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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 155 KB, 1454x1454, thisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9779547 No.9779547 [Reply] [Original]

>implying this guy isn't probably having more sex than me and anyone else on this board
>either no fashion sense or literally is able to perfectly emulate one with no fashion sense
>implying he doesnt appeal to a much wider group and doesn't annoy people with any pretentious intentionally attention grabbing accessories.

>> No.9779548

I don't listen to pop music and I don't fuck basic bitch 5/10s.

Be better than the gap you ugly fuck.

>> No.9779555

struck a nerve, v clearly.

>> No.9779569

Some of us don't measure our worth by the amount of slags we fuck. Why don't you go cop some personal pride?

>> No.9779575

I don't either; but I would certainly assert that you and a lot of others, including myself, do keep our appeal to the opposite sex in mind when we dress ourselves. I would sacrifice /fa/ integrity for a lot of sex.

>> No.9779594
File: 733 KB, 665x1475, 2015-03-11 11.56.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't. I wear velcro sandals. I wear a bolo tie. Both are pussy repellents. I don't care what people think, they usually aren't smart enough to even articulate themselves well enough to explain their opinions in the first place.

Most people are dumb as all fuck. That's why they don't get into the left lane when there is no right turn lane at a light. That's why they don't know what the first step to civilization is. That's why they don't know what the theory or relativity means. That's why they listen to pop music like the woman singing the computer generated song in 1984. I'm no genius. I only ever scored 90th percentile. But I'd rather kill myself than dumb myself down to most people's level.

>> No.9779622

If you are smart; you lack humility, (and that post sounded really foolish)

>> No.9779643


Is that Sufjan?

>> No.9779648

tips fedora

>> No.9779659

Argue with me from somewhere other than your emotion, shitwit.
Come back when you're smart enough to actually express your opinion, parrot.

>> No.9779794
File: 50 KB, 640x640, 1430176816187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls me a shitwit
>clearly mad
>calls me emotional.

>> No.9779817

Fuck me, that's the only thing that gained popularity on the internet from my country.

>> No.9780248

Also, I think that this guy is more /fa/ than the idiot arguing with me.

>> No.9780916

Just because I use emotional diction doesn't make me emotional. It makes me articulate. I could have been polite, but salting a snail like you is far more enjoyable.

>> No.9780956

>I could have been polite, but salting a snail like you is far more enjoyable.
Heh... nothing personnel.... kid

>> No.9780974

>falling for bait this obvious
how are you still even alive?
when you were a child how often did you get kidnapped by strangers claiming to have candy?

>> No.9780977

Come up with something on your own for once. That was pathetic. Not only that but at least use the insults correctly. The fedodo insult only applies to the socially inept and unattractive. I'm excellent with people and I'm good looking, so try again.

>> No.9780979

>theory or relativity
mfw this guy is explaining how smart he is

>> No.9780986

I missed the "f" on my phone keyboard. Way to find one syntactical error, champ. Call your dad and see how proud he is.

Get some reading comprehension, I was saying those should be common knowledge. You missed the point.

>> No.9780987

Delicious new pasta.

>> No.9780996

Go ahead, save it, it's yours.

I think it's a great reply to people who dress for girls.

>> No.9780997

Why should the theory of relativity be common knowledge?

>> No.9781013

Noice b8

>> No.9781014

It's the biggest step forward in physics since newtons laws, that's why. It's why we have nuclear bombs and nuclear power. There are other applications involving astrophysics as well. It's important and was taught in school. Too bad most people just want to get high scores on tests and don't think about the importance of what they're learning.

>> No.9781024

>It's why we have nuclear bombs and nuclear power.
>Way to find one syntactical error, champ.
not a syntax error, actually

your superior intelligence is on full display

>> No.9781033

>That's why they don't know what the first step to civilization is.
at least most people know not to end their sentences with prepositions

>> No.9781042
File: 161 KB, 1040x708, 2015-04-30 09.58.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9781046
File: 282 KB, 1057x1256, 2015-04-30 09.55.47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9781051

Do you know the answer to the question or would you like to argue grammar?

>> No.9781060

OP here.
the most autistic board confirmed.

>> No.9781062

it's not grammar, it's usage

>> No.9781076

What difference does it make? I write for flows sake, in the same way that I speak. You aren't even using punctuation, as if it were a chore for you.

The answer is quite obviously agriculture. Agriculture leads to surplus. Surplus leads to specialization and trade.

>> No.9781078

it obviously had very useful applications in studying, measuring, and predicting atomic reactions, but to say that it's the causal factor behind nuclear energy is a gross oversimplification

>> No.9781080

I don't know.

>> No.9781087

>doesn't know the difference between grammar and usage
>thinks his primary school-tier understanding of the antecedents to civilization are deep or useful

>> No.9781094

>flows sake
possession in english is denoted with an apostrophe

the more you know!

>> No.9781145

So you're on my side now and admit that this is primary school understandings? Ok, sounds good man.
>ayy lmao b y u always b talkin about arbitrary rules of language b

>> No.9781180

>Autism the thread

>> No.9781245
File: 180 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this guy Isn't having more sex than anyone else on this board
>implying my picture isn't sideways

>> No.9781274


holy shit those aethetics are so good I can't even get jealous. Did your mom fuck the statue of David?