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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 33 KB, 299x288, 1427767092493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9726384 No.9726384 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /fa/ feels

>finally get the expensive shoes/clothing piece you waited for long to have afford
>Its finally on sale
>''man, can't wait to wear this serveral times a week''
>End up never wearing it (sometimes even forgot you had it)

>> No.9726389

whats her name

>> No.9726450
File: 264 KB, 500x559, 12424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought 2 pairs of nudie's for like 250 bucks total some time ago but wear some cheap local brand jawns because they are more stretchy and comfortable

>> No.9726525


>> No.9726540
File: 28 KB, 551x367, Br1MgQHIYAEfyz-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my throat has been killing me this past week, each cough causes pain in my stomache and discomfort in my throat

ive tried home remedies like boiling ginger and adding lemon and honey, but it tastes like fucking shit and probably doesn't even work

cough drops barely fucking work

i want to die and have no will to study for my math exam tomorrow

>> No.9726551
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>can't wear clothes that i don't like, but for those that i like i don't have money (even for some middle tier)
>saved money for decent clothes for years
>however i live in russia economics go shit in 2014 and all my savings now devalued twice
Pls gib me money

>> No.9726552

wtf is so effay about that

>> No.9726581

Stop electing Putin then fuccboi

>> No.9726627


>> No.9726638

nothin im just dying and wanted to to complain somewhere


>> No.9726706

>have acne
>no prescription treatment has worked yet
>two more weeks until my dermatologist appointment
>gonna ask for that glorious accutane

We're all gonna make it, bros.

>> No.9726712
File: 40 KB, 722x349, 1426634712163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw getting fat

>> No.9726721

>buy shoes online
>they run bigger than i thought
>can't send them back
>having to live with this mistake forever

>> No.9726728


>> No.9726752

>cop something risky
>this is gay I will never wear this
>"why don't you ever wear those shoes I bought you"
>sorry mom

>> No.9726760

At that point you might just sell tbh

either that or make an actual effort to wear it

>> No.9726765

I took it when I was 15 or 16 and it helped.

I'm 20 now and I'll admit, I'm a social smoker and do go out drinking at least once a month, and my diet isn't the best, so my neck and back acne has come back. Nowhere near as bad as before, but it still came back. Face gets the odd spot but is ok.

My lips no longer know how to "hydrate" themselves, meaning they're dry 24/7 and I use chapstick all day, and if I lose it I'll be suffering until I can buy another one. I don't know if I can blame it on Accutane, but I'm depressed and lack energy all the time, I've been this way since I can remember, but it could have made it worse. I don't even want to know what other damage it has done to my body.

It will fix the acne, but be aware it's not a miracle pill.

>> No.9726775

why are you complaining about having Acne? luxury brand af, super high qual

smh pleb

>> No.9726778

Thanks for the insight anon. How bad was your acne before taking it? What were your side effects during? In retrospect would you say it was worth it?

My skin is oily af too and accutane is the only thing that fixes that so I really want to take it.

>> No.9726780


>taken accutane 4 times
>think i started in 2008
>tfw acne is starting to come back

i want to die

>> No.9726799


>> No.9726800

Bought a floral tshirt, dad asks me if Im gay and doesn't allow me to wear it.

>> No.9726811


i'd beat you up for being a phaggot

>> No.9726825

sell them on grailed, or get some insoles / any other product used to make smaller feet fit better in bigger shoes

>> No.9726829

Not that guy but I'm on it atm. I used to have really oily skin too and it's helped a lot. The dermo told me it's designed to shrink oil glands and it's definitely done that. I did get depressed on my second set though. Stopped taking it for a few weeks and it went away. Just be super careful of that, people have offed themselves under its effects.

>> No.9726830


>> No.9726852

My face wasn't awful. By that I mean my cheeks were always clear, I'd get it on the sides of my forhead, on my jawline, near my lips, etc.

The worst was my neck, back, and chest. It was cystic acne that became huge painful lumps and left awful red scars and craters. At my worst point it even started spreading down the side of my legs.

Side effects are really dry skin. My worst was my lips. Like I said, I have to use lip balm all day because my lips never fixed themselves after stopping. A positive side effect was how my hair stopped getting greasy when I woke up, so I didn't always have to shower every day. Like I said, I really don't know if my mental issues are related to it or not, and I don't want to know what kind of damage it did inside of me (if it did any). I can't remember it all that much, to be honest. ALSO: remember you can't drink any alcohol at all, and I don't know how it would interfere with other drugs.

At the time I was really upset about it and I'm very conscious about my appearance. So was it worth it? I suppose. It stopped the acne.

I've got to go now, ask me anything else and I'll try to get back to you later.

>> No.9726870
File: 25 KB, 1024x571, ypMGRNV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop getting fat

>> No.9727001

>tfw bad acne on forehead and jawline but family was always too poor/didn't care enough to get a dermatologist and I'm scarred forever

>tfw shitty facial hair but don't want to shave and risk cutting open acne

>start Starting Strength/Bulking (GOMAD w/ whey protein) in beginning of winter
>gain ~10lb
>legs get thick, pants don't fit
>seasonal depression starts to kick in and I start drinking/smoking/stress-eating heavily
>gain ~10lb more
>been trying to cut since but the hunger makes it impossible for me to have the will to work and focus on school work
>I fall behind on lifting because difficult STEM Major
>I'm now DYEL-fat
>fucking kill me

>> No.9727035

you sound like a dumb tramp.
don;t be a dumb tramp

>> No.9727060

>tfw you hang around campus in hopes of seeing that one person
>they're the reason why you get up every morning
>stress about whether or not they'd like a fit
>tfw still too much of a wimp to approach him ;-;

>> No.9727080

>only been on /fa/ for a year now
>few months ago, start really noticing how people dress IRL
>start noticing gf is not effay
>say nothing because it's her clothes, her life
>still can't help finding her less attractive
>starting to find other men with good fits more attractive

wat do /fa/

>> No.9727095

realize that your partner doesn't have to share the exact same hobbies and interests as you. what matters is how she treats you and how you treat her.


dump her and suck the dicks of ripped dudes in rick

>> No.9727096

Already tried. Zoloft and adderall scrips might help

>> No.9727108


Kanye the bitch and sneak give her clothes randomly until her entire wardrobe is rick

>> No.9727110

On paper she's great and treats me fine. I just really don't like how she dresses and it's making me subconsciously not find her attractive. I've tried ignoring, it but it's draining me to fake my way through every sexual encounter.

>> No.9727128

idgi is she wearing her ugg boots during sex or what

what is even happening in your post

>> No.9727134

Very nice and subtle trolling my friend.

well memed

>> No.9727139

Not even kidding, she likes doing clothed sex so I'm having to watch her tits bounce through an ugly af hollister polo while making sure my dick doesn't accidentally brush her skirt from target.

>> No.9727148


Guys, this is obviously troll, what he is saying is that /fa/ turned him into a faggot.

Which is true for 95% of this shithole.

>> No.9727162

>tfw you come to /fa/ to ask for help and they call you a troll

poe's law in action, I guess

>> No.9727164


>> No.9727169

fucking buy her better clothes then

>> No.9727171

accutane is basically a really high dose of vitamin A. ive cleared up acne by increasing my dietary intake of vitamin A. the side effects aren't as acute, and the acne took longer to clear than when i took accutane, but it is a sustainable compromise.

just look up "highest vitamin a food" on google

>> No.9727175

already gave you help. ignore it, or dump her.

what other option is there? you're not going to transform a basic into a margiela runway model

>> No.9727176

That would involve dictating what she wears, which I think is shitty. I'd hate it if someone bought me clothes I hadn't specifically chosen.

>> No.9727187


>just got into fashion
>think i have sorted out my personal style
>see inspiration album
>buy & sell new wardrobe

during the last 6 months i've been into asos technowear, expensive workwear and now into engineered garments. sold roughly 30 items on grailed...

>> No.9727188

I'm going to break up with her. I feel like this whole clothes thing is me just trying to find a tangible reason to leave her, when I think I'm just done with the relationship for no particular reason.

Thanks /fa/. I think...

>> No.9727197

I've really missed these threads.

>> No.9727264
File: 63 KB, 658x435, super slavic fits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>qt bartender buys me a drink and takes me out a month ago
>I see her a few times
>Cannot assert myself or make a move
>Can't find a good time to do it either
At this point I'd be surprised if she didn't think I was gay

>> No.9727438

>Didn't have to shower everyday
lmao that's why you have acne

>> No.9727466

why do you have a bunch of danish kids saved under the filename super_slavic_fits?

>> No.9727560

agreed with this tbh, even if you don't like how your partner dresses giving them clothes is dumb. Especially since it kinda pressures them to wear somthing they don't like

Perhaps buying giftcards would be better?

or simply stop caring(recommended), most people really don't care too much about fashion/clothes in general and that's fine, reading too much into it here.

if you're gonna break up with her over clothing you really need to think it over, such a dumb reason tbh, taking it too serious

as you say it may just be yourself trying to find a reason, but if that's the case you need to come to terms with the reasons behind it

>> No.9727619
File: 586 KB, 1280x1280, moodog_manhattan_metalocus_02_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be as effay as Moondog

>> No.9727639
File: 9 KB, 205x286, 4158-dang-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give barber explicit instructions on how to cut my hair
>gives me lopsided hairline and does exactly what I told him not to do

>> No.9727738

>Can't afford a whole wardrobe of Rick ;^(

>> No.9727747

Don't blame a barber for you shitty hairline

>> No.9727805

tfw you dont want to go to school because 1 hour commute but you dont have self motivation to study at home

tfw you get over your excrush

>> No.9729033

>be me
>be ugly
>look like i'm 30 when i'm actually 18
>dinner with my mom and they thought we were a couple
>135 pounds and only 6'0 so I look awkward as fuck
>Dad stopped asking when i'm gonna find a gf
>Mom is oblivious
>shitting my pants about college

There is just so much. Sorry if these aren't /fa/ i'll never be

>> No.9729065

>tfw barber gives you exactly what you want

just kidding this has never happened to anyone

>> No.9729103
File: 575 KB, 613x583, 1370417759744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy shirt from American Apparel during the sale for $3 that looks dope
>it arrives after a two week delay
>fits perfectly
>is comfortable
>is see through
>everyone can see my undefined chest and shoulders now
>throw it in the back of my closet, never to return

>> No.9729113


lmao, pathetic ugly loser

>> No.9729158

>buy nice new clothes
>still not going to get her back

>> No.9729180
File: 54 KB, 550x400, feel_nogf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt asian gf

>> No.9729186


>> No.9729193


feels great

>> No.9729198


>> No.9729207

ПPИBET БPATИШ)))))))))))))))))00000

Кaк выживaeшь бyдyчи нищeбpoдoм? Лyк cюдa хoть paз пocтил?

>> No.9729480


>> No.9729484

eat less then you fucking retard it's not that hard

>> No.9729546

>, but for those that i like i don't have money (even for some middle tier)
>>saved money for decent clothes for years
>>however i live in russia economics go shit in 2014 and all my savings now devalued twice
im sorry u feel that way, i hope u get better m8

>> No.9729552


>> No.9729557

Jackson ;_;

>> No.9729571


>> No.9729647
File: 9 KB, 294x200, paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'5 and 18

but i dress nice and with better style than everyone else in my school and get compliments

>> No.9729663



>> No.9729672

Deanna ;__;

>> No.9729688

Doesn't matter. Still a lil manlet who probably can't pull anything off except elfcore.

>> No.9729689


They're pity compliments, manlet. The people giving them to you know that you won't ever amount to anything, so they feel a moral obligation to praise what little you might have going for you, even if you're still a midget

Poor manlets, when will they learn

>> No.9729706

>a manlet is also a frogposter
what do you know

>> No.9729714


5'5" fucking loser lmao

Good luck getting laid, MIDGET

>> No.9729716


o wait I get to see her beautiful face every single day haha

>> No.9729862

Why didn't you stop him mid-cut and say "Wait wait wait no, don't do that"

>> No.9729869

Reminder that women and giants see you as an inferior human being

>> No.9729878

just wear a tank or smth under?

>> No.9729901


lmao manlet!

>> No.9729934
File: 27 KB, 326x222, 2e6d4a5a50e7d6c8810cea83430b3a93_MeMmFrc2zN8JnxXrWd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to mall in a college city
>everyone working looks super /fa/
>everyone shopping looks super /fa/
>can't shake off the feeling of being a massive unfashionable hick when I'm among them

>> No.9730378

must be stress-related somehow.

>> No.9730412

It's time for some HRT little lady

>> No.9730417
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>> No.9730429
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>> No.9730433


what's the name of the city she lives in again? with that info we can destroy her

>> No.9730446


>> No.9730460

Having a hourglass as a man but not having the defined stomach muscles to make it ok.

>> No.9730559


>> No.9730566

Sell your computer and dont ever come on my counter strike mm again :^) filthy slav

>> No.9730595

mogadishu, pennsylvania

>> No.9731483
File: 168 KB, 605x605, 1429385818061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Know girl
>Girl has bf
>Have feelings for girl
>She has feelings for me
>She's still with him

I understand why, but I'm still a little upset over it.

>> No.9731493
File: 32 KB, 699x638, 1429445389614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's keeping you as a backup plan, don't let that happen to you. Friendly advice from an anon who went through the same shit.

>> No.9731511

>new job
>surrounded by qt's
>trying to be quiet and mature
>coming across as a mumbling fag
>probably think im gay
>feel like I'm slowly alienating myself
>I was fixing my trouser cuff
>girl walks in, smiles with her head down and walks right by me

everybody thinks im autistic but I'm just trying to not be an asshole :(

>> No.9731513

i don't usually post relationshit advice on 4chan but there shouldn't be a way to understand this, if she does like you and she's doing all this shit behind her boyfriend's back she isn't a nice person

or she doesn't like you as much as she likes him, but regardless she's still not worthwhile because she's playing you

>> No.9731596

nigga u gay

and who the fuck wears clothes during sex?

>> No.9731606

they probably think you're gay because you cuff your pants

>> No.9731656

Holy shit stop being that fucking stupid,things like the "perfect time" arn't true,just go to her and ask her out,you don't live in a fucking soap opera where everything is "perfect".Stop being an autist

>> No.9731659

i fucking loled like i never did

>> No.9731660

Girls lose interest over time,you better man up nigga,or she won't even like you anymore

>> No.9731667

I go to a hair stylist,she's friends with my mom.She does everything i tell her and i pay her as much as i pay a regular barber.Life is good

>> No.9731675

I had a manlet friend,cool guy,but short as fuck.He had no problem banging short girls,and he didn't even want to date someone taller than him

>> No.9731677


>> No.9731678

Yeah this guy is right,once the other guy dumps her,you will be the backup,unless she finds someone better

>> No.9731682

Probably, I drive a Fiat 500 too so I don't have much hope. Thank God I have an understanding gf.

>> No.9731976

>use to shun fashion
>didn't care what I looked like
>focused on study
>spend free time reading books and articles online
>buy pair of new shoes two months ago since last one completely beat
>fast forward to now
>spend all free time trying to find the best deals and reading /fa/
>waste money on stuff I don't need

fuck this consumerism it's so pathetic. I like to dress nice but the more I buy the more addicted I become and the stupider I feel

>> No.9731983


find the middle way

>> No.9732038

find a style and make a wardrobe around it that'll last you years, look at Lagerfeld, he pretty much wears the same black suit every day, yet he looks effay as fuck

>> No.9732048


>> No.9732049


>> No.9732056

calm it buddha

>> No.9732058


>> No.9732068


>glorious accurate.

Took it 15 years ago. Made me suicidal but I didn't realize it at the time.
Only worked for 1 painful lip-dry year.

Fixed diet : no more soda. Avoid non-fruit sugars. Reduce dairy intake and drink more water w/lemon in it.
Been cured since.

Also, fix bad dental hygiene. Acne comes from the gut. Can't let bad bacteria in the mouth overtake your digestive system.

>> No.9732094

Don't wanna bring you down but for me accutane just worked. At the time I was dry as fuck but I've got clean dry skin and have for ~3 years now since I stopped taking it. Never got depression either. Not saying it can't happen, but your experience is subjective.

>> No.9732095


>> No.9732108
File: 885 KB, 2560x1920, Euphoric Slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking Russian and you're complaining about expensive clothes when you could be pulling off the best fit of Western Europe.

>> No.9732112
File: 16 KB, 458x451, patrick bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get /fit/ you fag

>> No.9732116

The fox doesn't even like grapes

>> No.9732293

this hit me a little too close to home, fk it hurts ;_;

>> No.9732307

are you me ?

>> No.9732377

ka tu blet

>> No.9732406

see me after class

>> No.9732433

Lucy Ford

>> No.9732450

>tell barber to not cut my hair shorter than an inch
>cuts it at about half an inch
every time

jokes on them though now I shave my head at home

>> No.9732487


>> No.9732498

fried foods

>> No.9732502
File: 14 KB, 130x179, 1428899381640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are people this stupid or what

>> No.9732509


You have a very tough choice anon

>suicide by hanging
>suicide by overdose

>> No.9732511

Jazzy ;-;

>> No.9732534
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 1385781777280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't use heelies to escape ur feelies

>> No.9733493


>> No.9733505

I hate to insist. Please, eat shit and die.

>> No.9733554

That death threat was extremely rude and unwarranted. No wonder your girl left you. ^_^

>> No.9733710

That wasn't a threat. I wouldn't threat anybody for shitposting on this board, yet you have become exhausting. Thing is, why should I filter you?

You see, I have no reason to threaten or filter you, yet I'd rather have you disappear, so please, fuck off. Eat shit and die, piss off, whatever, make your pick.

>> No.9733724

>tfw got two different girls pregnant within 3 weeks

just fuck my shit up

>> No.9733990

I fell for the raw denim troll too. I wear jeans with poly and spandex for the comfort now.

>> No.9734000

at least you made me laugh Anon

>> No.9734008


fucking kek

>> No.9734010

Canada is calling. Go work the oil fields and change your name.

>> No.9734020


no you dummy, adderall will just make you more depressed

>> No.9734030
File: 17 KB, 500x616, tumblr_n4jkuwd3xg1r9d02eo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always buy clothes online cause afraid of shops
>70% of times they fit bad

also i can't find a proper style to follow, everything seems to risky, too basic or misplaced

>> No.9734080


>> No.9734094

Go get your testosterone tested.

>> No.9734140

I havent even had a chat with her she just stares at me and i stare at her

Beta as fuck, wonder when shell get bored and stop staring at me.

>> No.9734141

Ayy lmao this nigga funny af

>> No.9734149

>dad doesnt allow me to wear it
But you do are a faggot anon

>> No.9734157
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>> No.9734177
File: 409 KB, 861x1039, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw spring and no gf

>> No.9734193

>you do are a faggot

>> No.9734206
File: 101 KB, 819x531, 1423531945035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf in winter and no gf in spring

Every year

>> No.9734238

gf in winter is the best though because winter is so sad and also
>all those holidays to not be alone during

>> No.9734243

>tfw ER Nurse and the only scrubs availible are the all white ones

Fucking any color would be better.

>> No.9734602

How tf does one look 30 at 18, that's a leap...

>> No.9735047


>> No.9735067

Well they thought my 50 year old mom was dating me so idk what to think

>> No.9735560
File: 81 KB, 276x276, girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense, but I hope you die a slow and painful death.

>> No.9736634

you are so fucked now

>> No.9736765


>> No.9736773

>walking down to the convenience store
>walking past this middle-aged fat woman lighting a cigarette
>she looks up at me and says "You look too cool to be real."

That's the kind of person my fit impresses.

>> No.9736778


You degenerate loser.
I hate that scum like you breed.
Good job on ruining lives.

>> No.9736786


>> No.9736793

not same anon but :

Being pregnant is not life-ruining...
Plus the girl must have been aware of what she was doing (no condoms/no pill/no whatever) and know she was getting into a risk.

Got my ex-gf pregnant one time, we did what was best for us after, she and I aren't traumatized for life.

>> No.9736797

Just be Youssef. Look what not bring braucht you.
It cant get much wirst then that. I have quit Not bring my Self. Sortiment i say Things that shock me, but then i Remember that Thats who i True,lx am and dont give a fuck.

>> No.9736802

eleni ;_;

>> No.9736807

Muh German autocorrect.
But again I don't give a fuck

>> No.9736828


>tfw she's not even "that girl" anymore
>tfw you don't even regard her as special anymore
>tfw she used to be everything for you but now she's just a slightly annoying person you used to know

hold me /fa/

>> No.9736846

Kirra ;_;

>> No.9736847

stop eating so much booty

>> No.9736853

you broke up? I know I won't be with my ex ever again, I'm not even sure I'm in love with her anymore, but it still hurts thinking about her and all the memories we had

>> No.9736857

>finally start dressing decently and working out
>male patern baldness kicks in
>look awful with a buzzcut

>> No.9736898


Yeah we did. Won't be with her ever again as well. Too much bitterness now. That's what's hurting me the most, we're condemned to never be able to look back with happiness on any day we spent together.

>> No.9736905



>> No.9736913

how long have you been broken up? My issue is that I've already forgotten our problems and remember her like an angel. A month ago since the breakup today

>> No.9736924



>> No.9736942

4 months now. I can understand how you feel, but that will fade easily, and you will find someone better eventually

>> No.9736946

I'm like you but we broke up 10 months ago and sheeit why can't i just not think about her

>> No.9736948

Maybe they thought she was a cougar?
Everyone thinks my nine year old sister is my daughter and I look young as fuck (dirty looks everywhere and old ladies chattering ahoy).

I think it's just natural for people to jump to conclusions because it's fairly rare people hang with their mom

>> No.9736952

yeah... she didn't want it enough
Didn't stop me from loving her though
why'd you break up?

>> No.9736964

Distance and her parents doing everything to mess our relationship up. Love also faded. I don't want to be with her again but god i miss the times we were together

>> No.9736982

you sound rly pathetic bro

>> No.9736986

Same here. It doesn't even matter that I know we won't work again/that we wouldn't last, I still miss her

>> No.9736987

oldest bitch i fucked was 55, i did that at 19

her husband just kinda watched

>> No.9736999

lol i know

>> No.9737047
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>tfw nervous stressed and worried most of the day for no reason

>> No.9737067

You're literally disgusting. Why would you boast about fucking a granny. Get off the internet and sort out your life.

>> No.9737112

youre not alone, although im not really doinf it for no reason ;_;

>> No.9737189

>lying on the fashion section of a Jakartan pottery enthusiast board

>> No.9737192

so what like 40 years ago you fucking crusty old man?

that bitch is probably dead by now

>> No.9737780

post mom

>> No.9737783

nice trips

>> No.9738753

Nigga stairs exist, play it like a south African cop and make it look like she lost her footing. Worked for me, but I wouldn't recommend doing it twice; too obvious.

>> No.9738775

He's complaining about getting 2 girls pregnant on a fashion forum, so I don't think he is as smarter you are unfortunately

Please die you degenerate lowlife

>> No.9739326

Picked up smoking to both supress hunger, which i regret intently, and to help with the stress of hospitality. Get 5 minute breaks pretty much whenever you want its fucked. But yea the nicotine and other chemicals relaxed my lungs etc and pretty much eliminated my asthma, attempted to quit the other day and had my first asthma attack where i literally couldnt breathe. As soon as I was able to went and boight a pack of cigs. I guess im stuck being '/fa/'

>> No.9739340

Sara is my lucy ford.

>> No.9739582

>Starving myself for a month
>still fat

I want to go in to a coma until all this weight is off me

>> No.9739596


Haha you're a fat cuck

>> No.9739632

>used to be liberal and didn't mind dating SJWs
>browse 4chan once
>think 90% of my generation is degenerate

I've been single for 5 years because of these new standards. Can I take the bluepill now p-please

>> No.9739895


>> No.9739916


lol what an idiot

>> No.9739929


>> No.9739932

Rissa, hard telling if she hates my guts or likes me a whole lot.

>> No.9739933

You deserve to be shot for listening to anyone on this site

>> No.9739940

>never been together with a girl for more than a couple of weeks
>all the ones I got laid with range from weird to fucking insane
I'm starting to get more and more dissapointed in women. Feels like I'm doomed to be forever alone with occasional drunk skanks in a bed for one night which I will probably regret anyway. I just want to love and be loved ;_;

yes, first world problems

>> No.9739946

It might hurt his feelings

>> No.9739947


north york area of toronto

>> No.9739974


are you me?

I doubt it though since mine relapsed and moved back home

>> No.9739979
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>on first date
>ask who her favorite designer is
>"urban outfitters"

>> No.9740003

>hardly have an appetite anymore
>sleep schedule is fucked
>mental breakdowns once or twice a week
>hobby/passion is going pretty well
>extremely apathetic towards the opposite sex
>still look good

I've been like this for a while now but I'm used to it

>> No.9740013

Yore ugly as fuck. I doubt you went on a date.

>> No.9740031

hes right. you are gay.

>> No.9740052
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>> No.9740057


>> No.9740065
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she only talks to me because I sell/give her "pokemon cards"

>> No.9740079

fix your sleep and the rest will fall into place

>> No.9740087

are you guatemalen

>> No.9740112


Honestly about 0.1% of the people you meet know a damn thing about designers or brands. Probably less than that in mother Russia.. But if you spend, like, 20 hours tops to learn the basics of sewing/fitting you could make some badass clothes to fit your style out of any old shit you find. I wish I had that freedom. You have unlimited potential to wear what you want and not feel the burden of being judged by your fuck-faced friends over what brand you're wearing

>> No.9740128

i keep giving everything i can and nobody cares, not even me at all i do

shes gonna leave me this summer

the other ones gonna get with somebody else
the next has somebody else

i have nobody and nowhere and i dont get anything cus im a huge fucking retard and disappointment to my family

>> No.9740132

delusional fuck

>> No.9740138

she kissed me
she wanted to make out with me and mired my style but I sperged out

>> No.9740146

Work out you dumb cunt and eat proteins. Do cardio and weights.

>> No.9740325


tfw gf

you cant just stop at calling me ugly
im a 21 year old man not a highschool girl

lay it on me baby i can take the heat

>> No.9740385
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>tfw no gf
>tfw someone on /fa/ called you ugly as sin

Why live.

>> No.9740411

Not /fa/ but
>every couple of days hear pretty distinct sounds of people fucking from a neighbours apartment
This serves as a constant reminder of me being a failure. Shit is driving me crazy.

>> No.9740426

we can share

fear not, ugly people have sex too, stay true to the cause brother.

Geos before pussy, say it with me.

>> No.9740432

chicks don't have to be responsible for our actions, teehee xxxdxdx

silly boys 💔

>> No.9740462


>> No.9740469



>5'6 and 18

You guys can make fun of me if you want. My Helium tank is arriving tomorrow and I want my last memories of 4chan to be as "genuine" as possible.

>> No.9740585
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>Girl I love breaks things off with me 3 months ago
>still love her
>Plan on getting with this girl im currently talking to just to ease my physical loneliness
>Have no clue what to do

>> No.9740596

Yunis ;_;
and she's effay as fuck

>> No.9740618

This. >>>> >>9740079
My sleep schedule is so fucked that whenever I actually sleep properly, I'm surprised how alert I am the next day. People aren't joking when they say sleep is important.

>> No.9740751


>> No.9740763

get with the girl if you want but it wont make things any better buddy

>> No.9740779

work two jobs, finally saved up money and now have to pay for 3 traffic tickets

had a root canal done this morning and am getting two more this month
>passed out and hit mouth off bathroom sink counter top some years ago which killed all the nerves in my front teeth

have religious beliefs but still face a constant void and bored feeling, as well as general depression, probably because all I do is go to classes and work


>> No.9740789

Sorry to hear about all that. I know you'll get through it, anon!

>> No.9740828

ree, i don't even know how you alternate from being a cruel bitch to being such a gentle girl with such unexpectedness

>> No.9741077



She's a great girlfriend but god damn she needs to stop getting all worried and thinking I hate her if it takes me 15 minutes to reply to a text. I was in the bathroom god damn.

>> No.9741093


She has a borderline personality

Plus she's humbled now that everyone knows she's crawled back to /fa/ like a victim of domestic abuse after leaving in a tantrum

>> No.9741154
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I was entirely the one at fault, it's been over a year, I still haven't moved on, and my depression has been worsening ever since

More /fa/ related:
>tfw live in shit backwater city
>hours away from Toronto and no trains
>all local clothing stores are Wal-Mart and Old Navy-tier garbage
>best store brand available here is H & fucking M
I don't like buying clothes (other than tshirts) online because I hate not knowing if it'll fit properly and Canadian shipping rates are bullshit

>> No.9741421
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>tfw no matter what you do in life it is never good enough

>> No.9741431


>> No.9741462

>say nothing because it's her clothes, her life
Am I dick for telling friends their clothes suck? Like I'm not saying that I dress better or doing anything too annoying just jokingly saying they dress badly

>> No.9741654

awesome, please fail math and stay out of hard sciences less competition for me ;D ;p ;:D >.<

>> No.9741659

how beta can u get

>> No.9741667

>Am I dick for telling friends their clothes suck?
yes, you're a dick

either find new friends or stop putting the ones you already have down

>> No.9741677

>hours away from Toronto and no trains
do canadians not have cars either?

>> No.9741684

why would you ask a girl who here favorite designer is on a first date?
do you want her to think you're gay?

>> No.9741690

>tfw janitor
>tfw waking up at 6am to clean up all of pigfucks shit
>tfw i do it for free

just end it already

>> No.9741807

>tfw masturbated 4 times today
>tfw everyone around me pleb
>tfw waiting for it to be over
>tfw I only have confidence by myself
>tfw masturbating in front of a mirror

Make that 5...
>end the dream plz

>> No.9741873

Been dressing more consistently better since uni and getting compliments on clothes+hair

On the other hand I'm a virgin and I've never had a girlfriend and I haven't jacked off since September and my uni is full of qts so my thirst is fucking high rn

Also trying hard not to delve into smoking for health+money reasons but it's difficult

Dunno fairly standard

>> No.9741901

being a virgin in uni is NOT standard

there is literally no other better time when it is easier to bang qt's

>> No.9742009

i had more luck in highschool, just started uni this year and have had no luck so far :'(

>> No.9742076


>> No.9742080


>> No.9742178

Live in rural town. Get laughed at for wearing sicc fits.

>> No.9742568

It still seems to be difficult for me, I feel like I'm missing clues/don't know what I'm doing whenever I get somewhat close and end up sperging

Am I just over thinking it

>> No.9742573

have you tried going to a doctor to see if you are on the autism spectrum?

>> No.9742579

post said sicc fits

>> No.9742589

Is this a serious suggestion
Even if I did how would that help

>> No.9742591

lmao you really need to see a doctor

>> No.9742675

>Live in rural town
>wear shitty pleb fits
>spend hours on /fa/ but never actually buy anything

trust me, the alternative is a lot more pathetic

>> No.9742685
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I know that feel too much

>> No.9742711
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>get compliments from friends and strangers regularly
>dad tries to give me fashion advice
>he dressed decently in the 70s but now its just "Italian" Adidas as in, a blue Adidas v-neck with Italian flag patch. Way to big on him
>always slavshit track pants, always
>owns one pair of baggy as fuck jeans
>buy new nxtlvl shoes
>"they didn't have any other colors anon?"
>ah.. yeah they did but I liked this one (mutlicolor Nike flyknit)
>"well it'll be really hard to match those with something else, its not really a manly shoe, you should've gotten a boy color like, blue or green"
My fucking face when
Went on to get compliments on em regularly
>"you've inspired me to look for much better shoes like yours anon"

>> No.9742772
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>> No.9742937
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your dad sounds funny as fuck just leave it alone.

i picture him like that black drug dealer from half nelson

>> No.9742948

who is this semen demon?

>> No.9742949

>tfw shitty facial aesthetics
>tfw want to kill myself everyday
>tfw hate coworkers at work
>tfw coworkers are chinks and sand niggers
>tfw coworkers don't know how to eat with their mouths closed
>tfw want to stab indian coworker
>tfw want to kill myself

>> No.9742993
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>get new job
>get new clothes
>eat bad fish and vomit a third of my body mass out of both orifices
>missed second day of training today because of that
>feel like a useless piece of shit and am scared of being fired after only putting in one day of work

>> No.9743082

Nicole, she was into me and I didn't even realise until it was too late. The night I decided I'd stop being a little bitch and ask he rout was the night she got with her current boyfriend. gg fellaz

>> No.9743134

> tfw closet is a disorganized clusterfuck
> left door missing from closet
> top rack of drawer (inside the closet) fell out and removed it
> clothing stacked on top of other clothing, even dirty stuff
> everything only washed every 1-3 weeks, even worse because I go to the gym and shit smells bad
> ran out of space in shoe rack, multiple pairs scattered across the floor
> poorfag, only one outfit worth of /fa/ acceptable clothing
> tfw shitty haircut
> have a nice fossil watch but I need to get it adjusted, have to use a $30 casio instead that has wall paint scratched into the face of it
> got a nice pair of real prescribed rayban aviators that were paid by insurance, but I mostly wear cheap gym clothes so I can't wear them
> tfw I now have anxiety about my shitty fashion as I care about it now, used to be way more confident

>> No.9743147

This one is a good feels for me sorry if it's only for bad ones though.
>send a trailer link to a movie me and a friend are both wanting to see
>she was my crush
>hey anon me and you should go together!
>okay :)
I was to beta to ask her myself but thankfully she asked me. It's going to be good bros.

>> No.9743158


>tfw i bought naked and famous skinnies and tore in the crotch after 6 months

>> No.9743163
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enjoy paying alimony

>> No.9743167


>> No.9743216


>> No.9743403


>tfw more afraid of paying child support and letting some hag into my engineering money pocket than not raising one of my own.

>> No.9743406

enjoy it homie, read her signs well and try not to be too autistic.

>> No.9743450

Signs? Such as?
sort of my first date.
I had gas before but like nothing like this you know?

>> No.9743494

cool story

>> No.9743499

and now your shitty genes gets passed on. good job you fuck

>> No.9743593

>tfw at uni and walk past a guy wearing sock darts
>tfw was wearing roshes

i felt like dying

>> No.9743599


>> No.9743617


>> No.9743622

>buy a new top
>it fits perfectly
>exact silhouette I've been looking for
>thick material, everything I've been looking for
>go to buy spares
>out of stock

Why me

>> No.9743652
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>> No.9743658

Make your own fam

>> No.9743790

I can't sew, don't have the materials or a pattern or the time to learn.

>> No.9743846

Aww shame fam
You should learn it's a good skill to have.

>> No.9744200

She's probably with someone who dresses worse than me now

>> No.9744215

Camille... Tfw we cańt see eachother/going forward in our relationship since we have both finals and she has 3 jobs.

>> No.9744219


>> No.9744239

Which ones?

>> No.9744240


>> No.9744360

cuck him u nigger

>> No.9745481
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Eh y'know I love the guy but he was dead serious, and he sees himself as a fashion and home design expert despite having experience in neither. I just let him do him, agree with him anytime he asks if a shirt or whatever looks good on him.
>this looks great right anon!? :D
>y-yeah dad, really matches your blue n black nigger shoes

>> No.9745583
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its so fuckin funny cuz its truueee