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/fa/ - Fashion

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9720084 No.9720084 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most effay way to sit?

General posture thread

>> No.9720091

stop trying so hard

>> No.9720100

the most effay way to do anything really is to just do it naturally and comfortably.

>> No.9720118


oh cool thx just gonna keep wearing this comfy trenchcoat, fedora and sword then, it just feels natural

>> No.9720120

if that's what makes you comfortable, go for it. you should do things for yourself and not other people.

>> No.9720132

fuck off pleb

>> No.9720133


sure, it isn't /fa/ though

>> No.9720137

>fashion rules


>> No.9720147


>muh independentt thinken

>> No.9720150

lotus position only.
half lotus if your fit doesn't permit.

>> No.9720152

you should try it sometime instead of following the 4chan hivemind :^)

>> No.9720154

If you're not in the downward dog 24/7 then you're the biggest pleb

>> No.9720167


sure but then i'd dress like shit

>> No.9720169

no, you'd dress the way you wanted instead of how you were told

>> No.9720172

More importantly, what do you do when you stand?

I was waiting in line at a fast food restaurant and I didn't know what to do with my body so I just assumed the position of a stiff plank. That's not /fa/, right?

>> No.9720179

Man spreading, you spread your legs and assert dominance over the fuccbois.
If that's too much a simple "4" leg position will suffice, don't cross your legs like a woman though

>> No.9720180


yeah, and i'd still look like shit

>> No.9720181

hands in pockets, cross arms, or just stand there jesus...

>> No.9720189

Grade A autism

>> No.9720200

lol at retards here thinking mastering body language isn't important

>> No.9720205

jesus m8

that said legs crossed hands in lap drooping shoulders

>> No.9720229

>stand there Jesus
Misread as
stand there like Jesus

>> No.9720243

what about ankle on knee crossing? when one leg is parallel to floor

>> No.9720260

i guess you've got shit taste then ,

might as well embrace it.

>> No.9720262

I usually slunk into my chair, with both arms on the arm rests if there are any. I stick my right foot out and my left foot in. Is this bad? How do you sit?

>> No.9720408

Erect posture, chin held close to a 90 angle to the neck, head in line with back, legs close to touching.