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/fa/ - Fashion

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9709240 No.9709240 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /fa/, it is time to prove your worth.

This thread is for discussing of the arts. Paintings, sculptures, film, haute couture, discuss it all here. I shall commence by posting this guide of films.

>> No.9709252
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The Machinist for goal aesthetic

>> No.9709255

>/fa/ - Fashion

>> No.9709266
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>> No.9709285

If you believe fashion is only limited to hair threads and white sneaker threads get off this board please.

>> No.9709364

Some of those films are terrible.


>> No.9709403

I don't get why inception would be posted here at all. It's like a way overhyped movie that mostly teen ninegaggers are drooling over. Inglorious Basterds is cool but it doesn't belong here as well.

>> No.9709411

post some recs man come on

>> No.9709418

>a way overhyped movie that mostly teen ninegaggers are drooling over
I couldn't have said it better

>> No.9709437

Birdman as of recent. Loved every second of it. The darjeeling limited, wes anderson in general. The skin I live in for something more unsettling

>> No.9709438

>No Raise The Red Lantern
>No Lola Montès
>No b&w Antonioni
>No The Color Of Pomegranates

hahaha shit list 3/10

>> No.9709832
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i like inception, but damn it is defs not /fa/

>> No.9709842

How do you even begin a discussion on art? I feel like pretty much all art is /fa/. There's not like a group of artists you can suggest that are fashionable. If they're any good, they're probably /fa/ regardless of the subject matter.

>> No.9709846
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Chungking Express, Tree of Life, Under the Skin, Trainspotting, Shame

>> No.9709847

should add Beyond The Black Rainbow.

>> No.9709893

Beyond the Black Rainbow was an interesting experience. If you don't feel like watching it, this Lorn music video pretty much summarizes the entire movie.

>> No.9709896
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>tfw gigantic film backlog

>> No.9709931

Muh modern effay films
>Palo Alto
>Maps to the Stars
>Only Lovers Left Alive

>> No.9709982

>film, anime, video game and book backlogs are each reaching for the hundred
You don't know my suffering, no one knows

>> No.9710002

>300+ film backlog
>1000+ album backlog
>never watch or listen to any of it
>delete and start again
feels good.

>> No.9710194

I like philosophy, classics, tea, art music, nightwalks and paintings. Techno interests me. Which /fa/ designers would I like?

you could crosspost this OP.

>> No.9710253
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anyone watched god help the girl? it's silly and hipster but some of the outfits and (especially) sets are quite amazing.

>> No.9710274 [DELETED] 
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If you're interested in fashion watch this film

It's really good

>> No.9710630

Heh, have this antique hand-knotted Persian rug! (Thanks, Mom, Dad.)

>> No.9712575

All of Rohmer's films are fa. And of course ozu for the jap dadcore goat aesthetic.

Most fa film is probably plein soleil. The original talented Mr Ripley.

>> No.9712580

dries van noten

>> No.9712612
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was just gonna say Plein soleil, dat body aesthetic

>> No.9712636
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would recommend Grande Bellezza aswell. great decors and nice clothes

>> No.9712640
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Stalker, Videodrome, Wild at Heart, The Master...

>> No.9712665
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>> No.9712679

Ok guys, most /fa/ literature. What are your picks?

>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>The Bell Jar

Any recs?

>> No.9712691

>tfw /fa/ has semi-decent taste in film

>> No.9712696

Great Gatsby was pretty gud.

>> No.9712877
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I just can't get over the aesthetics of it. So surreal.

>> No.9712904


really liked that movie

>> No.9712911

reddit pls go

>> No.9712927

Mad Max.

>> No.9712929

>>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>>The Bell Jar
just finish intro to literature 101 at your local community college?

anyways, if you're looking for /fa/ literature just kill yourself already. look for good literature. here are a small handful of recommendations

>flaubert's madame bovary
>goethe's faust
>mann's magic mountain
>wolfe's look homeward angel
>dostoevsky's brothers karamazov
>turgenev's fathers and sons
>lawrence's sons and lovers
>zola's la debacle

that should give you a good start

>> No.9712950

Lol @ no one but OP mentioning A Single Man.

The whole thing is one long Tom Ford advert

>> No.9712964

if you didn't read Faust and The Brothers Karamazov in the original German/Russian you are a fucking pleb

>> No.9712969

>good literature
>not mentioning Boris Vian, Charles Beadelaire, Benjamin Constant or Sartre.

Also, I preferred Zola's Thérèse Raquin over la debacle. Germinal was also better IMO.

>> No.9712977

it's in the OP ya doofus

>> No.9712982
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My Own Private Idaho
The Doom Generation
Force Majeure
The Graduate

books? Read whatever interests you, try and follow a "path" and you'll only ruin reading for yourself.

I'd say read Haruki Murakami. He's very popular with hipster girls, is easy to begin with and does start producing some good reads in his career. Read a few of those, then try a better Japanese (for example)author, maybe Mashima. Once you a feel for reading, just go to stores and find new authors. Enjoy the experience of gathering self knowledge - that is /fa/.

>> No.9713013

germinal is one of my favorite books (the sex scene at the very end is legendary), therese raquin is good too. I suggested la debacle because it gives an historical sweep and a story of a great friendship like few other novels do. I like benjamin constant to, both his political writings as well as his literary ones. I appreciate baudelaire, but he was more of a poet, no? Sartre I can't get into. I never saw a whole lot of merit in any of the existentialist literature I've read. I've read a lot of Sartre's philosophy too, the way he tries to synthesize hegel and heidegger is a total failure imo. I can appreciate the man, but I wouldn't recommend him to others. And I've never heard of boris vian.

i just started a thread on /lit/ on zola actually
but because it's not about DFW or Pynchon i doubt anyone will actually contribute to it

>> No.9713015

I like Haneke's "La Pianiste" much more than I liked the Adrien Brody film

>> No.9713041

>I'd say read Haruki Murakami. He's very popular with hipster girls, is easy to begin with and does start producing some good reads in his career.
I've read almost all of Murakami's works. He is popular with hipster girls, I have to admit, and I often use it as an opener when chatting with them on okcupid or whatever.

But in general, murakami has the problem of writing the same damn story with the damn damn protagonist every single book. Sure, they're enjoyable and intriguing reads, but after a while you begin to realize that there's nothing profound about them. His last two novels 1Q84 and Colorless Tskuru were pretty weak in my opinion.

Best Murakami novels are Kafka on the Shore, Dance Dance Dance, and Wind-up Bird Chronicle. His short story collection "After the Quake" is pretty good too, as are the interviews he conducts with the witnesses to the Tokyo subway poison gas attacks.

I think he's a very thoughtful person but has trouble breaking out of his comfort zone.

>> No.9713046

Sartre ruined existentialism when he tried to synthesize it with Marxism. He was pretty critical of Heidegger, but his criticism is unconvincing; moreover, Heidegger adequately and irrevocably criticized Sartre's entire system, that it's not particularly important to read his philosophy. He's a slightly better playwright than prose writer.

>> No.9713048

tripsk how r u doing i miss chatting wtih you on tc

>> No.9713060

He broke his comfort zone when he wrote after dark, but then regressed back into it thereafter. I wish I hadn't read after dark as my first murakami book because everything else was a disappointment.

>> No.9713078

Well in that time you basically had to be "in" with the establishment French marxism (Stalinism) in order to get a job in academia. Sartre was never a good Marxist anyways, but neither were any of the French for that matter. Sure he was critical of Heidegger (at least Sartre talks about freedom!), but I feel like he is still very much influenced by the problems Heidegger poses. But I absolutely despire Heidegger and the influence that he's had. I remember reading the entirety of Being and Time for a course taught by a jewish professor sympathetic to Heidegger. It was then that I learned even jews could be sympathetic to nazi ideas. And despite the teenaged edgelords on this site, there's nothing remotely /fa/ about nazism.

Nowadays I try not to read any philosophy written after Hegel (I take seriously his claim that he's the end of philosophy)

>> No.9713093

>Stand By Me not listed
Holy plebbing fuck

>> No.9713094

yes, I suppose I forgot about that one. He experiments with a lot of different kinds of characters in that one, right? It's more disjointed than his more well-known works, right?

He still has quite a few years left of productive activity, so hopefully he can write something new. I've read some of his recent short stories he's been getting published in the New Yorker, but they aren't nearly as good as some of his earlier stories in something like the Elephant Vanishes

i really hope he can break out of his slump. he's honestly the only living novelist I bother keeping up with

>> No.9713106
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Everything with Ryan Gosling
He's the epitome of /fa/

>> No.9713118
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What about that children's book, The Strange Library? I got it for my little sister and it was rather different but beautiful all the same.

>> No.9713151

I haven't read it yet. I didn't even know it came out until my friend told me about it after I suggested she read Murakami. She was supposed to send it to me but then she lost it (?) apparently. I want to read it, maybe I'll just go to barnes and noble and read it in one sitting.

But I've been re-reading Kafka on the Shore recently and have been thinking that it's actually a YA novel. If I were a high school english teacher I would assign it

>> No.9713159

i forgot i already went to barnes and noble and they had the book shrinkwrapped so you couldn't open it

>> No.9713187

Idk if I would call him YA. Because we would first have to settle the issue of what classifies as Ya, then ultimately discuss pure and mass literature. I think we should just examine and analyze murakami's texts. I'm quite interested in his understanding of selfhood in a cosmopolitan meta-fiction: Sputnik sweetheart and Kafka on the shore, and somewhat in after dark

>> No.9713198

i was referring to kafka on the shore specifically. the protagonist is a 15 y/o boy after all, in a process of self-discovery and to a lesser extent, sexual exploration. I don't really care for the label of "YA" either, I was just thinking how if I were a HS english teacher I would think about assigning it

>> No.9713214

Well Proust's protagonist in the Search is roughly around 13 in the book. I agree I think that assigning Kafka on the shore to high school student would be great because I think they could relate more to the hyper accelerated modernity in murakami's works.

>> No.9713224

>because I think they could relate more to the hyper accelerated modernity in murakami's works.
where are you getting that from? it's not in kafka on the shore, the kid spends most of his time either in an old library or in a cabin in the woods, completely isolated from the rest of the world. I think you're projecting theoretical themes onto a book when they simply aren't there

>> No.9713225

>schindlers list
>inglorious basterds
>the pianist
yes, yes, good guy

>> No.9713232


it was horrendous the soundtrack absolutely ruined any merit it might have had, I didn't watch the whole had to turn it off I disliked it so much

>> No.9713239

>murakami's works
Did you just ignore that? Because those "theoretical themes" exist in his works. I don't think you understanding projection nor comparative literature

>> No.9713262

someone suggest me some gosling shit please??

>> No.9713295

I read Solhenitsyn's cancer ward recently, anyone want to discuss it?

>> No.9713329

Check your public library. I read it there the first time

>> No.9713365

yea birdman was great
calvary was deffinately my recent top pick though

>> No.9713399

yeah, i live in bumfuck nowhere :/

>> No.9713433

drive, the place beyond the pines

>> No.9713487

you wot

>> No.9713502

>being this much much of an jew

>> No.9713884

birdman and wes anderson and classic reddit tier

i'm not a jew, nor do i have any special place in my heart for them

>> No.9713957

>at least Sartre talks about freedom!
>Philosophy is not about investigating problems by smithing concepts
>It is about being axiologicaly nice
>Sein und Zeit
>nazi ideas
>Hegel was not as deeply ironic as Plato when he said that he was the end of philosophy

Damn son, never go full retard like this

>> No.9714002



Kafka seems to be missing much more in the list.

>> No.9714017


>> No.9714026


/fa/ wise, there are 3 movies that should be considered as fine ; no more, no less. And it is :

Citizen Kane
Le Ballon Rouge

>> No.9714029

don't really like kafka
if you're going after german literature read die räuber by schiller

kafka is too dark for my bright world view

>> No.9714039


If you do not read Kafka as he wrote it, i.e. bursting in laughter, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9714042

kafka is entry level pleb shit

you literally read that trash in school

>> No.9714052

Ow shit, here comes the plebeian aristocraty

>> No.9714069
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I expected a lot more from The Skin I Live In. Some parts were beautiful but mostly it was not as weird as it made itself out to be in trailers and movie promos.

>> No.9714076

*tips peasant cap*

>> No.9714094


I prefer my peasant when they know where they come from.

You know, a farm maid wisthling a popular song is, in a way, much more deep than any kind of literature.

But everytime she tries to talk about cultural objects, the results are just ridiculous.

Learn to know your place.

>> No.9714098

OP here, good to see this thread still alive. pleb me for forgetting literature.

keep it up ladies and gents

>> No.9714111

a book and film I very much enjoyed was funeral in berlin, but then again I do have a soft spot for old espionage films and literature. the storyline for this one in particular I enjoyed

>> No.9714118


also Christopher Hitchens :)

>> No.9714130
File: 305 KB, 920x1379, IrisVHerpen010713-0393_2-LRG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's post some haute couture.

Pic related is by Iris van Herpen, probably one of my favourite designers at the moment, her ready-to-wear collection are very good as well.

>> No.9714153

The dialectical process of irony in philosophy since Plato is quite hard to grasp.

You either choose to point out serious problems by being ironic, as Plato or Nietzsche, or to hide your irony by pointing out serious problems, as Kant or Descartes.

Sartre tried to hide serious problems under simulated irony to obtain social success which he seemed to disdain as if it was a serious problem resulting in his eyes not being able to focus on one thing at the same time

>> No.9714158

if you can read french definitely check out vian's "L'écume des jours" or "Froth on the Daydream" in english. It sucks that Vian never really got the recognition he deserves for his masterpiece. "Automne à Pékin" is also a good read. (Autumn in Peking is the english version). I read both of these in french so idk how well they translate to english but they were both incredible.

>> No.9714169

If you can read french, then go full Celine, Bloy, Vialatte, Gide.

>> No.9714174

literally who?

>> No.9714178

What to read on German?

>> No.9714193


Louis Ferdinand Céline, Voyage au bout de la nuit, Mort à crédit
Léon Bloy, La Femme pauvre, Le Désespéré and his incredible Exegèse des lieux communs of course
Alexandre Vialatte, Les Fruits du Congo, Battling le ténébreux, Le Fluide rouge, Le Fidèle Berger
André Gide, Les Caves du Vatican, Les Faux-monnayeurs, Si le Grain ne meurt

Fuck !

>> No.9714208

Kant, Schelling, Fichte, Hegel, Hölderlin, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Husserl und Heidegger.

>> No.9714246
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Are neo-Christian / Satanic themes /fa/?

>> No.9714256

Even /fa/ knows limits to its faggottry.

>> No.9714280

picking nd choosing random elements of gnostic mysticism does not make you /fa/

it does not even make you intelligent

it makes you a goober /x/ faggot poser

>> No.9714296


>> No.9714333
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blue valentine and lars and the real girl too

>> No.9714359

Don't watch Blue Valentine if you want to have any hope of being in a happy relationship for the next six months.

>> No.9714472
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more Iris van Herpen

>> No.9714476
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>> No.9714500
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>> No.9714504
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>> No.9714511

literally what?

>> No.9714513
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>> No.9714516

>You know, a farm maid wisthling a popular song is, in a way, much more deep than any kind of literature.
no its not

>> No.9714518
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captcha: ilift

lol no i dont really though

>> No.9714521

>If you do not read Kafka as he wrote it, i.e. bursting in laughter, you're doing it wrong.
kafka is very funny, I have to admit. i guess he has dark themes, but in general it's very humorous

>> No.9714526
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>> No.9714552


Go ask Tolstoï, the bitch was crying all day thinking about some muzhik.

>> No.9714561
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>no goodfellas

>> No.9714566
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>> No.9714571


>> No.9714578
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>> No.9714586

>Boris Vian
my fucking duuuudddeee

>> No.9714588
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picture of the original godzilla set are pretty effay imo

>> No.9714591
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>> No.9714593
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>> No.9714594

>not l'assommoir

>> No.9714599
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>> No.9714601

tbh im surprised no one has mentioned fear and loathing in las vegas yet. love the soundtrack for that film.

by the way, im think of opening a thread like this more often, any ideas how to name it? i was thinking finer arts or something among the likes of that. not certain yet. so far this thread has been pretty good, i have a big list of books i want to read and films to watch now.

>> No.9714602

Wes Anderson maybe. But Birdman? Why exactly?

>> No.9714605
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>> No.9714608
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Films with matte paintings

>> No.9714611
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if anyone wants more ill post them

>> No.9714615
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>> No.9714622
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the first godzilla was really morbid. the movie literally starts with like 1000 people dying from radiation cancer and burns.

>> No.9714629
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>> No.9714633
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>> No.9714640
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>> No.9714645

>End of Evangelion
>anywhere near the realm of a good, let alone /fa/ film

It's the worst surface level symbolism possible.

>> No.9714656


If anyone is interested in reading about the effects of severe exposure to radiation:

>Ouchi's intestines began to melt, so doctors put a camera in his rectum to monitor their condition. His muscular tissue broke down to the point where it began to slide off of his bones. He died 82 days after exposure of multiple organ failure in a condition that can be described as "skeletonized".

>> No.9714660
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one flew over the cuckoos nest
mulholland drive
lost highway
the good the bad and the ugly
apocalypse now
taxi driver
jackie brown

eastern european
andrei rublev
the dekalog
the lives of others

les trois coleurs (kieslowski is polish but these are in french)
les regles du jeu
À bout de souffle
La haine
mon oncle

bicycle theives
8 1/2
la dolce vita

seven samurai
tokyo story
ghost in the shell
spirited away

anything kubrick

>> No.9714671

>the good the bad and the ugly

>> No.9715118


>> No.9715303

>Sartre tried to hide serious problems under simulated irony to obtain social success which he seemed to disdain as if it was a serious problem resulting in his eyes not being able to focus on one thing at the same time
lmao, most underrated post in this whole fucking thread

>> No.9715461

Anyone watch trailer park boys?
Holy shit that show is hilarious.

>> No.9715470

Whoa, we've got an avant teen on the loose!

>> No.9715752

Fear and Loathing is my favorite movie and I've only recently seen it. I'm by no means any type of movie enthusiast and I've only seen a handful that would probably be worth mentioning in this thread but I love that movie so much. I really need to get around to finding the book to read.

>> No.9715991

>Near 100 movies to watch
>Literally over 1,000 anime to watch
>have 200 games I never even installed
>forget books, I only have all of human history to catch up on

>> No.9716037
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movies about fashion tho

>> No.9716057

I'm going to fucking do this fuck

>> No.9716795

Kieslowski's films are fucking GOAT

>> No.9716805

>watching childrens cartoons
>playing video games

you are the reason why this board is fucking shit

>> No.9716809

This was pretty interesting

>> No.9716813

don't name it "finer arts" if you plan on posting trash like fear and loathing in it

>> No.9716845

>Lol @ no one but OP mentioning ______

I imagine everyone that says this is a pleb that hasn't watched much movies and thinks his one movie is receiving not enough attention compared to the thousands of good movies that could be mentioned in the thread

I imagine I am always right

>> No.9717303


>> No.9717994


>> No.9718425
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>A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
>Pale Flower
>The Killer
>Fallen Angels (1995)
>Eyes Wide Shut
>The 39 Steps
>The Master
>Naked Lunch
>Dillinger is Dead

>> No.9718504
File: 178 KB, 1200x784, Naked-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naked (1993)

>> No.9718509
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>> No.9718514


too bad almost all the cursing gets lost in translation

>> No.9718527

ex drummer

>> No.9718551

Cool Hand Luke

>> No.9718561
File: 152 KB, 1600x958, CoolHandLuke_106Pyxurz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9718572
File: 39 KB, 600x800, KDRW8MV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

star wars?

>> No.9718584
File: 937 KB, 1425x2000, Das_Boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das Boot

>> No.9718673

mr.skeleton approves

*tips tophat*

>> No.9719497

submarine is /fa/

>> No.9720140
File: 560 KB, 1600x900, feat-bladerunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't blade runner been mentioned?

>> No.9720193

>no drive
>no American psycho

Try again

>> No.9720199


Next level shit, man.
Dope ass movie too

>> No.9720386

>Complaining about children's cartoons on a children's cartoon image board

>> No.9720392
File: 198 KB, 1600x865, Red-Desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck is Red Desert not in there?

>> No.9720527
File: 429 KB, 1920x808, vlcsnap-2015-04-09-13h39m18s33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9721039

kafka could not even write. everything was edited by his friend and then published. and it is pleb trier anyway.

>> No.9721050

would add Possesion by zulawski to eastern european movies

>> No.9721059

Definition of fashion in English:
1A popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behaviour.


If you think art is fashion then do like your dad and leave never to come back you nigger.

>> No.9721060

Kek such a sperg

>> No.9721062
File: 362 KB, 2146x1440, lynch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most fa film-maker tbh

>> No.9721063


>> No.9721064
File: 2.14 MB, 936x1381, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything featuring Nazis is effay as fuck, their uniforms were gorgeous
the movie's fucking good too and has aged like fine wine

>> No.9721076
File: 41 KB, 500x274, tumblr_lwf9y0FeJY1qc8i5v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsai Ming-Liang's movies always felt kinda /fa/ in style even though the fits suck

>> No.9721442

The desire for style with no sens of it

>> No.9721552

>Dries van Noten
Just read about the degenerate philosophy behind his spring 1996 collection.

Why would you recommend me him despite that? I'll check out his menswear before dimissing ofc but just curious.

Anyone else can answer for anon.

>> No.9721570

If Wes Anderson gives me feels in his movies what else should I watch?

>> No.9721572


fashion isn't for you

>> No.9721595

>nazi ideas

>> No.9721629


>> No.9721663

movies that make you feel? shawshank redemption, brokeback mountain (srly), shindlers list, grave of fireflies, prayers for bobby, dear zachary (heart wrenching tbh)

>> No.9721675

Tacky as fuck. That's how I can remember it's less than even a videogame. It's an rpg videogame. Hilarious coming decades after Blade Runner.

>> No.9721679


The Future is awful.

>> No.9721683

>usa list is classic movies
>jap list is comic/cartoon 'classics' a la Walt Disney
western bias in full force

>> No.9721696

What? Even classicists wear clothes, kid.

>> No.9721749

good graphic, but
>lacks tarkovsky
>needs more bergman
>lacks early godard
>needs all wes anderson

>> No.9721830



>> No.9721875

wes anderson is fucking shit

it's for hurr durr so indie hipster teeneagers

>> No.9722156


>> No.9722197
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1031, 1342971302-koyaanisqatsi00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no koyaanisqatsi

>> No.9722198
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>> No.9722202
File: 1003 KB, 1280x688, vlcsnap-2012-07-13-23h18m31s103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9722205

>fashionable movies

Nigga how old are you

>> No.9722209
File: 173 KB, 1920x1040, zjQZUNYr67tnF0NoOZf3HshKMyV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9722220

We can all agree that Sick Boy's fits in Trainspotting were dope as fuck right?

>> No.9722259


He fell for the buzzcut troll, fuckig kekmao!
He went from somewhat GOAT to regular paki with heavy paki religulous beliefs, thats the vibes I'm gettin anyway

>> No.9722286

were you trying to reply to that image of the bald paki

>> No.9722581

Yeah Noten has no restraint.

>> No.9723104

i havent seen a single one of those movies

>> No.9723113

i hate to ask...but why?

>> No.9723305

So gooood

>> No.9724101
File: 112 KB, 1280x544, sayonara-itsuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayonara Itsuka

>> No.9724117

>implying i haven't

>> No.9724168

Only God Forgives was nice to look at, but kinda confusing.