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File: 372 KB, 1200x1200, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9787068 No.9787068 [Reply] [Original]

Are nose jobs /fa/?
I have a bubble kind of shape on the tip of my nose and it is slightly curved if seen from the side.
pic related, it's me
>inb4 crappy shopping

>> No.9787075

Your nose looks perfectly nice already though, sweetheart.

>> No.9787076 [DELETED] 


>> No.9787081
File: 98 KB, 282x162, pig nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always hated mine. I know my acne is bad in this pic, but it has gotten much better since them

>> No.9787094

it doesn't look like a pig nose
I'd trade you in a heart beat
I'm trying to find the best shape that doesn't make me look like a sand dweller or plastic

>> No.9787119
File: 125 KB, 736x981, 4dbc8d4300e4e7fc10de4245f485e874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wide noses can be qt

>> No.9787126 [DELETED] 


This guy looks good until you expand the image

Then he looks like a cuck

>> No.9787128

>wide noses can be qt
>shows pic of guy
>tfw I'm a girl

>> No.9787138

Are you >>9787081 ?
if that's you then you have a serious man jaw/face problem

>> No.9787139 [DELETED] 


You're not a girl, you're a man. A loser cucky beta pretending to be a girl because you have deep seated gender dysphoria

Let me cuck you, faggo, I'll show you how a real man treats a cunt

>> No.9787146

I'm op

>> No.9787148

yeah only if all the rest looks like a model

>> No.9787150
File: 74 KB, 639x960, jaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really, they add a certain type of look to the face. If that guy had a pointy narrow nose he would look different

>> No.9787156
File: 207 KB, 950x1266, jacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, another close up

>> No.9787168

>white privilege even in looks

>> No.9787172
File: 189 KB, 500x750, hoven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9787188

if you're white anything automatically looks good on you according to society..
the majority of models are white

>> No.9787199

yeah but they usually have non white traits. Such as fuller lips, longer eyelashes, thicker hair etc. Also most people in European and American (places where people are scouted to model) are white. It makes sense that most models are white if they all come from majority white places

>> No.9787205

>if you're white anything automatically looks good on you
have you seen how many ugly white people post here? have you ever been outside of your house?

>> No.9787209

also most of them have to be tan, and a lot of whites cant tan

>> No.9787211

actually it is because the target audience for most producers is white (they have more money to spend)

>> No.9787216

actually no I don't leave my house except for once a week to buy food
I'm not too much of a people person and I'm too insecure

>> No.9787537

wtf it looks good as is.

>> No.9787734
File: 684 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20150420_234808297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Nose is all kinds of messed up. Getting a rhinoplasty in july. Aparently having a collapsed valve lets insurance pay for it.

>> No.9787741
File: 185 KB, 956x537, IMG_20150502_012503961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9787749
File: 181 KB, 1077x588, IMG_20150502_012508998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when You're a mix. I got part of my White dad's nose and part of my South American Native/African/European Mother's nose.

>> No.9787760

Bro your nose looks fine

>> No.9787774

I don't really mind about the profile, It's more about how wide and bulbous it is.

>> No.9787777

I mean't

>> No.9787793

alar reduction and tip-plasty then? very easy surgery recovering won't be that bad at all (getting the stitches out tho...)

good luck on your surgery

>> No.9787801

That's the plan. Shouldn't have hurt anymore then my wizdome teeth removal surgery that i had with Local anesthesia.

I wouldn't even mind the widness of my nose if i didn't have the longer face i got from my white side.

>> No.9787821

OP are you retarded? Your nose looks perfect, it's not tiny but it's small and straight, not too long or too short, and looks like it fits your face.
I'm sure you have a lot more insecurities about your body other than your nose bc you really seem like a really insecure person, maybe even dysmorphic.
Go work on your confidence, maybe go to a psychologist. Plastic surgery to correct imaginary minor flaws won't do anything for you.

>> No.9787871

asking people whether you should get PS or not never ends well. it's your face, do it because YOU want to.

>> No.9787902
File: 303 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I

>> No.9788159

There's a 85% chance that rhinoplasty can do anything for you. Bulbous noses tips are caused by round cartilage and thick skin. Even if you reshape the cartilage, there is no way to "trim down" the skin and so your nose will never have a sharp defined tip. Which is actually a good thing since you all have wide nostrils and sharp tips and wide nostrils are a goofy combo.

>> No.9789096

So what you're telling me is that I'll never get a gf?

>> No.9789188

I don't really mind not having it sharp and defined. I just wan't it less wide. Also I'm getting an alar reduction so it won't look that weird.

>> No.9789194


>> No.9789231

Rhinoplasty is an absolute bitch both in term of cost than discomfort post-op.

None of the noses i saw in this thread are really requiring such surgery anyway. I doubt any decent surgeon (and not a greedy one that will probably fuck you up) will accept to go through such a procedure for a nose that doesn't require it.

I went through blepharoplasty and otoplasty myself. The worst part is three months after the operation when you start having doubts.

>> No.9789264

>The worst part is three months after the operation when you start having doubts.

I always wonder about it.

Can you post pics?

>> No.9790238



>> No.9790252
File: 399 KB, 1108x532, 4545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about getting something like this done. The surgeon I've spoken to quoted me about 12k


>> No.9790262

>Paying money to get rid of a strong facial feature
Nose jobs are for women and guys with noses like mr burns otherwise you really shouldnt bother

>> No.9790283


12k holy fucking shit where do you live?

>> No.9790287


>> No.9790298


10K to more is a standard price for rhinoplasty mate.

>> No.9790309

most ppl who get nose jobs are just getting a hump straightened out which is like 6-8k tops, any rotation/nostril/tip refinement/bridge work costs a bit more

>> No.9790311


It is 3k€ here in France. I know a surgeon who does it for 800€, my surgery is planned for winter holidays.

>> No.9790318

my alar reduction and tip-plasty only cost like $2k. based korea

>> No.9790322

>going to budget surgeons
enjoy your fucked up nose. You have to do monthns and months of research and consultations to choose someone who isn't going to fuck up your face forever.

PROTIP: If your first rhinoplasty isn't what you expected, it costs 2-4x more to get a revision rhinoplasty (any rhinoplasty that isn't your first). Have fun.

>> No.9790328
File: 13 KB, 300x167, Alar-Base-Reduction-Explained-300x167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alar reduction only costs a few hundred bucks but looks like shit 100% of the time. You actually need a really specific nostril shape for it to not be glaringly obvious that you have had alarplasty. Care to post a pic?

pic related, how the avg alarplasty patient looks. Fucking terrible.

also, if youve got any silicon in your nose enjoy your imminant erosion and revision costs

>> No.9790334


he's a friend of my mother, he used to be the chief of the plastic surgery service of the biggest hospital of my region so he still can use everything he wants to for free. I've seen his work and I trust him.

>> No.9790340

long eyelashes arent a white thing?

>> No.9790350

>tfw have hump on my nose

>> No.9790354

me too,idc though because
>muh heritage

>> No.9790362

uhh no, we aren't using 1999 technology anymore. and if you have thick skin it's highly recommended you get silicone, goretex would do absolutely nothing for you. Only other option is using cartilage and that's just asking for a disaster

also the before pic is literally a pig snout. who cares what it looks like from directly below who the fuck will ever see that. profile and front is more important

>> No.9790363
File: 24 KB, 91x134, Screen Shot 2015-05-02 at 19.58.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all don't know real problems

pic is my nose

>> No.9790364

Honestly the only surgery that i would recommend in a moderate scenario (aka not extreme shit like a really crooked nose etc) is otoplasty. Protruded ears can really unbalance your whole face.

It doesn't cost much, it's done in one hour flat, it's annoying for three weeks and your "new" ears are good to go after three months.

>> No.9790376

jew? go alpha mode and pierce it.

>> No.9790377
File: 976 KB, 2100x1050, 6248195743_9ebb07bde2_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women have upturned noses where nostrils are visible from the front. You can see that trash head on.

>> No.9790378

interestingly, i'm not a jew

>> No.9790391

Why is using cartilage bad?

>> No.9790397

>koreadrones this deluded
silicone is the worst implant material.

>> No.9790562
File: 671 KB, 900x506, jESKJEMbN95vF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's true but looking at them from a normal view point it's barely noticeable. and idk what you're trying to prove with those pictures but i'd take that slight unevenness over the snout any day


skin type also plays a big role in what will work best for you, was referring to myself which is why i threw goretex/cartilage under the bus.

results from cartilage use is generally not comparable to that of artificial implants. unevenness, asymmetry of the bridge not being centered, and bumps on your nose bridge are a common aesthetic side effect. cartilage grafting is a technique very few surgeons should be performing, extremely difficult to do and manipulate. if you're just getting tip work done it shouldn't be that big a deal, the negatives mentioned above mainly apply to bridge work.

if your nose can't handle silicone for whatever reason cartilage is still an option. there's a new type of implant making the rounds where they combine diced cartilage with a fat graft. no idea how successful it's been so far tho

goretex is basally obsolete at this point (in-regards to nose implants), it's very porous which is both a positive and a negative. if you ever need to have a revision and used goretex it will be hell to remove

lastly there's silicone. there's different types of silicone to choose from which is how we know friends like >>9790397 suffer from constipation of the brain.

Hard silicone - AVOID AVOID AVOID!!!!! completely out of date, they put too much pressure on the nose. i hope clinics don't even have this as an option anymore

Soft silicone - like the name suggests it's just a softer version of hard silicone. less prone to infection, has a density and texture similar to rubber

Ultra soft silicone - the newest and most common silicone used in seoul atm. very soft and doesn't put pressure on your tissues.

>> No.9790592

so is there anyway to make your nostrils smaller?

>> No.9790605
File: 21 KB, 327x156, alar-redu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9791343
File: 51 KB, 720x960, 11180241_10205525847199661_1682890339_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw crooked nose.
Getting rhinoplasty next year to make it straight.

>> No.9791347

Oi bitch you want sum fuk?

>> No.9791412

Interesting, thanks for the information.

>which is how we know friends like >>9790397 suffer from constipation of the brain.

>> No.9791460

not even that bad srs

>> No.9791463

Please don't

>> No.9791571
File: 54 KB, 451x395, Front Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad is a nose surgeon ( not good enough to do complicated rhinoplasties, but knowledgeable on the subject), and I'm told that the for this kind of surgery, don't be cheap. You could go to a different country for it, but that sounds dangerous/sketchy. just shell out the $10k for a good on here.
>tfw if Dad paid more attention in residency, I could fix my shitty nose for free

>> No.9791580


I'd cut your tits off, make ropes from your adipose tissue, tie your mandibles to the perimeter of my asshole and choke you with excrement, you beautiful fucktoy

>> No.9792358

No me gusta:(

>> No.9792364

how do you be a nose surgeon but not do cosmetic stuff? that sounds like he really came just short of being useful.

>> No.9794103

me too. it's not really that bad but i think i'm still gonna get it straightened some day.

>> No.9794114


Your nose should be the last of your issue kid.

>> No.9794118


Why it's always the women that are shallow and vain to the point of getting a 10K$ surgery for a non-existent issue ?

I swear to god these creatures serves no purpose except from reproduction. Just read that shit.

>> No.9794135

>thread full of men with mostly decent noses asking if they should get a nosejob or that they are going to get one
>a woman says she's going to fix a crooked nose that is quite noticeable like the picture shows
>"hurrr women are so shallow"

>> No.9794231

how much is rhinoplasty anyway

>> No.9794245


If dubs around 10K$. If no dubs a bit less.

>> No.9794249

woah i thought ti was like 90k or some shit, i want to get mine done in korea

>> No.9794265



we are talking about a nose, why would i nose cost 90.000$ to get fixed

it's around 10k-12k$ for a good surgeon

>> No.9794377

i have no idea, i thought the price of the procedure was determined by quality