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/fa/ - Fashion

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9650964 No.9650964 [Reply] [Original]

Teach me and inspire me, /fa/. I want to bask myself in slavness

>> No.9650976


>> No.9651022
File: 73 KB, 480x803, FB_IMG_1427701050491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Learn how to squat

This fresh photo from Ukraine shows the "both heels down" type of squat. There are more advances techniques, for example - "one heel up, one down". This one is used in the sadboy culture, and has nothing to do with slavs. Being a slav - squatting with both heels down.

>> No.9651121

how about attire, anon? Any basics/essentials?

>> No.9651139

>King Slav
>asking /fa/ how to be slav
>not lurking in slav threads on /b/
fuck off, i bet you're british or some shit

>> No.9651495

Now you're going to need a track suit

>> No.9651518
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>> No.9651539

tracksuits and more tracksuits, baseball caps and adidas sneakers. get a buzzcut, spit when you go trough the city and have an ice cold killa look on ur face. always look around u if the police is behind u. look like ur doing something dodgy aka dealing drugs or some shit. don't pay for public transport and sometimes demolish windows in trains. go to football games, throw fireworks and run from the police once again. every few months steal some gold necklaces from grannys in the city and spend the money in a week. congrats ur a slav.

>> No.9651944
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Also, don't work anywhere. Real slavs earn by selling smuggled cigarettes. "Minsk", "Kiss", "Fest" - these are the brands. Buy at Belarus, sell anywhere. Also, you need a weapon. Any kind of.
Get a BLACK BMW, e30 is the best. And most important - don't forget to squat. Squatting is the key.

>> No.9651960
File: 844 KB, 1250x833, _origin_BMW-E34-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old beemers are very slav. E34 BMWs are called "kamatarka" in my country, roughly translated as loan shark cars.

>> No.9652016

This is fucking embarrassing to look at. None of you americans know how to achieve real slavness. Please stop trying, you can't even get your heels on the floor.

>> No.9652028

>heels up
What a filthy fucking pleb

>> No.9652031
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Postan slav inspo

>> No.9652035
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>> No.9652037
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>> No.9652040
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>> No.9652050

good looks.

>> No.9652085
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>> No.9652088
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>> No.9652093
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>> No.9652095

how the fuck is that slav are you retarded? did you attend school retard? what kind of morona re you? slavs certainly ain't chubby swedish boys drinking arizona nor are they spaghetti haired negros nor are they driving fucking renault twizys

>> No.9652097
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>> No.9652100
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>> No.9652104

white's a gay colour slavs don't wear all white ...

>> No.9652109
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>> No.9652113
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>not wearing all white

>> No.9652118

wear skinny white jeans and get beaten up

>> No.9652131

>implying I wear skinny white jeans

>> No.9652137

You're retarded.

You can't tell the difference between football ultras and slavs.

>> No.9652349
File: 16 KB, 480x360, FB_IMG_1427456329193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see, fuccbois, sadboys - all of them are squatting with heels up. So it has nothing to do with slavs. Also, slav aesthetics are different too!

>> No.9652387

Do you even know what music you're supposed to listen to? I'll help.

>blast this from your bmw

>listen to these with your BOYS
learn from the videos!

>play this to your gf
Very beautiful.

Trust me I know my shit

>> No.9652391


>> No.9652395



>> No.9652407
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>> No.9652408

>4 stripes

>> No.9652474


>> No.9652479

The Land of Beautiful Women

>> No.9652485



>> No.9652492

Duly noted

>> No.9652496

lmao love this. the older lady - priceless. thankyou for the smile.

>> No.9652517

wow youd look dumb as dirt blasting this Russian nonsesne

>> No.9652534

learn russian for the full experience
wear plenty of adidas
for full look wear dress shoes underneath track suit
kill your brain cells drinking cheap spirits
nothing andro, you want to come over as manly as possible. no long hair, buzz prefered but something that doesn't look styled

im half-slav myself and could very easily pull this style off but i dont. however i do know about it quite well

>> No.9652817

Fuck. How hard to learn russian?

>> No.9653284

Seriously, what the fuck is with the squatting? Is that a thing over there?

>> No.9653301

Flatfoot squatting is legit comfortable provided you can do it properly and through practice.

It's not second nature to us because we spend so much more time just sitting around in chairs and such, that the specific sections of muscles that are needed to handle this is basically unused.

>> No.9653578
File: 463 KB, 580x541, slavme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9653659

fucg off fagnito

>> No.9653708

This is how my British cousins dressed in the early 00's... and possibly now.

>> No.9653712

I used to squat like this all the time as a child. It's really comfortable and you can sustain that position really easily. I didn't know it was something you had to work on? Thought it was just innate to us all.

>> No.9653726

It's very comfortable, when you go to a park to drink there won't always be a bench to sit on. Plus when you are in a group you create a circle, like you would if you sat down at a dinner table.

As for Adidas, during the 80s Olympics, Adidas was the sponsor of the Moscow Olympics but since it was a Capitalist it wasn't allowed because of Communist leaders saying so. After the Olympics and once all the fame was gone, Russia was split from the West culture.
When the mafia started to take over everything, most of the professional athletes especially the weightlifters came back they needed work, so they were hired as muscle and body guards. Since they used to travel the world for competitions they brought back some of the west culture through clothing (track suits, sports wear etc)
Since most of the population was poor, track suits was the cheapest thing to get a hold of, since it can be easily made/replicated and imported from China.
Thus why everyone wears track suits and they like Adidas so much.

>> No.9653756

In post-soviet countries this will become shit within 2 weeks. Especially in countries, where most part of squatting exist

>> No.9653827

Thank you for such an informative answer.

>> No.9653843

E38 7-Series is acceptable as well. Also Mercedes-Benz E-Class.

>> No.9653881

You have to learn russian. YOU HAVE TO. At least a few bad words and phrases. Listen to russian rap, find some russians here - it won't be hard.

Your hair. Most of these replies tells you how to be SLAV IN THE 90's! You don't want that, I suppose. So don't keep it very short! But don't have a long hair, because you'd loose respect. Long hair is for women. Also, always look fresh. Trim your hair often.
Don't wear full adidas or nike. Are you stupid? Get jeans(if going out to the city) or adidas pants, adidas shoes, and a shiny black adidas winter jacket. You can wear it till the summer.
Wear full tracksuits when you go out with your friends.

Listen to alot of russian electro house dance or whatever is it called. It's everywhere!

Squatting stays the same, and is very important.

>> No.9653889

>tfw not all that Slavic
>still enough in me to do a feet-flat squat

Feels good man.

>> No.9654172

I'm from rural slavland ask me anything

>> No.9654298

... M. Shadows?

>> No.9654299

... Tom DeLonge in 2000?

>> No.9654300

Same. Where you from?

>> No.9654321
File: 39 KB, 500x741, 1373318886077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from a little shithole maybe 1 hour from warsaw, poland.
I now live in sweden though, but still in a town of like 6000

>> No.9654353 [DELETED] 
File: 224 KB, 800x600, 1396501713183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alphabet is not that bad, but the handwriting is done in cursive. The language rules will be confusing as fuck if you're not used to conjugating verbs for singular/plurals (tho it's not as bad as German)

>tfw when my German teacher was a 33 year old 6 foot lithuanian who was fluent in russian.

>> No.9654357

very easy to learn if you speak another slav language

>> No.9654366
File: 133 KB, 1000x1332, 2OfzTOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The alphabet is not that bad, but the handwriting is done in cursive. The language rules will be confusing as fuck if you're not used to conjugating verbs for singular/plurals (tho it's not as bad as German)

>tfw when my German teacher was a hot af 33 year Lithuanian milf who was fluent in Russian.

>> No.9654379
File: 48 KB, 951x421, 2015-04-04-153205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The handwriting is done however the fuck you want. They teach cursive at school, but by something like sixth grade I even quit trying to write like that.

>> No.9654480

Very interesting human society and culture information.

>> No.9654491
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>> No.9654498
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>> No.9654505
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Here we see the legendary totem-squat practiced in northwest rural Russia.

>> No.9654510
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>> No.9655127

Lol tfw slav and i never noticed squatting is something special, now when i remember we did it all the time when we were kids

>> No.9655467
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>> No.9655521

>Deutsche Post