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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.27 MB, 1214x1202, goodlife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9728891 No.9728891 [Reply] [Original]

Been a while since we have had one of these.

>> No.9728907

Because most posters are rich posers and just posts whatever their rich friends arw wearing

>> No.9728920

The way rich people dress is so boring. They have their own uniform, for the most part.

>> No.9728931


thread theme

>> No.9728948

My younger brother dressed like this, I sorta do sometimes. Dressing like it all the time is very bland. I don't care about the image that much. I just like cool looking stuff and neat designs.

I have noticed people treat me differently depending on what I wear. Sometimes I get looked at in Neiman Marcus like i'm going to steal something, but when I dress "wealthy" I'm left alone and given excellent service

>> No.9728960

>Been a while
maybe a few hours, a day tops

>> No.9728972
File: 1.02 MB, 604x1150, Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 6.08.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a fan of the rest of the fit, but I really like this jacket, w2c.

>> No.9728981
File: 625 KB, 430x1066, Screen Shot 2015-04-19 at 2.19.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic

Look through the old wealthcore threads, there are some very diverse fits.

>> No.9729013
File: 853 KB, 1372x2000, citrus_ch10_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w2c gf

>> No.9729089

that shirt looks v soft
what kind of fabric is it?

>> No.9729097

if i only was like really rich i'd wear nxtlvl shit just for shitngiggles

>> No.9729104
File: 84 KB, 500x288, l1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Light Yagami wealthcore?

>> No.9729110
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>> No.9729120

Honestly, I'd fuck them both.

>> No.9729129
File: 50 KB, 156x211, 2015-04-19-193650_156x211_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine those lips wrapped around your dick :3

>> No.9729156

Look a lot like the John Elliott Moab Bomber

>> No.9729187

fuck that's expensive

>> No.9729194

A boy can dream, Anon. :3

>> No.9729298

Thanks, looks about right.

>$475 for a bomber
>"fuck thats expensive"
A. You are posting in the wealthcore thread.
B. That is actually much cheaper than I expected it would be.

>> No.9729383

John Elliot's designs are plain and uninspired. I don't see how you could have "expected" it to be worth more, unless you're new to fashion or something.

>> No.9729416


the guy wearing it also looks like our boy elliot rodger, kek.

>> No.9729421

Ashley, everyone knows you have a budget of $50 for articles of clothing. Why are you in a wealthcore thread?

>> No.9729425

>elliott rodger

>> No.9729426

Did you just eat a bowl of alphabet soup and pull that number out of your ass???

>> No.9729430

>alphabet soup

>> No.9729436
File: 2.38 MB, 320x180, 465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers in ALPHABET soup

>> No.9729437

Alphanumeric soup

>> No.9729441

That bitch has a punchable face

>> No.9729445

Small brain, small budget.

>> No.9729466

wealthcore is funny to me. Every picture posted in these threads features out of shape ugly manlets with zero sense of style, always with that same smug ass look on their faces, as if being surrounded by gold-digging whores is in any way a fulfilling existence.

>> No.9729478


>> No.9729489
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>> No.9729659

In the deepest sacred valleys of Ethiopia

>> No.9729666

Imagine your cum on those black eyesacks and that bulbouse puppy nose

>> No.9729679


She looks like she'd be fun to chokefuck

Money grubbing whore would give it up if I flashed her my $8k Rolex from over the top of my convertible 2016 Bimmer

>> No.9729721
File: 1.12 MB, 1206x1204, yeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you are rich enough for her. She has a private jet after all.

>> No.9729723

Are you guys being sarcastic or is your taste in women that bad? If it is, you might as well just be gay lol

>> No.9729732

if there's one thing you can trust women to always do, it's to be jealous of other women
you really can't help it, can you?

>> No.9729943

jus b urslef guis

>> No.9729953
File: 145 KB, 776x1172, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want dweebs like you?!

Also, fuck these captchas

>> No.9729959

They are impractical as hell though. I remember being at a gathering/party with my family once where this super obnoxious bitch was bragging to everyone how rich she was even though everyone was almost on par,below a bit, or above her and her family wealth wise. It was seriously annoying yet sad at the same time.

I remember going to get a drink and she came up to me to brag. When she noticed I wasn't kissing her ass she threw out the "i have access to a private jet! I bet you've never been on one....lol" All I did was ask her to take me for a ride right that moment.

She got flustered and backed out saying I was inferior or some shit then began mean mugging me the entire time.

It's just one of those things that is cool to have but you really won't use it all that often. Then later I found out it wasn't even her families.

>> No.9729964

Nobody cares, loser

>> No.9729987
File: 491 KB, 600x1020, PAGE-16_171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay jelly

>> No.9730001

Hey you should become a brick layer

Cuz yr really good at building walls

Of text

>> No.9730064
File: 33 KB, 448x337, who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Whos from Whoville

>> No.9730100

>pre-ripped jeans

>> No.9730231

Eh, the few times I have been on one (family friend) it has been super convenient. It is great for vacations, and is very useful if you have a second home elsewhere.
When I am older I hope to own one, but I wouldn't get one until I am worth 100m+. I guess I could lease one earlier though.

>> No.9730419

prob silk/rayon

>> No.9730455
File: 1.04 MB, 996x900, whothefucknamestheirkiddurk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9730464

this meme needs to stop

>> No.9730470

thread full of hood rich middle class honkeys thinking they rich cuz dad makes +-200k a year.

>> No.9730490

Her nose is so strange.

>> No.9730515

lol why are you posting pictures of sammy on 4chan

>> No.9730547
File: 25 KB, 720x720, 11102676_10206310572306993_1477009370885898324_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not op but heres more of the girl.

>> No.9730552

It's more practical to charter a jet if you need one. You could also own a part of one with fractional services. Owning one requires a lot of upkeep and unless you have a company that requires the transportation of people and goods in a short amount of time, usually within one country and usually stopping in small towns (flying intercontinental is still safer and faster a commercial plane imo).

If you a fly as a hobby, that's a good reason to own a plane too. It still doesn't make it a practical mode of transportation.

>> No.9730553
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slutting is the only way she can get men to be remotely interested in her

>> No.9730562
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>> No.9730568
File: 2.31 MB, 2038x1218, Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 12.00.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are being catty, but you don't have to be so jealous.

>> No.9730573

nasty. only degenerates / very lonely men would want girls like that

>> No.9730574

yoga pants/ leggings and an oversized "i'm a boy" sweatshirt really have no place on a fashion board. you can post on another board if you really feel the need to share unfashionable rich girls you're attracted to.

>> No.9730577
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>> No.9730583
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she a fetish model or sum'tin?

>> No.9730589

buttmad pleb detected

>> No.9730593

this tbh. None of this is remotely impressive.

>> No.9730600
File: 67 KB, 1000x1000, VDpKVx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would i be jealous?

i'm very attractive, very fashionable, and i live a wholesome and pure life free from degeneracy. that bitch isn't even have a fraction of me. if anything, she would be the jealous one.

>> No.9730604

snobby bitches are so hot

>> No.9730628

good comment on /fa/

this shit is so fucking dumb, reminds me of those threads SPECIFICALLY for girls in yoga pants. Like, theres nothing remotely interesting about it yet people post it because it's "hot". Threads like that are one of the biggest indicators /fa/ has a bunch of idiots on it

>> No.9730651
File: 32 KB, 400x265, gay porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i clicked on >>>/s/ once and saw a thread called "girls in hollister jean shorts"

like wtf are you in middle school?

that's why i don't go to other boards

/fa/ posters are equally stupid and they're the same people making retarded posts on other boards. the only redeeming factor this board has is that it's somewhat about fashion

>> No.9730661

Real talk she' an average looking girl. I would still fuck but are you guys attracted to her richness or something?

>> No.9730671

Honestly, I think it's just teenagers. Like, back in high school yoga pants were "SUPER HOT WOW LOOK AT HER ASS" even though every girl wore them.

>> No.9730688
File: 37 KB, 471x350, 1427699090560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>claims to be wholesome
>being this arrogant

That white picket fence must what's keeping all the degeneracy out

>> No.9730701

I'm so sad these threads exist, they're so fucking degenerate. What is appealing about people who dress like shit even if all their shit is expensive. And if it's some dude that actually looks good, why is that "wealthcore"??? it's just someone dressing well, these threads dont need to exist

>> No.9730771

What is your problem with the threads? We make fun of people who dress like shit in expensive clothes, because they dress like shit. Wealthcore is about an appreciation for designer clothes, and this a general thread for people who wear them. It is also nice to discuss other aspects of luxury and wealth.

>> No.9730784
File: 88 KB, 210x293, http%3A%2F%2F33.media.tumblr.com%2Fefadbe021023bb3a89c23d89954ef6b9%2Ftumblr_nej3odMxz81qd1ytmo8_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are neither, do not decieve yourself bc you've become a laughingstock that is all over the place. Your appearance should be the least of ur worries tho.

>> No.9730857

>the autism in this post
Back to /pol/.

>pure life free of degeneracy
You're going to degenerate into rotten worm food sooner or later, princess.

>> No.9730989
File: 164 KB, 500x720, cool guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wealthcore is about an appreciation for designer clothes


Oh ok

>> No.9730991

Who is this seminal vessel?

>> No.9731016
File: 14 KB, 260x324, 41yVZXSgI6L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I ever said she was wealthcore. She is rich, but dresses pretty basic.

>It is also nice to discuss other aspects of luxury and wealth.

Maybe learn to read before you post.

>> No.9731042
File: 3 KB, 326x76, 4chan rules.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe read the rules before you post then.

>> No.9731058

I get the very strong impression in every "wealthcore" thread I see on /fa/ that nobody posting in it has any money.

>> No.9732484

What is it, then?

>> No.9732553

Post bank statement.

>> No.9732881

No niggers allowed please go back to Raf Simons general please.

>> No.9732892

Saved so I can make my gf dress like either one of them for indoors only because im not degenerate then im going to fucking cum inside her and make her leave it in there whilst we go for dinner.

>> No.9732898

who is this démon de sperme?

>> No.9732914

Anglo new money is NOT /fa/.


>> No.9732929


>> No.9732934

Her lips really aren't that great.

Rich girls aren't better looking than poor ones, they just wear better clothes, which is irrelevant once you're in bed.

>> No.9732940

It's irrelevant anyway.

>> No.9732945


anglos will never be /fa/

>> No.9733018

Fuck off wog

>> No.9733052

>rich girls aren't better than looking poor ones
That's not true. Rich girls eat well, exercise and keep their skin inside. They can afford facials and personal trainers and manicures and pedicures. They're well travelled and keep get the best products from the best places. A poor girl has to work and her hands suffer. A poor girl has to walk places and has ugly feet. A rich girl lives on low calorie champagne. A poor girl drinks beer from a fraternity keg.

>> No.9733061

>They can afford facials

Should I be charging? I usually give girls facials free of charge.

>> No.9733071

none of that can replace extraordinary genetics hehe

tfw rich, beautiful and effay

>> No.9733220

The only thing wealthcore in that image is the chick that's way out of the dude's league.

>> No.9733242

>I have noticed people treat me differently depending on what I wear.
You've 'noticed' that? What did you think this 'first impression' everyone was talking about all these years was?

>> No.9733246

stay delusional, virgin

>> No.9733270
File: 84 KB, 640x640, 10598222_346740232187307_456652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9733276

>keeps calling herself perfect

>doesn't know what a dick feels like

>calls herself beautiful

>nobody interested in fucking a ghetto white chick in fake street wear

>> No.9733281

what the fuck is that ugly bitch doing
pretending to play pool for an Instagram photo?

>> No.9733292

None of those things are particularly expensive. Your average poorfag could easily afford it.

>> No.9733365

That's what richfags do

>> No.9733375

no, it's what shallow basic bitches do

why are you so defensive of rich people? you're posting the cringest things in this thread.

"Look through the old wealthcore threads, there are some very diverse fits."

"That is actually much cheaper than I expected it would be."

"I doubt you are rich enough for her. She has a private jet after all."

>> No.9733410


>> No.9733419

What the have you been smoking? I posted a single image, didn't expect anyone to get their panties all in a bunch from that.

>> No.9733423

designer drugs

>> No.9733633
File: 993 KB, 250x250, hohohoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pre ripped shirts

>> No.9733640

N-no! It's designer! Rich basic bitches wear it and you wouldn't understand!

>> No.9733660


is that qt?

>> No.9733701

Those are literately all my quotes.

>> No.9733733
File: 902 KB, 606x602, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /hermes/ house here?

>> No.9733741
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>> No.9733819

>not throwing the boxes out

>> No.9733853

Richest girl I know worr old clothes and was excited that her parents were away so she could spend Christmas in her stables.

Never saw her outside of a pair of wellies.

>> No.9733868

making around 10k-15k a year..

>> No.9733920

pretty fucking pretentious keeping the boxes lol

>> No.9733925

0/10 no tits

>> No.9734006

Nobody does this.

Where else would you store your clothes?

>> No.9734027
File: 96 KB, 800x600, pep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a wardrobe

>> No.9734118

i'm always really intrigued by all of these instagram accounts that only exist to showboat their family wealth. You would think being from a wealthy family would be rewarding enough, and that you wouldn't necessarily gain anything from showing it off to the internet. I think it's a combination of low self esteem and trying to make up for other shortcomings in life. It would be interesting to have a conversation with this girl to find out her hobbies, other interests, and aspirations in life, if there are any..

Maybe the area i'm from is just more WASP-y, and wealth is much more understated. If this girl were from here, she would be seen as nothing more than a myopic brat.

>> No.9734152

>keeping your clothes in boxes


>> No.9734781

>not keeping your shoes in boxes
>not running out of space to keep all your shoes and clothes

>> No.9734808

>not moving your out of season stuff to the servants' quarters when this happens
>not writing daddy an email explaining how you NEED closet renos asking if he can pretty please write you a cheque

>> No.9734828

>out of season
nothing is out of season when you travel around the world weekly

>> No.9735198

>You are on a fashion board.

>> No.9735378

>mfw bitches like that are a dime a dozen in lower class australia

typical slutty bitch trying to compensate for her average looks by wearing revealing clothing

>> No.9735645


Is autism wealthcore?

>> No.9735659

Yeah, I could tell because they all reek of autism.

>> No.9735669

is this what degenerates tell themselves

>> No.9735921

Yep, that's why I didn't reply to it.

>> No.9736115

What t-shirts are wealthcore?
My vote goes towards T by Wang, Rick Owens and Acne.

>> No.9736119

t by aw is a shitty diffusion line and looks nothing like aw mainline
rick owens looks straight up retarded on fashion-illiterate idiots like you
acne is made of the same fabric as h&m

you clearly don't own and or even seen any of these brands in a store
kill yourself loser

>> No.9736120


>> No.9736278

she has definitely got her nose done

>> No.9736282

ree why are you being kinda hostile tonight

>> No.9736296

forced memes are fucking annoying thats why

>le rich people do this, le rich people do that
>get out of our secret club

except this idiot forcing this meme has some weird obsession with rich people and he doesn't even know what fashion is

ever notice why there are always 0 fits in these threads

sorry if this reads stupid, im kinda sleepy

>> No.9736864

>implying there's anything in the southern hemisphere or near the equator worth traveling to

>> No.9736869

What is anywhere tropical??

>> No.9736872

Not worth traveling to.

>> No.9736883

Hold up.
I said hold up!
Do her legs/ass look shopped to anyone else? Or am I just being paranoid as to why she's posing in front of a blank background...

>> No.9737599

Only example I could think of for the whole longsleeve vneck + no undershirt + chinos look.

>> No.9737812

What does that even mean?

>> No.9737945

That looks great though.

>> No.9737955

>They can afford facials and personal trainers and manicures and pedicures.

But that doesn't matter when you're 18 you dummy. Also, poor girls can do sports too.

I've had both rich and poor girls and they are no different.

>> No.9737961

>rich people giving a shit to post fit pics on a fucking anon image board

No wonder you trip you poor fucker.

>> No.9738384

My ex was rich, her father was in charge of a big UK department store. She was kind, polite, pretty, fairly down to earth but had a lot of problems in her head and outside of her immediate family the rest were massive cunts. My current girlfriend is Middle class, same as me, she's more of a bitch, but she actually knows about life, looks after herself but there's less tension. I just feel like we're both more relaxed and we can both get on. Obviously there's the insecurity side of mine when I was with a richer girl there's no denying that, but basically, in my experience richer girls are more polite and cleaner, middle class girls are bitchier but have less psychological problems. This doesn't apply to all obviously.

>> No.9738390

>My ex was rich, her father was in charge of a big UK department store. She was kind, polite, pretty, fairly down to earth but had a lot of problems in her head and outside of her immediate family the rest were massive cunts. My current girlfriend is Middle class, same as me, she's more of a bitch, but she actually knows about life, looks after herself but there's less tension. I just feel like we're both more relaxed and we can both get on. Obviously there's the insecurity side of mine when I was with a richer girl there's no denying that, but basically, in my experience richer girls are more polite and cleaner, middle class girls are bitchier but have less psychological problems. This doesn't apply to all obviously.

Yeah, none of those generalizations are true, you insular virgin faggot. Come back after you've actually gotten laid.

>> No.9738419
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1426884140339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying so hard

>> No.9738435

Yes, because my experience was different to yours it absolutely means I've never gotten laid, if you wasnt a total autist you'd realise I said it doesn't apply to everyone. Id suggest suicide, you thick fucking cunt.

>> No.9738516

their faces look so edited

>> No.9738531

are you saving yourself for marriage reeeee

>> No.9738538

don't project so hard, you'll hurt yourself.

>> No.9738543

for a boyfriend if i ever find one

>> No.9738611

ill b ur bf reeeeeeeeeeee :^)

>> No.9738616

if you were a cute boy irl sure
but you're not

>> No.9738618

stop pretending to be a woman

>> No.9738619

lol i was joking maybe if the girl i want 2 ask out says no

>> No.9738624

yea im actually a cute boy btw

dont worry i believe in you anon

>> No.9738626

>all the money in the world
>wardrobe is not entirely Savile Row Bespoke ro Rubinacci shit
what are you doing

>> No.9738637

nah youre some ratty looking kid, drop the act

>> No.9738662

I have mutual friends with these two on fb.

>> No.9738715

sweet dude

>> No.9738742

Exactly what it says. "Jeans + tshirt" is a type of outfit with plenty of variation.
"Longsleeve vneck + no undershirt + chinos" is another.

Chinos are dressier than jeans, and a longsleeved pullover is dressier than a t-shirt, and a vneck is dressier than a crewneck. Keeping undershirts out of the equation prevents it from becoming dadcore.

Some mook in a cheap suit with an eldridge knotted tie probably thinks he looks very fancy. By contrast, I like how this type of outfit sends its message almost subliminally. It's unselfconscious. And as you can probably guess, self-consciousness is something I need to work to avoid.

>> No.9738770


>> No.9738778

thx pal

>> No.9739352

>being 18
I don't wear a suit everyday like an autist
Maybe when I'm older

>> No.9739504

Yeah, it looks sharp, casual and comfy at the same time. I wear that daily, with some henleys thrown in.

>> No.9740210


>> No.9740229

Why the cuck does this still exist. Rich people just dress like normal fags with good quality normal fag stuff or preppy and designer clothes.

>> No.9740235

some people have style

>> No.9740263

You just posted the exact reason why it exists...

>> No.9740269

That's when you konw someone is new rich. fucking lel

>> No.9740275

No I posted the reason it shouldn't exist. It's just a variety of other styles in other categories which richfags tend to gravitate to with more expensive versions.

>> No.9740391

You're still explaining why this thread was made.... Maybe you just don't like it because you're mad. That's okay anon, just stop sperging

>> No.9740690


>> No.9740739

because "wealthcore" is a fucking stupid concept

>> No.9741547

I'm the only one who noticed that the glasses make him look like a fag swimmer?

Btw, the girl is cute. Moar of her?

>> No.9741728

idk, for being rich they are ona very plebeian place...
duckface girl
and a balding nigger

>> No.9741793

omg qt

>> No.9741864

that strategic hiding of I.B.T. with hair and wine glass

>> No.9742325

More girl further up the thread

>> No.9742715

did you even look at the other pictures?

>> No.9742911

What is the most wealthcore fabric?
My vote goes for silk.

>> No.9743534


>> No.9744850
File: 1.73 MB, 1220x900, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9744870


>> No.9744900
File: 5 KB, 125x204, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9745002

cashmere is hell cheap wtf./.....

>> No.9745014


>> No.9745021

Exactly. Wealthcore shouldn't exist because it's a generalisation of a bunch of other styles that richy riches happen to wear. Pretty fucking much >>9740739

Wealthcore threads are snowflake tier.

>> No.9745024


>> No.9745029

Is this how you faggots dress? Is this meant to look rich? This looks average.

>> No.9745034


you can pick up lanvin bombers for like 400-450 cad

they're dope as hell thinking of picking one up for fall

>> No.9745052

its shopped as fuck

>> No.9745095

reeee confirmed for /pol/ guy.

>> No.9745348

literal autism

>> No.9745358


>argument countered

>> No.9745619

Just looked, definitely might cop one
A bomber + tshirt combo can be v good wealthcore if done right
I see it all the time in nice clubs

>> No.9745633

I mean, isn't it?

>> No.9745646


seeing that little kid to the left made me sad as hell.
It's just some child enjoying a snack with a few stupid looking hoodies, not giving a shit about marketability or fashion or appearance.

f u c k

>> No.9745651

Why does that make you sad? You are on a fashion board, of course the posts are going to be about fashion and appearance.

>> No.9745661


Yeah it's exactly because we're all dissecting the vapid girl in the photo and there's a reminder of someone who's still unconcerned with these things, just poring over a snack box

>> No.9745666

meant to link this post.
Whatever. It's not a big deal.
I read a lot of Salinger so of course I'm fetishising a childlike innocence I'm projecting.

>> No.9747178

bump for goat style

>> No.9747197

I see 100 better looking women every day

>> No.9747849

>being rich
>having this haircut

>> No.9747990
File: 2.16 MB, 1214x1202, dawww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9748002


>virgin fantasy

>> No.9748010


Cool, so you're a pedophilic manchild

Btw, Salinger is for retards

>> No.9748941

did you photoshop something?

>> No.9749860

how do i get rich fa?