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File: 54 KB, 388x368, barber-shop21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9585156 No.9585156 [Reply] [Original]

Do you tip your barber?

>> No.9585161


>> No.9585164

My barber doesn't accept tips from me anymore. I like my barber a lot.

>> No.9585185

yes and if you don't you're a fucking scumbag

>> No.9585187


>> No.9585193

$5 normally $10 if i feel like it

>> No.9585195

You kind of have to.

>> No.9585200
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no, im not an americuck

>> No.9585203

Yeah, I give 18 instead of 15

>> No.9585289

Yes. If you don't you're a jew. Or a European jew

>> No.9585330

So all European are Jews?

>> No.9585333

There is nothing wrong with being a jew.

>> No.9585336

European tourists don't tip in America so yeah. You're jews.

>> No.9585364

>Trying to recreate what happened on /b/

>> No.9585367

I cut my own hair, you kike-enabling shill.
I'd only tip my fedora if I actually had one.

>> No.9585380

No, because tips aren't a thing in my country, we just charge what we think our services are worth. My barber is expensive as fuark though ($63), but still worth it since they're the only proper barber in the region. Normal cheaper salons don't know classic men's haircuts, they've only got experience with women's haircuts or modern men's cuts.

>> No.9585386

He does a really nice job, and he's cheap. I tip him $10 usually because he deserves it.

>> No.9585392

Nobody in Europe tips, it's not the norm. Why would I tip someone if he already gets paid for what he does?

>> No.9585394

Of course they don't, most Europeans aren't even aware that you tip fucking everywhere in America.

>> No.9585395

I tip my fedora

>> No.9585411

Yes I had my tip, snipped ;)

>> No.9585416

Britfag here. I never tip anyone but my barber. And only then I tip about £1.50 or so. My hair cut costs around £30 and he always does a fantastic job. I tip him because I admire his skill and profession

>> No.9585419

I tip the stylist £10 usually since I don't get my haircut that often and it only costs £25 anyway.

>> No.9585422
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>> No.9585562

No, European people have normal salaries so we don't have to depend on other people's charity.

>> No.9585573

>not being aware of the country's customs when you travel
What FUCKING scum.

>> No.9585593


That's a really bad argument. There are lot's of places in america that intentionally go for cheaper locals, buildings and business models because they're low on capital or poor. Then they put a shitload of effort into their business at their own expense to build a name. Since we have a small trace of individuality in this country, we tip these people to encourage their contribution to our culture at the expense of their time and profits so the country isn't taken over by wal-mart.

Basically for coming from a country trying hard to be diverse and intellectually superior, you gave this very little thought and it reflects poorly on you.

>> No.9585596

My barber charges $12.25, I just ask for a $5 back. He does the best job in town, and $15 is hardly an expensive haircut.

>> No.9585620


Never before was that picture so relevant


>> No.9585665

>we tip these people to encourage their contribution to our culture at the expense of their time and profits
Most American's only tip because it's the social norm. You'd be looked down upon and seen as a fuck if you didn't tup.

>> No.9585683

Whatever dude, keep imagining, you aren't encouraging shit, you are only sustaining form of false charity, nothing else.

When I come at the barber, I pay the price that's listed, and we are both happy.

>> No.9585850


>> No.9586465

haha and I suppose I should tip the garbageman, the macdolands employees and everyone else in between

having a wage structure that relies on tips creates a social class divide and discriminates agains low paid workers who arn't "face to face"

>> No.9586981

Yeah, I usually give him a handjob after.

Perks of being your own barber lol. Am I right guys?

>> No.9587784

I already pay $25 for a haircut.

>> No.9587884

in what poorfag country of europe do you live?
in switerland nearly everyone tips, but only if the service was good

>> No.9587948

Funny, I went to college in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and worked part time as a hotel receptionist during the summer, knew a lot of taxi drivers, waiters, batista, luggage boys and people who were generally handling cash.
A lot of wealthy Swiss people come to Dubrovnik, and the general opinion is that they are very cheap and do not tip. I can confirm based on my opinion.
Usually the best tippers are people from poorfag countries, like Bosnia, Serbia etc..
So you can get the fuck outta here and keep stuffing your laundered drug money and Nazi ww2 gold under your pillow, nobody gives a shit about Switzerland anyway.

>> No.9587957

Underrated post

>> No.9587960

In the Netherlands nobody tips almost ever. Except in restaurants to make the amount of money to be paid a whole number.

>> No.9587962
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>> No.9587968

Lol kek xd gave miem mijn broeder!!

>> No.9587971
File: 21 KB, 574x258, YthdDtD_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair cut is $15 I give him $25 and he normally throws in some pomade.

Tip... Unless you're poor or a nigger.

>> No.9587977

Translate pls
Regards finland

>> No.9587989

I'm Jewish and I tip 50%

>> No.9587993

yeah i usually go up to the next round number so i don't get back fucking coin money

fuck that shit so bad the dark ages are fucking over why do i have to carry around pieces of metal as currency

>> No.9588009

No, because in my country they don't have to live off of tips

>> No.9588018

I tip my fedora

>> No.9588065

yes but only because she's cut my hair for a good while.

>> No.9588083

underrated post

>> No.9588589

i usually pay 30 for my cut, not including the davidoffs and the hair products he tries to sell me

>tip between 5-8 dollars because he is a FOB with a 115k Nissan GTR and a 4 million dollar house
>i could tip him benji's and he wouldn't notice

>> No.9588621

>4 million dollar house


>> No.9588632

63 is really expensive for a gair cut, i play 23-25 which is expense compared to my friends but I am in college so everyone is kind of cheap

>> No.9588659

I lol'd hard.


Fuck tipping unless the person really deserves a little extra for theyre hard work.

>> No.9588678

asian salon in california

dude is chinese royalty, hes like 27 (im 21 with less than 2k in my bank account) and he bought his entire family a 6 bedroom house for like 3 to 4 million

>this is the norm because i live in the asian eastern suburbs of Los Angeles

serious wealth, thats why they do shit like cut hair for fun

>> No.9588700

I paid £7.50 for a cut yesterday and didn't tip.

There are like 7 barbers on this scummy high street in Southampton. If they don't like it, I will just go somewhere else.

I mean, I will probably tip a quid or so... but I don't get it. I'm paying for a service

>> No.9588704

You're paying for specialty service. They're tailoring the cut to what you want. That is why you tip.

These arguments about tipping garbage men and McDonald's employees fall to the wayside when you realize these people don't tailor their services to you.

>> No.9588714

Aaaah very valid point.

Next time I shall tip for sure

>> No.9588732

it's impossible to translate, it would ruin the joke

>> No.9588759

I'm from san marino, so I know those kind of people too lol. Dude's dad probably owns a factoy in china and he just cuts hair cause he can't do shit with a degree from PCC.

>> No.9588770

Yes, normally I wouldn't but he regularly gives me freebies and gets it right every time

>> No.9588843

>not getting the extra patty and cum in his mcburger

>> No.9588868
File: 193 KB, 360x274, ifthisnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euroscum, if you come over here you better fucking tip.

Most service workers are not paid a living wage, they make that through tips which incentives them to give good service. It's our system and it works well for us.

Things typically cost less here than in Europe and when it's all said and done, food/service + tip you're 90% of the time paying less than what you would in Europe. Don't be penny pinching little jews.

>but hurr durr we don't tip in Europe blahblahblah
We don't give a shit; tip or get the fuck out.

>> No.9588886

>I made bad life choices waaaah waaaaah pay me more for a job that requires less skill waaah

>> No.9588893
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>> No.9588901
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Again, we don't give a fuck if you're unable to understand our customs.

All we care is that you follow them when you visit.

Pretty simple, right?

>> No.9588907

Normal salon prices over here are maybe ~$35 for a men's haircut to give you some perspective. It's definitely expensive, but as long as they're the only ones who can cut my hair the way I want it I'll go to them. I'm also in uni.

>> No.9588911
File: 28 KB, 532x338, irony[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking people to respect local customs

>> No.9588927
File: 30 KB, 640x401, 1360551704245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, what's ironic is that Europeans fancy themselves as having a diverse understand and respect for other cultures. Except when it comes to throwing a few extra bucks at a barber, bellhop or waitress.

>> No.9588940

but we actually tip in Europe
five to ten percents

>> No.9588942

>Most service workers are not paid a living wage
Why is this our problem? Sounds like the EMPLOYER should pay the employee.

>> No.9588947


Something is seriously wrong with your (minimum) wage system if having a job isn't enough to live and you have to depend on the generosity of other people.

>> No.9588957
File: 68 KB, 300x300, 1355051484005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already explained the why.

AGAIN, you don't have to understand our customs, just fucking follow them.

>> No.9588961

You mean -50% and steal from the tip jar

>> No.9588964

>gets jewed on a daily basis and likes it
>hurr you're teh ones with a problem
The empliyer does have t

>> No.9588970
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The system works as intended.

Problems only arise when retarded cheapass foreigners refuse to follow it.

>> No.9588974

*employer does have to pay minimum wage, Americlaps are simply too dumb to ask questions and instead prefer to just take everything at face value

>> No.9588979

>AGAIN, you don't have to understand our customs, just fucking follow them.
I live in the US and don't tip unless the service is extraordinary. And I mean it better be fucking amazing. I'm not going to tip someone for doing their job like normal.

>> No.9588988

>The system works as intended
Yep, sure does. Keeping a couple of almost slaves working for you should save the guys up the ladder a couple of bucks. It works splendid here in the US.

>> No.9588991

>I live in the US
Yeah but are you an American?

>> No.9588992
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>live in US
>never tip

>> No.9588993

yea, I've been going to the same shop for about 6 years, had several different barbers.

13bucks for a cut, I give the guy a 20 and tell em to keep the change.

They can actually do a fade, which is rare for a nicer / non-black neighborhood.

>> No.9588996

why don't you tell us how smart you were for not going to college

then bitch about how people don't pay you enough ($100,000/year) to walk over to a counter and hand them a plate

>> No.9588999


'Tailoring the cut to what you want' is part of their job, it's not some kind of special service. It'd be pretty fun if there is a tailor who just does that one same hair style on every person.

>> No.9589001

relevant post...

>> No.9589005

Yes. Born here. My parents and their parents and so on were born here. Before you try to make that argument.

>> No.9589017
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>all this projection

You're just a piece of shit then.

>> No.9589024

I don't see the irony. A person doesn't have to take over American culture to respect it.

Also, just because someone is a guest in a country, doesn't mean that his own cultural standards should be completely discarded. Of course, there are boundaries.

Also, tipping is a rather common courtesy in many European countries.

Sounds like a shit system.

>> No.9589025


The only people who think of Eurpeans that way are Americans who will rebel against anything to set themselves apart.

>> No.9589324 [DELETED] 

If the system is dependent on people's good will then it's a shitty system.

>> No.9589327

If a system is dependent on people's good will then it's by default a shitty system.

>> No.9589340

Hopefully tailors aren't doing any haircuts at all, it's not their profession after all.

>> No.9589363

What's up with this unfunny meem? I'm German and we tip in restaurants, taxis, at the barbers.

I tip 1 Euro. My barber costs 19 Euro so I just give him 20

>> No.9589388

Um, hello nigger, I'm from San marino too

What the fuck? Small fucking world on a relatively dead board
Are you white?

>> No.9589394

Same guy

Do you know that most of the Asian businesses off huntington are fronts for cocaine, opium, and high class prostitution?
I saw bobacat or some shit get raided by swat...shit was in the brick foundation, a FOB just bought the house across from us for 1.5 mill IN CASH

>> No.9589410


>> No.9589413


>> No.9589422

>Insisting us to tip your workers because they aren't even paid what they deserve

You are the fucking penny pinching little jews. If I'm ever there I'm not gonna tip anyone just to watch your little capitalist system fail.

>> No.9589426

I presume you're white as well, because you're trying way too hard to sound black.

>> No.9589427
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there is only 10 stock haircuts, you have to tip if you want something "flashy"

>> No.9589444


im just glad someone understands what i mean when i talk about the east side

my friend from the east coast visited for a week and he was culture shocked to say the least haha

which area in SM do you live in? did you used to go to SMHS?

>> No.9589457

people who are clueless onto hair cutting and styling

people at the salon i go think im "the white ghost" as im the only white customer they have
my first haircut got me compliments from people walking in

sure tipping matters if you have a regular guy that you go to, but the quality of the cut could still be shit because A) your tastes are shit, B)your barber/stylist is shit, or C) you have shit aesthetics

>> No.9589505

I've never payed for a haircut.
>tfw dad is arguably the classiest and the best barber in town
>tfw a time comes that someone else will cut my hair

>> No.9589834

I have to pay him double 'cause I gypped him last time.

>> No.9589868
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>muh 2$ and hour meme
>he doesn't know that if the waiter doesn't make at least minimum wage from the tips he earns the employer must make up the difference

>> No.9589926

>get a hair cut once a year because i grow my hair out
>tip 10 bucks or so because i spend less on haircuts than the average person

>> No.9589934

I'm really nearsighted and put a lot of faith in whomever is cutting my hair
A good haircut is worthy of a 50% tip

>> No.9590632


I do. I have serious trust issues with barbers and I tip purely on the basis of, "I showed you a picture, and you didn't fuck up! Thank God!"

Kinda messed up.

>> No.9590682

Unfortunately, theres a little thing called tip credits in America. The law dictates that employers can factor tips in to hourly wages. For example, the federal limit on that is $2.13/hr, so thats the wage an employer can pay plus whatever they make in tips. So, for example a dennys waiter gets paid (in some states) $2.13+tips, so say they get tipped $10 per hour theyre making technically 12.13$/hr. However if they dont get tipped at all for that hour, they only end up making 2.13$/hr. It varies from state to state and some states outlaw any kind of tip credits such as California. Also, whenever you tip someone that person doesnt get the money directly... That depends on store policy if it goes in to tip pools in which they have to share it with other workers such as chef, bus boy, etc. for more information on tip credits and service based industry,and a listing of restaurants that "do good" by their employees, google search "ROCUNITED" http://rocunited.org/dinersguide/

>> No.9590686

$50 dollar tip. Everytime

>> No.9590695

In conclusion: look up your states law on tip credits, and if you tip, tip accordingly if you feel the service was above and beyond. Its probably much different in europe which is why they dont tip and we tip to make up for the greedy employers jewishness.

>> No.9591419
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Hey guys, im bored with my highschool haircut i had since i was 16. what should i do to my hair?
>inb4 retard eye
inflammed, im going to the doctor right now.

>> No.9591449

No. I always thought it was rude to tip, sound like a dick saying "keep the change."
Restaurants I can understand because the waiter walks away after putting down the bill so I can leave a tip on the plate without having to say anything, apart from goodbye just before leaving.

>> No.9591468

You just scream insecurity. Didnt even notice your eye until you said something about it

>> No.9591482

I get my hair cut by a qt. I'd sure love to give her the tip

>> No.9591906

thanks for answering my question.

>> No.9592399


>> No.9592404

There is actually an answer if you'd pay attention and stop trying to be smartassed and /fa/ savvy. Stop asking us when you're an insecure piece of shit who doesn't know how to conduct himself. We don't know.

>> No.9592478


>> No.9592657

Society is a system based on good will. Look up the social contract theory and educate yourselves for once.

>> No.9592714 [DELETED] 


>> No.9592715

here's some attention

you wanted that right?

>> No.9592733

r u retarded

>> No.9592775

Are you actually referring to Rousseau?

To be honest, I don't remember what The Social Contract was about specifically, but I do know I always thought his ideals were rather unrealistic.

Also I remember people critiqueing the idea of implementing principles of Rousseau's social contract in a modern society, simply because people self-centered animals who need laws to be contained.

>> No.9592791

Look up the role of altruism in evolutionary history.

>> No.9592795

My mom cuts my hair, but yes, i would.

>> No.9594528

My friend cuts my hair. He works in one the best salons in the city, and only charges me $15.50 and I always give him $20 cash.