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/fa/ - Fashion

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9617826 No.9617826[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /fa/ have such an extreme /pol/ish influence?

I browse many other boards, but this is the only place I see the same amounts of racism/national socialism.

Just look in the "you will always be a nigger" thread at 50 posts, or the constant pigfuck/sieg trolls. Black/"brown" people get railed in the WAYWTs.

This is a board for fashion, not race politics. Why isn't this being more heavily moderated by our janitors/moderators?

>> No.9617833

>also, inb4 "but everyone gets railed in the waywt"

Yes, but the darker guys and girls get railed because of their skin color. that's an issue.

>> No.9617858

Because there are a few guys here that browse /fa/ that are autismo virgins hoping to get laid by dressing nice and most autismo virgins blame their shortcomings on others and often browse /pol/, thus further forming a more racist view.

I don't think they're real racists though.

>> No.9617907

people actually take racism on 4chan serious?
those "you will always be a nigger" are stupid bait threads

>> No.9617909

Because 4chan is a place for bitter, paranoid people who default onto contrarian thought because they've always looked at themselves as outsiders.

Society constantly teaches us from a young age to be racially tolerant, so the typical 4channer's opinion on that is going to be obvious.

Also there are the impressionable youngsters on 4chan who are trying to construct an identity. Since 4chan is all they know, they latch onto the trends here because they're ready-made for them and require no effort on their behalf.

>> No.9617915
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niggers please leave our board. this is a board for handsome white men and their tolerable asian friends to discuss avant garde fashion.

this board is NOT for discussing nigger fashion like kanye west and nikes. go to KTT

signed everybody.

>> No.9617919

It is mostly just insecure tripfags and high school boys trying to be edgy. Nobody takes either seriously.

>> No.9617929

its not that many people , its only like 5-10 sad guys that post allot of bait threads.
They come and go.
Just don't feed the trolls

>> No.9617948

we hate niggers here, everyone hates fucking niggers, whats so hard to understand about that? you'd have to be a liberal fucking cuck to not hate niggers.

>> No.9617965

>saying please to a nigger
nice not

>> No.9617970

i try not to, but writing the word nigger feels like biting into the forbidden fruit

>> No.9618009

>more armchair psychology
the community college students are out in full force today

>> No.9618046
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/fa/ is one of the meaner boards in general,
I doubt it has anything to do with /pol/.

It definitely breaches the regular level of anon racism from time to time but I guess that's the nature of the beast - /fa/ggots are bound to be more judgmental and bitchier than the rest.

>> No.9618080

They're actually just a bunch or scared cunts who would never say anything remotely racist to a black person they were face to face with.

It's probably really hard to be a tiny, ugly, scared little bitch IRL. Much harder than being "edgy" on an image board and writing nigger all the time.

I don't think being pathetic in this way has anything to do with /pol/. Hell, some of those guys are creative and intelligent if misguided. Here though you get bandwagon jumping children with no identity of their own.

>> No.9618083

i literally spat on the last nigger i saw


>> No.9618107


If this were true, which it isn't, it would have to be because you were surrounded by a bunch of like-minded pussies.

>> No.9618113

Spitting is incredibly childish anyways, kek. Did he call him a meanie negro too

>> No.9618167

Could you be anymore transparent? We get it, you're starved for attention, I'm not your dad, find it elsewhere.
Let me write your reply
>Something edgy to try and elicit a response
I bet you are/were one of those suburban white teenagers who listens to odd future because they're just soooooo cool for talking about rape

>> No.9618192
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Because M'racism

>> No.9618231

>that pic

Whites obey the laws too much. they should ignore those "hate speech" laws. If everyone was exercising their right of free speech the police couldn't imprison them. Niggers don't understand what laws are, so they are surprised the internet tough guys are quit in public.

From own experience I know that they aren't that quit, though. When in less-public/formal environment they do open up and mock the negroes. I even know a medical doctor who told me that guys in his profession are very "racist".

"Racism" is just a political tool In reality "racism" doesn't exist. It's just having learned something. We don't say mathematicst, just because he knows some math. Racism is natural and good.

Abolish "hate speech" laws.

>> No.9618242
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This is why I love /fa/,it's not some SJW hellhole like /mu/

Also whole of fashion industry is pretty racist.
What are you gonna do? Cry to your lesbian friends?

>> No.9618252

It's a byproduct of the general elitism that comes along with high fashion.

However the actual interest in "high fashion" is poorly reflected on this board.

>> No.9618253
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Basically /pol/ had this "Iron Pill" movement where they insisted that "true aryan men" dressed and looked a certain way.
Almost instantly a ton of skinnyfat racist white kids flocked to /fit/ and /fa/, to have a nice body and to dress nice, and to complete the archetype.
Of course, with this their brought their dumb act with them, so now /fa/ and /fit/ have stormfags saying dumb shit

>> No.9618278
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Jesus fucking christ take your SJW bullshit back to tumblr and off of 4chan, and especially off of /fa/. People can say whatever the bloody hell they want, I can say anyone on this board looks like a fag, nigger, chink, and there's nothing you can do about it. This is a board about fashion and not about being politically correct, if you're that hurt about what some random person says on an anonymous board then leave.

>> No.9618285
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get madder

>> No.9618290
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>> No.9618296

Lol, you don't filter those assholes? You must be new

I don't know where are you getting these impressions, aside of those retards ofc, IMO the good threads are always filled with open minded people until the trolls come and derail it

>> No.9618354

>talking about filtering.

Never saw you here. Another one for my filter list!

>> No.9618357

>pretending people are getting offended at language and not the fact that every thread has some idiot trying to inject his aryan mustard race political stance into every topic
>thread about sneakers
>50 posts later
>/pol/ infographic dumps everywhere
>you don't want to see this shit that's literally been posted ad nauseum on every board on this website? WELL YOU'RE AN SJW GB2TUMBLR


I literally left /fit/ like 2 years ago because of this shit. You end up having to dig so hard through all of the racist dogma for any decent information or discussion. 4chan in general has really just become unbrowsable with all of these reactionary extremist teens shitting up the place.

>> No.9618395

>browsed /fit/
Opinion discarded

>> No.9618397

fashion is a white persons game, name one good black designer

>> No.9618413

>le epic board rivalries

>> No.9618423

the janitors have forsaken us

pigfuck knows this and is trying to purge the board while he still can

>> No.9618425

>>pretending people are getting offended at language and not the fact that every thread has some idiot trying to inject his aryan mustard race political stance into every topic
>>thread about sneakers
>>50 posts later
>>/pol/ infographic dumps everywhere
>>you don't want to see this shit that's literally been posted ad nauseum on every board on this website? WELL YOU'RE AN SJW GB2TUMBLR

thats the idea dude, we want you to leave

90% of the nigger hate isnt trolling, sorry bro, fuck off.

>> No.9618440
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zam barrett

>> No.9618441

Olivier Rousteing

>> No.9618451
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>> No.9618455


Is the barrier to fashion discussion first saying 'haha yeah bro fuck niggers and non-whites!' just to make it clear you're not conversing with inferiors?

What would your ideal version of 4chan be? Do you even care about the quality of discussion here or do you want to find an internet isolation chamber from all of these subhumans?

>> No.9618491

haha he's about as black as Obama
he's a Frenchman

>> No.9618497

>Do you even care about the quality of discussion
niggers and quality are mutually exclusive. niggers do nothing but ape kanye and nike and ugly shit. they're mentally stunted faggots.

ideal 4chan, no niggers, no sjws, no marxists, no bronies, no degenerate faggots(soc) no shills, iq of 110 minimum.

>> No.9618501

There's no "le ebin fa fit board rivalry" in my post. Seriously, every board on 4chan agrees that /fit/ is a shithole.

>> No.9618509

he sure as hell isn't white

>> No.9618517

who is this semon demon

>> No.9618525

he hasn't been here long. he's a newfag

>> No.9618534

Most posts are actually made by pigfuck, in an attempt to make it seem like "he alone turned to board around". He's legit suffering from paranoid schizofrenia though.

>> No.9618552

Why do you care?
This is an anonymous image board.

>> No.9618580

anyone who's been on this board for over a year know's it was never racist and the racism is being forced by a very small group of losers.

>> No.9618582

Im polish and i find this offensive

>> No.9618588

suburban white losers

>> No.9618589

Ayy lmao, what a good goy

>> No.9618592

So racist.

>> No.9618605

Holy fuck dude you shrekt him
Tired of this faggot asking for attention everywhere , I hope someone cut his useless fingers off so he wont poison every thread , no one can listen to him or stand irl I bet

>> No.9618623

Yeah this " we want you to leave " are obvious pigfuck redflag
Sad how a grown ass man spends his time

>> No.9618668

julias chinese knock offs

not black in the slightest

>> No.9618671

>people actually take racism on 4chan serious?
fagwhores that flock here from tumblr or reddit take everything too seriously, particularly themselves.

>> No.9618672

>Here though you get bandwagon jumping children with no identity of their own.
t h e i r o n y

>> No.9618673

>don't attack people on the street
black logic

>> No.9618681
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I agree. Fuck racism.