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9575008 No.9575008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

general fashion and lifestyle discussion thread, fashion bunker, seek refuge from the refuse ITT.

cool guys, 4litre horny boys, most wanted cowboys, freemasons and others welcome.

who's not welcome? i think we know at this point who isnt

blog: http://zogboybleedalot.tumblr.com/

guide: http://pastebin.com/P7tNDB1s

>> No.9575028

what happened to being a cryptozoologist

give up on yr dreams?

>> No.9575035

i still do freelance work, someone calls me up with a case of high strangeness i am always happy to help....for a price heh he heh

>> No.9575229

you posted some cryptozoology guy's website you really recommended in the last thread and i can't find it on the FUCKING archive, think it was something about a research team commissioned to deal with skinwalkers, marty help the squatches are getting restless out back :(

>> No.9575237

no website

just recommended reading path of the skinwalker and david paullides work

>> No.9575291

how old are you? serious question

>> No.9575312

23 forever

>> No.9575317

Which part of Oz do you live in?
And do you actually believe half the edgy shit you post or are you mainly trolling?

>> No.9575323

i live in utah now, im an expat thank god. absolutely.

>> No.9575330

eyo I got a Q concerning your lifestyle

Since you in your guide link to redpills, do you firmly believe in every claim in it? If so, how does this affect your life on a day2day basis

>> No.9575332

being racially aware and an informed consumer isnt being edgy

>> No.9575334

really, 23?

>> No.9575339

armed and dangerous
when passing a group of minorities be ready for anything
spread knowledge and awareness in all my spheres of influence to wake as many people up as possible
avoid bpa and pet
consume no mainstream media besides the occasional cable tv show or film which i torrent

hard to think of all things off top my head

>> No.9575342

i can't get over the irony that seems to escape pigfuck. he's a wanna be sam hyde but he'd also fit right in among the people interviewed on the MDE street fashion videos

>> No.9575345

lol he's not at all on that level

Idt he wears like 99% of his stuff out, he's said itself it's too much and he'd look dumb, he collects or just sells

>> No.9575351

my style in three words or lesss???

uhhh geek chic ummphh

>> No.9575359

you can take the shitposter out of austalia but you cant take the australia out of the shitposter
please fuck off

>> No.9575388

What brand is that? They stole that New Order reference from Supreme whos Power Currution Lies hoodie (and shorts and skateboard) had that flower print.

Supreme has a long history of obvious yet subtile references to 80s and (especialy) 90's culture. I've seen more and more brands try and do shit the same way the last couple of years but it hardly ever seems as genuine and informed as when Supreme does it.

inb4 Supreme fuccboi. I'm an old dude. Supreme used to be fuckin' awsome. It's kinda embarassing right now. Might get better again later, we'll see.

>> No.9575393

subtlety is your friend
or perhaps you knew it was too obvious and that was the intent? meta? double negative? spooky as fuuuark.

>> No.9575395

where in the world do you live?

>> No.9575400


raf simons 2003 F/W

>> No.9575406

utah bro i already said, got myself a little ranch out here about 50 miles south of SLC

>> No.9575409

btw id appreciate it if you dont samefag reply to this yourself/start arguing with yourself.

>> No.9575439

2003? If thats the case I take back everything I said. Raf id it 10 years before Supreme lol.

I havent samefagged, namefag

>> No.9575443

i know its you

>> No.9575445

best tripfags of all time?

>> No.9575481

there is little doubt

>> No.9575489

Hi, can anyone that has traded with pigfuck before please post his dox here? Thanks.

>> No.9575553

i like your enthusiasm but you should really ease up on the /pol/ talk and mde worship

are you just fucking around, or are you serious about whatever it is you're trying to do? as a proud white young 20s year old, i get it. that's they way things are going these days with internet kids. not to say that just because it's not that unique that you should give up on that stance, i think it could be good to have, but flesh it out a bit more bud

>> No.9575559

53 pissdog street
ur mums drenched asshol
brownish wet wipes

>> No.9575580

got any tips, you seem like you've got it all figured out. i really need guidance right now, i feel really vulnerable and just sort of.....scared? uhhh who am i? what am i? what are we? what are we doing on this planet?

>> No.9575581

don't be scared mate. it wont be that bad

>> No.9575582 [DELETED] 
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This is you right?


>> No.9575584

This is you right?


>> No.9575587

yep haha one from my party/meth days, howd you find it?

>> No.9575592

i know the guy you're fucking

>> No.9575594

he was a great lay, tell him to get checked because i was a dirty pozz pig in that time of my life.

>> No.9575597

he's been bugchasing for the past couple of years anyway i dont think it matters

>> No.9575608
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>tfw proudest day of my life was the day i got my biohazard tattoo

>> No.9575645

for how long have you been into that shit tho? And how was the process of acquiring the confidence to walk around and represent the sort-of-modern-prophet-stuff you do now? Or did you just grow up with parents with the same mindset?

>> No.9575654

country people are for the most part much more right wing and less susceptible to government indoctrinated marxist shit. the country is also more monoethnic so there is a tangible sense of community. its inherently patriarchal as well, men are men and women are women.

its not a matter of considering yourself a modern prophet, i dont stand on the street and preach. i am just older than a lot of people here, ive experienced a process of information gathering and learning and self actualization. when you're young you have a very limited understanding of the world and yourself, a lot of people here demonstrate a desire to learn about more than just fashion and they have some sense that things are not quit right with the world, i am just trying to get to as many young minds as i can before they're indoctrinated into the system.

>> No.9575705


the modern prophet exists on the internet doe. what you do is basically the same as preaching on the street has been in the pre-internet eras. you continuously try to manipulate the people that want to take mediocre fashion advice from you by being a douche and positioning yourself far above erryone else.

>stop being stupid, most of u cant help it because ur genetically inferior and stupid[...]

Shit like that is just humour and for kicks, but I sense you may actually be 100% serious. so.... still gonna call you an extremist prophet.

For the rerererecord, I enjoy reading your stuff, and you seem like a super interesting person with an interesting mindset, thanks for showing me RoZ, I'm down with 9/11 and Israel's involvement now, reading along here and there.

Also, fuck you for saying this:
niggers are shit, rap is shit, nigger culture is shit, yeezys are shit, yeezy is shit, kanye west dresses like shit, hba and all other niggercore brands are shit.

please kill yourself for telling people to only consume quality art when you say rap is shit. Not gonna try to educate you away from your bubble doe, but give gkmc by K-dot a listen. If you still think its shit and not an incredibly well crafted piece of music you can go fuck a boy : >

>> No.9575708

gkmc as a whole is easily one of the 10's best

>> No.9575711

>country people are for the most part much more right wing and less susceptible to government indoctrinated marxist shit. the country is also more monoethnic so there is a tangible sense of community. its inherently patriarchal as well, men are men and women are women

guys he fell for the autism troll
you're not supposed to actually cop it
fukin lel

>> No.9575718

paranoid old fag hehe

>> No.9575719

>Also, fuck you for saying this:
>niggers are shit, rap is shit, nigger culture is shit, yeezys are shit, yeezy is shit, kanye west dresses like shit, hba and all other niggercore brands are shit.
>please kill yourself for telling people to only consume quality art when you say rap is shit. Not gonna try to educate you away from your bubble doe, but give gkmc by K-dot a listen. If you still think its shit and not an incredibly well crafted piece of music you can go fuck a boy : >

its in the guide to shock the reader who is presumed to be an ignorant pop culture worshiping kanye loving retard, its more about convincing the reader to stop consuming mainstream black culture via rap and hip hop.

its much more a cultural and societal thing, nothing really to do with the music at all. if msm is to be believed rappers are the new rockstars: "emulate them, love them, worship them" - what are they? they're all white hating blacks, its insidious, you can see the effects on this board every day.

its an old guide i need to rewrite it properly and add some stuff.

>> No.9575748

rap isn't insidious, rap is just an art form, and anything can be an art form

modern rap is pretty bad because of consumer/exec relationship, that is the game of selling what sells and buying what's being bought.

you can't really hate rape, you can try to hate the people who listen to it but you'd hate those kinds of people whether rap existed or not.

the way I see it, rap helps me determine who is an idiot, but people who want to try to change rap or rap listeners are almost as lost as the victims.

anyways question, are you genuinely racist or just rash about stereotypes

>> No.9575767
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>give gkmc by K-dot a listen. If you still think its shit and not an incredibly well crafted piece of music you can go fuck a boy : >

>> No.9575771

>things australians believe
thank god i dont live in that shit tier country

>> No.9575778

like i said, it has nothing to do with rap the 'artform' or genre necessarily, rap is just a proxy/platform through which the message(the dangerous one) is delivered to young minds, cultural figures like kanye west, iggy az and asap rocky etc are influential and thats dangerous. the message is insidious, its pop culture as much as it is mainstream rap but these days its hard to separate the two.

so again, if you enjoy rap music or hip hop dont interpret the statement so literally, the message isnt an attack on the integrity of rap as an artform(although most of the mainstream shit is awful.)

i am pretty racist, probably very racist by most peoples standard. blacks and whites should be separated, i dont believe in some genocidal fantasy or white only world(although realistically if humanity was 100% white it would be superior to any other incarnation)

one race however is much more dangerous than blacks, and if it were not for this one race whites wouldnt be forced to integrate or suffer the faults of other races in our countries.

all racial tension is a symptom of this one naughty little race.

>> No.9575779
File: 18 KB, 353x265, pigfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the saddest creature ive ever seen on 4chan

>> No.9575785

I like your selection of movies and shows but too bad you take a weak position regarding religion as you said you're an agnostic that makes you instantly dumb.

>> No.9575788

lmao is this real??
whoever called it that he wasa wog was right

>> No.9575792

>weak position regarding religion as you said you're an agnostic that makes you instantly dumb.
compelling argument

>> No.9575798


>> No.9575801

Would you have sexual intercourse with a minority out of recreation rather than re-production?

>> No.9575804
File: 49 KB, 500x406, Death+in+June+DeathinJuneDij03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what bands do u like piggy

>> No.9575806

i have in the past, would i now? idk, i dont think its a good idea for any race to racemix.

>> No.9575821

some music from my itunes include

guns n roses
new order
joy division
billy joe shaver
rolling stones
hank williams
crowded house
david allen coe
jeffrey jeff walker
the proclaimers
happy mondays

also if real uhhh add my skype, go archive and search skype you'll find it

>> No.9575826

>guns n roses
shit taste in music, shit taste in fashion. no surprise at all

>> No.9575832



>> No.9575833

I don't have skype anymore

>> No.9575835

>All this dadcore

>> No.9575838

also listen to more music

>> No.9575845

Well, it is. Agnostics are weak minded people. Pretty ironic considering you want to act tough.

>> No.9575847


>> No.9575848

How so.

>> No.9575852

thank you 19 year old undergrad, you have changed my life.

>> No.9575855

missing out on all the fun :)

>> No.9575874
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>> No.9575876

total pleb

better than someone who never even went to uni like u..

>> No.9575877
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>Your face when u finally wake up and realise Pigfuck is enlightening u

>> No.9575879
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>Shaking some sense into this generation

>> No.9575880
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>who never even went to uni like u..

>> No.9575882

stolen valor

>> No.9575883

lmao fucking dropped pleb

>> No.9575886

is dan the hymen divider schneider effay?

hows it goin carebear

>> No.9575889

>hating on rap and black culture, liking this shit
I hope you're joking. Otherwise, no fucking wonder and you have zero taste.

>> No.9575890
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Nb researching anime body pillows whats your favorite anime mine is pokemon

>> No.9575897


pokemon for sure

>> No.9575899

Post your music and wardrobe. I want to see what good tastes look like

>> No.9575901
File: 507 KB, 245x173, gif (193).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice . I think its quite "kawaii" (im trolling I don't know much about anime at all i dont even speak korean).

i found all my old /fa/ gifs from circa 2010 im very retro/vintage

>> No.9575904
File: 1.93 MB, 410x230, y7wLE4p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honey boo boo probably has children of her own now
wheres all the time go?

>> No.9575911
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haha idk man. its so weird I look at the date and Im like "omg where did the time go" you know what I mean it's like im too old to be young but too young to be old. its so spooky being a "millenial" its like i have all this technology at my fingertips but none of the social skills to form a meaningful relationship with anyone! crazy :s

>> No.9575913

not like this:

guns n roses
new order
joy division
billy joe shaver
rolling stones
hank williams
crowded house
david allen coe
jeffrey jeff walker
the proclaimers
happy mondays

>> No.9575921
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>it's like im too old to be young but too young to be old.

>> No.9575929
File: 213 KB, 500x326, tumblr_m4s983KSwa1rwcc6bo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like ur older than u ever was but younger than you will ever be

u know what i mean?

>> No.9575938

i deny my age now, ill keep telling people im 22 until i cant get away with it.

age is just a number :^)

young at heart

the kids 5-7 years younger than us are now driving and voting and shit and theyre dumb as hell, not a fan.

>> No.9575945

someone talked 2 me (sexualy) and they were like "i was born in 1997" and i was like "wtf ur like 12" but then i remember that time keeps on going whether im on board or not so choo choo i gotta get on the train and become the conductor of my own fate

>> No.9575955

>someone talked 2 me (sexualy) and they were like "i was born in 1997" and i was like "wtf ur like 12"
heard dat
heard dat

you still alfie bhole on skype btw?

>> No.9575978

i dont use that skype account ofen and im not really about mixing life online with real life im a reel big fish in a real small pond u know?