> No.9801182
File: 787 KB, 800x1200, 1430754798022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can post as many pics of that mutilated mentally ill monster as you like you faggot, it wont change anything.

i'd love to see that faggot mods face now, after he allows these degenerate threads in an attempt to corrupt the softheads of /fa/ the cuck and the kikes got BTFO.

made my fucking day.

tranny sympathisers, liberals and kikes go back to reddit.

>> No.9801186

dont you dare encourage this you indian swine or ill post the candle pic.

>> No.9801188
File: 130 KB, 484x461, 1427754992945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9801192
File: 19 KB, 364x310, throwing_up0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could personally shoot all of these abominations.

>> No.9801195


>> No.9801199

Typical hick Dominican.

>> No.9801215
File: 231 KB, 2000x1000, o-ANDREJA-PEJIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801224 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 343x424, you were saying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most of these lunatics kill themselves anyway

feels good man

>> No.9801231

yeah, she does. how old was she?


>> No.9801234

Is this pigfuck?

>> No.9801247 [DELETED] 
File: 485 KB, 750x782, aids.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


since this thread is quite clearly propaganda, lets post some examples of faggot degeneracy so as to ensure a balanced perspective.

>> No.9801252
File: 19 KB, 685x587, Tim_Cook_Quotes_1_685x587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping degeneracy.

>> No.9801253
File: 76 KB, 650x366, andreja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9801256
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>> No.9801261 [DELETED] 
File: 1.12 MB, 1429x2000, 1390459659462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more depravity from the lgbt community that the kike media wants you to believe is healthy, well adjusted, wholesome, and of course superior to the traditional family unit.

>> No.9801264 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 492x619, 1405337569383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two dads are better than one! ;)))))

>> No.9801267

Welcome to the real girl world, with that face, rectangle body and those knees s/he isn't getting anywhere near the runway without tickets.

>> No.9801302

This shit I don't really care about. Transgendered, gay, what the fuck ever, identify as a rocking horse if you want to.
This shit, however, is fucking sinister and legitimately more depraved than all of the gore shit that I've seen on this website in years. Bugchasing is the most horrific subcultural phenomenon I've ever heard of.

>> No.9801328 [DELETED] 

you dont care about gays and lesbians adopting innocent children and molesting, corrupting, raping, neglecting, and forcing them to take hormones?

ice cold son.

>> No.9801330

its not better, but its not worse either

>> No.9801340 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 963x908, lesbo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong fagboy, children raised by homosexual couples are almost always worse off.

>mfw faggots have an uninformed opinion shaped by the msm near me

>> No.9801341

That image is super reactionary and sensational. The vast minority of gay parents do shit like that to their kids. I'm sure straight, progressive-identifying moms probably do more hormone shit to their kids than most of the gay community.

>> No.9801355

So I got scouted today but like the agent only saw a pretty boy with small tits, I'm androgynous but like should I mention being trans at all?????

>> No.9801357 [DELETED] 

you guys want these things adopting your kids

Abused "More Likely to Be Gay"

CDC: 94 to 95 Percent of HIV Cases Among Young Men Linked to Gay Sex

Homosexual Men Have Fifty Times Higher Rate of AIDS

Bug Chasing Why Some Men Want to Become HIV Positive

STD Facts - Syphilis & MSM

Viral Hepatitis Populations - Men Who Have Sex with Men

Drug Use "Seven Times Higher" Among Homosexuals

Statistics on Sexual Promiscuity Among Homosexuals

Inside the Meth-Fueled, Week-Long Orgies Plaguing London's Gay Scene

Folsom Street Fair 2007

The Removal of Homosexuality from the Psychiatric Manual due to Politics

Homosexuals twice as likely to experience spousal violence

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

Homosexual men have 4.28 times increased risk of lifetime prevalence of suicidal attempts

43 percent of suicide attempts among white homosexual men and 67 percent among white homosexual women involved romantic relationships

>> No.9801364 [DELETED] 

>an image of a real life event is reactionary

the great liberal justification process kicks in, i cant wait to see whats next!

>> No.9801369

Pigfuck I agree with you on this one. Homos are fucking disgusting creatures.

>> No.9801370 [DELETED] 

ABC's 'Bachelor' Juan Pablo Galavis Says Gays Shouldn't Be on the Show
>"They're more pervert in a sense. To me, the show would be too strong, too hard to watch on TV," said the reality star.

Bug Chasing: Why Some Men Want to Become HIV Positive

Dallas: Police and Pride Organizers Say No 'Lewdness' or Nudity

Folsom Street Fair 2007

Folsom Street Fair 2010-2013

Gay Student to Lose His Virginity in Live Sex Performance for Art

Inside the Meth-Fueled, Week-Long Orgies Plaguing London's Gay Scene

Jizz on the Rocks: Introducing Semen-Infused Cocktails

A Porn Director Stirred Up Controversy by Making a Movie Centered Around HIV

Two Men, 58 Years and Counting. A Love Story.
>“Unbelievable,” he said. “And the toilets in the subways — in those days if you traveled, say, 14th Street to 59th Street, you had to make at least three stops on the way, to check out every toilet. “And there was always gay activity going on in the toilets. And I think it cost a nickel to get in in those days.”

Up Your Alley 2008

>> No.9801382 [DELETED] 

absolutely, the media wants to portray an image of two well adjusted, collared shirt, pastel sweater wearing professionals who just want to love and cherish a child but they cant because of patriachal christian oppression(LAMO)))))))))))))

but in reality most homosexuals are fetishists and not even genetically predisposed to being homosexuals, they're a filthy depraved minority that perfectly encapsulate our decline into decadence and moral and cultural decay.

>> No.9801390 [DELETED] 

>>Why Can’t Gay People’s Kids Be Honest?

>Gay marriage doesn’t just redefine marriage, but also parenting. It promotes and normalizes a family structure that necessarily denies us something precious and foundational. It denies us something we need and long for, while at the same time tells us that we don’t need what we naturally crave. That we will be okay. But we’re not. We’re hurting.
>Kids of divorced parents are allowed to say, “Hey, mom and dad, I love you, but the divorce crushed me and has been so hard. It shattered my trust and made me feel like it was my fault. It is so hard living in two different houses.” Kids of adoption are allowed to say, “Hey, adoptive parents, I love you. But this is really hard for me. I suffer because my relationship with my first parents was broken. I’m confused and I miss them even though I’ve never met them.”
>But children of same-sex parents haven’t been given the same voice. It’s not just me. There are so many of us. Many of us are too scared to speak up and tell you about our hurt and pain, because for whatever reason it feels like you’re not listening. That you don’t want to hear. If we say we are hurting because we were raised by same-sex parents, we are either ignored or labeled a hater.



>Joint biological parents are associated with the lowest rate of child emotional problems by a factor of 4 relative to same-sex parents even when controlled for problems resulting from adoption.

>> No.9801396
File: 24 KB, 499x499, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, too, enjoy calling others degenerate as I post on a website used primarily by semen bottle collectors and jobless college dropouts.

>> No.9801399

Well said.

>> No.9801415

jeez tell pigfuck his shoes look nice once and this is the thanks you get eh

>> No.9801419


what's this? post it!

>> No.9801421
File: 59 KB, 540x535, andreja miley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9801427

Does it have a penis tho? Otherwise would hit fuck it

>> No.9801428 [DELETED] 

>i am a loser so everyone else on 4chan is as well

nah, project somewhere else, big boys are talking.

anyone else interested in a totally eye opening look into the general repulsiveness that is homosexuality, check out this thread



>> No.9801437

not if you don't want to?

-not a fashion industry insider

>> No.9801447
File: 37 KB, 406x530, andrej-voortaan-andreja-pejic-1662-4381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9801451

thanks for sucking me

>> No.9801456

Degenerate. pls get cancer and die.

>> No.9801463
File: 67 KB, 775x719, IMG_93317540696542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it's a stretch to think a person who spends their nights shitposting copy+pasted statistics is a huge loser

>> No.9801484 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 403x300, dead aids faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most insane/hilarious part about all this is that these lgbt activists, faggots, trannies and other arms of the socjus sphere are also the same tribe of mongoloids who defend islam and shout 'islamaphobia' in defense of muslims who would kill every faggot they could, legally.

pic related, not a bad solution tbh.

>> No.9801491 [DELETED] 

so you're a weebshit frog posting newfag as well a faggot aids lover? if you dont know who i am you're too new to be posting.

>> No.9801492

I'm saying is it in my best interest to be out about it or not?

>> No.9801497
File: 26 KB, 396x400, 1430721612759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9801505

You have a lot of anger. I don't think you're a very healthy person.

I'm not >>9801491
but you're not a particularly interesting trip. You only shitpost and hold yourself in what is probably a completely unwarranted high regard.

>> No.9801508


dumb faggot frogposter

>> No.9801548

Kill yourself, they're not hurting you and their quality of life is increased by spending on an operation for them. If you can straight up look any person in the face who you've never met and tell them you wish they didn't exist you've got the problem fam and honestly you're just holding culture and society back by being hostile to people who have a different lifestyle and if you(all) really think it's a mental illness why all the hate?

>> No.9801550
File: 77 KB, 202x262, 1427320277602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I step into /r9k/ again? What the fuck is going on?

>> No.9801557
File: 75 KB, 499x499, 0017___63Ys8qp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send my regards to the /pol/ack faggot shitposting in this thread, I'm out of rare Pepes and I'm off to read a book.

>> No.9801563

all fashion designers are gay or appropriate from gay culture. period.

it's 2015 and hetero culture and rape culture are one in the same

>> No.9801574

stay based dude shouts out to compton

whoop there it is!!!

>> No.9801627

4chan poster child Martin "mixed race" Strayacuck is doing his daily 100 posts. Jfc Martin, even the gayest man on earth haven't looked at as much gay porn as you, why don't you just fucking stop googling "gay + men + sex" every fucking day if they make your pussy ache this bad? You're actually mentally ill, you know.

>> No.9801630


in anonymous

Yo he's go mad clout though

holy shit

>> No.9801639 [DELETED] 

>Kill yourself,
good chance a tranny will though! :)))))))))))))

>> No.9801653

This. Just let them do whatever and don't be such a imposing asshole. They're good for the economy, let them be geez.

>> No.9801658
File: 84 KB, 667x667, pooo9MV7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get it you watched the ted 2 trailer. I'm sure you would consider buck angel a woman right?

>> No.9801662 [DELETED] 

>just let them be, they dont want to impose their will on you or children or anything :))))))

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want to Indoctrinate Kids
New Laws Set to Turn California Schools into Gay Indoctrination Centers
Gender Bender Day At Schools
Homosexual Activist Admits True Purpose of Battle is to Destroy Marriage
Pew: Media Biased Towards Gay Marriage
A Boys' Camp to Redefine Gender
The Media is Not Biased Toward Homosexual Marriage. It is Promoting it.
GLAAD releases report on LGBT representation on TV
The Rampant Promotion of Homosexuality in Movies and Television
ABC Hires Gay Activist to Write Eight Hour Miniseries About the History of the Gay Rights Movement

>> No.9801669 [DELETED] 

yeh its a woman who looks like a dude, an ugly, mentally deranged woman.

>> No.9801672

Everyone can change their outward appearance. But sex goes down to the chromosomes, and the sex of your chromosomes will always be unchangeable.

Get fucked idiot.

>> No.9801674

Yeah and that fucking sucks no one deserves to be that sad unless they're spewing hate like you. It's chill though, we all have things in our life that bring us down. I'm sure you've had quite the unpleasant life to be saying shit like this and a protected environment like this is the only time you feel safe to be "problematic" and "wild"

>> No.9801676


man face man shoulders.

>> No.9801678


liberal tears taste so good every time a faggot who thinks dressing like a chick is his calling in his misguided life

maybe wearing a dress everyday will make all that sexual abuse make sense

>> No.9801679



>> No.9801684

So what if they do? Like what will that do to me? At the worst I or my child would be transgender and that's it lol big fucking deal

>> No.9801687 [DELETED] 


>> No.9801725

liberals are so fucking stupid it's mind numbing

hurp durpa dooo lets all vote for Hilary Clinton, lets empower women (the fuck does that even mean) and talk about race at #starbucks

and major in sociology and cry about how we can't get jobs despite arguing for an open border policy and legalized narcotics

>> No.9801748

no shit

it's what happens when a boy is sexually assaulted, hates what he see's in the mirror
demonizes his own penis and dresses like a woman in order to change his appearance

the high levels of suicide show this alone

faggots think that cutting their dick off and wearing a dress solves all of their problems but realize it doesn't solve shit so they off themselves.

i say let god sort them out
and stp giving these fucks of nature attention

but nope

liberal faggots promote degeneracy like it's their calling in life

>> No.9801776 [DELETED] 

the real issue with trans is that all this legitimizing their feelings doesnt in anyway help the sufferer, instead of receiving real treatment they're pumped full of hormones and altering their body only to find out that it isnt what they wanted at all, often too late.

only thing worse about the whole thing is the indoctrination of children/use of hormones on children.

>> No.9801821

Fucking fag

>> No.9801830

are parents so fucking chicken shit of being judged by other parents that they would force their children through operations and hormone treatments rather than slapping some sense into their kid and telling their neighbors to shut the fuck up with the liberal horsefuck?

>> No.9801946


I've never seen the ted or ted 2 movies or trailers.

that human, if I remember right, doesn't have a penis, so yes, its gender and sex are female.

but I sure as fuck would never stick my penis in her vagina.

>> No.9803278

>Dat snapback.

>> No.9803293

Hate to say it but

> weird knees, would not bang

>> No.9804424

>mental rehab centers
Do you want to push the homos in there too? Because there is practically no difference between them and trannies. Both are deviants.

>> No.9805200

>maybe wearing a dress everyday will make all that sexual abuse make sense
ayy lol

>> No.9805404

lmao I cannot believe anyone listens to sieg about anything

>> No.9805430

It's a mental illness, yes, but it's not like they hurt anyone. People with mental illnesses that make them liable to injure others, like psychopaths and child rapists, should be locked away. People with mental illnesses that don't affect others like depression, anorexia, homosexuality and transsexuality should be allowed to go outside and do whatever they want, and seek treatment at their own leisure

>> No.9805726
File: 31 KB, 349x345, 549357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: ignorant fucks quoting an ancient Catholic psychiatrist to justify bigotry.

>> No.9805761

Transgender people commit suicide because of people like you, you sick fuck.
It's not a mental illness. You don't get to define what mental illness is.

Straight people are the sickest fucking people i've ever known lmao saying shit like this, making threads like this.

>> No.9805797

>you don't get to say what a mental illness is.
Kek. Do one of the any doctors who agree get to say it? Delusional fucker. Chopping off body parts that you were born with is a mental illness. Why can't they accept the way they were born?

>> No.9805824


saying someone is mentally ill is not bigotry.

gender dysmorphia is a real illness.

it's a disservice to those suffering from it to indulge in fantastical thinking along the lines of gender reassignment.

>> No.9807045

"later in life" is 25, so not that late, and she was a drag queen before

>> No.9807049

probably NOT in your best interest, the industry really doesn't seem particularly friendly towards trans models, and most of the working trans models are stealth, and I mean deep stealth.
consider-Andrja was at the top of the food chain and she hasn't done much at all in the past year and a half or so

>> No.9807074

aye like a wise man told me earlier in the thread arguing with these dickheads won't help any of the people who need it

but real rap fuck a SAWSCM

>> No.9807075


>> No.9807085

feature in american vogue in april 2015 tho

>> No.9807090

i mean may 2015

>> No.9807128

i mean SAWCSM
straight able-boded white cisgendered sexual male

>> No.9807147

tranny loving liberals and mentally deranged faggots go back to /cgl/ and /co/

>> No.9807148


berry is full on girl lmao

whoever told you she was a MTF is trollin'

>> No.9807156

oh, i didn't know she had done any spreads.
but wasn't it just about her being trans?
most of the openly trans models get work primarily as a "transmodel" as opposed to just a model.
what is the feature about-? her coming out?

>> No.9807167
File: 115 KB, 499x523, tumblr_lkbywudd5l1qjpxnro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when it's right, it's right

>> No.9807177

Thank god

>> No.9807365

Andrej was long irrelevant before he became Andreja
if anything becoming trans helped
you can leave

>> No.9807374

Berry used to post here as a male...

>> No.9807383

I remember when people spammed Andj pics here

Now that it's andreja social media goes ape shit

>> No.9807391

you can't tell me nothing
uh uh
you can't tell me nothing

>> No.9808364


Probably some fag pretending to be her.

>> No.9808611

>says this
>begins post with "kill yourself"

I agree with you though. The fact that it can induce so much hate from somebody shows that there's something disturbing about this, but also that some people overreact to it in ways that need to show them they need to chill out.

I also think the operation is anything but something that goes without saying, so to speak, and I can certainly understand both how hard it must be to wish you were different (hell, this is all this board does all the fucking time), but also how much of an impact changing your body this much could have on how you peceive yourself and how happy you are. For better, or for worse.

>> No.9810336

why she need all that makeup tho

>> No.9810343

angry tranny alert