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/fa/ - Fashion

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9744513 No.9744513 [Reply] [Original]

just got back from my psychiatrist visit
>so anon, tell me what you do in a normal day
Um I go on forums a lot
>forums about what exactly?
Uhh all sorts of things

At this point my mind starts racing. What can I tell him? Could I somehow try to explain /r9k/? No never. /pol/? Of course not. The thread I frequent on /vg/ that has devolved into homoerotic role playing? Nope. What is the most normal board I can tell him I browse. So I'm sitting there with my hand on my face in my finest beta body language and I say.

He immediately cracked a smirk and I could tell he's thinking "this fucking ugly loser can't be serious"
>fashion? Like clothes?
Uhh... yeah...

Please kill me

>> No.9744530

>He immediately cracked a smirk and I could tell he's thinking "this fucking ugly loser can't be serious"

Either you are projecting, or stop paying him and leave. Don't think hes qualified if that's the case.

>> No.9744539

ur projecting

he has heard much, much worse. He's a therapist, you should tell him about r9k and stuff. Why would you pay a therapist and then not let him do his job?

>> No.9744544

Should of said /o/, /sp/, or /out/

>> No.9744545


Did he jot 'gay' into his notepad and ask if you repress anything?

>> No.9744549

Well was your fit on point at least?

>> No.9744556

post psych fit

>> No.9744571

Op goes to a psychiatrist and doesn't tell him stuff he qualifies as socially awkward or embarassing, good fucking job m8, he's bound by professional secrecy anyway

>> No.9744821

post psych fit

>> No.9744838

who cares? therapists are gay as hell man.
you would be better off getting off /r9k/ and hit up the gym. that stuff helps more than anything else.
sucks you can't get laid, but it is something you can learn.

>> No.9744839
File: 236 KB, 1178x788, fa bane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was being a faggot part of your plan?

>> No.9744841

>go to psychiatrist
>don't work through actual issues and traumatic events
>talk about your favorite online fashion image board

>> No.9744852

omg u go on pol and r9k and ur seeing a therapist.

Holy shit man start exercising/training your body and get off 4chan. Pathetic.

>> No.9744864

You should feel proud and quit being insecure.

There are bronies, furries, gay pedophiles, and the like who probably see therapists. It's just a hobby a lot of people have. Be thankful you aren't a fucking nutzo wack job who yanks his junk to cartoon horses.

>> No.9744880

Have you ever made any cringy Sopranos or Hannibal references?

>> No.9744886

which thread on /vg/ ;)

>> No.9744888

Its not a psychologist its a psychiatrist. Their job is to ask you if you're feeling sad and then give you pills.

>> No.9744979
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 0309 - 1xxuQ5O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mum finds my sad frog folder
>She tells my psychiatrice after our bi-weekly one hour session
>Explain it's just a meme
>Psy tells me there is no such thing as memes and diagnoses me with severe delusion
>She tells me I should start watching tv series to build a pseudo-relationship with the characters and learn how to interact with people

>> No.9745197

>She tells me I should start watching tv series to build a pseudo-relationship with the characters and learn how to interact with people
thats how you can tell a retarded delusional bitch from an actual psychiatric technician

thats the most stupid shit i´ve ever seen this whole week, congrats anon, your "psychologist" is as retarded as a basic bitch asking for a frappucino at starbucks in mid winter in canada

>> No.9745224

i disagree. if you aren't getting a lot of social interaction TV is a good way to recognize certain traits you identify with. Everyone forms their personality based off someone else anyway.

I know it sounds autistic, but it can have positive effects depending on the person. Sometimes people have no idea what to say.

>> No.9745240

I'm guessing /terag/ from the way he described it.

>> No.9745260

you wanna know what's even MORE retarded? that fucking simile you probably took 15 minutes to think up

how is a basic bitch buying a frap from a coffee shop in winter retarded?

stop posting please

>> No.9745287

As a Starbucks partner, I can confirm

>> No.9745316 [DELETED] 

>tfw psychiatrist is hotter than a vanson with two hoodies, on a beach with two bitched krump dancing

>> No.9745329

>tfw psychiatrist is hotter than a vanson with two hoodies on the beach, with two bitches krump dancing

i smacked that bitch in the mouth with my dick, but it's not domestic violence because she likes that shit. then she sucked it like her fucking life depended on it.

>> No.9746932


you're not welcome here bud

>> No.9746948

social anxiety is very effay
i read it in the effay mental illnesses thread

>> No.9747157

>told my therapist about 4chan
>she said I should keep going on 4chan so that I have a laugh in a while (was diagnosed with depression)
>also said I should go to a brothel to get over my virginity

>> No.9747170

you should have asked her why she couldn't help you get over it

>> No.9747179

underrated post

>> No.9747220

Psychiatry is a great racket.

>> No.9747229

Avoiding eye contact and conversation is not effay.

>> No.9747234

it is if you come off like a douche and not a fucken nerd

>> No.9747238


It depends.

You might be wearing shades indoors and acting aloof.

>> No.9747350

>going on /r9k/ and /pol/
there's already two good reasons to kill yourself

>> No.9747664

>your "psychologist" is as retarded as a basic bitch asking for a frappucino at starbucks in mid winter in canada

bitch you've never even left mexico

you don't even have a passport

>> No.9747760

tfw moot could model

>> No.9749604

If you're not going to be honest what's the point on going to see one?

>> No.9749709

Why would you go on /r9k/ or /pol/ in the first place?

>> No.9751811

I'm just not comfortable explaining 4chan yet.

I have social anxiety and I'm racist, duh.

If I posted my fit on that day everyone would just shit talk me more because I've already exposed too much about myself in the OP. But I was wearing a navy g9 harrington, RT brown jeans and white cps with a white t shirt.

The embarrassment isn't as bad now. This thread helped me get that off my chest.
Dressing well is important for self-esteem.