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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 62 KB, 604x590, indian feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9753653 No.9753653 [Reply] [Original]

How do shitskins become effay?

>> No.9753664
File: 97 KB, 553x700, 911 shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.9753669 [DELETED] 
File: 434 KB, 1361x894, 1429807175871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arabs/indians are the least aesthetic race by a wide margin

I'd suggest suicide

>> No.9753676
File: 133 KB, 785x736, Hermit_Mode_Breh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hermit Mode Breh

>> No.9753702

effay as fuck

>> No.9753703

i'm pretty sure americans are the highest.

half the time i can't tell if someone is wearing rick owens or had lipo.

>> No.9753744

you can start by not being absolutely pathetic.

>> No.9753751

some's gf got fucked by a currynig pretty hard

>> No.9753765
File: 195 KB, 329x493, brahmin4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen shitskins be effay. Hell, I'm half indian. You can make it.

Just go to your roots.

- simple drivers/loafers
- cropper trousers, a good cotton or linen
- button ups
- dark, modest belt

The trick to looking good as a shitskin is to not try hard. Don't wear loud Gucci, LV, Prada, etc. logos all over.

Be tasteful and classy, but bring in some Bhramin, vide. Be proud of the nobel and traditional aspects of your culture.
When people think indian, they're drawn to images of dalit and tasteless desi's. You can do better.

Don't give up.

>> No.9753772

The first step is not in being some self-loathing aspie. I understand that this is easier said than done, with that said it will take some time.

The next step is to put some investment in yourself, go to the gym, get some decent hygiene implements, groom yourself, get some basic clothing. The basic /fa/ infographic should help you with that.

>> No.9753784

Lmao, yeah fucking right. Indians would be lucky to smash a white girl even if they were a millionaire.

>> No.9753787
File: 60 KB, 346x525, Image-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also shave reguarly and don't act like a fucking wigger.

Respect yourself and treat others with respect. Indian culture is very competitive and chauvinistic.
Try to be kind and humble, but not so much so people notice.

You can be a cool guy.

>> No.9753791


>> No.9753796
File: 761 KB, 800x422, BrownGreedyIberianLynx.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that looks like thug

>> No.9753803

i've literally assfucked your gf every single morning in you bed without waking you up how does that make you feel.

>> No.9753807
File: 254 KB, 1402x2037, Asokanpillar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

India changed the world in many aspects. There is a lot of Indian culture that is admirable and it can call much more to it's name than any white, european country.

respect yourself.

>> No.9753810

Refer to >>9753772 OP.

>> No.9753813
File: 134 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I'm Indian but just don't deck yourself out in typical brands or wear polos to the gym.

>> No.9753820

oh and this as well >>9753765

>> No.9753822

That's why India is the wonderful place it is today.

>> No.9753824

I think Jai Paul is the only most /fa/ other than really light skin turkish/northern india fucks

>> No.9753840 [DELETED] 
File: 2.01 MB, 1050x1640, IMG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And fucking take some time to learn about your culture and history. Take a class on art of india or something. It will change your life and raise your self-respect.

countries run in cycles, americunt. Look at our debt. Will I pretend my country's government isn't corrupt? No. Will I pretend the Dalit are running uncheck raping young girls and women with no repercussions? No. Every country has it's flaws. I am in no way defending India's current state, but it's history is rich and much more beautiful than your potatoe-fucking second uncle's.

>> No.9753850
File: 2.01 MB, 1050x1640, IMG_0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And fucking take some time to learn about your culture and history. Take a class on art of india or something. It will change your life and raise your self-respect.

countries run in cycles, americunt. Look at our debt. Will I pretend my country's government isn't corrupt? No. Will I pretend the Dalit aren't running uncheck raping young girls and women with no repercussions? No. Every country has it's flaws. I am in no way defending India's current state, but it's history is rich and much more beautiful than your potatoe-fucking second uncle's.

>> No.9753855
File: 279 KB, 1000x1333, Kn6Dcir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never be as cool

>> No.9753859

The thing is in a few hundred years Europe achieved more than India ever did in millennia

>> No.9753860

[citation needed]

>> No.9753865

fuck off

india is a fucking shit country and culture. the whole caste system, fuck that. shitting outside, fuck that.

a bunch of stupid, dirty people

>> No.9753867

europe has done nothing for the world in the last few hundreds of years.

The majority of scientific and artistic advancements have all come from the U.S. which rose on the backs of your war torn economy.

>> No.9753878

>implying the U.S. and Europe don't have a caste system

India's the only country in the world with balls enough to openly marginalize the poor. You speak about India as if you were knew anything. Fuck off to /r/atheism or whatever "aristocratic" degenerate hole you come from.

>> No.9753881

>countries run in cycles, americunt
no they don't.

learn to world history. India has been a country for barely 60 years.

>> No.9753887

Europe and the US (which is a European colony filled with Europeans) created the modern world, they have been behind every major advancement in science, technology and medicine for the last ~400 years

They are the sole reason for the exponential "hockey stick" growth in human development and you shouldn't feel ashamed for being insecure about it

>> No.9753895 [DELETED] 

>will he attempt to state ancient successes ?
Now fuck off curryfag.

>> No.9753911

caste and class are different things

>> No.9753923

The difference is in the US with hard work and luck you can break out of your class because it isn't based on race or skin tone

A black guy became the president of the US, could an untouchable achieve the same in India?

>> No.9753928

"india" is an umbrella term for the land of what the British named Hindu's.

they're the same thing as of now. India's "caste" is not permanent state. The "caste system" was outlined in the Vedas and is and should not be taken seriously.

when I spoke of India, I spoke of culture and art, not of science. India has grown much, but no, forced into the state it is not, India has had much to do to recover from the British occupation.

Yes. An untouchable could. An untouchable is only a temporary state. My grandfather's family as refugees to india and dalit and built their lives to where I am now.

>> No.9753930

Shitskin please. India is a shit country. That's all there is to it.

>> No.9753932

the only people who say that are the people who cannot afford to travel there. Maybe if you could ever afford to visit the Maldives, stay int he Taj or explore Goa, you would sound more educated.

>> No.9753940

stop being a self-hating cuck..

>> No.9753942
File: 106 KB, 807x537, ramesh-2011 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By being Ramesh

>> No.9753959


>Go to the Taj Mahal
>Get robbed by children

You won't trick me again, Ahmed

>> No.9753962

I laughed
But you're idiot.

Taj, as in the Taj Hotel, not the bespoken Muslim throne of god and mosluem.

I chuckled tho. And Ahmed is a paki or muslim name. Use raj or something else next time. You're mixing up your stereotypes.

>> No.9754204

>half indian
>making it

>> No.9754211

They're all poor brown stupid people to me.

>> No.9754215

Why do people in this sub feel the need to be racist?

What does that achieve here, in the context of a fashion discussion?

>> No.9754223

I wouldn't bring it up if the brownies and yellow people wouldn't complain about being ugly so much.

>> No.9754232

whatever ever the fuck happened to accepting who you are. "shitskins" or whatever are fine. Stop being an insecure fuck. Have some self-respect. Jesus christ

>> No.9754255 [DELETED] 

>Why do people in this sub

fuck off you reddit faggot


mad that you cant downvote me you cuck?

>> No.9754283

>implying the U.S. and Europe don't have a caste system
europe used to have a caste system (peasants, clergy, aristoctracy), but they got rid of that a long time ago

>> No.9754288

>India has had much to do to recover from the British occupation.
you have to be kidding. british occupation was the best thing that ever happened to that shithole of a place you call "india"

>> No.9754290


>> No.9754294

>And Ahmed is a paki or muslim name.
didn't pakistan and india used to be one country?
forgetting your history?
and there are plenty of muslims in india
you are so deluded

>> No.9754324

Indians can be /fa/ as noted by wes anderson films

>> No.9754380

I'm half arab in South America, where almost everybody is babyface tier.
Bitches love my beard (I look like a tanned Ben Affleck) most of my friends are white and they think I look good.
Your color doesn't matter, hell, I know some black dudes that are effay af.

>> No.9754403
File: 230 KB, 446x357, 1362802039172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are plenty of Jews in New York
>New York is part of America
>An American from Iowa should be called Shlomo

>> No.9754580


Not mexican

>> No.9754602
File: 74 KB, 423x497, 1429379808717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i never can paint swastikas on my cheeks because i will get persecuted for re-engagement in National Socialist activities
austria is still the best pace on earth

>> No.9754637


Whatever you fucking do, do not EVER put on aviators. If there is one piece of advice, just DON'T PUT ON AVIATORS.

Avoid gaudy labels, like Gucci and shit.

>> No.9754779

Lol u will never be effay you Dravidian pos

>> No.9754797
File: 170 KB, 991x1200, steve-mcqueen-signed-photo-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be black
>Tfw look pretty decent and urban and street wear
>Tfw I don't like dressing in those because it doesn't emphasize who I am

Man I wish I could pull of shirts with normal jeans and nice shoes. I just want to seem casual every now and again.

I know i'mma get heat for saying it buy I want to look like a fucking gentleman.

>> No.9754799

>saying it buy

>> No.9754810

>He thinks being a shitskin automatically makes you look horrible in everything

Nah homie, you just gotta find what suits your look. And more importantly only dress to impress yourself.

>> No.9754824

If you want to look like a gentleman perhaps you should speak like one.

>> No.9754839

I'm on an Anonymous image board. Who the fuck cares how I speak. I don't say these things in real life.

>> No.9754947

Number 1 rule: Don't try to be European or American. This is where it gets cringey. Go back to your roots, what are some traditional clothes your culture has? Find something cool and put your own twist on it.

>> No.9754956
File: 144 KB, 530x800, 1378744231797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9755002

Not him but you're an idiot. There are lots of native Indians that converted to Islam, whereas Jews (and everyone not native to the US) immigrated. Do you even know why Pakistan was created? Foh

>> No.9755019

Why is it cringey? Western fashion tries to be oriental all the time

>> No.9755025

this guy is beautiful

>> No.9755053

Jai <3

>> No.9755080

You have to pretend to be Sikh

>> No.9755095


>> No.9755096

only an indian would use this joke lmao

>> No.9755358


You make me blush /fa/


>> No.9755375

Except white Indians made that while nihher Indians fuck cows

>> No.9755383

You vw to dress like gahodjar fuck fashion just gang rape and goodnight

>> No.9756229


>> No.9756256

ask tripsk

>> No.9756259

love this

>> No.9756280

they dont

>> No.9756286

cant agree more

>> No.9756398

become a sapeur

there is no other way

>> No.9756537

>Why do people in this sub

fuck off you reddit faggot


mad that you cant downvote me you cuck?

>> No.9756544

and you're the only one

>> No.9756993

Get a manbun. Srs. I think that 90% of Indians can pull off a manbun. Or just long messy hair will do aswell. Go comfy core too and don't take yourself too seriously. I see way too many Indians that take themselves seriously, have short clean hair and tight fitting clothes but I just don't think that works for em. So be chill man.

>> No.9757010

I'm from Mumbai and I'm very effay. reeeee has approved me.

>> No.9757063
File: 12 KB, 400x400, X3Oi2tVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half Indian, Half French Canadian here. The worst part of being a shitskin is the nose. Honestly, if one had a nosejob, you would arguably look better than many caucasion people. pic related is me.

>> No.9757070

The nose is fine I'm more worried about your weak asf jaw and big ass ears

>> No.9757572

Half punj half québécois? The two worst races in Canada combined congrats faggot

>> No.9757599


>> No.9757709

Why do Indians in the movies look nothing like Indian people in real life? I get that actors are more attractive, but real Indians look like a different ethnicity all together compared with Bollywood actors.

>> No.9757720

India is only a country because of Britian. It honestly could function as a hundred different states. Indian is full of hundreds of different accents and ethnicities. All Indians look different and sound different.

>> No.9757727

Not Punj, but I am Quebecois. My father is Sikh, so whatever nationality that religion translates too.

>> No.9757747

Sikh's are punjabi. You're clearly stupid as fuck, which makes sense considering you're a mix of two backwards ignorant peoples.

>> No.9759769


>> No.9759773

boss mode

>> No.9759794

Hey man, don't dive into this self-hatred with calling it "shitskin" we all have diverse colors and that's part of what makes humanity what it is. Find beauty in that, you can't expect happiness if you can't first love yourself. Peace brother and good luck, you are beautiful.

>> No.9759804


>> No.9759891

If you feel shitty about it, just don't have kids.

>> No.9760238

loool, in a few hundred years europe managed to steal everything from EVERYONE and killing 99% of the people they stole from. The british and americans all hail from thieves.

>> No.9760274
File: 109 KB, 1200x1200, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9760278


>> No.9760467

you've got some nice mountains I'll give you that

>> No.9760520


Have some pride in your background you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.9760554

holy shit, this made me realise >>9754947 is totally right. The cringey thing about a lot of Indians is they try to be white and end up second rate since they aren't white.

So, I'm half-japanese, does anyone know of some stuff similar to that pic, based on traditional japanese clothing, but modern enough so as not to be cringey?

>> No.9760567
File: 7 KB, 292x219, 6784031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can I be /fa/

>> No.9760570

Damn dude, do you...browse 4chan?

Not saying I don't like the way you're talking; I'd be glad if more people were like you on here.

>> No.9760577


>That one Indian that's decked out in Polo with the biggest emblem they can find.

>> No.9761167

Lurk more or get out, retard.

>> No.9761181

have some self-respect

>> No.9761187

everyones so mad

>> No.9761189

No one gets mad at the internet. The internet being serious business is a joke. Well its supposed to be

>> No.9761453

Friendly reminder that casual racism is not /fa/
If you are a racist you will never be /fa/

>> No.9761513

The worse part of being indian for me is that my arms are just a little bit disproportionately long compared to my torso.

Also that I will never be as cool as Jai Paul

>> No.9761539

Go for the Tom Haverford look, pal.

>> No.9761585

Work out and make your torso bigger.