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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 393 KB, 3000x2000, 12601352_ori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9689172 No.9689172 [Reply] [Original]

A continuation of the French thread.
> post French style
> post French attitude
> post stories of plebs mirin
I've decided French girls are literally best girls.
I want to be best girl.

>> No.9689185
File: 188 KB, 1280x850, melanie_laurent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with god tier french qt

>> No.9689268
File: 76 KB, 719x960, 71064-800w1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine Vacth is super qt french as well.

>> No.9689271
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>> No.9689300
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>yfw when amerifats think france is a nation of cowards

>> No.9689447
File: 384 KB, 1919x723, a-bout-de-souffle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9689459

I saw a woman not picking up the poop of her dog in Paris this morning.

>> No.9689464

Not just americans m8

>> No.9689465


i live in paris , and i let my dog's poop on the ground

>> No.9689480

So, first of all, you're a fucking retard for buying a dog in Paris.
And you really deserve to be despised by all your peers and family for what you're doing.

I truly hate you, nique ta race, pédé.

>> No.9689488

Why are Paris men so old and greasy looking?

>> No.9689621
File: 120 KB, 1200x800, 19448991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9689644
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>> No.9689655

> watching French people walk around town
> back straight, head up
> walk like they know they're the shit
> hometown fatties walk around like life is hurting them
> shit posture, slow strides
Damn, I hate the midwest.

>> No.9690028


Friendly reminder that Melanie Laurent is a pretentious and talentless hack and that most French people hate her

>> No.9690109

I'm french and I confirm, video related

>> No.9690135

the one thing that most American girls could take from the French girls is to learn to laugh pleasantly.

>> No.9690162

>j'en sais rien je connais même pas

someone give this man a medal

>> No.9690948

> wanting to be a total pussy

>> No.9691453

>implying that man isn't what makes the pic worth looking at
>implying he's not effay as fuck

>> No.9691458
File: 16 KB, 417x417, AR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, she's a dogshit actress and was cringeworthy in Inglorious Basterds

Also posting french girl.

>> No.9691461

>buying a dog
And you are calling others retard?

>> No.9691464
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>> No.9691472
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>> No.9691477
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>> No.9691485
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>> No.9691490
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>> No.9691497
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>> No.9691503


>tfw see french girl getting off her bicycle
>golden tan
>wavy, slightly messy hair
>wearing bare minimum clothing
>as sweat droplets trickle down the nape of her neck

>mfw i sit across her on the train and she keeps staring at my shoes
>mfw i was wearing CP's
>mfw too much of a bitch to bring up conversation

brb killing myself

>> No.9691509

it's french chic, women are inherently pussy so it's fine.

captcha: webad

>> No.9691521

first time ive heard french sound so guttural and disgusting....

>> No.9691538

top kek

>> No.9692147
File: 72 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nlq3jglTj81qc1q0ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9692389
File: 60 KB, 580x460, _belmondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that jean paul belmondo isn't one of the best looking most effay men to ever live

plebian as fuck

>> No.9692401

Still Tarantino's 2nd best movie

>> No.9692729

This girl doesn't look classically French.

>> No.9692893
File: 115 KB, 768x869, Alain_Delon_04_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9692965

>implying Tarantino is any good
>liking films that are merely references to other better films

>> No.9693097

They're not so good IRL.

>> No.9693144
File: 1.12 MB, 960x745, Julie_Anne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Tfw no Qt french Girlfriend with an aristocratic name

>> No.9693164
File: 54 KB, 800x489, 1428433657106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's definitely not as great as you think...

>> No.9693178
File: 473 KB, 960x540, Pauline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you mean but it's true that compared to american girls most of the french girls I know are way less open and more complex, part of their charm I guess...

>> No.9693223
File: 32 KB, 534x353, 3481300_6_3c43_en-1968-lorsqu-ils-se-rencontrent-gainsbourg_598e1c692d64186ffeed3e04488138e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9693237


Rare Pepe: Deluxe Tonal Mystery French IRL Edition #3: free gf included

>> No.9693351

>fat american thinks wars matter
you the fuck cares cunt go install mods for arma or something you filth

>> No.9693499

En effet

>> No.9693559
File: 57 KB, 441x591, cryineveritim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in Marseille
>bougnoules everywhere
>fashion taste stops at burqas and hijabs

>> No.9693667

agree. i would add how frnech girls seems to not give a shit about you. that relallllly turns me on.

>> No.9693685

This. You'll never have as stressful a relationshop as you will with a french girl. hard to find better sex though.

>> No.9693788

>living in Marseille
I feel so sorry for you.
Not even sarcastic.

>> No.9693836

I agree, the ones I have met have always kept a very polite air about them which makes me feel as they're not interested but I think in reality they expect you to push past that and make a stronger move. I'm more going off stereotypes that French men have a better idea of what they are doing then the rest of the world.

It certainly does have a charm tho

Iv never had one not give a shit about me though, maybe you're not worth giving a shit about. It proberbly makes your pathetic fedish easy to obtain

>> No.9693992

I was thinking the exact other way around actually.

>> No.9694021

Some french chicks are supremely cool. The crazy ones are supremely crazy.

It's more their general disposition. I am generally attracted to girls who treat me kind of poorly, so maybe I only notice those ones.

>> No.9694030

To clarify: It's not that the girls ignore me, it's that one secound they're flirting with me, and the next with some other guy.

>> No.9694032
File: 26 KB, 237x299, petain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw the rest of europe thinks they are not just cowards, but also pieces of shit

>> No.9694162
File: 71 KB, 505x521, tumblr_n45jmu7a2I1twz7qwo1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some common french male traits?

>> No.9694239

Someone told me a few years ago that the Parisian male aesthetic was that "heroin chic", dirty emaciated look, cigarette in mouth, 12 o'clock shadow
no big muscle, as in no /fit/ look, pretty much what I would have considered the /fa/ look to be.

Is this true?

>> No.9694275

they are all cowards and they never wash

>> No.9694306

probably what the French said when their country got occupied

>> No.9694312


Being French

>> No.9694620

Those who dated French Girls, how can I be more like them? Nice, but unapproachable to most people? I'm tired of being hit on by thugs and r9k robots.

>> No.9694775


>> No.9694865

Hate British and American.(Easily understandable)

>> No.9695087

There is no "french girl". Be yourself, don't give a fuck about "french girl-core", then you'll be on the right path.

>> No.9695115

Myself is a neurotic asskisser. I'd like to know how not to give a fuck. Also, I need these guys to stop hitting on me.

>> No.9695124

They're thirsty that's all. Just tell them to fuck off, that you're not interested. I don't know gurl. Are you from LONDON?

>> No.9695135

never ever EVER speak english, even if you know the language.

idk but every time i stumble upon a french dude they refuse to talk english, it's like they're too proud or something.

>> No.9695163


>> No.9695181


Was that chick actually american, ot was it just a scenario thing? She's gorgeous, though I doubt Goddard could afford an american actress at the time.

>> No.9695230

I'm not confident. ;_;

>> No.9695240

It's true. I've heard awful stories about french pricks refusing to speak english. Terribly insecure people.

>> No.9695242

Well people have to think you are even if you're not then you'll be cool and mysterious and shit even if you're not confident.

>> No.9695297

That's why I want to know the trick of being aloof and polite.

>> No.9695338

i don't know I'm not a girl, don't know their aloof secret techniques.

>> No.9695360

the thing is that you care to much about what's going on inside people's heads. There's no trick really, you just have to realize how little these things matter and that you'd be happier not giving a shit.

>> No.9695515
File: 46 KB, 388x600, 20317491.jpg-r_640_600-b_1_D6D6D6-f_jpg-q_x-xxyxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>french chick thread
>not posting Charlotte

>> No.9695524
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>> No.9695528
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>> No.9695534
File: 28 KB, 530x384, la-petite-voleuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9695772

underrated pizzost

>> No.9695862

so fa, streaming La Petite Voleuse rite now


>> No.9695935

you're welcome

>> No.9695955

>getting hit on by thugs
Stop living in the ghetto, you poorslut

>> No.9695977
File: 274 KB, 350x158, clint-clito.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9696032

Ingrained hatred of the English. My parents made an effort to make sure they spoke French in France so as not to deal with that rudeness. It's a lot better these days though.

>> No.9696052

People tell me I'm nice but seem cold and aloof. What do you need to know? I think I'm like this because it takes a lot for me to warm up to someone, I observe before anything else, and I don't like to engage with people over small talk. I don't actually like this quality about myself.

>> No.9696266
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french chicks? count me in

>> No.9696282
File: 289 KB, 1920x1200, vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

french canadian but still french

>> No.9696290

>that feel when 200 french men defeated army of 40 000 vikings

>> No.9696304

Should I steal one?

>> No.9696320
File: 376 KB, 600x896, janeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory jane

>> No.9696345
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>> No.9696395
File: 42 KB, 500x383, amarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a single mention of April... guise


>> No.9696407

my nigga

>> No.9696488

english version featured in Death Proof


>> No.9696503
File: 16 KB, 277x299, myfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9696550
File: 289 KB, 566x700, piaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss Edith

>> No.9697125

I actually engage in small talk whether I want to or not and I'm really friendly to everyone in a superficial way.

How can I not engage in small talk if I feel bad for ignoring people who want to talk to me?

>> No.9697790
File: 89 KB, 500x600, Melanie-Laurent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> messy, wavy hair
> long or short, you need bangs though nigga

> minimal makeup
> dark circles around your eyes due to an addiction of some sort
> le red lips

> dark colors
> solid colors
> only acceptable pattern is thin stripes and polka dots
> flat, comfy shoes
> minimal jewelry, 2 pieces max, choose wisely

> play it cool, and don't be a thirsty bitch
> walk around like you're the shit
> get bitches

Prove me wrong, Melanie Laurent best girl.

>> No.9697822
File: 45 KB, 500x212, anna_beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


obligatory anna

>> No.9697826
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>> No.9697830
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>> No.9697835
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>> No.9697857
File: 182 KB, 620x906, clementine_creevy_la_adolescente_que_ha_cautivado_a_hedi_slimane_4820_620x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroinchic as fuck

Come on fags, all of you know this is the SLP free version of heroinchic, well in terms of garments, the aesthetic is the same

>> No.9697885

I love the 60s!

>> No.9697905
File: 95 KB, 231x221, 1321037737353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw french

>> No.9698334

>as if /fa/ could commit to being a french woman

>> No.9698371

Never heard this and I'm French. People will speak English if they need or want to. Most of the time they can't so they don't.

>> No.9698377

This thread is the equivalent of the 'japanese inspo" thread. People dreaming of a perfect country with perfect /fa/ people. It's not true guys. It's all a dream. ;_;

>> No.9698778

>It's not true guys. It's all a dream. ;_;
Of course.

Just let us dream; for most of us it's all we have left.

>> No.9698800

Fine then. Dream on man.

>> No.9699708

W-well, french women still have a sort of confidence that can't be replicated, right? ;_;

>> No.9699895

Confidence? They're as insecure as a British or German girl. No magic powers, they're basic bitches.

>> No.9700024


elle est laide

>> No.9701035

post french music that is related to french chic

>> No.9702038

La Femme

>> No.9702048
File: 83 KB, 596x894, caroline-de-maigret-1-596x894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling Caroline di Maigret basic
> implying this big nosed bitch doesn't get me rock hard

>> No.9702838

>go to Paris twice
>90% of friends you make are Asians born there
>the few French girls you've spent time with were all mediocre as fug
Visiting Paris changed my view of a typical French girl.

>> No.9702867
File: 426 KB, 460x668, Eva_Green_(Headshot).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9703584

basically yé-yé, chanson, and french pop in general, like Françoise Hardy, Brigitte Fontaine, Jane Birkin, etc. imo, minimal synth/synth pop stuff really goes hand in hand with this aesthetic. Deux, for example. also, not really french, but I find the stuff released on Posh Isolation to have this sort of detached cool, minimalist look that is similar to french chic. again, imo

>> No.9703756


Top tier qt with top tier breasts.

>> No.9703805

can i do french chic if i'm not french?

>> No.9703813

you should move here to quebec

>> No.9703920
File: 357 KB, 720x544, 41268264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Just be skinny and/or have bangs and don't wear a lot of makeup.

>> No.9703938

French women are so fucking overrated. Their 'style' is pedestrian and basic, and they stink.

>> No.9703947


Taxi Girl - Paris (1984)

They are talking about how Paris is a huge dump where there is nothing to do.

Fun fact : I used to live where they stroll in the beginning.

>> No.9703951
