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9682636 No.9682636 [Reply] [Original]

Tfw u can't grow a beard

>> No.9682653 [DELETED] 

She went to my highschool

>> No.9684803 [DELETED] 

She went to my highschool

>> No.9684829 [DELETED] 

She went to their highschools

>> No.9684838 [DELETED] 

She went to their highschools

>> No.9684841

I went to her highschool

>> No.9684843 [DELETED] 

She is my highschool

>> No.9684854 [DELETED] 

all went to highschool

>> No.9684863 [DELETED] 

She was my highschool

>> No.9684869

I'm the High School she went to

>> No.9684870 [DELETED] 

I went to school high

>> No.9684940

post vid

>> No.9684960 [DELETED] 

Highschool she my to went

>> No.9685099 [DELETED] 

School to went high she my

>> No.9685110 [DELETED] 

Nigger nigger nigger high school dropout

>> No.9685130

she was high in school i knew

>> No.9685389

Same here
I can't even grow beach fuzz
I grow a little hair on my mustache and chin
I've been growing it out for a couple weeks now, trimming with a trimmer every other day
My mustache isn't bad but my chin is still like... nothing

>> No.9685421 [DELETED] 

I didn't ask for your favorite drink. (it's cum)

>> No.9685475

>tfw my beard grows so fast I have to trim it extremely often

>> No.9685542

>tfw u cant grow a beard and are starting to bolt

>> No.9685959 [DELETED] 

Loohcshgih ym ot tnew ehs.

>> No.9685964 [DELETED] 


he didn't ask for your favorite drink. (it's cum)

>> No.9685976

have you tried? I thought the same thing, but I decided to give it a shot and let it grow longer. The patchiness disappeared as the hairs grew longer and filled it out. After I'd been growing it for a while, some guy actually told me "your beard is awesome, I wish I could grow a beard like that".

The trick is to not get discouraged by an awkward phase when you are just getting started. Let that shit grow for a while and you'll have a real beard. Guaranteed.

>> No.9686010

Patchiness is not a problem for me, its the total lack of hair

>> No.9686536 [DELETED] 

She got high with me at school

>> No.9686543 [DELETED] 

S͉̺h̯͔̺͎e͓͚̺̗͔̥͙ ̠̫̝̱̳̙̕w̡̪͉e̙̳n̰̠̬͢t̻̖͔ ̴̹̦͚̹t̳̠̼̜̺ó͎̤̻̺͓͈ͅ ̜̞̘̝m͖̙̯͍̯͙̮y̝͉̥̰̲̺͠ ͖̺̱͕̬̺̹h̩ị̱̝̫̳͢g̙̭̩̳͍͝h̟͉͕̠̫ͅs͎̫ç̱̩̩̺̬̺ho̫o̸̞̟̳̙l̘.̬̮͇̝̬̺̠

>> No.9687630


>> No.9687672

lmao where that muthafukin vid at bitch i dont give a fuck about your lack of facial hair that pic is hilarious xd

>> No.9687697

what vid?

>> No.9687732


>> No.9687766

op im 20, turning 21 in 2 months

i have 3 seriously i cant count the hairs, on my chin

i cant grow a single facial hair for my fucking life, i just dont get it

dad has a full beard, his dad had one etc etc

fucking hell i look like a 12 year old

>> No.9687774


Sauce pleas

>> No.9687809

I want to joke about the fact that you got the K syndrom that everyone is talking bout in here but can't remember the fucking name.

>> No.9687812

link to video

>> No.9687813

I mean on /fit/

>> No.9688321

why did I laugh forever at tis

>> No.9688499


>> No.9688809

post video link

>> No.9688927

Girl from highschool got sucker punched. It might be on Twitter. Look up 8mile fights or something like that.

>> No.9688933


>> No.9689004
