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/fa/ - Fashion

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9641400 No.9641400 [Reply] [Original]

What's some fashion related "rules" you believed before coming to /fa/?

>> No.9641410

/fa/ doesn't know any rules
this board lacks any real knowledge of fashion except for /fa/scist
it's just a circlejerk of fashion victims

>> No.9641430

I believed in dadcore. No I don't believe in anything anymore. It's quite good.

>> No.9641435

tuck your shirt in to look good

>> No.9641437


and I lick gay dude's balls because I like the smell of dirty shit residue

>> No.9641444

Never wear white socks.

>> No.9641450

Never button the bottom button of a suit jacket, undo your buttons when you sit down, only undo the top button on a shirt without a tie, skinni jeans are to express you sexuality, you know, the basics.

>> No.9641569

Wearing all black looks cool
Combat Boots, workboots and DMs are cool
Cuffing your jeans looks totally casual
Band shirts, ironic internet shirts, or graphic tees in general are a good idea
Thrift store blazers can look good ever
Skate shoes (especially Vans) are cool
Motorcycle jackets... you get the idea

Most things i "learned" from this board have been from seeing other peoples mistakes.
I've never really felt the need to ask for advice or validation here, because it really seems most people are pretty clueless.

>> No.9641842

I used to believe all /fa/ were victims.
Now I genuinely believe a lot of posters in here are genuinely creative and well informed people.

>> No.9641846
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>> No.9641855


>raw denim will always be fa
>ill never spend over $400 on anything!
>these 5 panels were a good choice

i only wear black jeans, i bought some cav empt pieces, and i sold all my norse 5 panels

>> No.9643597

Match shirt and sneakers

>> No.9643625

>skinnyjeans are gay
>dadcore is cool

>> No.9643664

whatever happened to that guy?

>> No.9643706

where can I buy a bucket hat like these?

>> No.9643713

>skinni jeans are to express you sexuality
>skinnyjeans are gay

Skinny jeans are pretty common wtf

>> No.9643784

i used to believe in fashion

>> No.9643786

Rule number 1:

Don't take fashion advice from /fa.

>> No.9643790

You need some mental help.

>> No.9644020

I thought women innately knew more about fashion/how to dress than men.

>> No.9644284

But all those things about the jacket and dress shirt are true.

>> No.9644289

>Skinny jeans are pretty common wtf
Yeah, on faggots. Most people wear (and look better in) slim fit.

>> No.9644290

just because he believed them before coming to /fa/ doesn't mean he doesn't believe them after

>> No.9644298

Its just how people think women are innately good cooks but when you looks at the world's top chefs they are mostly men.

>> No.9644310

When I first went on /fa/ you would still get your ass bullied in high school for wearing skinnies, we're not all 16 you know.

>> No.9644314
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>Thrift store blazers can look good ever
I still have to force myself to just not buy it and that removing the shoulder pads won't help

>> No.9644346

are you fat or something?

skinny jeans are the most /fa/

>> No.9644360

Most people don't have the legs to pull them off, most skelingtons have disgusting mishaped knock knee'd legs that just look gross in skinny jeans. Tapered slim fit is godly and you know it.

>> No.9644411

Used to believe:

being tan is better
avoid braids or pigtails
tight fitting clothes are better

I still believe these:

when in doubt go with black or gray
no brown shoes with black purse or vice versa
No animal print ever
fuck scarves
no jewelry that overpowers your face

>> No.9644435

The worst is when chubby/fat/skinnyfat with huge thighs and calves wear skinny jeans too tight, ruins the taper

>> No.9644447

That all clothes must look 'tailored' and be 'slim fitting'

>> No.9644482

This x100

>> No.9645531

being tall and slim is the most important thing, still believing it now

>> No.9645552


after browsing /fa/ for the first time i tried to start fashion related convos with all my girl friends, they didnt couldnt even name a brand that werent Chanel or LV, it was frustrating, this is how my narcissism fully developed

>> No.9645569

great analogy
most top fashion designers are men too

>> No.9645584

teach me o great and knowledged one, teach me of the occult rules of this "fashion" that have been passed down in the shadows for 1000 years, known only to the initiated

>> No.9645614

>sandals can never look good
>all sneakers looked the same
>type/ colour of sock doesn't make a difference

come to think of it, I was a big foot pleb

>> No.9645619

this is true
girls suck

>> No.9645624

Yeah if you are fat...

>> No.9645659

>don't wear black and brown together

Honestly I still have no idea what the consensus is, but from what I've seen it doesn't look bad. It reminds me of chocolate

>> No.9645683

Dressing like its 1935 is how to get laid

>> No.9645731

Everything has to be tailored to fit
Petite women should avoid heels
Handbag/belt must match shoes
Jeans are lazy and uninteresting
Sweatpants indicate having given up
All tattoos/non earlobe piercings automatically signify a personality disorder
It's better to buy lots of clothes (lmao "more versatile") than it is to have a few expensive key items

>> No.9645758

That's called "living in a patriarchal society" you dumbfuck

>> No.9645765

You've never been in a kitchen, there are hardly any females there because women in general avoid physical labor. Working in a kitchen is constant stress.

>> No.9645946

someone add this to the sticky

>> No.9646132

lel what sort of backward countries do you guys live in?

>> No.9646135

>All tattoos/non earlobe piercings automatically signify a personality disorder
>Sweatpants indicate having given up
given up on looking good, yea

>> No.9646138

it's called "usa"

>> No.9646149

Still true in the actual fashion world, but online spaces are male dominated thus giving that impression.

>> No.9646153


I honestly think it suits me but I dont wear it because the rule for some reason

Think it works well with me cause I have brown hair brown eyes and tan skin

>> No.9646154

girls irl dress like shit

but yr too much of a thirsty virgin to notice

>> No.9646166

Girls are more tapped into the generic side of fashion, following lame trends or copying their friends, but the majority of women I see are at the very least making some effort. I would say like 99.9% of men I see every day look like fucking shit wearing the worst fitting cheapest shit imaginable.

>> No.9646177

And why should anyone expect anything greater from a fashion board on an anonymous anime site

>> No.9646182

>never base my fashion sense on /fa/
>okay I can start to browse now

>> No.9646203

A lot of the fashion dont's were things that most guys did.

Also jokes and or stereotypes are not things to avoid, if someone makes fun of a teen and all teens for wearing a swans hot topic tee fucking wear that shit

Ofher kids are wearing it to fit in and will make friends with other kids who make an effort

If youre 19 you better fucking be wearing cps

>> No.9646209

tumblr PLEASE

>> No.9646450

Well the "but changed after being here for a while" was heavily implied.

>> No.9646454

is /fa/ so shit why don't you just get out bitch

>> No.9646457

Fat people shouldn't wear slim fit you nig nogs.

Sweden, a country famous for being well dressed. Skinny fit looks like shit on everyone but skellys, and skellys look like shit because they're skellys.

>> No.9646458

Because someone needs to teach you daft cunts.

>> No.9647291

You'd have to be the worst dressed person in Sweden if you honestly believe skinnies are for faggots and skellies look like shit.

>> No.9647326

I used to believe cargo pants were unfashionable

>> No.9647372

still true

>> No.9647422

As long as the fit is good and the pockets aren't too obnoxious, it is fine.

>> No.9647908

same here but I still wouldn't wear them even though I love them in fits, idk why

>> No.9647925

I thought one shouldn't wear more than three different colors/tones.
It is stupid tho.