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/fa/ - Fashion

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9662342 No.9662342 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: you teach me how to not be a fuccboi

here's the thing, I'm losing weight fast and I'll finally be able to dress like I've always wanted. but my prefered aesthetic has always been what would now be described as "street goth" (even though it was like that for years, before "street goth" was a thing.) (memechrome, black jeans, bombers, parkas, hoodies, layers, long outers)

so now I'm lurkin and trying to learn as much as I can about /fa/, and I see that "street goth" is generally frowned upon here. what I ask for is pieces of advice on how to reach a similar aesthetic without being a fuccboi.

please let's have a serious thread
>tl;dr teach me how to streetgoth without being a fuccboi
>inb4 nice blog post
>inb4 nobody can teach you how to not be a fuccboi

inspo definitely welcome

>> No.9662346

meant black *tight jeans

also, snapbacks

>> No.9662370

What kind of budget for clothes do you have?

>> No.9662380

> I'm losing weight fast and I'll finally be able to dress like I've always wanted

nice job man, happy for you.

Key thing about fashion is dress how you want to dress and don't give a shit about what others think, coming to /fa/ for fit advice (eg across the shoulders, body length) rather than style advice works the best. Everyone will give you hell for dressing how you dress unless it fits perfectly into the hivemind way of looking OR is actually exceptionally good. But every once and a while someone will actually point you in the right direction.

If you want to wear all black its about silhouette and fabric/texture. No one gives a shit about your brands, no one gives a shit about graphic prints. All black with a decent silhouette will set you apart from all the twats trying to out brand each other. I advise that you spend more money on less clothes, than the same amount on a lot of clothes. Go for high quality basics then buy whatever else you want from there. If you can't afford the higher end shit dont worry about shopping at established highstreet brands like AA/UO/Uniqlo/H&M as usually they're low price, and alright quality. DONT buy the craptier shit emulating high fashion from fast fashion brands like ASOS/Zara cus then you'll look like a fuccboi.

you'll look like a fuccboi if you look like everyone else, look like you're trying to look wealthy without the money, wear expensive garments whilst being uninformed, caring what other peple think.

Fuccboi tier changes depending on what the person judging you thinks like. But well fitting clothes will always look good, keep that as a priority

>> No.9662383
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> was goth
> then grew up
> post rocker

>> No.9662404

I love street goth. I'd buy alot of your wardrobe...you interested in selling any of it?

>> No.9662413
File: 242 KB, 620x886, blog_Les_Fr_res_JO__-_Black_on_black_-___AMI_alexandre_Matiussi_suit_costume_crois_e_double_breasted__Common_Projects_Sneakers_Achilles_low_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one gives a shit about your brands
>Spend more money on less clothes

Agreed with most of the rest though - a good all black fit relies heavily on the textures and silhouette.

>> No.9662426

Not much and I'm not the type to spend excessive amounts of money on clothes as a matter of principle, but if the quality justifies it then I might.

Let's say mid-tier like Adidas/Nike/H&M/Zara completed with generic brands and the occasional thrift-store/ebay finds.

Thank you kind anon.

Got any inspo m8?

>I'm losing weight fast and I'll finally be able to dress like I've always wanted
this part. said wardrobe doesn't exist yet.

So is white shoes with an all-black fit ok? I honestly can't figure it out. What about all-black fit but white t-shirt?

>> No.9662434
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>> No.9662449
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Well then by definition it wouldn't be an all-black fit, but it works fine. I would suggest not restricting yourself to all black all of the time. Lurk more and find inspo that you like and could see yourself wearing

>> No.9662471

Not op but, what would you recommend buying? I always thought zara was good...I want to start dressing like this but, honestly I don't know where to start and I don't have thousands of dollars to drop on drkshdw

Heres some good inspo albums


>> No.9662472

no rags/bandanas like it pic
no gaudy pyrex black and white with numbers/asian characters symbols
leggings hard to pull off nowadays
shoe game proper
nice accessories

>> No.9662486

Where to cop good basics?

>> No.9662508
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ty for inspo
>I always thought zara was good
same. op here.
>pic related
have this and can't wait to be slim enough to wear it ;_;

>no rags/bandanas
fair enough, but what about a nice scarf? depending on the rest of the fit of course
I do like those shorts tbh but I think I'd only wear them in the gym and on my way back (where it's obvious I'm coming from gym because of the gym bag) and fucking around the neighbourhood. wearing stuff like that at the mall for example would be just retarded.
>nice accessories
some examples or inspo would be awesome if you have the time/patience


>> No.9662530

Zara is essentially "high fashion" pieces minus the high and the fashion. It's just last season's designer trends remade with h&m quality.

>> No.9662535

I would say Zara is especially bad for what you're going for (goofninja) because when everything is black, attention is drawn more towards the texture and the silhouette - both of which are degraded by the poor quality of the brand.

>> No.9662549

Reigning champ and Norse projects come to mind.

UNIQLO and AA are probably the best on the lower end. Definitely avoid h&m

>> No.9662584

you're welcome, hope some of it helped.

zara aren't too bad from a clothing point of view but they're basically mainstream knockoffs, they blatantly steal the best selling designs from well known designers seasons and remake them with shitty materials and construction with quick turn around. if you want to look like you own expensive clothes go shop at zara, shit falls apart literally in the wash.

I would avoid zara at all costs if im honest. They're a VERY smart brand who have established themselves as a top-end clothing store but in reality are probably worse than H&M.

Uniqlo and AA are actually alright as far as I know. Entry tier higher shit from like voidthebrand (not sure about their newer stuff) and MAYBE aydn, then drkshdw/t by wang and second hand mainline rick (can get a tee easily for £40-60 recent seasons) - not shopped anything recently so wouldnt really know, acne are easy to go to for jeans, uniqlo jeans are decent if you're not willing to fork out a lot for a "meme" brand but honestly all the meme brands are decent.

>> No.9662599

I have that hoodie, It's comfy as fuck

>> No.9662656
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yup. do you ever wear the hood though? and if so how? I mean, do you pull it all the way? I usually wear a hood just over halfway through. but this one doesn't seem to look 'right' either way.

>> No.9662673

this stuff only looks good if you're tall. but it doesnt look that great to be honest either way, you cant really use it as a layering piece unless you have a tall coat, and it makes your proportions look dumb. also the material feels like a shit tea towel.

>> No.9662676

Yeah, I'll wear it sometimes.

I wear it all the way over.

Really blocks out sunlight and rain very well

>> No.9662678

What makes reigning champ better then uniqlo? its like $45 for a teeshirt...

>> No.9662699

>black jumper
>blocks out sunlight

are you dumb? if anything it'll be hotter than a regular size black jumper.

norse use a nicer cotton, softer and will stay soft through washes but uniqlo is decent too

>> No.9662705

>It can't be sunny and cold

What are you, retarded?

Get the fuck out stupid faggot. The fabric isn't really all that warm. It's like you don't even own it.

>> No.9662720

Why the fuck would I buy anything from zara? I can actually afford the brands it's trying to imitate you mall tier pleb.

>> No.9662726

The material is extremely comfortable and also extremely durable. My RC hoodie has lasted 7 years without a single rip or tear, and it remains very comfortable.

>> No.9662730


Did I say I had the Zara version?


You're as autistic as pigfuck.

>> No.9662734

>do you even shop at shit-tier faux-haute-couture stores
>not ironic

>> No.9662738


Stop samefagging, nigger.

>> No.9662742

>I have that hoodie, It's comfy as fuck
>that hoodie

how the fuck am i meant to know that you're talking about some other hoodie other than THAT hoodie, the one in the picture, the zara one, good one you fuccboi.

OP you dont want to look like this guy

>> No.9662749

I have the one in the picture, I didn't even know there was a Zara one you fucking retarded kike.

>> No.9662750

Yeah but, visually will it be the same as a uniqlo black and white tees. I mean for $180 I can get 4 black and white tees. For the same price at uniqlo I can get like 10. The money I save can go towards something better I feel. Also I have two pairs of rafdidas...should I try to work them into a chromewave wardrobe or sell them?

Anyone got shoe reccomendations? I want white/black raf straps but, I can't find them anywhere for non rape.

>> No.9662755

dude what brand is the one you have?

>> No.9662757

Meant monochrome ...also this palewave shit is going to my head.

>> No.9662762

The one in the picture is the "Zara cape" - as shown by a reverse image search. you should wash yourself in bleach, i can smell your autism from here.

>> No.9662769

No the fuck it aint.

Black scale

>> No.9662781
File: 68 KB, 1380x602, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusted at the thought of owning a zara to the point of getting aggressive
>owns black scale

you're a fucking joke

>> No.9662787

And you're a fucking autist

>> No.9662792

bless you anon, you lil cutie.

>> No.9663086

Remember anon, it's about how it feels to you. You could buy a black Gildan tee and be satisfied, or you could buy a black RC tee and be satisfied.

good street goth shoes could be:
>CDG Converse
>dominantly black trainers
>dominantly black Nike Dunk (can either be good or really bad in some fits)
>sneaker boots

>> No.9663093

>CDG Converse

shigaru digaru