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File: 69 KB, 532x450, KANYE_2709557a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9724440 No.9724440 [Reply] [Original]

opinions on kanye west's outfits?

>> No.9724447

Anime Kanye has better taste

>> No.9724448
File: 1.71 MB, 500x500, ebinn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanye is a god

>> No.9724456

why the fuck wasn't I at the yeezus tour? shit looked amazing

>> No.9724481

he needs to dress like this forever
society will catch up and we will be soon living in the future

>> No.9724483

I wonder what So Help Me God tour will bring

>> No.9724526


>> No.9724540


NIce one Reeeeeee :^)

>> No.9724636

they're ok, overall he's pretty fat though so that holds him back a lot. if he could just lose maybe 30 pounds? im sure he'd be more confident to wear different silhouettes, but you can tell he might somewhat be self conscious.

>> No.9724662 [DELETED] 

off yourself cunt

>> No.9725028

Shit was magical man

>> No.9725038 [DELETED] 

manlet? check
nigger? check
schizophrenic mongoloid? check

verdict: trash.

>> No.9725061

Hopefully some preview of his next release. Seems like he's pretty good at being ahead of the curve on that.

He'll probably just show off his Y-3 shit, tho. The fits should be interesting.

>> No.9725074

got a lot of ppl tryin to drain me of my energies

trying to take away from a n

>> No.9725132

the dude's almost 40 years old by now, he could be doing waaaaay worse in the weight department.

>> No.9725135

>He'll probably just show of his Y-3 shit, tho.

>> No.9725141

Shit, dg has better /fa/

>> No.9725169

I watched the whole film that a fan stitched together, I'm so mad I didn't go. :(

>> No.9725177

he's not that fat

he actually looks like a pretty big guy 4 u

>> No.9725511

get that /pol/ trash out of here

>> No.9725523 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 617x483, 62fac72e44b4be927be98ecc2100aea8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up kike

>> No.9725553

Kanye's fits are thermonuclear. Too next level for ordinary people to actually wear in everyday life - it would look completely fucking autistic - but perfect for his shows.

As a side note Kanye's music is fucking trash as is basically all current-gen rap. I don't understand how people think it's good or listen to it with the exception of young black people, and that's just because it's "their music".

>> No.9725558


>> No.9725570

>pleb detected

>> No.9725571

I can see some of his streetwear being worn as, well, streetwear
his performance fits are crazy though and there a very few that could pass in normal society as anything less than crazy

his music is hit and miss
three albums of amazing music, a bad album, mbdtf was his best work, and then yeezus which was just atrocious (i regret buying that shit and not just pirating it)

>> No.9725784
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>> No.9725815

>Kanye's music is just (c)rap
fuck off defener

>> No.9725951

You forgot armenian Fugly Gf

>> No.9725980

>implying rap isn´t at it´s very best right now.
>implying rap is "the music of young black people"

Most of the best rappers are white right now.
And there are fantastic rap records coming out in the last years. Rap has never been better and you´re tasteless shitlord.

>> No.9725999

>Most of the best rappers are white right now.
are you retarded or just racist and don't know about it?

>> No.9726015

Astronautalis is good. Kate Tempest is good. But Yeez and Drake are the real deal.

>> No.9726022

>rap is at the best it's every been
Agreed, we're living in the true golden age

>Most of the best rappers are white
Your opinion is shit, holy shit how can you be so dumb?

>> No.9726035

This is what 40 year old fatasses actually believe.

Whats next, dont oppress the guys having a mid life crisis? Fuck

>> No.9726040

Raps are trash in general. No matter the generation

>> No.9726057


>> No.9726061


Typical retarded white fuccboi.

1) The best rappers nowadays are not white.
2) You think rap is better now because fuccbois like you started to spit bars so now you can relate to their faggotry.
3) Yung Lean makes garbage music, as well as Bones.

i hope you will die soon, please kill yourself

>> No.9726064

>Yung Lean makes garbage music
won't even read the rest

>> No.9726066


>> No.9726068


Neither of both.
It´s just a fact. I mean, I like several black rappers. Danny Brown. Kanye. Brother Ali. MF Doom. MC Ride. Big Pun. .clipping, Open Mike Eagle
But on the other side, we have:
Sage Francis, B.Dolan, Kate Tempest, K.Flay, Scroobius Pip, Alligatoah, Yelawolf, Zugezogen Maskulin, Astroid Boys, Cpt. Peng, Casper, Slug, Ill Bill, Logic, Aesop Rock, ActiON Bronson, Vinnie Paz, Atmosphere, Kottonmouth Kings, The Streets, Macklemore, Madhatter, Optimus Rhyme, MC Chris, MC Lars, Can-U, R.A Scion, Move.Meant, Soul Khan, etc.

It´s not racist, it´s just a fact. I like many black rappers, but right now, the best ones are white...Just look at Strange Famous Records, Speech Development or Rhymesayers Records.

Same to you.
Also, typical black fuccboi: Hurrdurr, rap is ours, white rap is racist, hurrdurr.
The age of streetrap is over, get over yourself.

>> No.9726069

Hes the justin beiber of rap

>> No.9726073


fuck off underage fuccboi


im not even black, you fucking mongoloid

pic related: why yall a bunch of faggots

>> No.9726079
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>> No.9726082

I bet you think '94 was the best year for hip-hop

I'm convinced you're just trying to get a rise out of people. You just cherry picked a few black rappers then listed off a bunch of white rappers that no-ones heard of/cares about.

Such a stupid way of making a point, another person can easily do exactly what you've done and claim your choices are shit, it doesn't mean anything

And, what the fuck do you think your doing putting macklemore and k flay in the same post as Kanye West?

>> No.9726083

And I´m not even fucking white. Interesting, how shit backfires, ain´t it?

>> No.9726084

>I like several black rappers
>Big Pun

fuccboi detected

>> No.9726089

I just picked my favorite rappers and listed the black ones against the white ones, saying that there are more white rappers that I like then black rappers.
Because...you know...musical taste is all about opinions and in my opinion the good white rappers outweight the black ones. Not that it really matters, tho.

Also, logic is white, isn´t he? Or are we talking about different rappers called logic?

Why not? I like all 3 of em.

>> No.9726092

Everyone in this thread should be executed

>> No.9726093

Your taste is shit, kill self asap

>> No.9726096

It´s not, tho.

>> No.9726097

You can appreciate people as artists and enjoy the music they make, but rapping is a technical skill. For someone to be a good rapper they need to master this
Making good music as a rapper =/= a good rapper
K Flay and Macklemore make enjoyable music which i like but when it comes down to technical ability they're trash and this isn't arguable

Logic (under pressure) has a black father and white mother, but he has white features

>> No.9726101

Brother ali is white...

>> No.9726123

Isn´t he an albino but born from black parents?
At least that´s what I thought. Might have been mistaken, tho.

I don´t really look as music as a combination of skills, I look at music as the endproduct. If I enjoy it, it´s good, if I don´t, it´s bad - I´m not a musician myself, so I can´t talk about skill and thus, judge by enjoyment value.

Otherwise, I´d never say MC Ride was good, for example, considering that his skills really aren´t that great, but his music still is enjoyable as fuck.

Not to mention, that even skillwise, people like Sage Francis still take the throne.

Oh, really? Never knew that. Well, in that case, he´d give half a point to white, half a point to black, if this was a battle.

>> No.9726133

He looks albino IMO

>> No.9726158

Hey that's cool you can enjoy whatever music you like, you don't need to justify that to me

However, rap is srs bsns and has a rich history so it's a bit insulting to some of the people you did as the best 'rappers' of our generation

Nah being mixed makes you black imo, you get none of the advantages of being white except better looks

>> No.9726175

Utter fucking shit.
It's not fashion it's garbage.

>> No.9726181
File: 40 KB, 639x478, le born in le wrong generation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9726225

have uy ever even posted a fit?

>> No.9726654

He dresses like straight out of the thrift store. All these wizard coats on him? Are just normal coats for normal people, but he's a manlet.

Kanye is fashion overcompensation.

>> No.9726819
File: 161 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the yeezus tour was the greatest concert I've ever been too

ah, the nostalgia

>> No.9727005


damn nigga going full daft punk-core

>> No.9727251

He dresses like a Muslim

>> No.9727257
File: 267 KB, 1280x853, p185al6a6a1nuj1vpek1s19mh13874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9727260

>tips fedora

>> No.9727262
File: 320 KB, 336x508, 4ad36247504f0887c5f1e2db1ecf0cf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9727271
File: 31 KB, 500x667, 6567576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9727275

wow. . .

>> No.9727279
File: 143 KB, 500x695, 764764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9727299
File: 82 KB, 600x895, IMG_0633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9727355


>> No.9727363
File: 618 KB, 900x1249, FFN_West_Kanye_RIV_071113_51151812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to pull off this look as a skinny white male?

>> No.9727368

>skinny white male

i think u would pull it off even better

>> No.9727381

did that guy's post seriously get deleted for saying nigger?

>> No.9727385

>copying a kanye fit
lol, there's a yesstyle type infographic floating around full of fuccboi dressed in kanye fits and it's just horrible, the only reason he look "acceptable" half the time is because it's him wearing it. It's like copying Johnny Depp's aesthetic, you can't.

>> No.9727386

dont make me google white people trying to recreate kanye fits please its not a pretty sight

>> No.9727387

thank u bb I'mma try <3

>> No.9727395


>> No.9727399
File: 99 KB, 576x744, b22c8cc89b8b60036e079f2b078cd63e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't a big reason behind those clothes looking like absolute shit the trash materials, camera angles and the fact that the clothes are fitted to an asian frame?

>> No.9727409

>you will never step into your lambo with folk fbts and a drkshdw parka

all i have are dries lug sole bluchers, a nom de guerre blazer and a civic

when am i gonna make it fam

should i sell drugs

>> No.9727434

top kek

>> No.9727460

>the only reason he look "acceptable" half the time is because it's him wearing it
this so much

>> No.9727478

>"Missing the point" the post

>> No.9727508

What wallabees are those?

>> No.9727521


the youareabrokeboiandprobablycantaffordvisvimanyway wallabees

>> No.9727533


>> No.9727571

>tfw when copped bearfoot folk fbts off plainflour on ebay for approx 400 when they first came out
>resold quickly because i didn't know how to wear them
>years later i know how i would style them
>now they go for a grand

still attainable but shit

>> No.9727590

No taste in music lmao you probably listen to screamo

>> No.9727793
File: 75 KB, 612x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9727816


>> No.9727825

Wallabees Visvim FBTs

>> No.9728214
File: 1.07 MB, 858x665, threeajes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks like a ThreeA figure.

>> No.9728228


Absolute shit...Trust me when I sense the AOTY I will tell you

MBDTF already his epitome nothing will overpass old kanye

Yeezus is his only step up, SHMG is like it's shitty cousin begging for more revenue

>> No.9728236

All black matte custom 15 inch Macbook Pro

Can't tell if it's retina or not but he also has some weird qube speaker

>> No.9728244

oh god Kanye's receding now that he's a father

>> No.9728303


>> No.9728353

>all that Arizona tea

>> No.9728362

I was there at that first Webster hall show

It sucked shit, and all it had were 14-year old tumblrturds and hyped up 40 year old fucks cramming everyone to the stage

>> No.9728718

Anime Kanye??

>> No.9728914

You have cited the some of the most irrelavent rappers out there. Zugezoge Maskulin? They are obscure even for Deutschrap standarts.
Also who the fuck listens nowadays to rap only? Goddamnit get educated first, step outside your narrow musical worldview to fully appreciate rap music.

I seriosly hope that hiphop culture dies, I'm sick and tired of it by now. It's at the technical and creative highpoint right now, but hasn't made a leap since MBDF and that was half a decade ago and is starting to recycle old sound again which also doesn't help

>> No.9728952
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1427812766900s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's where he gets his ideas from

>> No.9728977
File: 664 KB, 1150x664, screen-shot-2012-09-19-at-5-51-21-pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can someone please identify this shirt please