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File: 196 KB, 961x969, diCTxKx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9610419 No.9610419 [Reply] [Original]

All /fa/ is in one picture

>> No.9610426

>no kierkegaard


>> No.9610454

i want a nihilist pack
and a futurist pack

>> No.9610478

are all those books worth reading? i've only read the stranger out of them.

why do stereotypical existentialists have to be so sad? just because life is meaningless etc. doesn't mean you can't enjoy yourself. i honestly feel like pcmusic stuff is better than that shit because it's heavily rooted in absurdism and captures millenial ennui very well

>> No.9610490

Camel is the worst brand of fags I have ever smoked

>> No.9610500

because they didn't understand the stranger and think mersault hates life when really he loves it

>> No.9610507

oh and also because le edgy teen

>> No.9610520

w2c those boots?

>> No.9610531

but seriously, how does anyone smoke anything but american spirits? I get like 5 drags off an entire camel and ~15 off an AS

>> No.9610536


Yes, he loves life by a thread no pleb sees.

>> No.9610554

Well read moody upper class white boy-tier.

>> No.9610896

i don't like the draw on the spirits, i cant get a decent drag out of it. i prefer marlboro reds although american spirit makes the best rolling tobacoo

>> No.9611108
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>> No.9611111

Nausea is the best book I've ever read.

>> No.9611119

tfw i really really genuinely like joy division :(

>> No.9611127

yeah? that's very existentialistic

>> No.9611131

all of those albums except swans are goat stay mad pleb

>> No.9611140

My thoughts exactly

>> No.9611151
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>Satre, Camus
Fuck no, they are the worst degenerate idealistic lefties France has ever given birth to.
Such a shame, compared to the brilliant republican (even socialist) writters of the XIXth century.

>> No.9611238

So you also have to browse /mu/?

>> No.9611250
File: 47 KB, 500x500, caulfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Catcher in The Rye

Literally THE Existentialist book.

>> No.9611303

those boots are sweet, w2c

>> No.9611318

nigga that shit is /lit/ not /fa/ wtf r u even trying nigga

>> No.9611322

transhumanist pack plz

>> No.9611373

He didn't. He basically committed suicide by shooting the kebab, as he knew the consequences of committing the crime. He proceeds to regret his action during his time in prison because he realises all he has to live for.
Crime and punishment is loong, but a very good book, especially if you are interested in psychology, which includes criticism of what were considered progressive ideas of that time (mid-19th century). It is also a good inspiration to become Christian.

>> No.9611381

Both boards focuses on a lifestyle, not only topics within fashion and literature.
Ofc, it ain't black and white, but you get my point.

>> No.9611410

w2c boots, reverse image search just shows its a wiki picture

>> No.9611446

Wrong. He shot the arab simply because the sun was in his eyes. There's no bigger reason. He's the epitome of "living in the moment." The only time he hates life is when the church guy is telling him to believe in God and whatever went on in that scene. He doesn't regret his action, he just wishes they'd kill him already. Again, he lives in the moment. Prior to the trial, he's always cool with being alive, not really caring about if or when he'll die. Once they tell him he'll die on said date, he gets frustrated because he knows it's coming and he'd rather just get it over with. He's not happy, or sad, he's content with his life.

>> No.9611447
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me at 18

>> No.9611459

quints confirm lel

>> No.9611466
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this is literally me

cigs and everything

>> No.9611471

cool nothing wrong with that

>> No.9611473


>Not even Gaulloises or Gitanes.


>> No.9611478

Didn't even notice, true tho.

>> No.9611480

That makes sense I guess.
But then again, this book can be open to several interpretations.
I consider Mercault a guy who did not really care about anything in life, ergo he could just end himself without it making any difference. He only cared for materialist satisfactions like good food and wine, but then that shit also got boring. He thought why the fuck not, and killed the Arab dude. Then he found out people care about him and he actually care about those people and he regrets therefore his decision.

>> No.9611495

I think he shot him just because he could.
Need to read it again, it's a very nice book.

>> No.9611505

Yeah see everyone in my course read it that way. But I read it as a like "Oh well, life," type of character. Do you get what I mean by that?
Anyway, he doesn't cry over his mom's death because she's already dead, there is no bringing her back with tears. It's futile to cry, pretty much. And then when his girlfriend asks him about marriage and he says only if it makes her happy, because he's fine with or without it.
Idk, I was the only one in my course to read it this way, my professor said he read it the same way and was taught it the same way.
But, literature is open to interpretation, to some degree.

>> No.9611506

existentialist themes aren't inherently dreary, it's just that the struggle between the individual and the state as its core ignites a sense of hopelessness. however, it's not all hopeless (as with Crime and Punishment).

>> No.9611509

Nothing wrong with drinking or smoking as long as it's in moderation.

Some people like the taste of tobacco or whiskey/rum/beer/wine etc.

>> No.9611517

I was also taught it like this. My class is fucking retarded tho, the only thing they remembered from the book was the marriage part...

>> No.9611519

hahaha fag

>> No.9611523

holy fuck

>> No.9611526

Not that related but there's a part where he mentions Sartre. Watch it, very nice.

>> No.9611527

So you see what I'm saying, right? He's not sad, he's just simply content. He loves his life because of that.

>> No.9611533

Yep, I agree.

>> No.9611555

le degenerate meme

>> No.9611556

You replied to someone else there.
Anyways, yeah I get your point.
He was in a sense very logical where emotions were fairly unnecessary. Like you said, tears won't bring his mom back. But he didn't really give two shits about his mom before she died either though, so I honestly believe he cared for no one, not even himself. This eventually led to his death. He took everything as it went without considering the consequences.

>> No.9611570

You don't think he cared about his mom? I don't think anything really established that for me, but I felt as if it was hinted that his mom had a similar perspective on life. I think he did care for himself and others, but yeah I do agree that he didn't consider the consequences.
Oh, and I knew I replied to a different person, thought it might have seem like I was unaware.

>> No.9611592

>Nothing wrong with drinking or smoking as long as it's in moderation.


There is no healthy level of intake for neither ethanol nor tobacco - except of course for the zero level of intake.

But I won't argue about this with you. I could link you to endless cancer sites, Wikipedia articles, and NIH information... But I want you to be removed from society because of your stupidity.

You will hopefully take care of that on your own.

Thank you. Good luck.

>> No.9611642

He never visited her because he thought a one and a half hour ride was too long.

>> No.9611656

>thinking Camus was born in France

>> No.9611659

It's fine to disagree with Sartre's philosophy but if you don't think No Exit is a great play then you have pleb tastes.

>> No.9611666

>Implying just living won't give you cancer

>> No.9611678

>BT, Futurecop!, Massive Attack
>Neuromancer, The Culture series, RX: A Tale of Electronegativity, The Sovereign Individual
>nootropics (placebo)

>> No.9611712

this is the kind of stupidity I'm referring to.

seriously, go smoke and drink something.

>> No.9611777

two joy division shirts....

>> No.9611802

that's more like cyberpunk though D:
or parts of it

>> No.9611957
File: 11 KB, 432x288, ngbbs4f0b4ec752ebe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this faggot

>> No.9612131

Disputing modern medicine? Okay.

Load up on drugs and kill yourself.

>> No.9612137

I agree but I don't know any one who "smokes with moderation"

>> No.9612163

I smoke like 1 or 2 cigs a month

>> No.9612168

yhh pcmusic repped on /fa/
spinee - save me is certi banger

>> No.9612170

>The Stranger


>> No.9612180

>Crime and Punishment is loong
Ain't shit compared to Dostoevsky's other stuff, like the Brothers Karamazov. Still though, Crime and Punishment is a fucking incredibly good read.

>> No.9612181

I smoke 3 cigs a week tops. When I drink I end up smoking more than that in one night but I haven't gotten drunk in 3 months.

Smoking in moderation is really easy when you're maximum jew

>> No.9612182


Everything in moderation is the way to go. There's no point in living if you're going to be a pussy. Also 99% of tobacco addiction is perceptual, there are no physical withdrawal symptoms like alcohol. This is going to sound batshit crazy, but I'm think the tobacco industry actually leaked the news that it was addictive as a marketing move to divert the real issue which is lung cancer. If everyone around you tells you its addictive, you're going to think its not you're CONSCIOUS choice to light up and the responsibility is out of your hand, when in REALITY, its choice all along

>> No.9612195

lmao look man, you're just being a giant preaching faggot. i'm just doing you the favor of pointing out for you.

>> No.9612590

literally THE edgy high schooler's first "deep" book
the reason he's a teenager isn't because it's some comment on liminality, it's so you identify with it as a nihilistic 15 year old
read 9 stories or franny and zooey, infinitely better.

>> No.9612598

waste of trips
you're a waste of life, tbh

>> No.9612900

All you need is Hegel

>> No.9612918

I got halfway through and had to stop because it was so terrible. Sartre's nonfiction is fucking fantastic and I was incredibly disappointed.

>> No.9612923

wtc boots?

>> No.9612949

this is just embarrassing


petition to ban suburban ips

oh while you are on an internet crusade against smoking you should research whats really in your food and lifestyle products

food for thought


hope mom doesnt buy your food from big ag ;)

>> No.9613033


did you read in french?

>> No.9613141

None of them are worth reading. Existentialism is pessmism-lite. Read pessimist authors instead.

>> No.9613143

>existentialism is pessimism-lite

>> No.9613145

There are better, less harmful drugs to enjoy.

>> No.9613150

Existentialists in a nutshell. Brainless morons who think "creating your own meaning" is something they came up with.

>> No.9613154

Existentialists aren't pessimists though. Nihilists are.

>> No.9613164

>nihilists are pessimists
Go back to 9gag you underage faggot.

>> No.9613191

>thinking existentialists are pessimists
Pretentious idiot

>> No.9613196

>actually reading/contemplating "existentialism"
You're a fucking hack who willfully swallowed marxist propaganda.

>> No.9613202

>implying I actually believe and follow those bullshit ideas
I mean, I guess it was an okay assumption. You're still wrong.

>> No.9613288
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You must be awesome and super social with people.

>hey anon, I'm going to a party wanna tag along?

>"There is no healthy level of intake for neither ethanol nor tobacco - except of course for the zero level of intake. But I won't argue about this with you. I could link you to endless cancer sites, Wikipedia articles, and NIH information... But I want you to be removed from society because of your stupidity. You will hopefully take care of that on your own. Thank you. Good luck."

>> No.9613308

congrats you pleb fagget

>> No.9613311


this guy DEFINITELY has aspergers, what a weirdo

>> No.9613322

That is a fucking stylish pack of cigarettes.

>> No.9613326

He lived a hedonistic lifestyle, he only enjoyed the things that gave him satisfaction I guess.

>> No.9613327
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faith isn't /fa/.

>> No.9613343


>> No.9613353
File: 1.75 MB, 500x500, jfc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking there isn't valuable ideas in existentialism, nihilism, pessimism,
>promoting one school of philosophy over another
>implying on a korean water-colour appreciation board
>thinking your ideas are valuable
It's like you never want to improve.

>> No.9613364
File: 165 KB, 700x733, 1396800222732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i loved The Stranger, thus spoke zarathustra was 2deep4me. but dostoevskys Notes From Underground was the one that hit me the most. the second half is the essence of myself, every single action that was taken I can imagine myself doing if pushed further than where I am now.
also those boots are ugly, I wear chelseas

>> No.9613372

American spirits feel dense. Reds are my favourite but I've had them ever since I started, so I'm biased.

>> No.9613629

Thank you <3

>> No.9613632
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>he does not know about french Algeria

>> No.9613634

I drink alcohol at parties/with friends
I just don't tell myself that it's remotely not unhealty

>> No.9613636


>> No.9613668
File: 37 KB, 587x599, spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these spooks

>> No.9613674

I smoke regularly and drink socially but there is absolutely no denying that they're both terrible habits, anybody who says its ok probably has autism.

>> No.9613677

tfw waiting for noopept on mail

no trans tho

>> No.9613706

Every single person in Denmark now thinks you're a tryhard and a nerd.

>> No.9613722

zola is great
one of my favorite authors
totally neglected

>> No.9613727

>Wrong. He shot the arab simply because the sun was in his eyes.
ahh yes that makes so much sense. my pistol always goes off at random strangers when there's a glare from the sun

>> No.9613728

being honest with yourself
not being a hypocrite
this I can respect

>> No.9613731
File: 201 KB, 800x800, rattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related was me just now when reading that post
I actually drank some water when I read it and the glass rattled against my teeth as I laughed

I like you

>> No.9613733

agreed :)

>> No.9613738

why? because kierkegaard is the only important person to come out of denmark? why do you guys have such an inferiority complex?

t. american philosophy student and kierkegaard scholar

>> No.9613742

wanna be frends :)

>> No.9613746

Why do all of you say t. instead of regards? Are you all from finland

>> No.9613837

it's a meme

>> No.9613841



>> No.9613848

>only important person to come out of Denmark
What about René Redzepi, Lars von Trier, Freja Beha Erichsen and Hans Christian Andersen?

>> No.9613854

always nice to have a new friend

>> No.9613862

maybe I stand a little corrected, but denmark still doesnt produce a lot of talent

redzepi is a legendary chef who completely revolutionized the culinary world. lars von trier I really don't care for. being a model is hardly anything noteworthy (all it takes is a pretty face and a dumb personality), and every country has their famous story teller

>> No.9613866

>smoking big tobacco

>> No.9614024

>ignoring that the book is absurd
That's a funny comment, yeah. Reading The Stranger with a real world perspective gives you a wrong interpretation.

>> No.9614037

>Wrong. He shot the arab simply because the sun was in his eyes

He shot the Arab because he saw the glint of a knife. That's not the absurd part. The absurd part is shooting him 4 more times knowing he was dead with the 1st.

>> No.9614332

>wearing faux leather boots

>> No.9614425

read merleau-ponty instead of camus.

>> No.9614454

existentialism is FOR edgy high schoolers though. By the time most people are adults, they've already thought about existentialism and gotten over it. If you're over 25 and just start thinking about the meaninglessness of life for the first time, it probably means you wasted your youth not being able to think for yourself

>> No.9614456

Spirits smoke too slow for me. Feels like I can never get a good draw, like trying to drink a milkshake through a straw that's too small. I find it frustrating

>> No.9614468

"for me to feel less lonely, all that remained to hope was that on the day of my execution there should be a huge crowd of spectators and that they should greet me with howls of execration"

sounds pretty happy to me

>> No.9614480


Céline, Rebatet, usually what I'm reading

>> No.9614504

>meaninglessness of lise
you're missing the point
the book that makes existentalism the most clear is Plague, that's why you should read it first before reading Stranger and jumping to retarded conclusions

>> No.9614513

It is ok though. Not for your health, but it is ok.

>> No.9614525

Only if it's a consciouss choice. A lot of people say they can quit smoking anytime, but you know they can't. They're just weak, and that's bad.

>> No.9614537

>In existentialism, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential attitude", or a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world


>> No.9614545

>quoting Wikipedia
>generalising existentialism like that

>> No.9614555

Well, what am I wrong about

>> No.9614558

wikipedia doesn't count as a source, didn't you go to school?

>cmon son.jpg

>> No.9614569


>> No.9614570

it's apparent meaninglessness. if you think that the world has some sort of set meaning, you're wrong. You could only suspect that. Existentialsm says that human can't prove (or see) that there is an apparent meaning of life. It's much different from nihilism in its conclusions, which many people miss. A simplification: with no aparent meaning there comes a great self responsibility, and the must to attach a meaning to your life. Existentialsm isn't about seeing that life has no apparent meaning, it's about what you can do with this logical argument.

>> No.9614574

Wikipedia didn't count as a source in school because your teachers 10 years ago were afraid of the computer, and wanted kids to waste their time with physical books because they had to when they were in school.

>In existentialism, the individual's starting point is characterized by what has been called "the existential attitude", or a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world

Robert C. Solomon, Existentialism (McGraw-Hill, 1974, pp. 1–2).

How's that

>> No.9614582

so yeah, the "life has no meaning" thing is a starting point, not a slogan of existentialism, just like the quote pointed out.

>> No.9614584

>Wikipedia didn't count as a source in school because your teachers 10 years ago were afraid of the computer, and wanted kids to waste their time with physical books because they had to when they were in school.
1000 times this.

>> No.9614591

You're right. Nothing you said here contradicts my original post though. My point here >>9614454 was that there's nothing wrong with existentialist books being for edgy nihilist teenagers, because that's when normal free thinkers first realize that life has no inherent meaning, and by the time they're adults they have already invented meaning for themselves. People who reach emotional maturity without having realized this are behind.

>> No.9614610

Atleast it had an aim, you faggot. I'd rather depict the abuses of the industrial society instead of writting shitty books about obvious pseudo-philisophical wankery.

>> No.9614620

You'd be surprised how many people never think about those things. I agree that someone who is past the existantial crisis doesn't get that much from the introduction to existentialism. Not everyone can find his thing though, and you don't have to be an "edgy nihilist teenager" to have this problem. Plague provides some examples, ways you can go. You also have to remember that the books are more than just dry theories, they're much more subtle than "life has no meaning, make it have one".

>> No.9614633


>teachers 10 years ago were afraid of the computer, and wanted kids to waste their time with physical books.

No, it's because 10 years ago (and the last few years as well for that matter) Wikipedia was a volatile source where people added and deleted info as they came. It's only in recent years that Wikipedia started having references and notes, thus becoming thrustworthy on an academic level. Still, Wikipedia contains highly shortened information and books on one specific topic by one specific author remain the standard for any academic work.

Just read a damn book once in a while instead of skipping from link to link on a website. Both have their merits, I know, but like I said. For academic work, books are the standard. For a quick brushing up on information, Wikipedia is fine.

Your initial statement just sounds like
>Wahwah, my teacher made me read actual chapters in school. Kill people burn shit fuck school.

>> No.9614645

when I smoke some cigs on a party I always get a slight headache and craving for nicotine 2 days later, I don't know if you count headaches as a physical symptom. It diseappears the day after though

>> No.9614650

nice, would experiment/10

>> No.9614653

That's fair. Though I've had plenty of teachers mandate that we are required to use physical books as sources and no electronic sources at all, regardless if they are full books or not.