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File: 608 KB, 2016x1252, Voss_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9749735 No.9749735 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most effay bottled water?

>> No.9749738
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>> No.9749750

boxed water.

>> No.9749799


>> No.9749816
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this isnt even a question

>> No.9749820

Paying for tap water is pretty dumb, no matter how you look at it.

>> No.9750038

what's the most effay salad?
what's the most effay sandwich?

>> No.9750064

most effay suicide method?

cheap alternative to heroin OD?

>> No.9750092

What's the most effay dinnerware set?

>> No.9750099

idk if u kno dis but a lot of bottled water is spring water that isnt from da tap an som ppl have enough money dat dis small luxury is insignificant in dere finances but u probly alredy knew dat but i just wantd to make sure u knew dat thanks

>> No.9750100

Bottled water is 4 sheep, enjoy ur network television n rap music. Bet u voted for ubama

>> No.9750102

If paying for water makes you effay.

Then being effay is really fucking stupid.

>> No.9750103
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>bottled water

>> No.9750119

>buy voss water because apparently its for rich people
>theres air in it

>> No.9750149
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>still drinking filthy fluoridated city water

>> No.9750154

It's all bullshit. I don't even know why people still pretend bottled water is better than any drinking fountain.

>in tests sponsored by Finland's national broadcasting company, Yle, three blindfolded wine experts rated Voss water lowest of the six waters tested, which included Helsinki public tap water.[2]

>In October 2010, Norway's TV 2 reported that Voss has the same source as tap water from the municipal water supply in Iveland and, contrary to Voss marketing,[3] that this is not artesian.[4][5][6] TV 2 continued to maintain these claims despite Voss objections.[7]

>> No.9750164


There's no evidence of fluoride being dangerous in the level present in tap water.

>> No.9750175

be like every other sensible human and get a brittia water pitcher thingy, so you dont have to waste money buying bottled water

>> No.9750198

its great tbh

>> No.9750207
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There's nothing more effay than A bottle of Voss.

>> No.9750208
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fill it with tap water

>> No.9750225
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Anyone with any perception of psychological nuance should see a person drinking fancy bottled water and immediately associated said person with insecurity. They go to the trouble of paying good money for something that's normally free merely for its image.

Real /fa/ people aren't concerned (or don't appear to be concerned) about their image. The look good naturally, as if it's an afterthought. The Italians called is sprezzatura.

>> No.9750249

I'm an Icelandic Glacial man myself, but if i'm really dehydrated i go for Essentia.

>> No.9750250
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>> No.9750262

fucking this. except that it's tapped by nestle

>> No.9750266

since you're so well versed in psychology i'm sure you've heard of the placebo effect right

>> No.9750285


Yes but how is that a good argument for buying bottled water? You shouldn't value bottled water enough to care because you'll still appear foolish, whether or not it makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.9750317
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Fucc with me

>> No.9750331

Monte Cristo.

>> No.9750334
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>> No.9750338

my man
I only wish I didn't pick labels off things smh

>> No.9750356


>> No.9750364

Red bull

>> No.9750365

What's the most effay toilet paper?

>> No.9750366


>> No.9750381

Bottler water is for third world citizens.

>> No.9750391
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>> No.9750398

fiji is the most disgusting water I've ever drank

>> No.9750400

That's not water
>12 KB
My eyes are ruined

>> No.9750414

Water from an emptied vodka bottle or nothing at all.

>> No.9750485

>Pocari sweat
My motherfricking negro

>> No.9750549
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Not forgetting the impractical 3kg's worth of glassey slippery rock they made in '05.

>> No.9750570
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Plain glass jar or a tinted one,like this.

>> No.9750576
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>tfw you can still drink tapwater

>> No.9750582

not having your own well, what kind of plebs are you?

>> No.9750597

>can still
what happened to the others?

>> No.9750602

This nigga gets it

>> No.9750604

Who says I don't own one,driven by pump with an oldscholl bucket on a whell to take the water out for drinking if I feel like it?

>> No.9750960

How did you know?

>> No.9751045
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i genuinely find it sexy when a girl has one of these. makes them look outdoorsy, practical and environmentally conscious.

>> No.9751081

Evian is naive spelt backwards for a reason

>> No.9751095

I think hanging is the second most /fa/ suicide method

>> No.9751100

what does this taste like i always see them in the grocery store

>> No.9751101


Hurr, hurr coincidence, Evian has been a town a 1000 years before the US was founded.

And Evian itself has been sold for over 150 years,

>> No.9751103


>not wanting to drink from the agro crag all day erry day

>> No.9751142 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 1300x829, black-revolver-with-a-white-background-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most effay suicide method?
Shooting yourself in the head with a revolver

>> No.9751723



>> No.9751750

refill valu on those containers is weak

plus i can't toss it in my bag without risking puncture.

i have a big voss glass mofo that i refill all the time. the logo is starting to wear out, can't wait till its all gone.

just get over it and put your dick in a nalgene, friend.

>> No.9751780

Drowning or headshot (with a doublebarrel or revolver)

>> No.9751786
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What's the most effay feather duster?

>> No.9751793
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>not drinking smartwater

>> No.9751795 [DELETED] 
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>double barrel
Per Yngve Ohlin, is that you ?

>> No.9751813

Yes, it is me.

>> No.9751839

an aquafina bottle without the wrapping

>> No.9751861

I had a pink one from ikea but I get it wet trying to clean it and then it left a pink stain on my white wall :(

>> No.9751866

this. it tastes like fucking trash

>> No.9751877

mfw americans are forced to buy bottled water, because their tap water is filthy and contaminated


>> No.9751892

its obviously fiji or smart water, voss water is trying too hard and is no bueno

>> No.9751900

please eat something you look starved

>> No.9752044

>Tfw your last name is Pellegrino

>> No.9752122

Um we can drink tap water? Where do these jealous pigs get this stuff from

>> No.9752175

except it isn't

most american tap water is just fine, and some of it is quite tasty

>> No.9752268

Homemade peppermint water.

>> No.9752953
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>> No.9752988

You might have mixed up America and Europe/Asia pal, most people here drink tap.

>> No.9753022

Can i get this stuff in holland?

>> No.9753032
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>tfw you're named after the drink that made your mom drop her panties

>> No.9753034

>tfw your goverment say tap water is fine for human comsumption but you dont trust those pigs in my house we have to buy 2 carboys each week just to drink, i still use tap water for the kettle tho

>> No.9753049

single use plastic waters arent effay at all

>> No.9753058

fuck nestle

giving money to zionists isn't cool

>> No.9753073

I don't really care about what brand it is, I just re-use a bottle I fill with tap-water once a week and then replace. I didn't know this but apparently the tap-water here is the best in the world.

>> No.9753096


>> No.9753131
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>implying I care


>> No.9753138

What does American tap water taste like? Chlorine and lead?

>> No.9753144


Jesus Christ is that in dollars? You can a small bottle in the UK for a £1 and a large for £2. Fiji water cost about £1 as well.

>> No.9753162

No, it's more like $3 here.

>> No.9753173



>> No.9753398

this is an energy drink not water

>> No.9753418

Where from?

>> No.9753429

piss m8.

>> No.9754061

>just get over it and put your dick in a nalgene, friend.
what a terrible post
didn't your mother ever teach you that if you don't have anythign intelligent to say, don't say anything at all

>> No.9754064

>third world countries

>> No.9754071

Evian > Everything else

Anyone that disagrees is a plebeian

>> No.9754117
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Wegmans store brand

>> No.9754138
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>> No.9754165

fiji obviously.

>> No.9754169


>> No.9754180
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currently im enjoying evian

my bottles look nicer than the once in the pic though

>> No.9754486

Fiji & anything other than generic bottled water is on par with drinking starbucks

bottled water is not effay, its what

>> No.9754523

it's actually a sports drink not an energy drink

>> No.9754702
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>not superior miu color

>> No.9755522
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>> No.9755572


the best answer

>> No.9755609

Internet has fucked you up, guys.

>> No.9755753
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>> No.9755776

Lol how does that cost?

>> No.9755793

modern ameritryhards get #dunked

>> No.9755798

they give it to you free if you stay around the rick store long enough, if they think you have intent to buy something

>> No.9755801

my sister drinks this shit because she genuinely believes in all that electrolyte shit they peddle

>> No.9755809

that ck remon or whatever it is jap drink is goat too

>> No.9755873

used to drink nothing but this in college.

the glass bottles so water doesn't taste nasty like plastic if left in the car

plus it's a free soda glass refillable water container in a pinch

chick in glass used to fill these with vodka tho

super sweet tastes like aquarius minus the bitter end note

tastes like the one flavor of Gatorade aval in japan but sweeter

>> No.9756404

Voss is foreign tap water. American water is so shit-tier nobody wants it.

>> No.9756572

Me too wtf

>> No.9756596
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canned Japanese water is GOAT.

>> No.9756793

>bottled water

>> No.9756809
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>buying """premium""" water

/fa/ has the worst consumer sense of any board.

Jesus fuck just buy a pack of Poland Spring.

>> No.9756916
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Im unbanned bitch..

Btw black water is fa AS FUCK

(Is actually dilluted fuel oil)

>> No.9757515

>current date
>not filling own water jugs at local spring
Why? Oh that's right, you live in a shitthole polluted city with no artisan wells around. You have no idea how good ice cold water fresh from the table tastes.
Oh yeah, and did I mention there's almost an endless supply of it? It's far better than any bottled water and it literally never stops flowing, you could drink a gallon a day and never pay a cent, compared to a gallon of Voss or Fiji...

>> No.9757527

If it's sold at Walmart in the Midwest it isn't /fa/

>> No.9757534

>buying water

Jesus just use tapwater

>> No.9757543

>tfw your government fills the water with mind controlling chemicals so we believe 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

>> No.9757546
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>mfw I have stockpiles of bottled water containing flakes of gold
>mfw I have a hot girlfriend
>mfw I literally give her a golden shower

You fucking peasants

>> No.9757548


As a Californian, it's easy to get spoiled and forget that many places have low quality tap water.

>> No.9757774

this is some high quality bait
keep it up

>> No.9757793

>maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal

>> No.9757801

lmao bottled water, you losers

get a reverse osmosis filtration system for your home and stop being such fucking tools

this is why /fa/ will never be cool

>> No.9758044

This water is distilled which means water is steamed and the vapor produced is collected and bottled.

I drink this water every day generally 60-100floz. I have a 5 gallon tank in my workout room, but also a 50 gallon tank which is connected to every faucet in my house (with the exception of showers.) Most of the time I just the bottled water though, I keep 5 packs of 24 on hand pretty much at all time.

I live near the le bleu company, which is why I am able to do this. It's also pretty cheap too. I only pay a guy to re-fill the 50 gallon tank once a month for $100.

>> No.9758046
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pic related

>> No.9758493


Evian's got that sweet taste.

>> No.9758524

Distilled water is pretty cheap at regular grocery stores and pharmacies

>> No.9758574

well water tastes so bad tho

>> No.9758617

> buy a small $3 voss bottle
> refill it with tap water

It's a genuinely high quality glass bottle for a few bucks.

>> No.9759209


>> No.9760183

>drinking this much distilled water
Enjoy death

>> No.9761511

ur mums pants lmfao

>> No.9761569
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My thoughts.

>> No.9761598

poland spring

>> No.9761632


>> No.9761986

I'd say wrist slitting, aesthetically. Maybe self immolation.
Desomorphine OD.

>> No.9762049

ODing on cocaine in a four seasons bathroom

>> No.9762596

Yes! and the only water here with exceptional health benefits. Google history of Evian to find out why

>> No.9762634

artesian, you fucking idiot

or are skilled craftspeople hand-making the water in your well?

>> No.9762658

>Might as well be buying diamond water
I'm in London and I laugh when I see people buying bottled water, some of the water in those bottles are less pure than the water Thames Water recycles.

>> No.9762761

W2c bottle

>> No.9762795

>What's the most effay bottled water?
embarrassing. you guys are worse than minimal graphic designers.


>> No.9763416
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>> No.9763745

Aqua-gnomes faggot, ever Fucking heard of them? They handcraft the water underground???!! Christ have you never tasted the delicious mystical water forged and blessed by a qt Hydroelf priestess? Read a book fag.

>> No.9763757
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Crazy Water has lithium

>> No.9763772

Voss is for saudi arabians wearing too much acqua di gio in Giuseppe Zanotti black/gold high tops

The most /fa/ bottled water is filling your own minimally branded reusable vacuum sealed canteen (black or metallic in color)

>> No.9765320

People actually care about what other people thing of their bottled water? Really?

>> No.9767037

Voss is a hoax. The water is exactly the same as the tapwater in some small town in southern Norway. Far far away from the actual place Voss (known for incredible nature and probably lots of clean rivers and waterfalls).

It's high quality tapwater - no question about that - but there is nothing special about it except for the fancy and/or tacky bottles that aren't very friendly to the environment.

If I remember correctly, the mayor in the little town where they tap "Voss" water renamed the actual watersource to Voss while the rest of the local council was on vacation. And this way Voss could continue to call their tapwater Voss without breaking Norwegian advertising/marketing rules.

In Norway you can buy Voss by the case in the cheapest supermarkets. There is nothing fancy about it anymore.

>> No.9767048

They also used to lie on their labels about the water being i-forgot-the-term... something about it coming from deeper within earth and has been filtrated cleaner bco pressure or whatever. The concept is real, but that's not what Voss' bottled water is at all. It's just normal, good tap water.

>> No.9767059
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Too bad san pellegrino isn't even 100% natural. It has extra carbonation added in a factory.

Pic related is sold exactly how it comes out of the ground.

>> No.9767070


>With lime

And you believe that there's some secret lime well?

>> No.9767074


are you trying to tell me there isn't?

>> No.9767080

why would u drink something that comes out of the ground

dude what

>> No.9767082

Voss is the Absolut vodka of bottled water.

>> No.9767084

>buying water from nestle

fucking kek, you tools

>> No.9767093

Perrier is Nestle? Lol. Knowing Nestle it's probably collected rainwater from some dry and starved African country.