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9705917 No.9705917 [Reply] [Original]

I'm at a 21.3, fuck college ideally want to be at least under a 20 again in a few months.

>> No.9705923

what does college have anything to do with your bmi?

>> No.9705935
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tfw 18.4

>> No.9705936

There's something called the "freshers 15" in the UK, basically the theory that you either gain or lose around 15 pounds in your first year of uni.

I gained, it sucked. Managed to drop back down again, but it's not the same now I'm 4 years older. Wasted my golden years being chubby

>tfw captcha is pics of pasta
>no carbs 4 u fatty

>> No.9705943

>spooky scary skeleton

>> No.9706005

That's not a UK thing,that's just something that happens.

>> No.9706006

I meant that the phrase was a UK thing

>> No.9706008

i got so busy i pretty much forgot to eat
tfw lost 20 pounds
had to see doctors about it
finally back to normal =D

>> No.9706022


I think the reason I lost the weight was because I spent most of 2nd year doing pills instead of drinking. Now I work the weight is creeping back on. Not effay.

>> No.9706028


I'm too fat to be /fa/

>> No.9706033

It's "Freshman 15" over here. Hard not to gain wait when all you consume is beer and pizza.

>> No.9706042

i still feel skinnyfat

>> No.9706052

18.4 and I still feel that way. don't let it get to you because it wrecked my shit up

>> No.9706064

kek i'm at 18.5 but I still feel skinny fat

>> No.9706069

wtf is gaining wait?

>> No.9706070

My issue was that the only thing I could afford to eat was bulk bought pasta. I legit think the only reason I didn't get scurvy was because I mixed orange juice with vodka when out drinking.

>> No.9706078


gril here can I be effay or do I need to lose like 30lbs

>> No.9706086

How quickly does fasting make you lose weight? What should I let myself eat?

>> No.9706107

Fasting will not help. Eat at your basal metabolic rate and exercise.

>> No.9706191


I'm an athlete though.

>> No.9706275

I train i muay thai, so 7% w/ lean muscle :-)

>> No.9706287

16.9, what is fat?

>> No.9706289


>tfw you'll never get down to six stone

>> No.9706364

>100 lbs

being short kind of sucks

>> No.9706369

Please say you're a girl

>> No.9706371

175 lbs

>tfw a morbidly obese waste of space

>> No.9706462

you know the answer

>> No.9706468


>> No.9706476

oh shit, I lost almost 15. That's interesting.

>> No.9706478

24, before 28 and goal is 20 after summer

>> No.9706605

I really let myself go over Winter. Started counting calories a couple weeks ago, want to get back into tank top shape.

>> No.9706662

More than 30

>> No.9706672

Pretty sure going below 30lbs would put me in skelly mode, as when I was around 20 lighter I was whatever the female equivalent of ottermode is.

>> No.9706682

The people who gained weight in my halls were the ones who went out drinking. The ones who lost weight were the ones doing medicine and who started smoking. I'm a filthy philosophy student so I just sat on my arse eating takeaway and reading books, which is why I gained.

>> No.9706698

Keto, Mexican orlistat, amphetamines

deffo going for that malnourished look

>> No.9706759

Yeah, your optimal weight is probably 115-125 provided you're not too skinnyfat.

>> No.9706768
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grill here with same height. losing 20lbs would be fine, I've been mistaken for being underweight more than once and I'm only 129lbs

>> No.9706796


>> No.9706812

How? I've been 105 at 5,9 before, 130 for women of your height is simi normal weight. Not so much now with the national average, and worldwide average rising to insane heights though.

>> No.9706846

weight you shitlord

>> No.9706885

I am so deep into skinny fat that I actually look like an obese person though

>> No.9706958

fuck me i lost exactly 15 pounds in the first term dayum

>> No.9706960


im skeltal

>> No.9706992

I'm 5'8 at 130lbs and am trying to lose weight.

>> No.9707003

tfw exact same stats
im getting to 140 and stopping if I still look like shit
maybe get some muscles instead of keep cut

>> No.9707556

Tfw 20.9
I wanna get down to about 18 but have a bit of muscle on my chest and arms. Ottermode goals.

>> No.9707592

are you thick?
post thighs and I can tell you

>> No.9707610

5'10", 110 pounds, 15.8 BMI should i see a doctor?

>> No.9707621

Yes. Really.

>> No.9707626

I'm at about 120 at 5'8" (female) and I was happiest at about 115 (114-117).

It seems like a good compromise between being able to live / normal thin (120ish) and /fa (110)

>> No.9707651

17.9 here, bordering on the lines of being unsafely underweight erryday but I love it

>> No.9707662

182cm / 75kg :(

>> No.9707664


BMI: 19

>> No.9707666
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1,80 m
72 kg

>> No.9707680

21 BMI

>> No.9707697

136 lbs
16.4 BMI
I'm a reed in the wind

>> No.9707698


Please eat.

>> No.9707706

I eat a healthy diet and consume the recommended daily amount of calories (pretty much) I just simply can't gain weight

>> No.9707715

anon, people routinely tell me I'm fucking skinny yet my bmi is 21.5. Don't listen to these autists

>> No.9707717

184lbs as of the scale this morning

I can wear extra small/small shirts, why am i overweight
Wish I could get back down to 170 or 160 like I used to be. Depression is hell

>> No.9707722
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Gotta eat more to gain weight. If you ever have a mind to improve your body, I would recommend reading the sticky over at /fit/ friend.

>> No.9707726

tbh you probably just underestimate your intake if you weigh that low, no one magically turns energy into nothing.

>> No.9707727

fat people say that about losing weight too

>> No.9707733

Yeah I hear ya, I've skimmed through their sticky once or twice. I'mma go read it properly

>> No.9707744


Just like we tell fatties, calories in calories out, but that works both ways. Eating more than you burn will result in muscle and (some) fat to accumulate, but

>> No.9707754

whats with uni people in america and uk being poor? your only like 17 or 18 when you start uni so i cant imagine why your parents wouldnt support you?

>> No.9707804
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>tfw 180 cm 85kg

i'm on a diet

>> No.9707813

dumbass outdated meaningless number

at 145 13% right now, going to bulk for a while, hopefully until 160 16%

>> No.9707818

185 cm / 6 feet 1
60 kg / 132 lbs

BMI: 17.5

>> No.9707820

>tfw 184cm 70kg

Sucks to be you homie.

>> No.9708084

>tfw 180cm 63kg

goin for that skinnymuscular look and it's going p. good, gotta start swimming when the lake gets warm

>> No.9708085

How do I deal with having the mind of a fat person? If I wasn't worried about getting fat I could literally eat 24/7, the only thing stopping me from being obese right now is crippling guilt every time I eat crap. I live away from home so I don't buy crap food, but I get cravings constantly and if I go out somewhere it's hard to resist. What the fuck is going on? Not fat (yet) by the way, but it's just frustrating being this way.

>> No.9708140

I went to my GP the other day for unrelated stuff and he asked to check my BMI, turns out I'm 17.1

I don't 'feel' skinny though and when I look at and feel my body I can pick out, what are to me at least, very obvious bits of excess flesh which aren't attractive.

Is my body just shit?

>> No.9708154

Sounds like you're just skinnyfat (low body weight but high fat to muscle ratio). Just lifting weights or even a decent bodyweight routine would give you a better ratio without you even having to change your diet, you'll look and feel better, and your BMI might increase slightly due to having a small amount of extra muscle.

>> No.9708167
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>tfw no hot <18.5 skelly bf

>> No.9708172

I'm 33. But weigh like 130 atm. And I don't look fat.

>> No.9708222

sounds like anxiety. maybe find something healthy to saciate your cravings so you don't stress too much

>> No.9708250

24,5 ;_;

>> No.9708252


>> No.9708268

>tfw 17.8
>tfw I feel like I'm too skinny
I am though

>> No.9708286



would not mind 10kg more but I feel healthy and find eating more than I feel like eating pretty tedious

>> No.9708307

18.1 bmi

pretty skinny but only 5'9 so yeeaaaaaa..

>> No.9708314

Not everyone who goes to uni has rich parents. Neither of my parents went to uni and my mom had to take a loan out to help pay my living costs. I would have got a job, but my course had ridiculous contact hours and a lot of outside reading to do.

>> No.9708330
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>> No.9708401
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you're a male and you want a low BMI?

>> No.9708412


>> No.9708444

>tfw 16.9

It's only because I am actually starving, though.

>> No.9708468

Shit that gun costs more than my apartment.

>> No.9708477

bmi 21.8
was 65kg a few months ago, started working out and eating more, i'm 73kg now. My bf went from 10% to 12%, though.
But i honestly feel my clothes fit way better now. Being skinny is overrated

>> No.9708488

>21.1 bmi
>10.1% body fat
>Good looking
Does life get any better?

>> No.9708489

pls have nice hair

>> No.9709381

What the fuck would this actually do?

>> No.9709386

probably give you zero appetite

>> No.9709397


>> No.9709482

do you have qt gf?

>> No.9709520

BMI of 16, but I have virtually no muscle mass. Looks kinda bad tbh.

>> No.9709643

You are a girl that is five foot seven inches tall and weigh one hundred fifty pounds and you are wondering if you are overweight?

I generally don't like to be rude or mean to people here... but come on

>> No.9709655

How do I even find out my BMI?

I am 5'9" and was about 145lbs before lifting and am now at 155lbs but I look pretty much the exact same

>> No.9709668


>> No.9709681

I asked how do I find it out, not what it is

Not trying to be rude in my response, but I'd rather know how to fish when I am hungry than be given a fish

>> No.9709689

Just google "bmi calculator"

>> No.9709728

That's not very accurate though

Even the one from the government assumes you have standard weight distribution between muscle and fat or something. A 6'0" shredded dude who weighs 180 would be calculated at 24.4 while a fat 6'0" dude would have the same body fat. It doesn't seem to take into account muscle mass and stuff

Maybe it doesn't work that way or something, but I guess what I am saying is that I don't really see how this could be very acccurate. If I gain like 5 more pounds of muscle, it will not reflect accordingly in the calculator

>> No.9709730

>while a fat 6'0" dude would have the same body fat
Supposed to say "would have the same body mass index"

>> No.9709770

>tfw 11.0 bmi
had it taken at the gym am 135 lbs at 5'10"

>> No.9709834

At 5'10", you'd have to weigh 77lbs to have a bmi of 11. They probably gave you your % body fat.

>> No.9710017
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110 lbs

>> No.9710034

Just work out

>> No.9710043

nah, I know I'm not a gr8 w8, I just wanted to know if I could lazymode it and stay this weight while being effay. Well aware I'm a fat shit.

>> No.9710300

Caffeine reduces appetite, and the ephedrine + caffeine will make you use up more energy in a day. Don't fuck around with it.

>> No.9710979


>> No.9710988

95 lbs
16.3 bmi

>> No.9711045

Holy shit, /fit/ was right. You guys are retarded. Get some muscle you fuckin fag

>> No.9711468

>tfw technically overweight
>all the weight went to my stomach
>can't tell if this is from stress or my fat ass
>tfw constantly looking preggers

>> No.9711481
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currently 14.4 because of the fucking hospital making me a giant
lowest was 12.3

>> No.9713110

long curly locks bb

>> No.9713320

59 kg

my cheeckbones look pretty siqq in good lighting

>> No.9713639

>tfw lost 40 pounds in first 3 months of uni

fucked up my body, made some parts of my face atrophy. Not all sunshine and roses