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/fa/ - Fashion

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9712259 No.9712259 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/ggots.

Post inspo to go with my balding buzzcut, small eyed face.

Whatchu recommend?

Also, should I grow my hair out longer or keep it buzzed?

>> No.9712272

well, you can still do something with your current "situation". it just requires a lot of guts & patience (like a lot of things in life do). I'd just grow it out for a long ass time, but thats just me. other options - buzz.

>> No.9712280

buzz shorter and shave your face

>> No.9712302

Ill consider it.

What about the inspo?

I honestly have no ideea what to wear.. I just look homeless.

>> No.9712307

Don't listen to him.

>> No.9712323

the beard fits you. dont jump conclusions.

>> No.9712325

You wanna fight, man ?

>> No.9712337


I love fighting.

Come at me faggot.

>> No.9712340

ermm dude theres a cure for that shit now

>> No.9712343

Cure for what?

And what's it called?

>> No.9712390

u look good. keep it buzzed. love the beard

no homo but u wanna hang out

>> No.9712422

Sure bro.


>> No.9712442

We look very similar, I bet I'd grow to look the same as you. This likelihood has given me peace of mind about my aesthetic.

>> No.9712532

I feel better and shit

Still no inspo....

>> No.9712645


>> No.9712742

>come to /fa/ for fashion advice
>get compliments and no fashion advice.

Thisis why the internet hayes 4chan.

>> No.9712845
File: 364 KB, 700x1081, 1428070956309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i got

>> No.9712865

That is just fucking disgusing.

But thanks for contriboot

>> No.9712963
File: 37 KB, 447x568, 16415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look just like me

>> No.9713082
File: 564 KB, 1920x1080, 20150416_103801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw same hairline but cant grow a beard:(

>> No.9713765

holy fuck you are handsome.

>> No.9713774

oh god i'm truly sorry
his hairlien isn't that bad tho

>> No.9713783

>oh god i'm truly sorry
you make me sick

>> No.9713789

don't worry OP you don't look like this guy at all - you're doing fine, keep the beard as it is but don't let it get out of control

personally the best advice i'd give you is not to try and dress like a skinny heroin addicted twink like me and most of /fa/ do, masculinity can be /fa/ you just need to know how to do it, idk what to recommend really i'd say buzz the hair a little shorter but i'm really not sure what to say clothing wise

summer please leave

>> No.9713795

you should shave all that shit off