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/fa/ - Fashion

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9706571 No.9706571 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ is making fun of us again

>> No.9706577

im crying really hard right now

>> No.9706583

So? Get thicker skin or fuck off

>> No.9706585

I feel the same when I check /fit/'s CBTs. Everyone is a dumpy, fat manlet trying to overcompensate for their shit-tier facial aesthetics and short ass heights with lifting weights. Except most of them have no self-control at all and they just look fat with slightly bigger arms and chest. They enable each other instead of giving good advice, the majority need to lose10-15% body fat just to look normal.

>> No.9706586

It's funny how much effort /fit/ puts into /fa/

>> No.9706590

what was in the OP?

>> No.9706594

do people not understand that fashion is a hobby just like the subject matters of /v/ or /a/
is this really that hard to undersstand

>> No.9706596
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>mobile browsing

>> No.9706601

The time spent shitposting could go into working out. No one there works out. It's just a bunch of chubs who label themselves with latent homosexual lingo such as "bearmode"

>> No.9706611

I would put money that your actually a /fit/ poster

If you cant take criticism then your probably not adventurous enough to do fashion. also look at that thread, they dont understand fashion as an art. Its not always about making your self look attractive the same way every painting doesn't have to be pretty

>> No.9706621
File: 24 KB, 260x198, 260px-OP_C016_rei[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /fit/ so tsun and not very dere

>> No.9706632

>implying hungry skelly goofninja is not my goal eetestiz

>> No.9706635
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/n/ and /hr/ are making fun of us again

>> No.9708873


Why do people care what they think anyways

>> No.9708894

im looking for a heck to give

>> No.9709058

People don't want to be told they can't dress well

>> No.9709167

stop making these silly threads jesus christ
nobody cares. there's a reason they only get to 20 posts be fore dying every single time

>> No.9709211


I shitpost between sets in my notebook, homegym master race

>> No.9709226


doesn't seem like any effort to me

>> No.9709290

Link to /n/?

>> No.9709336

>the only thing worse than /fa/ is /mu/

>not /b/
>not /pol/
>not any of the porn boards

>> No.9709344


literally who

>> No.9709348



>> No.9709366
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i'll never understand why people bar themselves from being fit and fashionable. i try to be a bit of both and i'd say it's working pretty well.

>> No.9709379

ottermode is the mast you can and be effay, being ripped isn't effay, maybe attractive but not effay there's a difference. fit's goal is or any gymfucboi is to get as buff as possible, that's not effay nor is being a skelly with shit posture.

>> No.9709385

I mean ottermode is the most you can go and be effay** correction there

>> No.9709401

>the only thing worse than /fa/ is /mu
lol sounds like someone shit on babbys shitty taste in fashion and music : ^ )

>> No.9709407

Which is funny because I'll bet any amount of money that most girls are more attracted to ottermode guys than buff guys. When will /fit/ learn that you can't lift your way to a gf?

>> No.9711357
File: 17 KB, 843x464, fits dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant lift my way to a gf
okay buddy

>> No.9711380 [DELETED] 

>>the only thing worse than /fa/ is /mu
hes right

>> No.9711392

some music from my itunes include

guns n roses
new order
joy division
billy joe shaver
rolling stones
hank williams
crowded house
david allen coe
jeffrey jeff walker
the proclaimers
happy mondays

also if real uhhh add my skype, go archive and search skype you'll find it

>> No.9711397

really shows how dumb and insecure fit is when he could easily have just walked around that thing.

>> No.9711408 [DELETED] 

yep all good
keep your kanye west and demarco trash that'll be forgotten in 10 years on /mu/ :)

>> No.9711425
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>some music from my itunes include

>guns n roses
>new order
>joy division
>billy joe shaver
>rolling stones
>hank williams
>crowded house
>david allen coe
>jeffrey jeff walker
>the proclaimers
>happy mondays

>> No.9711433
File: 1.14 MB, 1939x2586, 1403673973576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guns n roses
>new order
>joy division
>billy joe shaver
>rolling stones
>hank williams
>crowded house
>david allen coe
>jeffrey jeff walker
>the proclaimers
>happy mondays

>> No.9711436

demarco's actually as decent as most of those artists though

>> No.9711437
File: 414 KB, 2121x1414, 1413325565285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guns n roses
>new order
>joy division
>billy joe shaver
>rolling stones
>hank williams
>crowded house
>david allen coe
>jeffrey jeff walker
>the proclaimers
>happy mondays

>also if real uhhh add my skype, go archive and search skype you'll find it

>> No.9711441
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 1406661012424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$8 an hour

Damir Doma, Jun Takahashi, Raf Simons
Fw09, ss05(womens), fw99
A couple silent pieces so not really, No Pleasures hoody(fw09) printed shawl neck coat(ss06), sadly just a turtleneck right now
no real grails, more like stuff that is very attainable that will take a while to save up for which are(Julius combats, CCP/Guidi derbies, Carpe or Guidi boots)

Animal Collective, Can, OPN, Godspeed, Hop Along, Jordaan Mason and the Horse Museum, lots of old and revival emo
Monsters, Requiem for a Dream, Gummo, The Shining, Little Miss Sunshine
None really
Whatever really sparks my interest I'll read
None sadly I would love to get into photography and film if I had more time
/mu/ rarely
>a bunch of pleb shit
Rarely anymore
None I hate the feeling of not having control of my body
In this moment good but I swing from depressed states to perfectly find quite easily, I'm also very forgetful and have a lot of social anxiety

I have always been fascinated with different expressions of art. Fashion is just another form of art. Also compared to visual art or film the consumer actually plays a big part into fashion and their personal meaning of fashion/style is vital. Where as with other mediums of art I find it to be more of a human looking at the fish in the bowl kind of relationship.

>> No.9711453
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This website is only capable of giving the most basic advice and criticism possible. Back when I first started posting firs I didn't get helpful comments I got the same shit I do now just in smaller amounts. I would get maybe one comment that would be on topic and even then it would be oh your cuff is crooked. Wow thanks that is really going to make or break my fit. It took me months to even grasp the basics of looking good, we're not even talking about being fashionable or giving any grasp if fashion. I shit post because I can here. I don't want to on sufu because I know I could get the same reaction as I do here. SZ I would get banned automatically. If you were asking more why do I feel the need to and not why do I do it here. I guess it's just because the Internet is such an easy place to create a persona which of course is what I have done. So in a sense it's just to become something I'm not for a short while, be a piece of shit online to people I'll never meet so I'm not as much of one in real life. If I were to act all saintly from this point on it wouldn't change anything atleast not in a period of time that would matter. I would still be Birthday the annoying little kid. When people say I look like shit or my fit sucks, at this point it hardly even registers anymore I have become so conditioned to it it's almost more strange and upsetting when I don't see them.

>> No.9711460
File: 671 KB, 200x200, do+you+love+me+_0b790f98d0940dfe9e011d8ffc8894e1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating Kanye and Demarco because its cool

>> No.9711465 [DELETED] 

thats birthday in pic and idk whose words they are but they arent mine
i am not birthday

>> No.9711472 [DELETED] 

because ones a talentless nigger and ones a talentless faggot.

>> No.9711474 [DELETED] 


does this retard think pigfuck is birthday?

>> No.9711477
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x2448, 1418815630481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its nothing at all like rick owens,

dark and os =/= rick owens

and most of it was slim, the only that that would now be construed as os were the pants, but they werent OS anyway.

RS trademark in the 90s - throughout the first 10 years of his career really, but especially in the 90's - and also what he contributed to the evolution of menswear, was his skinny cut tailoring, sleek lapels, high and tight arm cuts and slim bodied suiting - nothing at all like RO.

>> No.9711489


this is amazing

>> No.9711497

what are the jeans