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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.68 MB, 1920x1080, edc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9679589 No.9679589 [Reply] [Original]

What's /fa/'s edc?

>> No.9679603
File: 706 KB, 2048x1152, 1420830557181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9679608

iphone 6 and a stack of cash. no wallet cuz i'm not fucking gay.

>> No.9679652

I don't understand why do people still carry a USB flash drive in 2015

this is something i'd imagine a rapist would carry

>being this insecure

>> No.9679659

>I don't understand why do people still carry a USB flash drive in 2015
Why wouldn't they?

>> No.9679671

>battery isn't even compatible with gameboy
poser detected

>> No.9679672

Because muh cloud.

>> No.9679697

You can store everything in the cloud and access it on your phone or other computer

>> No.9679794
File: 824 KB, 4928x3264, edc_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy paranoid reporting

>> No.9679802

Dude fuck the cloud.

>> No.9679825

Materials to roll cigs

>> No.9680085


>> No.9680104

There are contexts where internet isn't readily available.

>> No.9680150

Nice post m8, where'd you get it?

>> No.9680154
File: 824 KB, 2560x1920, 14286032282212084226151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the phone is for drugs, the knife is for opening boxes at work and general utility, it's a completely shit as a weapon.

>> No.9680209


>> No.9680217

Do you live outdoors...?

>> No.9680354

Brand on knife?

>> No.9680421
File: 760 KB, 2560x1920, 1428606234465-2009317958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baladeo, the model is called the 22 gram even though it really weighs 24.as you can see n this pic the skeleton handle is also the liner lock for the blade. I get an odd amount of compliments on this knife. It's got a chisel edge though which is a bit of a pain but it's so the knife doesn't cut you when folded.

>> No.9680428

it's your fault you live in rural latvia

>> No.9680429
File: 830 KB, 2560x1920, 142860648952646053062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna post 1 more pic after this one.

>> No.9680448
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looks like a pair of nail clippers to some people
You are really stupid if that is the only situation you can think of. oh it's a reee post why am I not surprised. You give canadians a bad name.

>> No.9680458

>storing anything "in the cloud"
Enjoy zero privacy and being an invitable victim of hackers.

>> No.9680478

these threads are so cringey. why would you want to carry all that garbage around?

i carry: a phone, keys, wallet. if it's a work day i carry a lunch and paperwork.

what else do you need to lug back and forth every day unless you work as a fucking hiking sherpa or something?

>> No.9680483
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>> No.9680491

Remember, some people actually live lives that aren't boring 9-to-5's. Plus it's not like anyone except for that kid with the backpack carries an extraordinary amount of stuff.

>> No.9680498

I live in the biggest city in one of the most developed countries in the world.

Even if you went in the woods or something, you could still use data on your phone. There are zero excuses for not having internet access, unless you live in a developing country with inadequate technology infrastructure.

>> No.9680520


please tell me what about your life or job requires the daily carry of a knife.

are you a sailor in 1870? do you whittle for a living? are you part of a law enforcement agency? are you part of a gang in west side story?

the only reason to carry a laptop to and from work is if you're working on sensitive material that can't be remotely transferred or held in a cloud. are you an intelligence analyst? are you fucking working for boeing? does your work involve keeping local plaintext files of people's social security numbers?

this type of shit is excessive and affected 95% of the time. again, if you're not a mountain climber for your everyday job, you don't need to carry around 18 tungsten-carbide steel carabiners and four days' provisions

>> No.9680522

Again, you are an idiot. I live in the same city too fucktard, I have plenty of use for a USB stick. Just scramble your tiny brain a little bit..fuck it I'm not gonna waste the keystrokes on a literal retard.

>> No.9680583

If you can't understand the purpose of a utility knife there is no point in explaning it to you. Students carry laptops with them to and from school all the time, I see plenty of kids on a bus or train sitting on their laptop doing work. There are plenty of jobs where you are constantly on the move and need a laptop with you because you work in the field. Carabiner because I bike and I hate having keys sitting in the bottom of my pocket and I drink plenty of coke in glass bottles so the carabiners doubles as a bottle opener. You also apply way too much of your personal taste to other people. And yes I am going to be working for boeing after I'm done with school.

>> No.9680600
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>> No.9680606


>If you can't understand the purpose of a utility knife there is no point in explaning [sic] it to you.

I understand its purpose if you're like a construction worker or sailor or mountaineer. Of which you are none.

>students carry laptops to an from school all the time

affectation most of the time.

>There are plenty of jobs where you are constantly on the move and need a laptop with you because you work in the field

there are *some* jobs like this. there are not countless 4chan threads and buses and trains full of these jobs. again, affectation most of the time.

>Carabiner because I bike and I hate having keys sitting in the bottom of my pocket and I drink plenty of coke in glass bottles so the carabiners doubles as a bottle opener

a single carabiner suffices these purposes

>You also apply way too much of your personal taste to other people

comparing personal taste is literally *the point* of something like a fashion board.

>And yes I am going to be working for boeing after I'm done with school.


>> No.9680613

funnier than >>9679603
had a legit laugh. shiacore/10

>> No.9680615

drug dealer core

>> No.9680634
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Not the same guy, but I work in a small warehouse putting furniture together. Half of my job is drilling things together, and the other is opening/breaking down massive cardboard boxes, cutting tags and straps off of stuff... things where having a knife on your belt is a necessity.

>> No.9680642


i too have worked in warehouse settings. and they provided us with top quality box and utility knives on site, as i'm sure the vast majority of such jobs will do. there was never a need to lug anything

>> No.9680655



On the week-ends only.

>> No.9680670

It clips onto my belt, dude. There's no "lugging" involved. And why would I want to use fucking box cutters instead of my own serrated knife? Furthermore, everyone I work with has their own shit so it's not even like I'm some edgelord.

You're grasping at straws, bro.

>> No.9680673 [DELETED] 

but I am a construction worker bitch, that's my summer job
>And yes I am going to be working for boeing after I'm done with school.
kek, I'm pretty sure I know who you are, how is it going working in retail?

>> No.9680681

Tidy, and an interesting book; everything is good except for the north face logos.


>> No.9680693

>>9680606 #
but I am a construction worker, bitch, that's my summer job
>And yes I am going to be working for boeing after I'm done with school.
kek, I'm pretty sure I know who you are, how is it going working in retail?

>> No.9680698

>b-but all my friends do it

you happening to be a construction worker doesn't invalidate my point that for most folks it's an affectation. in fact, even for you it still is. see: >>9680642

>kek, I'm pretty sure I know who you are, how is it going working in retail?

the last time i worked in retail was when i was like 20. thanks though.


how's that fragile masculinity working out for you?

>> No.9680702



>> No.9680724

>b-but all my friends do it
They're not even my friends - just people I work with.

It's ok to have such an irrational problem with people carrying knives, I guess, but it does make you look foolish.

>> No.9680731

I carry one when I have to give a presentation or if I have to print something out at Fedex Office (like once a week, sometimes more often). It's more expensive to print at Fedex Office than it is at my university but I just like the atmosphere better.

>> No.9680733

carry whatever you want. but your desire to carry it doesn't make itself rational by existing, nor does it become rational through your fulfillment of that desire.

you carry a bunch of shit that you don't need to carry. that's irrational. and unfashionable. go back to /k/

>> No.9680741

you throw around the word affectation like anons throw around the words memeclothes or memeshoes. Using your own tools because you're more comfortable with them and rely on them is not a dislay of affectation. Using your laptop on the train or bus to write last minute homework is not affectation. You made me sad, have to go beat my roomates cat now.

>> No.9680744

My edc:

Black marker
Small thing of cologne

I do use the knife in the multitool occasionally so I definitely see the use of having a dedicated one for frequent use in other jobs. It's common sense I don't know why people get so upset and just absolutely refuse this simple tool which adds a whole lot of ease to life and even a sense of security.

>> No.9680747

>"This tool helps you with your job? You must be a faggot"

>> No.9680754

what about your phone?

>> No.9680757

>You carry a bunch of shit you don't need to carry
who the fuck are you to make these decisions about people on the internet you don't even know. You are so stupid and such a conformst it makes me sick.

>> No.9680758

Shit I forgot keys

>> No.9680764

I finished marathoning breaking bad lol, nice projecting though.

>> No.9680782

They're likely british. Shit even at home my little baladeo is useful, no need to go to a drawers for scissors or a knife, just reach into my pocket and tada bag is open, sandwich is cut and salami is sliced and I didn't even have to move my bony ass to the kitchen.

>> No.9680787

>Using your laptop on the train or bus to write last minute homework is not affectation.

for the students who work 80 hours a week and go to school full time, it's not affectation. because they literally have no other time in which to do it. for all other students (which is most of them), it is.

>Using your own tools because you're more comfortable with them and rely on them is not a dislay of affectation.

actually that pretty much meets the definition of affectation spot on?

a tool is there to allow you to accomplish a specific task. does it allow you to accomplish the task at the requisite pace? that is the only non-affected question to ask about a tool.

>You made me sad, have to go beat my roomates cat now.

You should seek professional services. I don't mean that as an insult, I mean that as honest advice. One day you might find a way to operate in society without feeling the need to physically project your self-hatred onto other living beings.

>> No.9680797

>h-honet i-i just say it out of habit

>conforms to culture of excessiveness
>accuses people who challenge that conformity of conformity

>a tool is there to allow you to accomplish a specific task. does it allow you to accomplish the task at the requisite pace? that is the only non-affected question to ask about a tool.

>> No.9680812

>You made me sad, have to go beat my roomates cat now.
>You should seek professional services. I don't mean that as an insult, I mean that as honest advice. One day you might find a way to operate in society without feeling the need to physically project your self-hatred onto other living beings.
>being this stupid
now I can see why you can't comprehend what's the purpose of a personalized EDC, you are a flat out gullible moron.

>> No.9680820

I use this to stay organized
Otherwise, pretty standard EDC

>> No.9680822

>being this oblivious

i almost envy the level in which you (nearly) function

>> No.9680824
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>> No.9680825

i'm sorry were you responding to any of my points or were you just shitting up the thread?

>> No.9680832

I keep a flash-drive to boot into Kali Linux, can't do that with the cloud

>> No.9680856
File: 29 KB, 630x420, this beard is essential to my EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you suggest that my 25lbs of gear is not absolutely, totally essential each and every day of my life?! I'll kill you you know NOTHING

>> No.9680865

>cheap disposable lighter


>> No.9680888

>Zero maintenance required
Something wrong with that?

>> No.9680890

Your points are the only thing shitting up this thread.

>> No.9680899

zero maintenance isn't effay

>> No.9680903

siq rebuttal m8. absolute teardown. a point-by-point deconstruction of every premise and conclusion. hats off to you

>> No.9680912

where the handguns @?

yall live in safe neighborhoods? that ain't effay...

>> No.9680916

S4 in copper
White sennheiser x adidas sport earbuds
American eagle wayfarers (I'm 6'2" with too big of a head for most glasses, it took me a whole day of trying on at the mall to even find those)
A brown fossil card wallet with a little money clip
Keys for apartment, pool, mail, parents, and car + la fitness card, cvs card, and frys card
Lately a book called 47th Samurai about the decendants of fighters on the pacific front. I don't read novels because I usually get the point after 3 chapters and get annoyed that they're talking down to me. I like John Locke for this reason. He simply states his points and assumes I am his intellectual equal instead of making up a soliloquy as if I were a child in need of a morality fairy tale.

>> No.9680923
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>> No.9680936

3 eggs
Tablespoon of unsalted butter

>> No.9680937
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>> No.9680941
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>> No.9680951
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necessary for my job

>> No.9680954

you live in america. that aint effay either

>> No.9680957

being effay isn't effay

>> No.9680962
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>> No.9680970

being isnt fa, be abstract

>> No.9680975
File: 730 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20150409_150612_295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one faggot poser in this thread that carries around 50 lbs in knives? Incredible. Normally these are full of retarded pic related.

>> No.9680978

ing bebstruckting eff >ayy mao zedon b

>> No.9680981

you carry a blender with you

>> No.9680985

of all the shit in that pic the blender seems most suspect to you?

>> No.9680989

a blender and hella drugs

do you constantly travel between drug taking - destinations

>> No.9681015

Thanks m8

>> No.9681089

I'm glad you dudes enjoyed my pic.

>> No.9681106

I carry my car keys, my iphone and 20 bucks.

I really can't complain about people carrying so much stuff, I carry a whole world in the back of my WV.

>My books and notebooks
>my laptop with charger
>my skates
>my cigs
>my lighter
>a pair of socks
>gym clothes
>a towel
>clubbing clothes
>running shoes
>my bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, facial soap, creams, moisturizer.
>hidden money and drugs in the front of the car.

I have all that in a suitcase, in case I wash my car.

>> No.9681107
File: 690 KB, 1200x900, edctote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a month or two or so ago.

>> No.9681114

that preparation for any normal situation

If I had a car I'd probably be like this

>> No.9681170

This guy gets it

>> No.9681178

>carrying a knife

fedora tier, what are you going to reach into your bag and pull it out to stopper your mugger?

>> No.9681184

I always hold it or tape it to my leg

>> No.9681263

Lol ur so mad. Y u so mad

>> No.9681315
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Mine's more or less for convenience. If I ever come across something that needs opening or cutting then I won't have lots of trouble with it. I don't always take it everywhere, just generally when I think I might need it.

>> No.9681357

how come you're eating a nice natural granola bar and drinking naive water but also smoking smelly, dirty cigarettes? genuine question. also stethoscope?! you should know better doc!

>> No.9681516

what are you?

>> No.9681530

>risk of blindness

top kek

>> No.9681608

this discussion is as old as /fa/

>> No.9681625
File: 2.12 MB, 2818x2013, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what are the best headphones for everyday carry?

I tried out a friend's pic relatec and they sound great, super comfy (way better than audio technicas)

Any other suggestions?? I'm looking for rlly good sounding and rlly comfy headphones, any advice would be appreciated

Thx in advance

>> No.9681627

Maybe a medical student who is on the go a lot (thus the spoon and instant food)

>> No.9681672
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>> No.9681710
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>> No.9681713

I'm a nurse

>> No.9681835


>> No.9681889

What is an /fa/ keyring or lanyard? I need a new one for all my keys

>> No.9681901

Add a space grey iPhone 6 Plus with a black Mophie case on it.

>> No.9681909
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, forgot pic. Don't shitpost and drink, /fa/.

>> No.9681969
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>> No.9682391

Fuck me that's hilarious.

Good eye anon.

>> No.9682449

Not headphones but I recommend Shure SE215's

>> No.9682650

>>968167 casey neistat core

>> No.9682666
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 5247743+_87d8ed3a7226286f3d45c3167696c3c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9682687

not yours but pretty good

>> No.9682754

Is that a box cutter or knife.

>> No.9682772

nice ZT m8

>> No.9682815
File: 1.41 MB, 1022x730, thebiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9682938

>not realizing that it's satire

the fuck

>> No.9682951

What headphones are those?

>> No.9682990


If you can find them, get Sennheiser HD 25-1 II's instead of these - way more durable, parts are ALL replaceable, and they take up less space.

>> No.9683029
File: 1.16 MB, 2848x2134, 100_4874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9683036

You must have the most disgusting house, you hoarder fuck.

>> No.9683084

Those bars are a sugary mess anyway. Smoking is a choice, for socialising. I'm not affected by addiction, I sometimes go weeks without and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.

B&W P5's

Get B&W P3/5/7's or B&O H6's

>> No.9683249

>dat key

do you live in kingdom hearts?

>> No.9683328

nice Laguiole bro

>> No.9683346
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bump I need more headphone edc suggestions please and thanks

>> No.9683436
File: 3.91 MB, 3984x2988, 20150410_030331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many pairs of these that I literally get them in bulk on Amazon
They're cheap, comfortable, good sound, and last about six months

>> No.9683478
File: 51 KB, 331x391, 3ee3b41b53f0d6d496232227c49209e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unrelated but i have the cloud to butt plugin on chrome and this is the funniest shit i have ever seen

>> No.9683487

Notebook, some pens and pencils, wallet, shitphone, deactivated android phone that I use like a very small shitty old tablet, laptop, secondary notebook, dice, and an old silver dragon yuan coin.

No pic because no camera. If I had a camera, though, that would be in my EDC, too, so I'd have to either borrow a camera or do a couple pictures and stitch them together.

>> No.9683499


>Carrying a camera the size and weight of a small moon.

Only compacts are effay, not grotesque shitty digital beasts such as that one.

>> No.9683502
File: 3.74 MB, 5312x2988, qGXILM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9683589

Phones have cameras
And such

>> No.9683592

Recapping insulin needles is dangerous, anon =(

>> No.9683808

>Smoking is a choice, for socialising
i feel you. it's something i usually don't do in my spare time, but at work and when i'm outside i smoke to socialise

>> No.9683818

just use cocaine or smh

>> No.9684000

Nikon F5 is not digital.

>> No.9684324
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>> No.9684368


>Nikon F5

Pick one.

My boss allows smokers a break every half hour, otherwise you have to slave away continuously for two hours.

It has it's benefits.

>> No.9685568


>> No.9686426


>> No.9686835

what's up with all the flip phones and burners

>> No.9686843

I keep a burner in case I ever have my phone stolen
I need to be available by phone 24/7 because of my job so I'd rather be prepared

>> No.9686846 [DELETED] 

daily reminder that DEGENERACY IS NOT EFFAY

remember kids don't do drugs

>> No.9686850

Diabetes is not degeneracy

>> No.9686851 [DELETED] 

and they're even fashion :))

i already have decent earphones, looking for headphones rn

the sound is noticeably better cuz they're all around your ear or smth

>> No.9686858 [DELETED] 

wtf is the spoon for then? spooning your gay butt buddy?

>> No.9686887

holy shit
>benson and fucking hedges
>non bic lighter
nice organization tho

>> No.9687574


How else are you going to afford dem dope fits bruh

>> No.9687587

Type II is.

>> No.9687686

W2c knife

>> No.9688416

>general snus lös
>small zipped wallet/coinpouch w/ credit card, rolling papers, sometimes spare subway ticket
>sometimes sunglasses
>sometimes lighter
>sometimes a very small folding knife
Pocket knife is "hidden" in a small upper arm pocket on one on my shell jackets. Knife laws are ridiculous here but my defence is that I "forgot" it there the last time I went into the woods. Should work.

Unless I'm wearing a backpack (laptop etc) or are returning home from buying weed (small dry sack in jacket pocket) I never really need anything else summer or winter.

>> No.9688428

What country, anon

>> No.9688522

He's clearly Norwegian

>> No.9688555

Correct. Why did you go for Norway instead of Sweden, Finland or Denmark? I guess Finland doesn't have as strict knife laws and Norwegians wear more shell jackets than any other Nordic countries. But still impressibe anon.

>> No.9688669

The Snus. Also it was a guess. But Snus is far more popular in Norge than in Denmark for example.

>> No.9688743

I work at a supermarket and we all carry knives about

I can imagine it becoming a habit if I did this for years

>> No.9688825
File: 61 KB, 540x960, 11132051_1118502434842230_670236239_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9688878

What about literally any valley? I can either get tornados fuck me up every year or I can get shitty cell service.

>> No.9688888

how do u guys take such good pics top down like this
all mine turn out like shit

>> No.9688896


>> No.9688900

Heil hitler

>> No.9688917

too lazy to take picture seeing as im not even ready for work yet.

pack of camel 99s
(sometimes) wallet and coin pouch

>> No.9689112

Michel Houellebecq Soumission, for real?

>> No.9691735


why do you have a stethoscope i cant imagine that is used in the process of cleaning out bedpans and fluffing pillows

>> No.9691816

nice memed my friend

>> No.9691901

This is hilarious in two scenarios
A) You stole that pen from Supercuts; meaning you get your hair cut at Supercuts.
B) You work at Supercuts; meaning you (for whatever reason) bring six hot dogs to work every day.

I'm just... really curious which one is true, or maybe even the possibility of a much weirder third scenario.

>> No.9692176


>> No.9692200

You can always detect someone outside of the US. It's a tool, not just a weapon. I use my knife all the time for all kinds of things and yeah if someone does try to mug me id rather have it on me

>> No.9692531
File: 1.75 MB, 3226x2151, fulledc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9692534

>being dumb enough to ever get into a situation where you can be mugged

>> No.9692542

Stop victim blaming, shitlord.

Don't teach retards on /fa/ not to walk through the ghettos alone at night, teach robbers not to rob.

>> No.9692548

What watch?

>> No.9692567
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minus the blackberry. someone pickpocketted it last yr i now have an iphone

>> No.9692571
File: 52 KB, 960x595, i saw him breaking and entreeing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9692586


honestly it's better to not carry a knife for those types of situations. if you're getting robbed in the skreets, the last thing you want to do is pull out a weapon and try to stand your ground. motherfuckers are crazy and will slay you in the street without thinking twice. they will literally empty an entire clip into you and then kick the shit out of your dead body.

if you grew up in the city, then you know this shit and you either 1) do the mugging yourself, 2) carry a strap and will slay anyone that makes a move on you without hesitation, or 3) you realize that your wallet and phone are not worth your life or any conception of "honor".

seriously, if you get mugged in the city either run or just do the drill and hand your shit over. there are people out there who will kill you at the drop of a pin. and your knife will do absolutely nothing to protect yourself from them. if anything it could lead to escalation.

the best defense against mugging is blending in. of course, muggers shouldn't mug in the first place. but they do, and so some street smarts never hurt.

seriously all these transplants come to the city acting though shit because they used to participate in drunken boxing in bars back home. they think they can handle their own, when they don't realize that people don't fucking play in the city. they won't box you or knife fight you 1 on 1. they'll jump you with 5 dudes, guns drawn, ready to put you down.

>> No.9692595

>living in America

It's crazy how "the city" in your country means "horribly violent and gangs rampant", and "inner city" is synonymous with "ghetto". I don't know how you can live in a country where it's expected for people to not go to certain parts of town because they'll get mugged for sure, or you need to carry a gun everywhere in case someone pulls something on you.

The worst crime here is pickpockets, and they're rarely (if ever) armed. Even still all we do is maybe carry around a second wallet with a few bucks and expired cards in it just in case.

But really, you could move from America to a third world country and you'd probably be safer.

>> No.9692603


continued: i was on a court case where two inner city gang members chased down a 14 year old kid and stabbed him through the neck with a katana, killing him instantly.

think about the mentality you have to be in to do something like that. to kill a 14 year old 2-on-1 in a grizzly, carnal fashion. you think you're going to defend yourself against that type of person with a 2.5 inch utility knife?

no fucking way. the best way to defend yourself from that person is to have street smarts and not get caught in that type of situation in the first place. which is not victim-blaming. 100% of the blame goes to the perps. but if you wanna talk realistic defense: blend-in. failing that, run. or if you're the type who will shoot first and ask questions later, carry a strap. i don't recommend or advocate that third option at all, but it's a hell of a lot more viable than a box-cutter

>> No.9692608


Oh and where do you live where it's a utopia m8? the social issues and associated violence of inner cities is a transnational problem. it does not have borders. wherever there is systemic wealth disparity, you will find it

>> No.9692614

The less I carry the better I feel. If I could buy shit and unlock my house with a fingerprint I wouldn't carry anything.

>> No.9692689


European countries tend to have their poor people outside of the inner city. Doesn't prevent crime in those areas but it does keep dumb rich people and tourists from wandering from downtown into a mugging.

>> No.9692695


>> No.9692723

>leaving the house

normies pls go

>> No.9692743

youve been posting this for a year, your edc hasnt changed at all? i honestly cant tell if this is a ruse or not.

>> No.9692960

fossil grant.

tot kek


>> No.9692969

I don't get it.

>> No.9694044

its a headscratcher not a wisk you fuckin mongo

>> No.9694055
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1280, SSC_0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9694106

nice wallet, w2c?

>> No.9694132

What are those shades? Above the Wayfarers

>> No.9694159

Brooks Brothers

>> No.9694194

How's that backpack? The one I have right now doesn't breathe at all and gives me a sweaty back

>> No.9694219

>Atlas Shrugged

I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.9694229

nice case, w2c?

>> No.9694237

Vineyard Vines.

>> No.9694263
File: 26 KB, 397x470, 1416941040202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the standard apple ones the only earphones that don't look like shit?

>> No.9694295
File: 191 KB, 1000x891, EDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9694303

did you just find every single pretentious piece you owned and put it together?

>> No.9694314

i can't name any brands but there definitely are solid coloured ear buds with better sound quality than apple's. go to a store or check out a website and i'm sure you'll find a pair.

>> No.9694809

p much

>> No.9694813

The only thing really pretentious about it is the book

>> No.9694850

lol, i live in the city in america and i have no idea

>> No.9694856


>> No.9694920


>> No.9694924

Houellebecq is good contemporary writer.

>> No.9694954
File: 2.21 MB, 3648x2736, Ulster Old Timer 58OT (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always in the little pocket of my jeans.

>> No.9696139
File: 828 KB, 1536x2056, 1405515891049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last summer's edc

>> No.9696204

Maui Jim Kolohe. My faves.

>> No.9696428


>> No.9696441

I am shocked. Nobody has repied to my bag of two dollar bills and forks, rock, and toilet paper hammer.

>> No.9696450

i really hope you have money and look like a normal person

>> No.9696458

physically i can only move by rolling

>> No.9696464
File: 2.62 MB, 1080x1920, DSC_1256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are cigarette packs like in your country?

Are they /fa/, or are they Canada-tier?