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/fa/ - Fashion

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9637132 No.9637132 [Reply] [Original]

Complex wrote an article about /fa/


>> No.9637140

best article complex has ever done

>> No.9637149

I fall under "Dressed by the Internet" kek

>> No.9637152
File: 418 KB, 1280x853, yeezy season 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was expecting the worst but this is kind of accurate

>> No.9637153

complex confirmed for dadcore faggots

>> No.9637155

anon confirmed for "all of the above"

>> No.9637164

oh look what we got here guys another dadcore faggot lmao

>> No.9637167


I think everyone on /fa/ technically qualifies for that

>> No.9637169

I'm definitely not dadcore
but i also am not any of those listed in the article
you're just as defensive as the people in the comments, so clearly you do

>> No.9637170

>Complex wrote an article about /fa/
I read the whole article and nowhere on it do they mention "/fa/"

you must have misread it.
nice article of trends tho

>> No.9637173

talk shit post fit

>> No.9637179
File: 54 KB, 169x172, 1416907165795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so defensive

>> No.9637180
File: 386 KB, 1100x1100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at Fuuma:PUA & Fashion master

>> No.9637182

you first, fuccboi anon

>> No.9637191


lmfao i thought the same, thats fuma

but the dude has been on le jeu de la mode for a long time right, still looks pretty retarded

>> No.9637194

he couldve replaced fuccboi with nigger and it wouldve been more accurate.

>> No.9637196

lmao pretty true

but forgot the #menswear fuccboi

>> No.9637200

"fuccboi" is just a catch-all term for anything you don't like, just like faggot, hipster, pleb, cuck, and whatever other asinine insult you guys will drum up next

it's completely meaningless

>> No.9637209


lmao @ this butthurt babydicked cuck

>> No.9637212
File: 82 KB, 562x1000, fuuma PUA master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These enormous fuccbois can use a pic I posted as a basic for their caricatures if they like, it is kinda lame considering if someone isn't inspired or even knowledgeable about rap it is me. However adding in a Jeremy Scott for Moschino shirt is fucking insulting.

>> No.9637213


>tl;dr You're a fuccboi. Doesn't matter how you dress, you're a fuccboi.

>> No.9637217
File: 22 KB, 346x179, Capture44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are you going to post a fit or not you dadcore faggot? xD

>> No.9637218

Why are you all getting so defensive? Can't anyone appreciate satire and take a laugh at yourself? Being insecure is not effay.

>> No.9637220
File: 142 KB, 268x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone thinks that blacks (people who do not even come from the same gene clusters anyway) are inferior, that would be fucking racist (see the bell curve) but if they think that urban Afro-American culture and language isn't an abysmal pit of despair (with some gems peppered in) they’re really fucking stupid. Every human being deserves better than having a glock in his baggy pants and moving units on some street corners while his 14 yo sister gets gang-banged for crack and has the vocab and reading skills of the average 8 y/o. Blues is a wonderful thing but it certainly doesn't excuse what the surrounding culture let happen in Mississippi. Seeing a bunch of yellow-whites middle-class kids go all apeshit about this stuff online is fucking disgusting.

>> No.9637221

being effay is not effay you fuccboi

>> No.9637222


Are you joking, insecurity is like the defining feature of /fa/

>> No.9637224

>If anyone thinks that blacks (people who do not even come from the same gene clusters anyway) are inferior,
they are

>> No.9637228

nah, girls first I insist xD

>> No.9637229

where are you getting these

>> No.9637230


fucking lold

>> No.9637232

all me btw :)

>> No.9637238

so the only acceptable choice is menswear?

>> No.9637241

there are ways to dress that are not menswear and are not part of that fuccboi list

>> No.9637258

>Dressed by the Internet
What Nikes are those?

>> No.9637263


Chuck Taylor

>> No.9637451

Complex hit the nail on the head with this. How are your asses feeling, hivemind fuccbois?

>> No.9637487
File: 53 KB, 485x234, 7893478894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They missed the mark on a couple of these but what can you expect from people who are basically reddit. After clicking on their "Style" section I think it's pretty ironic they even made the article when you get to see amazing on-trend topics like

>How to wear chelsea boots
>Menswear is killing it!
>AF1 + BAPE+Supreme
>Tom Ford, Kardashians, ASAP rocky

did this site just make fun of it's own demographic?

>> No.9637554
File: 57 KB, 485x234, i dont understand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9637579

fake baldchan plz go

>> No.9638451



>> No.9638492

They seriously think wearing Sperrys and a North Face makes you a fuccboi?

>> No.9638519

Magista Footscape

>> No.9638523

This is just complex ripping off yourscenesucks

>> No.9638530

Sounds more like 2012 than 2015

>> No.9638616

birthday is the physical representation of that article kek

>> No.9638620
File: 251 KB, 1100x1100, K A N Y E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? this is bullshit

complet wrote an article

and they didn't mention ME???? wtf literally pissed rn

>> No.9638623

>Seeing a bunch of yellow-whites middle-class kids go all apeshit about this stuff online is fucking disgusting.

This is a good thing tbh. This is a signal for similar low-class, low-IQ females to breed with them. High-class, high-IQ females don't want niggers - especially not middle class chinks and cumskins acting like niggers.

>> No.9638629

>Dressed by the Internet
Literally every WAYWT on /fa/ ever

>> No.9638640


>> No.9638947

Why are you guys praising this garbage? I have literally read like 3 of this same exact article in the past month.
Completely uninspired. We get it, everyone who pays attention to fashion is a fuckboi.
I was hoping he'd pull it all together and find some sort of meaning out of all of it, but no. Trash.

>> No.9639116

lmfao I just read the "how to wear chelsea boots" article
>While Menswear 1.0 dudes wore theirs with cuffed selvedge denim or trousers without a break, the modern style is all about stacking. It may seem overcomplicated, but you want to drape your pants over the top of the boot, completely covering the neck
>wearing boots
>wearing boots is a difficult task requiring a great deal of thought

This is called journalism. wow

>> No.9639417
File: 135 KB, 680x1023, thisfuckinguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't

that's a 4peenz article, but they're such beta fuccboiz that the complex staff literally took it from em and ran it under the name of whichever faggot runs the style section on there

>You want to know what happened here? The full Behind the Music treatment? I'll give you that shit. "The Fuccboi Field Guide" was a story that was thrown around in a meeting with Lawrence, Jian and myself, like, six months ago. We broke it down and really hammered out the details. But then, when it came down to, you know, actually being responsible and doing our jobs, it fell by the wayside as many work-related things do at Four Pins. So, because Complex Style is an official operation decidedly on top of ship, they went ahead and dropped the story with some fire illustrations that run through every type of fuccboi you might run into on the streets. Naturally, this post is us getting our juice compensation since we did all the hard work.

I can literally feel the spaghetti fallin thru da screen

>> No.9639451


rick disciple here

>> No.9639542
File: 112 KB, 602x330, kangaroojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own fuccboi.com.

Should I point the domain to this article instead of /fa/?

>> No.9639606

No, it isn't a particularly good article and isn't actually too relevant to /fa/, apart from both of them being about fashion.

Pointing it at /fa/ is better and much funnier, though I know it's been that way for years and you're probably looking for something new.

>> No.9639631

Yeah for sure, makes sense. It's been set to /fa/ since sometime in 2013, not that long, but people seem to think knowing about the domain pointing to /fa/ is some oldfag thing.

>> No.9639643

>some oldfag thing
Noticed the same thing. With all of the new posters it does sort of seem like something not many people know about though, two years is a reasonably long time. Even in 2013 not many people knew about it

>> No.9639657

that's hilarious. didn't know about that

>> No.9639683

lmao I instantly knew it was him, he makes it work somehow with his dgaf attitude

>> No.9639693

Actually pretty accurate

>> No.9640451

>the you don't fall into any of these categories
Well, it seems that I'm not a Fuccboi after all

>> No.9640548

all of these styles stopped being fashionable in 2012 and are mfa tier

chumplex, like /fa/ are terribly behind & ultimately nothing but commoners.

>> No.9640583

Does fuuma live in London? Im almost certain ive seen him or his lookalike in selfiridges.

>> No.9640651

>tfw i still own RO

Fuck you faggot you're just to poor to afford it.

>> No.9640666

>wearing RO

lmao might as well shop at kmart and tell people about the new band you just heard of called death grips, you insufferable manlet commoner