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/fa/ - Fashion

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9627553 No.9627553 [Reply] [Original]

What (in your opinion) is something that dumb niggers wear/do that NEVER looks good?

I'm sick of seeing skinny jeans with a fucking wallet/phone/keys stuffed int he front pocket.

Shit looks retarded.

>> No.9627560
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>Middle-school core

>> No.9627567

pinrolling / exposed ankles when it doesn't compliment the outfit

a lot of people seem to be under the impression that you need to always do it regardless of the outfit, and up looking like cretins

>> No.9627583


Buttoning up top buttons when it doesn't compliment the outfit?

Dudes think it works with everything.

>> No.9627649


>> No.9627707

It's compliment, you mongoloid.

>> No.9627721

So, skinny jeans then? I don't know where else on your person you would put your keys/phone/wallet, maybe in your back pocket if you want to get that shit stolen.

>> No.9627726


>> No.9627733

In real countries, yes.

>> No.9627740

bruh it's complement unless you have talking clothing who happen to be quite polite

>> No.9627748

You're incorrect, "bruh".

>> No.9627769


Haha... It has nothing to do with what country you're in you fucktard.

>What is Google?

"I will pay him a compliment on his dope skinny jeans."
"He complimented me on my skinny jeans."

Complement: "Those skinny jeans complement his inability to spell."
"These skinny jeans are complementary to my low IQ."

>You're incorrect, "bruh".

>> No.9627775

thread is off to a great start
i personally hate idiots who argue on /fa/

>> No.9627786


Lol. And about spelling...

I hate docks... Dunno why. Just hate 'em.

>> No.9627793

>Google is a reputable source

Oh, so you're a high school student. That makes sense. When you get a little older you'll realize that Google and Wikipedia aren't actually sources. I'm a college AND university graduate, kid. You're incorrect and you live in a joke country, please get over it.

>> No.9627799


>> No.9627811

compliment: say something nice about something
complement: goes well with something

>> No.9627815


And what country do I live in?

How about instead of replying again... You consult your 'college AND university graduates enlightened super secret internets' search engine.

>> No.9627827

While we're busy replying to bait: wearing moccs with shorts a size too small and way oversized, wrinkled OCBDs. Thank you uni.

>> No.9627829

I'm American and you're wrong

If you think your country is ahead of my country inn any way beside lower obesity rate then you're fucking wrong

I'm in a doctorate program btw

>> No.9627852

You need to just except that you're wrong. Samefagging isn't going to make your non-existent argument somehow more compelling.

I'm very impressed that you are in a doctorate program at a state school, though. That's really wonderful for you.

>> No.9627858

Oh my god the bait was strong as fuck why did i take it

>> No.9627872


>Getting this mad.

>> No.9627879
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>> No.9628149

>dumb niggers
I'm offended

>> No.9628156

Wearing, like, a Nike shirt/jacket with shoes from another brand

>> No.9628168
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they can be a bitch to get out of a canoe onto, i much prefer just running aground and getting out and then pushing it back or something. but they are really essential for summertime lake fun. i mean really, sprint down that nigga and dive off, its pretty great. and they compliment a secluded forest swimming hole pretty nice, really is the icing on the aesthetic cake, for sure.

doctor martens though, i agree, shits ugly af.

>> No.9628204

Wearing other shoes that aren't Geobaskets.

>> No.9628219

>keeping your wallet in back pocket

You deserve to be pick pocketed

>> No.9628237

>living in a shit area
Vans with basketball socks/ankle socks
Shit drives me insane

>> No.9628259

>ill never be robbed in my nice area :))))

>> No.9629389


Robbed =/= pickpocketed

>> No.9629723

>getting this mad at obvious

go back to reddit and save yourself the tears little whore

>> No.9629742

Robbery is theft, pick pocketing is theft, wtf are you on about?

>> No.9629749

holy shit this guy has a degree and called someone kid, he must earn a lot of money and could probably beat us up

>> No.9629754

He's also a confirmed troll, why are you posting this?

>> No.9629761


>> No.9629764

i'm a worthless shitposter

>> No.9629781

I do this but where am I otherwise supposed to put my phone and wallet? Not all jackets have zipped/buttoned pockets and even then I'm not going to wear a jacket on when I'm inside.Not that I always wear jackets outside to begin with.

>> No.9629793

You're wrong. Compliment and complement are 2 different words with 2 different meanings.

>> No.9629795
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>> No.9629833

You guys ruined my thread! Dicks

>> No.9629968

Threads like these are a diamond dozen, no big loss.

>> No.9629993

2/10 made me reply

>> No.9630174

A big pet peeve of mine is that 2-3 girls I know have "fashion blogs" and one did some modeling for AA and seriously believe they know what they are doing. It's the usual trendy letumblr fashion shit. I asked one of the girls (who I am good friends with but make fun of a lot) if she knew who helmut lang was, damir doma, rei, etc and she said no...so I asked if she knew who Yohji was, Rick, ann d, raf, and she still said no. I mean I kind of ripped into her after that, because I understand some of those are not known by regular people, but rei, yohji, rick, raf, ann d, helmut, those are/have been some seriously influential designers in the world of fashion, not just high fashion or avante garde. So it bothers me that this girl is trying to perpetuate a false persona, that she is some well dressed, knowledgeable and fashion guru.

I hope this didn't sound elitist or any shit like that cus I'm not like that but I do know a decent amount about fashion and I actually read up on designers and watch their shows and analyze their work, not just find an emerging trend and push it to readers a month before it gets big to seem like some kind of expert.

>> No.9631387

>Google is a reputable source

1. A thing that contributes extra features to something else in such a way as to improve or emphasize its quality

>> No.9631396
File: 409 KB, 832x468, great job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rei, yohji, rick, raf, ann d, helmut, those are/have been some seriously influential designers in the world of fashion

>> No.9631441

where the fuck else do you keep it? doesn't fit right in my side pockets.

>> No.9631490

all about dat sweet sweet fannypac

>> No.9631582


>> No.9631607

replace the designers with death grips, captain beefheart, animal collective, etc and you get /mu/

>> No.9633452

Your post doesn't sound elitist, it sounds retarded.

>> No.9634069

Buttoning up all shirts to the top button when not wearing a tie. Drives me up the wall, shit looks autistic af

>> No.9634286

I can hear the french insecurity behind your arrogance

>> No.9634317
File: 321 KB, 1366x768, the-12th-doctor-32243-1366x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You hatting on mah Timelord swagge? you bloody cunt

>> No.9634335



>> No.9634340


fucking moron lmao

>> No.9634475

in your bag, retard

>> No.9634667

>Robbery is theft

It isn't you fucktard

>> No.9634742

10/10, really good troll