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File: 42 KB, 484x860, 4fe6a1d0a7d352ba4f5f9913aff4aab421c07a83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9591946 No.9591946 [Reply] [Original]

is a burberry trenchcoat worth the money?

>> No.9591970

that's for you to decide

>> No.9591977

Not OP. Would it stil be wearable in like 5-7 years?

>> No.9591985

it's pretty timeless imo

>> No.9591989

Nah, I don't see Burberry trenches really catching on.

>> No.9591990

What about quality? Will it last?

>> No.9591999

yes, it's burberry, good quality

>> No.9592004

if you're going for that autist look, yeah

>> No.9592008

Do you have the money?

>> No.9592010

>Would it stil be wearable in like 5-7 years?
Of course it would, they have been popular since the first world war.

>> No.9592011
File: 8 KB, 240x210, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to get one with the Burberry pattern on the collar or sleeves for a good wealthcore look.

Pic related

>> No.9592015

the fact you're asking these questions suggests you shouldn't buy one.

>> No.9592017
File: 162 KB, 1200x1500, Mens-Trench-Coat-Burberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any short Burberry trenches?
These are all so fucking long.
I can't show off muh long legs

>> No.9592020

This. Though tbh nobody who can afford Burberry will be asking /fa/

>> No.9592025

The whole point is that it's long, and only tall people will look good in trench coats. If you actually have long legs you'll look fine.

>> No.9592030

If you are questioning it then it's not worth the money

>> No.9592031

1.77m / 5'9.5, dyel as fuck and proportionally short torso and long legs.
>tall people will look good in trench coats.
tall and thin yes

>> No.9592048
File: 41 KB, 484x860, 00400f9708c4042556048f652d470316e3847349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to ruin an otherwise nice looking garment.

Where the fuck are you looking? Pic related is on their website.

>> No.9592076

the older ones were good
no idea what the newer ones are like

there are several lines, high to low
only one is worth buying (highest)

the rest are just standard cheapo synthetic materials made in shitty countries

>> No.9592114

he said he's 5'9, that coat will probably reach his ankles

>> No.9592117
File: 939 KB, 245x260, 646846846846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9592121

I'm 6'2 but im 140 lbs so things either fit terribly or I look like a girl, are these slim fitting? Also, are they usually mid thigh length?

>> No.9592126

>140 lbs

You already look like a girl no matter what you're wearing mate

>> No.9592140

Fuck off you fat cunt

>> No.9592145

fatso detected
sub 18 bmi master race reporting in

>> No.9592198

>what are sizes

>> No.9592205

Hit the gym, start eating and gain some weight, please.

>> No.9592237

I went for 5 years being totally insecure about my weight, I always thought skinny was best and now that I'm like this I just get called skinny instead, now that I've lost basically all fat im going to start visiting the gym more often, im just doing basic workouts for now but it isn't enough.

>> No.9592258

Stop being insecure, at least you're not fat. You should probably gain about 15 kg though to look your best. Gain it in muscle and you'll see your clothes will sit much better on you.

>> No.9592265

learn how to eat properly

>> No.9592508

OP here I’m 172cm and 62kg (5ft 8in 137lb), so I am thin but not long. I have the money but don’t want to spend it on shit quality. I read ambiguous stories about the quality of newer Burberry products.

What I like about the trenchcoat is that it’s a perfect coat for autumn, since it’s not too thick and rain-resistant.

>> No.9592523

>le reddit subtitled 0.5 second repeating gif xD

>> No.9592854


Just don't buy from the brit collection and you're good.

>> No.9592863

burberry london no
made in china diffusion crap

burberry prorsum only if chris designs to your particular tastes

personally i find it too gaudy/english sort of trend hopper season to season

>> No.9592869
File: 3.96 MB, 503x360, mRGEvXF[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dont cop a blue one

>> No.9592873
File: 773 KB, 924x696, jiylhw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9592888
File: 15 KB, 261x183, asd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's from a london trench

So either you're delusional elitist or I don't know the lawful requirements for a garment to be "made in england"

>> No.9592892

>buying burberry made in Romania shite
get dior monsieur or something

>> No.9592905

I'm still heartbroken he's gone back to LoL

>> No.9592915


It's the kind of clothes you should buy only if you already own a nice car and house.

>> No.9593001

>9592869 >>9592873
Bruh... Don't blame the coat. You just don't have the body for it.

>> No.9593006

Hell, you don't got the taste to pull it either.

>> No.9594935

>or I don't know the lawful requirements for a garment to be "made in england"
it is dishearteningly lax

you can't trust anything these days

an item 90% made elsewhere and sent to the uk for "finishing" (sewing on the logo and the 'made in england' tag, boxing it all up etc.,) can legally be called made in england

you can only buy from brands you trust

unless of course you don't mind paying made in england prices for something mostly made in eastern europe or worse

>trusting a little label

i've seen one american and one british company that stick little stickers on the box or item saying "made in usa" or "made in england" etc., allowing for a retailer to remove it quickly and easily in the event of any complaints

total bs these days

>> No.9594966

>will this thing that's been popular for 100 years still be popular in 5

>> No.9597470

Specific trenchcoats are not timeless breh, that's like saying "suits are timeless style". Sure they are, but any given suit most certainly is NOT timeless, no matter the maker.

Just because "burberry trenchcoats" have been around forever doesn't mean that one's not going to look dated in 5 years, and completely ridiculous in 10.

>> No.9599534


>> No.9599597

I have one that's at least 5 years old and still in very good shape

>> No.9599840

>an item 90% made elsewhere and sent to the uk for "finishing" (sewing on the logo and the 'made in england' tag, boxing it all up etc.,) can legally be called made in england

oh damn

>> No.9600046

that's an exaggeration, but it captures the sentiment:
you can't trust labels stating origin of manufacture

look up how supposedly swiss made watches get "swiss made" printed on their dials
(they virtually don't have to be swiss made at all)

>> No.9600088
File: 2.86 MB, 1936x1936, f2f8ade9_BurberryLondontrench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9600099

top ele

>> No.9600108
File: 23 KB, 340x255, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9600112

Fucking faggot that looks terrible

>> No.9600144 [DELETED] 

I use this shit but it seems really inconsistent and doesn't seem to hold too well


what else should I try

>> No.9600148

that's the point you retard

>> No.9600175

Why the hell has he tied the belt

>> No.9601790

get the fuck out manatee and take your tumblr gif with you