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File: 70 KB, 700x1000, 1402046686859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9676376 No.9676376 [Reply] [Original]

Is plastic surgery worth it? I have a fivehead and a crooked nose and I am considering it.

>> No.9676382


>> No.9676388


Anyways, how would you fix a fivehead?

>> No.9676393

I've tried bangers but since I have a face of a sixteen-year-old and straight hair it looks like shit.

>> No.9676422

u can do a hairline operation , some people just have "receeded hairlines" naturally including myself

>> No.9676480

i bet you look okay, upload a pic OP, crooked noses can be effay

>> No.9676499

No, be confident with who you are, that's the most attractive thing, honestly.

Plus, if you get plastic surgery and attract a 10/10. imagine how pissed she will be when you have kids and she finds out you aren't as attractive as she thought.

Imperfections make us beautiful. No money is worth changing yourself.

>> No.9676507

Is cosmetic surgery good if you just want lip reduction and correction of bulbous tip, septal extension graft, alar reduction

>> No.9676520
File: 33 KB, 343x511, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look like 5-6/10 from the front, from the side I look horrible.

N-nobody cares about your side, r-right?

>> No.9676536

wow thats not bad at all, THAT IS WHAT UR INSECURE ABOUT? REAAALLLY?

>> No.9676540

not sure if this was sarcasm or not, but people comment on it in real life a lot. So it must be kinda bad.

>> No.9676555

plastic surgery isn't gonna fix that shitty confidence

>> No.9676558
File: 139 KB, 639x958, IMG_3066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm insecure about my giant fucking nose and stupid fucking droopy eyes. :/

>> No.9676566

hard to see when half your face is stretched the fuck out

>> No.9676572

who cares? those people dont know the true aesthetics of beauty, they only care about the people they say on tv or models in body building magazines.. no but really ur face does not look bad at all

>> No.9676573

trips speaks the truth

>> No.9676574

You look great?
Love your hair

>> No.9676579

lmao google paolo gallardo, his nose is big af but hes an attractive model
meant to send >>9676572
to >>9676540

>> No.9676588

subtract onehead to make a forehead

>> No.9676599
File: 108 KB, 476x632, IMG_2759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better? lol

>> No.9676606

you should cheer your eyes up

>> No.9676622

i dont mind those, its more your thin lips and thin eyebrows that rustle my jimmies tbh

>> No.9676627

ur gud m8 would r8 like 7-8/10

>> No.9676628

you're fine you stupid faggot

>> No.9676630

Oh, I was folding them in. This pic shows my lips a lot better.


>> No.9676636

If I have to be a cunt your hair could be better but that is all.

You look great stop being an insecure faggot.

>> No.9676637

its only the eyes man, it cannot be unseen but dont worry thats a minor flaw. the rest is pretty good

>> No.9676639

they are at an odd angle. They are just messing with you.

>> No.9676644

Just griping about two things I hate about my face, is all.


>> No.9676647

Stop posting yourself all over 4chan. Jesus fucking christ your insecurity pisses me off. Seeking validation from a fucking fishhead culture image board. Gain some esteem if there is even a droplet of it within your vapid fucking sould. I hate you, kill yourself.

>> No.9676649

like brian v2.0

>> No.9676651

>Imperfections make us beautiful.

I second this. Eath clean, work out, take care of your skin, and you'll look as good as it gets.

A plastic surgery will barely improve anything. The only thing I'd consider would be leg extension surgery, but only if I were a manlet, which I'm not.

>> No.9676654

I'm not insecure or seeking validation, I was just griping about two things I don't like about my face. I'm a confident person.

>> No.9676655

how do i eath clean

>> No.9676663

im 6 foot 1 and i dont understand how manlets can be so fucking insecure

yea i understand that if youre under 170cm but otherwise no

>> No.9676670


they're only insecure on 4chan

>> No.9676681

Not true. I am not insecure.

>> No.9676682

4chan is being infiltrated by children so ofcourse they had ridiculously high standards and dont really have a good grasp on reality, i mean just look at all the photoshopped pictures they spam on 10/10 threads

>> No.9676733

Is it even possible to fix a negative canthal tilt with surgery? Just wondering

>> No.9676740

i mean brandon. lmao

>> No.9676753


>> No.9676762


>> No.9676769

watch Louis Theroux's documentary on plastic surgery, find out you'll never be happy, and scratch that plan.

>> No.9676775


>> No.9676781


>> No.9676784


>> No.9676794


>> No.9676799


>> No.9676802

you fucking spastics

>> No.9676811

I bet you're not even aussie or brit, sush.

>> No.9676823


>> No.9676830

Looks pretty normal to me chap. Good forward projecting face. But sometimes we're too hard on ourselves. I've had people tell me I'm good looking but I'll never believe em. It's confidence game.

>> No.9676840
File: 104 KB, 1024x768, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9676854


>> No.9676868
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>> No.9676876
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>> No.9676879

no not BRANDON

>> No.9676882


>> No.9676893

no :(

>> No.9676899

yes :)

>> No.9676923

no :)

>> No.9676926

What the hell

>> No.9677065


>> No.9677121


>> No.9677128
File: 153 KB, 960x544, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any way to get rid of my huge lips?

>> No.9677229

lip reduction, its worth the shot but i think ur lips r cute

>> No.9677234


>> No.9677246


>> No.9677252

suck my dick. 100% proven

>> No.9677278

I have a threehead.
So small

>> No.9677286


will my lips get better if I bite yours off?

>> No.9677631


>> No.9677749

>tfw lately almost everyone has been saying my nose is huge and it has completely destroyed my sef esteem

It got worse when one of the guys was defending me. You know you're in a miserable situation when people have to stand up for you.

Gonna kill myself

>> No.9677889

It wouldn't give you a better chin or jaw

>> No.9677899


>> No.9677904

I love you anon.

And yes I'm the guy in that pic.

>> No.9678059

idk i think i love your eyes bro

>> No.9679566


>> No.9679576

Lol ur right, ur never gunna get gurl frend huahahaha

>> No.9682197


>> No.9682216
File: 163 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it depends on the person; for me it was, I got rhinoplasty done with a septoplasty and my breathing and confidence is 100% better

Rhinoplasty takes about a year to completely heal, swelling is a pain but you get through it

>> No.9682385
File: 133 KB, 1280x440, 1420476775292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends

Every part of your face contributes to how people see you as a person, even with conservative surgeons and minimalist procedures it can drastically change you

You have to think of not only your features but how you totally will be seen

Pic related is a cliche but totally different outlook of her preop/postop

>> No.9682396

she looks better before...

>> No.9682398

Spend the money on a skin doctor,fag.

>> No.9682799

Yeah. I'm getting braces next month, I'm 19, should be about 2 years. They're not too fucked, most people can't even tell because it's only lower teeth crowding.

My ear lobes are big which make the rest of my ear look large. This sounds stupid but if I posted a picture you would see.

My nose is slightly bulbous so I'll fix that too. Nothing too plastic or anything I just want it to be slightly more pointy, I don't want it smaller. It's just my nostrils look odd, like I've got a boil or something.

Planning to get all this shit done within the next 4 years. Starting with braces now because I should have done this shit when I was 13 and not 6 years later.

The rest of my face I'm fine with. I like my eyes, love my hair, nice cheeks and great skin, it's really just my ears and nose.

If think there is one slight feature that is holding you back, fix it, be happy.

>> No.9682814

God Damn fucjing beautiful.
Prime reason why you should get surgery.

>> No.9682816

and now she looks like everyone else ;_;

>> No.9683471

This guy doesn't need plastic surgery, only sweeten his facial expression. Make it more relaxed.

>> No.9684266

cool im thinking of getting mine done in korea, where did u guys do it?

>> No.9684352

r u me?
u r me

>> No.9684534

oh my

>> No.9684585

Oh also Id add you really might consider is this literally a medical fault with your features e.g. trouble breathing etc or is it purely an aesthetic choice

If an aesthetic then is it due to someone making fun of you for it? If so then put it in perspective?