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9741498 No.9741498 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the most effay way to talk to people?

Do i look them in the eyes? Do i act aloof and look around? stare at my feet?

>> No.9741517


>> No.9741521

the most /fa/ way to talk to people is to not

>> No.9741523

Which ever way you feel most comfortable. :^)

>> No.9741529

Talk to them while 'in the moment' so that your whole personality comes through when you have the conversation.

If you naturally look away from the person or look at them, so be it, that's your personality - because expressing yourself completely and holistically is /fa/

>> No.9742480

How is this a real thread? There isn't an "effay" way to talk to somebody, you autist. Just be confident in yourself and what you're saying and know when to take the lead on a conversation and when to listen i.e. know what you know and know what you do not.

>Do i look them in the eyes? Do i act aloof and look around? stare at my feet?

Jesus christ are you even trying to have a conversation with someone at this point? You sound too desperate to look cool at the mall. You make regular fucking eye contact to show that you're paying attention. If you look around or stare at your feet you'll either look unconfident as fuck or like an asshole.

>protip: acting aloof couldn't be any less aloof

>> No.9742495

Do you know how the mysterious characters in the animes talk with their arms crossed and their eyes closed? You should do that.

Do this:
>Don't face the person, keep your back to them
>(It is also acceptable to lean against a wall)
>Close your eyes, keep your head down
>Cross your arms
>Make sure to smirk and to speak in short, cynical phrases

>> No.9742506


>> No.9742551


>because expressing yourself completely and holistically is /fa/

>> No.9742595

Just act like Ryan Gosling from the movie "Drive". While you are at it, dress like him too.

>> No.9742617

Depends on the situation but generally the more autistic you feel the better.

>> No.9742628

You have to randomly punch your interlocutor

>> No.9742639

I did debate in high school and my coach was insane (he was fired my senior year). Anyways whenever we'd talk he'd make really strong, uninterrupted eye contact. At some point I was like "Oh, you're supposed to hold eye contact the whole time you talk to someone" and idk. I think he held eye contact to intimidate us but if you do it in a friendly manner it makes you seem more sincere and genuinely interested.

Constant eye contact might be weird though so maybe on and off?

>> No.9743101

Just talk to them you fucking aspie