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/fa/ - Fashion

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9656090 No.9656090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The other day, I was strolling neear the beach and I noticed a small group of teenage girls (about 15/16) and they were almost all wearing cutt off shorts so short, you could literally see butt cheeks. One girls' shorts were riding up her ass worse than pic related.

I know Urban Outfitters sells a lot of shorts that show butt but is this an actual trend? Or is it just spoiled rich so cal girls with no parenting.

>> No.9656094

the latter, never see it anywhere besides affluent-beach areas

>> No.9656099
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They wanna be Selena Gomez.

>> No.9656104

It's an actual trend. I think there's a difference between tasteful cheek (e.g. with a flat or small butt) and obscene cheek (on a rounder bigger butt) but that's just me

>> No.9656110

It's popular in Australia and NZ. I think it's disgusting and tacky.

>> No.9656116

The size of her feet is freaking me out

>> No.9656118

I bet they don't read Sartre

>> No.9656124
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In the US it seems common with rich girls. I was on a beach in Hawaii that was in a very affluent area and there was a flock of high school age girls wearing bikinis like pic related and flaunting around. It was torture but they just seemed like rich, entitled girls.

I blame tumblr.

>> No.9656138

I won't complain tho.

>> No.9656145

It's a trend among the most basic of bitches. Like leggings, crop tops, and UGGs.

>> No.9656149

>implying western civilization hasn't been sliding down the sluttiness slope since WWII

Modesty is oppressive

>> No.9656154


If a girl has fit thin legs and small perky ass these things make my dick diamonds.

Too bad all the whales wear them as well flaunting their flabby cellulite.

>> No.9656161

Nice degeneracy meme.

>> No.9656170

Don't come to Miami then. Jailbait galore (15-17) wearing the most skimpiest outfits conceivable just to go to the mall, and I live in the part where it's mostly middle class. Don't even get me started on the beach...it's torture and I hate it. I wish they would dress a bit more conservative in relation to their age tbh.

>> No.9656187


OP here: the girls I saw had skinny legs, firm, young butts and braces.

I didn't know whether to get a guilty boner or call their parents and inform them their daughters are whores. They had to be aware they would attract attention, right?

>> No.9656198


Are any of them decent white girls or just Puerto Ricans and white trash.

>> No.9656261

I live in a mostly hispanic community, so white girls are few and far between (thank god, because I don't find white girls to be attractive at all, but different strokes for different folks). "White-trash" and "redneck" culture is virtually non-existant here, and it's full of Cubans, Colombians, Venezuelans, Brazilians etc; basically a hodge podge of every Latin nationality. But Cubans comprise a majority.

>> No.9656286

It's weird when you think of it. They're just calling attention to the thing they fart and poop out of. Sexual attraction is strange.

>> No.9656291


degeneracy is ok :^)

>> No.9656294


really cause when I go to miami, im in the poorfag areas but go to the beach too, I never seen anyone wearing these shorts.

>> No.9656350

If you went to South Beach in particular you wouldn't be saying that, unless you went there during "winter" (we locals tend to bundle up when it gets less than 70)

>> No.9656370

I'm not bothered by it per se, but I think it's tacky.

>> No.9656379

And which poor areas? True poor areas=more criminals/crime. Girls wouldn't dress like a slut in poor areas if there was a high chance Da'Quan would pop out of nowhere and give her a struggle snuggle

>> No.9656384

This has been the norm in aus for at least 7 years.

>> No.9656397


Any pictorial evidence? I need examples.

>> No.9656407

the worst part is the majority of girls that do it are so fucking distasteful

>> No.9656425

i see this shit all the time at uni. not complaining though

>> No.9656428

what would tumblr have to do with that?

>> No.9656452

tumblr=teenage brainwashing

>> No.9656461

Degeneracy doesn't exist.

>> No.9656498

This poster nailed it. I've seen it mostly worn among the trash tier white chicks that hang out in PB in San Diego.

The other thing is that this only works for chicks with sloppy, saggy, flat asses. A really nice ass - the type that looks good without clothes on - has too much curvature to peak out of the bottom like that.

>> No.9656507

you should rape them

>> No.9656519



>> No.9656556

Implying thats not exactly how we want them to dres

>> No.9656629

Come to Australia in the summer time. Pretty much every chick here has a pair in their wardrobe. It's pure torture for us males.

>> No.9656647


i live in a really middle class english area and its popular among girls from like 13 to 16 after which point its consider kind of cringy

but its honestly like a staple, and its really trashy

>> No.9656657


because they're inbred degenerates of nasty british women and their faces are fucked? i feel for you.

>> No.9656663


>English area

Do you mean you're from England? Basically, I want to know where this happens.

>> No.9656694

I bed he means international, so western based

Read between the lines you dumb fuck

>> No.9656698
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Dude I saw a girl who was about 13 on a train the other day with with her ass hanging out of a pair of shorts that were like shredded, denim underwear. She had her iphone in her front pocket and it was nearly as tall as her shorts.

She was with her mom too which was weird.

>> No.9656711

I noticed it when I went to Italy. At least a third of the girls on the street wore these kinds of shorts.

>> No.9656725
File: 64 KB, 640x960, 1507706_810939905615314_1657059972879532183_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this shit in Australia too, pic related was at a crappy mall, not even near the beach

>> No.9656768

this has been a trend for 5 or 6 years now, the difference is they were only worn by sluts when going out, now they're worn casually

>> No.9656788

yeah I was waiting at an airport in Ft Lauderdale, FL at 12:30 am and
some girl (20-25) walked by done up to the nth degree in "unique" (UO) attire. her asscheeks were like upside down muffintops peaking out of her shorts.

was not even attractive, made me laugh though.

>> No.9656798
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>> No.9656830

i get a chub every time i spot buttcheek hangin out. That's prolly why they do it.

>> No.9656847

hit the nail right on the head

>> No.9656848

really? its so trashy to me that it makes my dick invert itself into a reverse boner

>> No.9656970

Fuck this...I'm moving to a Muslim country. Is it a bad thing that I got hard to this?

>> No.9656993

Are you an adult?

>> No.9657012


>> No.9657049

yea, I'm 22...so is it wrong? I feel ashamed at myself tbh

>> No.9657050

probably I would never wear those, toghether with leggins, yoga pants, etc. if i was a girl
also I wouldn't let my gf wear nothing of theese things

>> No.9657052

whoops, meant to reply to

>> No.9657055

my sister wears shorts like these.
> she goes to church every sunday.

i dont care if she gets raped.

>> No.9657065

as a girl i only own one pair, i wear them under skirts or not at all. i do have some yoga pants but only because i actually do yoga. i think they look dumb honestly, there are better ways to show off ASSets

>> No.9657078

religion is a hell of a drug

>> No.9657087

ok camiel

>> No.9657089

Am I the only one who thinks wearing yoga (and gym) clothes out when you haven't been to the gym is like wearing swimmers out when you haven't been to the pool

>> No.9657098

who cares about disney sluts srsly

>> No.9657101

godly trend

>> No.9657112

it's not only that
>i wear af1
>never played basket
imo the problem is a mix of what you are saying and the heavily ass-showing-outofnowere nature of these clothing

>> No.9657137

I'm actually atheist, just from a moral standpoint it seems wrong

>> No.9657159

It's not a moral concern. You're just being an ass about an ass.

>> No.9657166
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>> No.9657170

but I'm like 90% sure she's underage, so there's the problem.

>> No.9657174

And? It's not a moral stance. You can't quantify it, and you can't derive it logically such as in morality. You're full of shit.

>> No.9657178

whore level over 9000

>> No.9657196

The clothes aren't the problems, it's the girls. There will always be sloots no matter what you do. Just ignore it and teach your younger relatives to not be sloots.

>> No.9657274

is it really that hard for you guys to look at this lol you act like you can't control yourself or something

>> No.9657283

what do you guys do at the beach? jerk off non-stop?

>> No.9657288


Why are you so judgemental calling this thing a dirty slut whore?
Itz called fashionz, mom, open your mindz!

>> No.9657312

They aren't wearing these clothes to look nice or presentable, they're attempting to wear as little as possible to be attractive to men at the most base level. I have no idea why else you'd wear something like this, it's an ugly piece of clothing itself. It says a lot about their character and self esteem.

>> No.9657321

Also pretty sure the clothing they're mass producing for women these days is just to get away with selling very little fabric at exorbitant prices.

>> No.9657355

That's it, it's a ploy by the manufacturers to drastically cut their costs without profit falling

>> No.9657576

Hey I was just at North Beach :)))

>> No.9657779

low test fags detected

>> No.9658470

11 yo detected

>> No.9658500


>> No.9658821

Surely that must feel not only uncomfortable but very exposed? I cant imagine it being easy to wear without feeling sexualised in some way, how oblivious can you be?

>> No.9658828

Is it just me or do females tend to copy each others styles more than males whenever im around downtown i see groups of females wearing literally the exact same thing its almost creepy

>> No.9658851

>guilty boner
Be proud of your boner

>> No.9658859

Yeah, you're the only nigga with that opinion. Good job on your cutting insight and educating us all on fucking yoga pants.

>> No.9658864

morally underage?

>> No.9658872

yes i agree, for some reason they fall more often for trends
and I see this shorts as a trend more than as a slut thing

>> No.9658875

You should have said "nice ass" as you walked past. The mom would freak out and never let her daughter wear the shorts again

>> No.9658884

>It was torture
yeah right

>> No.9659047

that kind of thing is torturous. fair enough, id there is one of two good looking girls at a bar, you can talk to them. if there are hundreds of girls with half exposed asses walking around town, it is torturous.

>> No.9659126

>One girls' shorts were riding up her ass worse than pic related.
You misspelled 'better'

>> No.9659386


>> No.9659396

teenage girls

>> No.9659509


>> No.9659524

Doesn't mean he's not right.

>> No.9659549

>tfw my da chided me when I wore long denim shorts that were nearly down half of my thigh and said I look like a trollop, but somehow people are getting away with this
not a fan of burqas but this is getting ridiculous tbh

>> No.9659806

girls are getting better. first yoga pants, now this. i fucking love this.

>> No.9659853
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Butt cheeks are the new cleavage. At one point showing cleavage would've seemed equally vulgar.

The problem is that we are running out of areas of skin to show off that aren't vagina holes or nipples. Maybe the next big thing is bikinis that show off a little bit of outer labia.

>> No.9659864

Thank God for capitalism *kisses shotgun, bible, and apple pie*

>> No.9659990

The greatest thing about this trend is you always see the girl try to yank the shorts down like it's going to get longer if she pulls it down.

Shit's hilarious

>> No.9660043
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>> No.9660141
File: 532 KB, 2000x2000, elsa sweating i want a taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at 24 year old sisters laptop as I walk past in the kitchen (I am 22 but emotionally 43 and mature)
>Notice she has a pair of these ordered from Amazon
>Cancel the order
>Go upstairs
>Send her an email pretending to be from Amazon saying they were cancelled because a slut was detected on the other side of the credit card
>feel really smug like I will have made my point
>hear shouting from downstairs
>parents call me
>get mad and start shouting
>decide to punish me
>my 'punishment' is that every day they check my Amazon and ebay and cancel any orders then send me a message saying a 'bitter virgin' was on the other end of the card
>this goes on for 2 weeks
>tfw they actually defended her sluttiness

Our society is doomed.

>> No.9660150

i dont leave my house but do women actually wear this sort of stuff?

>> No.9660225


>> No.9660282

all of you please stay far away from women

>> No.9660284

How were they able to cancel your orders for so long? Do you not logout ever?

>> No.9660309

>being this gullible

>> No.9660336

I know it's BS, just thought I would ask.

If you're going to shitpost, avoid plot holes.

>> No.9660354

>emotionally 43 and mature

>> No.9660361

you sound like a man child with the maturity of a teenage girl who can't have everything her way

>> No.9660376

this....whole thing made me cringe so fucking hard......never post again please

>> No.9660822

I saw a young teen in those shorts with a big hoodie... and she was with her grandmother.

>> No.9660837

This is fashion

>> No.9660842
File: 27 KB, 446x373, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that horrible feel when I see fat short Mexicans wearing this regularly
Fucking Southern California

>> No.9661652


hialeah area. but I go to the beach areas too with al the tourists and stuff, still never seen those shorts on any chicks there.

>> No.9662075

my gf wears these sometimes
I just wedgie them up and grab her ass.

Women's clothing is just to show off what they have and hide what they don't. It's basically just advertisement.

>> No.9662167

/r9k/ is that way

>> No.9662191

Its called empowering womens sexuality and its here to stay. Its not a trend.

>> No.9662216

wow ur parents usck

>> No.9662226

This never happened. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.9662323

Can confirm that it happens all the time in Australia, seriously, I think it's less common to see a girl not wearing these fucking things.

>> No.9662343

Why does it matter though?

>> No.9662347

>Damage control

>> No.9662357

pretty good bait lol

>> No.9662382


>that disgusting body

definitely not asking for it

>> No.9662513


>> No.9662517

You got them to take the bait. Nice.

>> No.9662529


a shit post is an entire plothole

you are dumb

>> No.9662534

that jacket is dope af

>> No.9662541

hey your smiley has extra chins like you

>> No.9663463

I live in inner city Sydney and only ever see it on sluts from shit suburbs or places like brisbane.

>> No.9663505

First day of Spring quarter was last Monday, and I pulled into the parking lot and spotted a spot right away. As I approached, I saw a girl wearing black "Daisy Dukes" like these and decided to hurry up and park so I could get a good look. I hopped out of my car, grabbed my shit from the back seat as fast as I could, and tried to casually watch.

This girl's shorts were higher than Selena Gomez's in the 2nd pic in the thread.

I literally stood there for what probably amounted to 5 seconds but felt like much longer and watched as she put her stuff in the back seat, took off her cardigan, and got into the car.

Monday was a good day.

I still hate "Daisy Dukes". Basic bitches, the whole lot of them.

>> No.9663511

My Chairman.

>> No.9663569
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thank you for your valued input.

>> No.9663868

>elsa sweating i want a taste.png

>> No.9663881
File: 85 KB, 361x333, 1427098149364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sunshine plaza on the sunshine coast? You fucking creeper

>> No.9663890
File: 805 KB, 608x604, Screen Shot 2015-04-06 at 7.42.45 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh this is one of the hottest trends i don't know how you can complain

nearly any girl can wear this, ass or not, and look fucking awesome

pic = patrician art babes from hell <3

>> No.9663920

"art babes from hell"

thats probably the lamest thing i've said this year

but yeah they are hot as fuck

>> No.9663924

Damn straight mate

>> No.9663937

post pics of sister

>> No.9663940
File: 11 KB, 220x218, 1427020279608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That ain't the plaza you goon, since when was there a maccas indoors? Also hey, Nambour reporting in.

>> No.9663951


it would be if i got hold of them

>> No.9663955

and hed get arrested

>> No.9663956

Nah it is Sunshine Plaza, don't think that's a maccas. Goddamn I despise this place though.

I grew up in Noosa and moved to Brisbane as soon as I could

>> No.9663959

she would have to be reallly begging got it

>> No.9663962

i meant for

>> No.9663969

>implying queensland isnt equally shitty

>> No.9663986

Brisbane is still shit, but it's fifty times better than fucking Nambour

>> No.9663991

In Chicago this is what hipster girls wear. It's fine by me.

>> No.9664003

Definitely a trend...seems to be mostly upper class spoiled girls but it's gaining traction with all vapid chicks that are semi-attractive. I live in Japan and when I go to Tokyo prefecture I see this a lot in the more expensive cities like Shibuya and Ginza. Most Jap chicks don't have amazing asses, but they're small and firm and get the job done.

When I go to visit my family in Hawaii I see it a lot but not too much. Most of the beaches are filled with stupid tourists I can't stand so maybe I'm biased because I try to stay away from there. I used to go and pick up dumb tourists to fuck, but I prefer the local girls now when I'm back. I'm starting to like the international and ex-pats I meet in tokyo more than actual jap chicks and I used to think I had a fetish for asians. Oh well, getting off topic now...

But yes, it's a trend that I hope stays.

>> No.9664096

what is candid fashion police

>> No.9664175

It depresses me and reminds me how these girls are too young for me now.

>> No.9664338


>> No.9664348


>not wanting to fug dem shorties

you fucking moron.

>> No.9664520
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There's a really trendy gentrified area near where I live and I've seen a number of hipster girls running around with their butt cheeks liberated. In seriousness though, I think it's super sexy if you're a cute, skinny girl.

>> No.9664545

This has been a thing for like 2-3 years

>> No.9664567

He's not :)

>> No.9664605

Those shoes have heels in them.

>> No.9664626

Shibuya and Ginza are quarters of Tokyo though, so hardly a city Am I right?

>> No.9665012

>dont objectify me
>my face is up here
Most women seem to feel the need to rub their ass and tits into everyones face as often as possible so why would anyone look at that painted visage of theirs?

>> No.9665038

what's even the point of skinny white bitches wearing this shit? it's like a dyel skinnyfat nerd going shirtless in public

>> No.9665167

Let me explain it to you.

>Women wears a pair of tiny hotpants
>guy looks at her ass/outfit

>what the guy is thinking
1) Wow thats pretty damn hot
2) Jesus christ shes way too confident
3) Why would anyone run around like this
4) Aight why diz whide bitch wearin dem pantz?
5) Doesnt care, he just looked because he noticed something being off (more skin than usual can be seen)

>what the girl is thinking
1) He's checking me out and pays attention to me a) and I think hes hot b) ewww what a weirdo c) pretty cute

Notice how no matter what the guy is thinking, the chick gets attention and can create a fitting scenario in her head.

>> No.9665773


haha western society.

how can you let your women do this? well you can' t do this if you like to watch your women get fucked by others.

or like if you can fuck others, you should let your wife fuck with others right? this is your morality. haha equality my ass. just don't fuck others and ask your women not to do it.

you guys are doomed.

>> No.9665973

Oh my god, shut up, gook.

>> No.9666186

ahahah why are you all complaining hahahaha

>> No.9666821

>guilty boner
if they were 16 they're legal in a shitload of US states. also clearly they were all past puberty, no pedo there. don't feel guilty.

>> No.9668030

I won't let this glorious thread die.

>> No.9668056


women's fashion is definitely heading in the right direction as far as sex appeal. aesthetic value, not so sure.

>> No.9668064

#5 happens at the worst times for me. fat chicks giving you bedroom eyes is scary.

>> No.9668118

Getting laid has never been easier but if you have your shit together and can afford meme shoes and are ready to start a family - good fucking luck. All of these girls are damaged, guaranteed.

>> No.9669768

This pleases my dick

>> No.9669791

God I am so fucking sick of this type of crowd. These are the type of girls that fill their snapchat story with black and white nudes and call it performance art.

>> No.9669829

>living in Wicker Park

>> No.9670045


>> No.9670067

australian girls are the most hideous kind in the world though

>> No.9670118

Go home ISIS

>> No.9670142

I think shit like >>9656124 is pretty cute and acceptable just because it's a swimsuit and it's not even that much shorter than most bikinis.

>>9656725 is fucking disgusting though, only a sket would dress like that.

>> No.9670148

That being said if it's a young girl wearing the bikini she's a slag.

>> No.9670675

>what the guy is thinking
>1) Wow thats pretty damn hot
>2) Jesus christ shes way too confident
>3) Why would anyone run around like this
>4) Aight why diz whide bitch wearin dem pantz?
>5) Doesnt care, he just looked because he noticed something being off (more skin than usual can be seen)

I think all of these simultaneously. Although 3 might replace 1 with added disgust

>> No.9670742

Can this be the dedicated 4chan creep shot thread?
Bonus points if your dick is pointing at the target.

>> No.9670815
File: 756 KB, 1245x776, basic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of you are correct, females are the biggest trendhoppers

>> No.9671421

This, not to mention sitting your bare ass on germ infested chair, buses

just asking for crabs

>> No.9671648

16 is legal in hawaii and canada. so not underage

>> No.9671667

check your age of consent law. it might not be

>> No.9671735
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>keep posting this glorious inspo

>> No.9672514

who are you quoting

>> No.9672529

This is become popular here in chicago.
I tend to see it done mostly by white chicks.
But we have a lot of slutty puerto ricans/mexicans so I would not be surprised if more of them start this summer.

A lot of high school girls do this too.

>> No.9672530

sket lmao

>> No.9672605

God I wish 16 was legal In Illinois

>> No.9672612



>> No.9672629


>> No.9672630
File: 2.25 MB, 2000x1925, booty shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah /fa/'s behind the trends.

>pic related taken in 2012

>> No.9672668

mi dick??

>> No.9672722

underrated post

>> No.9673572

Miami? Let's meet up. I live in the Broward side, we could go shopping together :D