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/fa/ - Fashion

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9756352 No.9756352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can we get rid of these faggots? I mean I'm not a liberal or anything but I'm tired of words like "cuck" and "normies reee haha pee pee poo poo" being thrown around on the constant. Seriously fuck off. Mods please start banning these faggots.

>> No.9756401

Try posting on a different fashion forum.
Preferably one that's not a subsection of the world's largest manga and anime website

>> No.9756408

All the other forums are fucking gay

>> No.9756409

you are slowly growing more and more serious

now you are using capitals and shit

>> No.9756411

It's less /pol/ and more /fit/. Shitposters are everywhere, /fit/ brought cuck to /pol/, among other things.

>> No.9756415


>> No.9756764

the unquestionably worst tripfag

>> No.9756808


>> No.9756811

>I'm not a liberal


>> No.9756816

I'm socially liberal but not fiscally. In other words I don't care what people do just don't want to give my money to retards.

>> No.9756817

>he thinks 4chan is actually the center of anime
ayyyy lmao
fuck off

>> No.9756826

pigfuck is worse by far

>> No.9756851

to me the fact ree has never posted a fit and is porbably a man makes her equally bad as pig fuck

>> No.9756859

pigfuck actually has decent taste and is occasionally really helpful

ashley is literally begging for attention 24/7, has garbage taste. posts annoying shit deliberately to garner responses. literally still in high school. need i go on. though you'll defend her no matter what i guess.

>> No.9756865

how do you know her name is ashley, gimme that info.

>> No.9756869

who actually defends ree other than ree samefagging?

>> No.9756879

she hasn't posted a fit but she posts 10x better content than pigfuck ever will
> is occasionally really helpful
ya ok
im not ree

>> No.9756892

ashley burman, check her out on skype
horny fuckers mostly

>> No.9756920

>ashley burman
Theres a bunch of them though

>> No.9756932

the one with the intentionally overexposed photo so you can't see any of the hideous details of her face, you can't miss it

>> No.9756940

None of them have a picture except for the first one which is just all black.

>> No.9756941

lol trips fight

>> No.9756943

well i don't know then. but i know she has an account, i've seen it.

>> No.9756954

>Having to pretend to have friends on a Indonesian beanie bear forum

>> No.9756966 [DELETED] 


>> No.9756969

please anon, i d-dont have to pretend.

>> No.9756978


>> No.9756980

ur gay af, u asked a 15 y/o kid to show his elbow butt and ur trying so hard with ur retarded as trips
its a he lmao, the deity of grails whatever is the girl

>> No.9756982

ill be ur friend, friend.

>> No.9756985
File: 150 KB, 300x300, puckerup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reee isn't a girl. It's not that hard to get your sister to hold up a fucking piece of paper and pucker her lips.

>> No.9756990

>asked a 15 y/o kid to show his elbow butt
i dont recall doing that
yeah lets be friends :)

>> No.9756994

>she hasn't posted a fit but she posts 10x better content than pigfuck ever will

pigfuck has actual knowledge
And there's a difference between shitposting like pigfuck does and posting shit like ree does

>> No.9757002


>> No.9757008

for you

>> No.9757011

>pigfuck has actual knowledge
actual knowledge of what? I'd really like to know.
& of course theres a difference between shitposting because ree's shitposting makes me happy whereas pigfuck's makes me sad

you sound big

>> No.9757023

rofl reee isn't even a girl. It's a troll. which means literally every post is not only shit but a shitpost.

pigfuck shitposting is the only thing that moderates this board because the mods don't do shit.

>> No.9757027


>> No.9757031

tfw reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee becomes a quality poster

>> No.9757043
File: 16 KB, 255x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point of being un anonymous on an anonymous board? You really need attention that bad you fucking retard?

>> No.9757048

>beanie bear forum

>> No.9757065

even if ree is truly a guy (s)he is a better poster than pigfuck.

i like you

>> No.9757067

oh you dont recall? http://prntscr.com/6y59ka

lol you're such a fking queer.

>> No.9757076

cancer, phrases like "its 4chan dude lmao" are cancer

>> No.9757082

u can add me on skype if u want


that goes for any of u who are LONELY or need a BUDDY :-)

>> No.9757094

omfg ree the ambassador or the trips with just ree is a boy and the real reee with divine deity of grails in parantheses with the trips code !L7l54FaA2E is the canadian girl.. ur so new its annoying, you shouldnt even judge Pigfuck since its obviously like your first week here.

>> No.9757095


Please just go ahead and fucking kill yourself I'm getting tired of your shitposting

>> No.9757096

Fucking gay.

>> No.9757102

o u got me i'll pack up my things and go bye :^)

hey man i'd be down if i had skype, you seem pretty cool :)

>> No.9757105
File: 76 KB, 400x294, 1429036269314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go the fuck back to reddit

>> No.9757107

thats not what ur mom said when i told her she raised a well adjusted son faggot

>> No.9757118

k bye

>> No.9757120

wow u really do know a lot about reddit? Whats your experience being a frequent user there?

>> No.9757126

I want to fuck ree in her ass

>> No.9757146

wh yu posting my butt

>> No.9757175

also /tv/ shitposting, memeforcing, and 3d waifu faggotry is so fucking annoying.

i hate those faggots so much

>> No.9757205


>> No.9757213

xD love this meme xD

>> No.9757225

truly fucking epic haha

>> No.9757237

fuck off

>> No.9757245

>i dont crosspost

>> No.9757389

Don't you have some anal cucking to attend to OP?

>> No.9758765

No, s4mson and swami are much, much worse

>> No.9758814


>> No.9758818

Ree is constantly changing part of her name tho. I cant remember if resto, restaurant and restoration had the same trip, they used to post really helpful stuff in a handful of threads, wtf happened there now she just shitposts 24/7

>> No.9758819

she hasn't post a fit, but she's at least posted timestamped face pics

so it's a mystery how she dresses

>> No.9758823

Ree, is that girl in OP's pic you? Legit question

>> No.9758835

you spend 14 hours a day memorizing gucci lookbooks, but you can't remember what my gorgeous face looks like

not even going to answer smh

>> No.9758846

Stop being a little bitch and getting personally upset because someone has a different view on life And society then you, demanding that people get banned is a pretty sjw thing to do, have you considered browsing tumblr you triggered faggot?

>> No.9758860

you look like the typical white washed suburban spic teen

>> No.9758871 [DELETED] 

this board sucks

>> No.9758880

describe your own appearance now

>> No.9758892

Tall, dark and handsome

>> No.9758919

not interested in cybersex with a teen thanks tho

>> No.9758923

i don't think anybody wanted to know anyways

>> No.9758932

You're so bad at being salty it's embarrassing. You're a snail.

>> No.9758938

Speak for yourself

>> No.9758939

snail looks like a fat ariana grande with bad teeth

>> No.9758945

Snails get salted, retard. Take your fedodo and fuck off. You're half as bad as she is.

>> No.9758961

So like actually what is reeeee's condition?

Visually she seems to take good enough care of herself to pass as a normal person, but the fact she's (1) constantly here posting everywhere all the fucking time and (2) continually seeking attention by tripping and baiting suggests there's something pretty fuct up about her, yeah?

Legitimately autistic? Insane? In prison? 'That' girl with a really grating personality and no other girl friends, leaving her friendless and desperately lonely with this website serving as a crutch for her fragile mental health?

>> No.9758968

>'That' girl with a really grating personality and no other girl friends, leaving her friendless and desperately lonely with this website serving as a crutch for her fragile mental health?


not sure if i have a "grating personality", but i've been told i'm impossible to relate to
kinda like those people you just happen to, say "hi how are you to" and then forget about

i'm actually making an effort to be more social though
i'm a lot better now than i was last year

>> No.9758974

Post some damn pics so I can judge you

>> No.9758981

no thanks

>> No.9758988

It's because you never matured past 14. Otherwise you wouldn't have such bad opinions and nobody likes you. The way you talk about politics is junior high level. Plus you clearly hate yourself and are in a desperate internal fight between your contradicting emotions and actions. I'll bet you want to catch a good stabbing from a traditionally masculine guy but can't even admit that to yourself, let alone others.

>> No.9758991

>I'll bet you want to catch a good stabbing from a traditionally masculine guy

haha sure.

>> No.9759065

That's called libertarian.

>> No.9759082

you don't know enough about anons economic ideas to call them a libertarian.

>> No.9759087

Yeah, you do. You just can't even admit it to yourself because it doesn't match your personal ideology. It's pure cognitive dissonance and almost every girl I've ever met that says she's progressive or a feminist, etc. acts the same way. The second a guy like me walks up that shit is out the window. One girl I used to fuck would tell everyone how much she hated me and what an asshole I am then come onto me every time she saw me. She was just like you from what I've read in the plethora of shitposts you provide incessantly.

>> No.9759090


is this what reee looks like?

I've been out of the game for awhile, it's amazing how many trips come and go.
especially girl trips.

>> No.9759214

She claims it is but there's three pictures that circulate and I haven't ever seen a fourth so I think it's more likely lifted from somewhere else.

>> No.9759217

the timestamped pics with her tripcode are probably from some other trip who looks like her too, right

>> No.9759218

In ree's case, more like traps

>> No.9759232

or maybe im not an attention whore? it's fucking weird posting your pics on 4chan

if i could go back in time and not have done it, i would

>> No.9759239

Haha. Not an attention whore. Good one.

Do you know how easy that type of stuff is to falsify with those dumbass reddit girls who post photos with a blank sheet of paper as "white balance"?

>> No.9759242

kill yourself

>> No.9759251

>"if i could go back in time and not have done it, i would" -- your parents on your conception

>> No.9759252

kill yourself too

>> No.9759255

"Daddy, not in the FACE!" --You

>> No.9759488

but you can't say nigger or faggot in the other fashion forums plus /fa/ is the most honest one.

>> No.9759534

chubby asian guy,
5'7 at max
probably unshaved scruff on his face and no-poo hair because he just doesnt give a fuck

>> No.9759543

>Indonesian beanie bear forum

oh lord that is a fresh one

>> No.9759547

i wasn't asking for a description of you lol

>> No.9759556
File: 1.42 MB, 349x225, OhSnapBlackKid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759748

> all these gawker posters can't handle the banter xDDD

>> No.9759752
File: 90 KB, 750x750, 1429769312242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9759905

she is quite cute. Are there only 4 pictures of her? I've only seen the timestamp one, this one and the one where she posted on kik.

>> No.9759912

you won't be seeing any more

don't hold your breath buddy

>> No.9759921

look at yourself
you're miserable and you make everyone else miserable
go outside and have fun
you're only 15, you can screw up and your mistakes get washed away

>> No.9759925


im not

>go outside and have fun

what do i do

>> No.9759932

Have you even posted any fits?

>> No.9759933

post more pls i want to be your husbando :3

>> No.9759937

get a job, it doesn't matter if it's a fast food place
find some people with similar interests, get their numbers, and start treating them to lunch, movies, any local fun shit you have (example from my town: lazertag, tubing), weed, whatever.
after a couple of outings you'll be tight as fuck.

You shouldn't be taking advice from anon though.

>> No.9759943

I want the pedo fags to leave
Fucking disgusting

>> No.9759946

are you australian?