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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 110 KB, 1050x421, iwasdefeatedyouwonthewar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9666022 No.9666022[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is my future school /fa/?

also uni thread

>> No.9666028

I honestly hate this board because of threads like these

>> No.9666039

Gavin? I only ask cause of the abba reference

>> No.9666069
File: 21 KB, 1313x589, BU_rgb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9666081

>Making this thread during finals
Its too late to change your mind fam

>> No.9666112

getting yourself into the system is not /fa/.

>> No.9666162


English lit at Oxford next October motherfuckers

Truly nothing is more /fa/ than fucking upper middle class sluts whilst studying something as gloriously useless as poetry. Best of luck to my stem comrades

>> No.9666183

which college? ;)

>> No.9666195

Couldn't get into U of T?

My sides

>> No.9666440
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>implying uw isn't the best science and engineering school in Canada

>> No.9666447


>> No.9666484

Waterloo is York-tier

Stay mad, my man.

>> No.9666506
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>> No.9666531
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>being a Windsor student this obviously

>> No.9666543

More like Waterwoo. Enjoy being surrounded by awkward Asians.

>> No.9666725
File: 161 KB, 225x308, UCIrvineAnteaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even asian

>> No.9666830

There is nothing effay about Irvine. Newport, on the other hand, is effay

>> No.9666852

LMAO no. 70% of the school is autistic. Nobody is /fa/, and even if they got the clothes, they're probably tryhard faggots from mainland china who "paid" their way into a shit school

>> No.9666884
File: 164 KB, 391x539, 391px-Trinity_College_Dublin_Arms.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /TCD/ here?

>> No.9666885


Maynooth for life, fuck Trinity

>> No.9666893

there's nothing /fa/ about being a college student

now fuck off with these /soc/tier threads

>> No.9666917

>English Lit
>not French or American
have fun only studying 3 writers

>> No.9666922

wisconsin milwaukee

>> No.9666930

FSU anyone?

>> No.9666955

Lol, I'm working there right now (might go there for grad school)

lolol, Newport is definitely not effay

>> No.9666962

One of my friends goes there. I'm from Michigan so she's a long way from home.

>> No.9667020

>actually living in a bog

>> No.9667032 [DELETED] 

ayy lmao

>> No.9667059

anyone? ;_;

>> No.9667077

not /fa/
hard to make friends
faculty a shit
city ok and rent/etc is ok
good skool

if i was korean or chinese i would say 9/10 just for all the fob qt girls with money, but you have like no chance with them as a white guy beyond a random hookup

if i could go back in time, would rather go UofT instead. only st george campus tho the other 2 are ass

>> No.9667109

needing the approval of others for what uni you're going to isn't effay. Just live life and be happy, everyone's doing their own grind :)

>> No.9667134
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I just declared chemical engineering today

>> No.9667136
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overrun with french kids

>> No.9667139


nope. as someone who has lived in Ontario my whole life, I wouldn't expect much as far as fashion goes. The asians might know what's up tho.

>> No.9667144
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>> No.9667148

>tfw I go to a school that's like your retarded half brother
why does emu suck so bad
Where's this?

>> No.9667152
File: 28 KB, 376x262, UMKC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9667154

Threads like this and how most of these guys were bullied so all they know of humor is mocking others to make themselves feel better.

>> No.9667155

UC DAvis here,

>> No.9667161

université de montréal

>> No.9667165
File: 12 KB, 234x234, utahlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me I'm not the only one. Im lonely.

>> No.9667168
File: 70 KB, 632x632, UQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharmacy bro, the second most effay of the health professions (after dentistry)

>> No.9667176

Of course man, and only a six year program here

>> No.9667181

Question. Do you guys hate mcgill students as much as ive heard (quite a bit)

>> No.9667197

Congratulations! I grew up in Waterloo and spent a ton of time on campus when I was in high school. It's a good school and there are loads of opportunities to meet people and develop ideas. I wouldn't call it a fashionable school, but there are still a few people aside from this girl who posts on lookbook every other day. Travel as much as you can (with co-op, summer jobs, internships, research), learn as much as you can and meet as many people as you can. Living on campus is probably best for the first few years but the town has some nice things too. Don't let anyone convince you that Laurier parties are objectively good. Take time to find who you are and where you fit in on campus and university will be really great. It's okay if you don't immediately love the campus culture. You'll find friends who might share the same view. Good luck!

>> No.9667211

Poor clap, in australia it's 4 years and undergraduate

>tfw will never work in the US

>> No.9667215
File: 1009 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-04-06-21-43-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.9667216

Ayyy UCD repin, just cause best for sci, but trinners is probably more effay :/

>> No.9667219

>Attends a French University
>Complains that there are too many french kids

>> No.9667225


>> No.9667227

4 years for what? U.S. is 6 years for the doctorate, no one can graduate with anything less and practice anymore sadly

>> No.9667230

not really, personally i just hate the american students @ mcgill, they overrun bars, get drunk with the sole idea of puking like we used to do when we were 16, never leave the mcgill ghetto in their school years etc.

>> No.9667232

We all win though truthfully. My goal is to find some qt asian in my professional phase and wife her up for that combined income

>> No.9667233
File: 1.59 MB, 3405x2270, McGill-campus-from-Owen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I'm not the only McGill student here

>> No.9667238

by french i mean from france.

>> No.9667259

Do you like McGill?
Are you Canadian?
What was your GPA?

>> No.9667260

Aaaah. French students paid Quebecois tuition up to a year ago so that's why there's so many. The Plateau is full of them!

>> No.9667270
File: 236 KB, 439x525, uvm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your school have the pythagorean theorem on its seal? didn't think so plebs

>> No.9667276

Fuck m8, sorry for even attending anywhere that doesn't have such an /fa/ seal

>> No.9667277

it isn't, but it thinks it is

>> No.9667291

I live in Montreal
Liked McGill but living downtown would have definitely been more interesting, more fun and way easier.
My GPA is shit, 3.38/4.

>> No.9667525

+1 UW
Not really fa though, just wealthy (dat co-op money)

>> No.9667556

Ay Where my slash effay slash trunners at
>maynooth for life
As far in life as you're gonna get anon
>Muh art
Its so hipster tumblr there so must be p effay?

>> No.9667582
File: 12 KB, 350x153, drake-university_2013-08-16_15-12-29.519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any fags from drake here? i'll be there in the fall and i have no idea if it's fa or not

>> No.9667614


>> No.9667617

UC Lots of Azns effay?

>> No.9667633

it's not

>> No.9667636

what school fam

>> No.9667663

If you wanted /fa/ you wanted ISU

>> No.9667678

LSU forever bitches. Its full of niggers :(

>> No.9667706

anyone go to ucsd?

>> No.9667727


class of '19 lets do it

>> No.9667735


I'm from NJ and I went to a McGill accepted students information session about 3 weeks ago, and I saw this kid who *definitely* browses /fa/.
He had New balances, black skinnies, hitler youth, and h&m parka.

I'm willing to bet that this dude is on this thread

>> No.9667817

lol, I'm graduating next fall

>> No.9668131

lol, it's not

>> No.9668141

Any other KCMO fam here?

>> No.9668142

How to meet people in 1st year classes?

Fuckers are all just nervous or talking exclusively with friends from school, about school. all the time..

>> No.9668143

Can we meet up next fall?

>> No.9668149

Cal Poly, philosophy

>> No.9668150

Those niggers waitlisted me even though my gpa and Sat were significantly higher than average

>D-Davis isn't effay tho, right?

>> No.9668151

Is it true that cal poly is ridiculously easy to get into unless you're doing engineering?

>> No.9668182

UVA: Some Asians wear nice fits. Few try(and you can tell that these ppl browse r/mfa). A lot of qts and nice fits in Anthropology, art history, art, architecture departments. Random qts with great fits. A handful of (white) guys with decent fits.
preppy kids A lot of them wear flattering cuts of the same cliche outfit(English Khaki, Duck boots/sperry's, Flannel, plaid, oxford, chubbies, hat, glasses with croakies, vineyard vines(and now country club prep)

Athletes. Donned in Nike appeal and easily stand out. Posture > Fit.

>> No.9668219
File: 126 KB, 640x430, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going to the school with the goat campus

>> No.9668222

what a dumb place to study philosophy

>> No.9668226

There's some other difficult ones to get into, but it's a math science school so if it's not a math science major then it's not hard.
Davis is unFA as hell. Well idk. I have a friend there, he says everyone bikes, lots of boring agriculture around the area. He snorted coke tho so there's some fun to be had.
Pls tell me where this is

>> No.9668242

I wish I knew man.
I guess I'll just have to wait until I get into my major classes where I start seeing the same faces everyday.

>> No.9668255

no, welcome to living near a real city. there are a lot of people that wear new balance and cheap parkas in 2015, especially near montreal

>> No.9668261

Where should I study philosophy? Some place I could get lectured twice a week by an actual philosopher that I can never talk to and instead get discussion sessions with a grad student?

It's pretty easy for any major, I was engineering originally but I wanted to do philosophy so I switched majors

>> No.9668263

if you're that person who breaks the ice and begins to be extroverted, everyone begins to be comfortable.
Made a lot of friends my first quarter and i still hang out with them, granted i'm only about to be on my third quarter thursday.

>> No.9668284

>Where should I study philosophy? Some place I could get lectured twice a week by an actual philosopher that I can never talk to and instead get discussion sessions with a grad student?
study some place with a renowned philosophy faculty

i studied with some pretty important people and even as an undergraduate they were always open to visiting with me in their office hours. hell, i even got robert pippin to advise my undergrad thesis and made the acquaintance of robert brandom who read it for me and gave feedback. i don't think i ever had grad student TA sessions in any class that was above 100 level

>> No.9668307


Great engineering school. But not much else.

Come to U of Toronto, man. Every program in the universe (shit I even took a class in exo-biology - the study of life from outerspace), and of course you'll get everything TO has to offer: food, clubs, shopping, girls girls girls (or guys guys guys if you're into that). Also professional connections are everywhere. You'll really be giving your career a big boost forward if you network in Toronto.

>> No.9668327

I have never seen that seal before.


>> No.9668343

That's pretty cool I like Pippin a lot, that being said I really don't think renowned theorists are important for an undergraduate education that primarily focuses on developing a strong understanding of the history of philosophy. One of my profs was very close with Paul Ricoeur and I pretty much exclusively work with him and another professor in the department at this point. I really don't have much of a problem with where I'm at considering I'm finishing in three years and already have had three papers published (although two were undergrad journals).

>> No.9668349
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBClogo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9668404
File: 33 KB, 225x225, BrandeisUnivSeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debating whether I should attend Brandeis or UC Santa Barbara

>> No.9668461

i go to brandeis; i'd recommend it. the student body is very laid back and unpretentious, but anyone you meet can hold their own in an intellectual conversation. plus a big chunk of the school's budget is spent finding the highest caliber professors possible. you will definitely run into professors who teach/have taught courses at harvard or mit no matter what major track you're on. there's a big underground stoner culture too if you're into that. if you have a thing against asians, jews, or liberals, then it might not be for you.

>> No.9668467

Could I message you through another medium? I have a few questions since this school is situated across the country from where I live (California).

>> No.9668474

I'm a Windsor student...


>> No.9668476

>going to university in America or Canada
Enjoy getting treated like a child.

>> No.9668509

i must admit i do not go to either brandeis or UCSB, but am therefore unbiased!
i happen to have close friends who go to brandeis and UCSB, so i feel i can speak a bit about both

basically beyond the demographics mentioned by the other anon, you should probably not attend brandeis if you have trouble looking past people being physically unattractive or unfashionable - if you can, you will probably find some pleasant/goofy people you enjoy. also note that brandeis will not exactly give you an east coast city experience, it might not seem far out of boston compared to city sprawl on the west coast, but you will probably not spend much time in the city at all, and parties at brandeis are not very wild

you might already know this but UCSB is one of those southern california schools that completely fits the expected lifestyle - lots of stoners, attractive girls who are fun to look at but dont fuck with you, lots of partying, literally on a beach..... unless you live somewhere in california where you are tired of these people or the lifestyle (or anticipate you could grow tired of instagram fantasy world irl) you will probably have a pretty good time

hope i helped at all in your choice between two very different schools - i know i focused on lifestyle rather than academia, because i feel theyre both pretty good schools so you shouldnt stress too much there (UCSB might be a more recognizable name however, especially if you plan on moving back west after graduation). finally i guess dont forget weather in your consideration, seasons are fun and all, especially if you havent really experienced them much in cali, just consider the winter boston had this year know what youre getting into or that could turn into a very unpleasant "i didn't sign up for this!" moment

>> No.9668519

Portsmouth lads WW@

>> No.9668558

Thanks. I guess the crux of my indecision is whether I'd like to have fun in college or tirelessly work toward my career.

>> No.9668570

Honours from UQ, more than enough for me to practice.

My goal to marry this rich QT from NYC who's really into being an entrepreneur and wants to run her own fashion magazine by the time she's 30. All I have to do is make her never leave australia so I cam live out my dream of being a house husband that studies forever.

>> No.9668582
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>> No.9668624
File: 84 KB, 400x400, conventions-the-universityof-auckland-logo_1_400_400_s_c1_center_center.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone from Architecture school?

>> No.9669357

well best of luck to you man. what kind of philosophy do you study? i focused on german idealism

>> No.9669378

I'm not, but what year are you?

>> No.9669383

>after dentistry
Medicine is the word you're looking for

>> No.9669427

my thoughts exactly

>> No.9669528
File: 382 KB, 2000x1969, 2000px-Huberlin-logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on a good track to finish my bachelor as fast as possible because most of the other students are marxist/feminist faggots.

>> No.9669565

anyone go to OCAD here?

>> No.9669567
File: 102 KB, 300x295, jackets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.9669609
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Anyone go to UiO here? Considering applying for this fall.

>> No.9669652

lol, if you come back 2 tha thread, I'll be here during the summer for sure as a researcher (but yea, if I go to school in Irvine, I'd be down 2 meet up)

>> No.9669658

lol isn't this the school with like a 96% acceptance rate

>> No.9669664
File: 314 KB, 1012x1024, New_York_University_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

class of 2018
feels good to live in one of the most diverse places in the world

>> No.9669681

ayyye class of 2019
anything I should know before attending?

>> No.9669715

walk fast

>> No.9669844

Really what school is this please

>> No.9669857

learn how to do a reverse image search you fucking idiot

it's unc chapel hill, a school you're obviously too much of a retard to get accepted into

>> No.9669865

Hey I'm ucsb c/o 19 like you, I'd recommend it over any similarly ranked university. Unless you get into a top top school, I say go where is fun. I got into occidental and waitlisted at pitzer, also accepted at ucsd, im still choosing ucsb. If two schools are ranked the same or close enough academically, go to the funner one.

>I also just want someone fa and not beach bro at my school

>> No.9669872

Sorry didn't bother checking reverse search, I assumed the dude took it. (And I could've gotten in if I wanted :^))

>> No.9669884
File: 121 KB, 500x333, 4650072247_2fd369e127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May as well just kill myself now

>> No.9669932

I'm assuming you're a qt3.14 grill

>> No.9669951

muh dream school I didn't go to
fuck me

>> No.9669995
File: 12 KB, 250x231, 250px-AAU_logo_2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel your pain

>> No.9669997

Currently deciding between Georgetown & Occidental.

Live in NY and would be the first student in the history of my school to attend Oxy. Anyone in the area know much about it?

>> No.9670005

I did a few post-grad courses a while back. I still need to do one more to finish my Digital Media certificate.

>> No.9670026

I'm class of 2018

>> No.9670051
File: 18 KB, 200x200, Bordeaux4_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French university, disdain for you plebs.

>> No.9670091
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>> No.9670111

I love this trip so much.

>> No.9670182
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Graduated last year from University of Toronto with a degree in English Literature, and am in the last week of my teaching certification right now (also at U of T).

Please don't come to U of T.

>> No.9670210
File: 251 KB, 2079x954, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camberwell? no? just me?
>inb4 heh art degree

>> No.9670231


ayy smoke alarm

>> No.9670255

>L S E
ayyy m8 im at home for easter tho lol. they reopened campus yet?

>> No.9670258

class of 2018 here


>> No.9670266

Where are you from in California? I'm from California as well and I go to school in Northern Virginia. Honestly, I would recommend Brandeis just due to the fact that it is on the east coast. I think going to school in a different place is a really rewarding experience.

>> No.9670302
File: 134 KB, 339x328, Seal_of_the_Ohio_State_University.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Class of 2019. Is OSU /fa/, fam?

>> No.9670320

nah newport is trash

>> No.9670330
File: 57 KB, 1000x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W&M '17. It's got a pretty nice community feel. Classes can get pretty stressful though. Not super effay, but decent for a small college in Virginia.

>> No.9670395

I couldn't agree more, those people suck. I met a third year the other day who had never been east of saint denis (although he wasn't american). but ya american drinking laws make americans relaly weird dinkers when they get to QC

>> No.9670401

definitely dog. im in sciences though, so not many /fa/ people :(

>> No.9670421

nice. vancouver is a beautiful city. only problem is people are often vapid and social circles are hard to enter, but it'll be fine since youre going to uni (which is like its own city).
if you love going on walks in the wildernes, never wearing a parka all winter and smoking weedyoure going to the right place

>> No.9670446
File: 125 KB, 768x584, QueensLogo_colour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be here next year for grad school. What's it like?

>> No.9670465

>so d-d-do you guys like my Ricks?

>> No.9670533
File: 269 KB, 1000x1000, Kill-Me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much dreams and aspirations, makes me feel like garbage, I'm fucking stupid, high school seems impossible for me, the other students work hard and get average/high grades, I work hard and fail miserably.

>> No.9670757

Currently a Freshman at Georgetown in the NHS, are you coming to GAAP weekend

>> No.9670859


Unless you're planning on banging your interview/ precis for acceptance to the School of Architecture in two weeks, don't plan on meeting anyone /fa/

>> No.9670863

no idea i'm home too lol. just getting bombarded with emails about the fire

>> No.9670885

Is it really full of boring hipsters?

>> No.9670920

Grad in what?
It's a university city, so expect freshmen everywhere during events.

>> No.9670995

I'm '19. How do you like BU?

>> No.9670997

there are cliques of them but it's not that hard to find the cool ones.

>> No.9671002

Urban planning. How do people who prefer big cities fare? That's mostly what I'm worried about

>> No.9671017
File: 71 KB, 804x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will go to Cornell and kill myself if any of you go here as well.

>> No.9671027

What do you mean by that, anon

>> No.9671028

It's kind of like a mixture? The downtown is really nice imo, but I came from Hamilton so anything is nicer than that. But when I think of big city I think of Toronto, and it's nothing like that. Very University oriented, lots of sub-par food places, some artisan shops, etc. Very close to the water.

>> No.9671031
File: 139 KB, 750x500, Universit%C3%A9-Lille-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a shit-tier cursus in a typical french uni.

>> No.9671123
File: 64 KB, 583x250, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.9671134
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>posting meme philosophers
How's 10th grade going? Does that girl in your English class think you're all deep and shit?

>> No.9671153

Stop you mongoloid.

>> No.9671154

Why is this a question? Obviously Georgetown. Occidental is a shit.

>> No.9671157

It's expensive as shit, I got in with a 10k scholarship and it's still 57k a year. I'm also confident I wouldn't have gotten into Georgetown if i applied. Georgetown is a better size and more prestigious.

When I visited oxy it didn't make much of an impression on me/family, they talk about their wacky dance clubs and classes on Harry Potter and not a lot on what to do with your degree. It's only 2000 students too, and eagle rock isn't that close to LA, although it is cool and close ish to Pasadena. If you're more of a quirky small college type then oxy would be good, but if you like prestige and preps and old buildings then do GT

>> No.9671172


>> No.9671176
File: 515 KB, 1800x1160, back_albee-students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bard College here. Pretty /fa/ place, my friends dress in APC and Acne frequently, and I've seen Rafs and the like.
>not being able to afford $70k school
stay poor lol

>> No.9671204
File: 100 KB, 425x425, Seal_of_Stevens_Institute_of_Technology.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even asian

>> No.9671219

Who /notinschool/ here?

>> No.9671236

El Camino College

Do any of you go to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo? If so, would you recommend it?

>> No.9671303

sciences here

>> No.9671313

Looking at either Georgetown or OU. I want to go to GT but then I won't have any money for law school. (full ride + stipend @ OU)

>> No.9671327

Everyone here is too plebby to go on 4chan.

>> No.9671354

Tony, Ali, Eric ya'll nigs are faggots

>> No.9671374



>> No.9671380
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>> No.9671396

my nigger

>> No.9671425
File: 52 KB, 450x427, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I'm gonna be going here

>> No.9671426
File: 11 KB, 275x184, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is burtalism /fa/ ?

>> No.9671434

Fuckin rejected me, would've gotten in if not for 4chan

>> No.9671568

thinking of applying atm.

Is this a good uni?

>> No.9671617
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I love being poor :-)

>> No.9672066

it's expensive and is one of the toughest grading schools in the US. definitely a good school though.

>> No.9672092
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pure brutalism is /fa/ as fuck. what you posted, however, is just modernism that uses brutalist building materials. aka it's bourgeois extravagance trying to hide behind the rags of the people.

this is brutalism.

>> No.9672097

pleb school

>> No.9672101

All you fuckers better come to the next meet

>> No.9672124


>> No.9672138
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>tfw your school is a brutalist's wet dream
who UMN here

>> No.9672150
File: 1.00 MB, 1455x969, Minneapolis_20141002Rarig-Center0057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at how ugly this shit is, doesn't it make you hard

>> No.9672155


i don't think it's ugly at all. it's just not 'pretty'. i think brutalism looks fucking cool

>> No.9672162
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i hate the prison industrial complex, but chicago's jail is an architectural force

>> No.9672163

ugly =/= bad

>> No.9672167
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Full of international students particularly rich asians.

>> No.9672173

Ayyy. Pretty sure I know you. You from Honduras?

>> No.9672186


>> No.9672190
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probably the highest concentration of international asians wearing expensive clothes in the midwest.

>> No.9672199

Might go there.

>> No.9672210

you tried

>> No.9672216

Who University of Samoa here

>> No.9672220


it's pretty fucking boring, i wouldn't really recommend.

>> No.9672236
File: 24 KB, 524x382, CU+Boulder.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of transferring for mechanical or aerospace engineering.

Anybody go here? Is the cost worth it? (In state)

>> No.9672237

Well shit. What year are you in?

>> No.9672240
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Pls be in Geneseo

>> No.9672251
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>tfw poor
>tfw going to shit uni in shit country

what do i do /fa/
where can i go

>> No.9672380

>tfw UMass Amherst

>> No.9672407
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>tfw i got rejected from this school

>> No.9672409

I'm going there next year. how un/fa/ is it?

>> No.9672410

i go to ucsd who r u wat do u wear and are you connor

>> No.9672449

Fashion techniques and design tho. We can't all be smart :^(

>> No.9672497

I go to the best university here in Mexico (UNAM) and sweet lord, do people dress like shit.
I went to a french school here for rich kids and I thought they dressed bad.
I wear SLP. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in Mexico that wears SLP. Feels pretty baller.

>> No.9672500
File: 150 KB, 708x471, arizona state university.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.9672508

everything about this post makes me laugh

>> No.9672541

Get back to your shitty community college and stfu.
Bet you're an ignorant pleb that thinks Mexico is just "narco country" lmao

>> No.9672582


my nigguh

>> No.9672609
File: 141 KB, 1200x1283, queens-school-of-business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baller as fuck if you study math or engineering.

I go to Queen's Commerce

>> No.9672622


>w2c adult daycare

>> No.9672642

Enjoy graduating as a poorfag with no fucking job.

>> No.9672662

>being this defensive of a shitty country
I love my community college, Parsons. Ever heard of it?

>> No.9672665
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oy vey

>> No.9672667

The Honors College is consistently ranked as the best in the US ;^)

>> No.9672669

do you know my friend niamh who is there right now

>> No.9672673

"design school" lmfao
Let me guess, you wear tricky?

>> No.9672681
File: 431 KB, 829x1293, Screen Shot 2015-04-07 at 9.00.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le Rick Owens meme
Rick is shit.
I bet you love pic related

>> No.9672691

I'm coming next year... Any tips?

>> No.9672692

Lol i don't dislike CDG but that piece is just insane.
Let's grow up.
What do you like to wear tho?

>> No.9672694

how did you even get SLP in this shithole? what were the fees and taxes?

p-post fit chairo

>> No.9672698

Not at all

>> No.9672699

I was hoping you were into tribal :'(
If I'm brand whoring, Public School NY
If i'm just lounging, sheer white Calvin Klein underwear tees and black, washed jeans

>> No.9672700

Are you mexican as well, m8?
I'm no chairo lol I fucking hate them. Getting in UNAM was the biggest mistake of my fucking life. Gotta live with it tho.

I buy it from Luisaviaroma and through FB Buy&Sale groups.

>> No.9672703

That 2nd fit sounds hot, no homo.

>> No.9672704

cop some
hands down best tees for summer
based modal and lycra blend

>> No.9672706


at least the people are /fa/-ish

>> No.9672708

Its been great so far, and we have a nice ass gym. If I you want some advice I would tell you to dorm anywhere but Warren.

>> No.9672711

BC student detected

>> No.9672737

Hahaha, holy shit, yes I do. He dresses really well, it's a very distinctive draped look, looks rick owens-y. Small world.

>> No.9672746


i'm a sophmore. it's totally possible for people to find it enjoyable but east lansing is pretty fucking desolate outside of msu and besides the beginning of the semesters people don't really host that many open parties or anything.

if you know a lot of older people that you can use to occupy your time, or find it really easy meeting new people, then you can probably enjoy yourself if you like drinking and partying. but if you're looking for something different then you might not find it.

>> No.9672749

ayyy class of 2019 here as well. What program are you going into?

>> No.9672982



>> No.9673006

Woah hey! I live like half a mile from that building

>> No.9673211

yeah, its frustrating to browse this board and live in this shihole, FB groups arent really trustworthy IMO, there are a lot of stories about how people get kidnapped and shit, i will check the Luisaviaroma thing

kek, what career you´ve got into?

>> No.9673270
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Anyone else at this shithole?

>> No.9673279

you decided yesterday, calm down.

>> No.9673303
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>not going oxbridge or ivy

>> No.9673304

which is more /fa/ portland state or washington state

>> No.9673326


Santa Monica University here.

It's full of plebs.

>> No.9673353

yung nigga preach

>> No.9673358


>tfw finish this year

>> No.9673415

How do I be /fa/ while also fitting in with the frats? I don't want to be an outcast hanging out by the 40 watt with jeff mangum and the indie kids. Was thinking of selling drugs and going dealer core.

>> No.9673417
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Forgot image

>> No.9673444
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hey wait......
for the large number of mcgill people in this thread

>> No.9673445
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