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/fa/ - Fashion

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9669372 No.9669372 [Reply] [Original]

What should I wear to make people believe I grew up rich?
Specifically: that I grew up rich. Not that I have lots of money.
Prep seems to be the way to go, but a lot of it looks like a caricature of the real thing, and I want to be subtle.
What do you think, /fa/?

>> No.9669386

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9669392
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>> No.9669395

w2c shoes?

>> No.9669396

I have grown up rich, some of my friends come from insanely wealthy families, they just dress like normal people, sometimes someone buys something expensive for them. But none of them like to show it off.
They can show it off by owning houses and stuff.

>> No.9669398

literally the only way is if you get the fuck off of this board and wear whatever you want
old money doesn't give a fuck about they wear because they're busy doing other cool shit like jet skiing and their mom buys their clothes for them while they're vacationing in the middle of of the year

>> No.9669405

If you're trying to fit in at fx prestigeous school. Alright. If you're just being a retard, who wants to seem cooler, don't even try.

However, here are my tips.

1. New Money and Old Money wear the same things.
2. Old Money is a family tree of wealthy people, which means they have integrated high social class behaviour, whereas New Money will have the social class behaviour they had, before they became rich.

That should make it easier for you.

>> No.9669409

I grew up practically a millionaire.
My pops wears Armani, Joop and Hugo Boss, basically every polo ever made lol
Higher class brands but not too much.

Really people who have money do not care about this stuff.
Rather buy something nice for the house or go on a better vacation than last year. Yea.

>> No.9669434

I can understand that. I know that, for example, bling is completely off the table.
But I'd like to send a quiet message. I have motivations that real rich people don't: call it insecurity if you like, but I see it as looking for respect anyone should get, but which tends to be reserved for the wealthy.

>> No.9669506

Why spend money on clothes too look rich when you can't get into places rich people can, get tables at high class restaurants, invitations to exclusive parties et.c? You will never behave like a rich person, you will never give signs that you're a rich person. Being rich is not about showing off your clothes you know.

What do they say, you can talk the talk but you cant walk the walk? or whatever.

>> No.9669515

Attitude and good manners.

>> No.9669535

This is stupid. Some new and old money people may wear full Rick, some may wear Nike Air Monarchs. My ex girlfriend is old money and she pretty much only shopped at Zara and All Saints. They wear what they like and what they can afford which is pretty much anything. You should do the same. I used to wear outfits that cost me £3000, I stopped because I couldn't buy it on a whim and not feel like a prick, and my house and car don't look as if I should be spending such an amount on clothes. I sold them, purchased a car and now I just wear Ralph Lauren, Cos, Our Legacy and Thom Browne. Funnily enough I get more respect wearing that than I did wearing full Saint Laurent. Dress respectably, groom so you appear respectable, but be subtle. That way you may actually be respected.

>> No.9669541


>> No.9669549

But I'm about halfway there as far as walking the walk goes, and in any case I'm not really going for the jetset look or lifestyle (despite the literally jetset picture I posted.)
I'm content with a low-key upper-middle class with a long pedigree sort of lifestyle. Spacious country house with a big garden, maybe also a flat in the city. Not so much private jets. Etc. That's "rich" compared to what I come from.

Hell yeah motherfucker.

>> No.9669553

/fa/ has recueved this wave of autistic kids who want to make everyone think their wealthy. You have no lives, no friends and trying to look rich doesn't work. You acrually have to be rich. Even then, nobody will gIve a shit.

>> No.9669554

>to make people believe I grew up rich?
>translation: wealthcore variant xyz

this board resembles a immature teenager incarnate more and more each day.

>> No.9669572

dress like a hobo with clear skin but speak with a posh accent

>> No.9669575

No matter what you wear, people are just going to think you're trying to look rich, unless you're legitimately wearing outfits worth thousands of dollars. Convincing people you grew up rich isn't about what you wear, it's about how you conduct yourself. It's incredibly difficult to fake because you need to do it so confidently that people will believe you've been that way your whole life. Since you're asking strangers on an anime image board, then I doubt you have the charisma required to be that convincing

>> No.9669597

Most of the legitimately rich people I've known have dressed like garbage.

>> No.9669604

wear khakis that don't look new (wash them a few times) with t shirts and the occasional button up, and some beat up sperries

>> No.9669621

>Convincing people you grew up rich isn't about what you wear, it's about how you conduct yourself. It's incredibly difficult to fake because you need to do it so confidently that people will believe you've been that way your whole life.

how exactly do they conduct themselves

>> No.9669628
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>waiter in a high class restaurant
>daggiest motherfucker walks in and orders the most expensive dishes and wine
>pulls out super-mega-retardo-platinum credit care
>he's actually worth over a hundred million dollars

>> No.9669629

Eloquent, good posture, disdain for common things, air of calm confidence

>> No.9669631

There is already a thread for this.
Go to the wealthcore general.

>> No.9669879

Hermes belts really aren't my thing.

>> No.9669888

and some casual mild racism towards brown people.

>> No.9669915

At work and in social situations it matters. But in all others it doesn't.

>> No.9669920

Good: Eloquent, polite, mature, considerate, humble, strong, confident.

Bad: Elitist, racist, constantly voices judgement on things, arrogant, controlling, also quite bitchy.

>> No.9669935

Bling isn't out of the question. The right watch can score you a better job.

>> No.9669941

^^ Pretty much. Insanely rich people look like normal fags. Semi rich people go for that preppy look (think talented Mr Ripley, even though some of that might not be prep, idk).

>> No.9669945

And new money dresses like shit to show off their new swag. Think of south east asians manlets in sydney nightclubs matching blue jeans with grey blazers.

>> No.9669969

>matching blue jeans with grey blazers.
Is that just their schtick, or is this a bad idea in general? I was thinking of trying that look out.

>> No.9670166

Ey, I mean, I can see how it can look good. But some of them look kinda funny. I've made some funky colour matches in my time that only ever looked good in my mind.
>green striped shirt+red chinos

>> No.9671982

Got some friends and old classmates, you wouldn't know they're ridiculously rich from the way they dress.
You can tell they're not poor because good fabrics, but otherwise nothing special.

>> No.9672011

>over a hundred million dollars
>"platinum" credit card
you wouldn't be able to tell how much money he's worth just from a fucking card either, you can get the highest no limit credit card even if you only have 1 mil in your bank.

>> No.9672659

this shit needs to stop

>> No.9672674

Not really rich as in super wealthy but my dad has made over 500k a year my entire life and he literally only wears nike t shirts, cargo shorts, crew socks, and hi top basketball shoes

>> No.9673579

Only 1 mil? That's plenty to live richly on, if you don't need a fleet of cars.

>> No.9673589

where do you live my friend?
1 mil isn't nearly enough, you can't even start investing properly with that, especially if you need to support a family

>> No.9673772

Jesus Christ, can this board become more shallow than it already is?

>> No.9673779

i'd say just wear preppy things. It should be about your clothes, not about showing off. I've heard a lot of people say here that they generally see richt people wear sloppy shit, but that may be because they don't particularly like coördinating their clothes. I come from a fairly rich family, where people appreciate others who dress well.

You can ofcourse wear expensive shit, but i've found that you just have to look out for branding that's not that obvious. wearing a full fucking louis vuitton uniform will just make people think that you're either white trash or a nigger.

>> No.9673878

Yes, of course it can. What a silly question.

>> No.9674239

give it time

>> No.9674878

just a nice watch. And carry yourself well.

>> No.9675978

all the full-pays at my school try rly hard to look poor
so do that
also kill your self

>> No.9676123


>> No.9676403

My dad is very wealthy but he buys his clothes at target. The only time he spends money for clothes is for business meetings where he buys a nice suit and expensive shoes

>> No.9678758

Where is guy's socks? Does he shaves ankles?

>> No.9678867

It is fairly common for guys to wear no socks especially with loafers, boat shoes etc

>> No.9679009

And second question?

>> No.9679099

He seems to shave his legs, but it definitely isn't necessary to pull off the no socks thing

>> No.9679152

>it definitely isn't necessary to pull off the no socks thing
pls post a pic with an example

I'm just too hairy and shy to dress like this.

>> No.9679187

Check out the prep threads, they usually have sockless people who don't shave.

If you are super hairy with dark hair you might want to trim the area but honestly I wouldn't worry

That being said if you don't feel confident wearing it you shouldn't