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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 566 KB, 962x584, geargrinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9560301 No.9560301 [Reply] [Original]

ctrl + f: cringe no results

these people are age 21 and 25, and still live with their parents

would bee NEETs except for their shitty retail jobs

>> No.9560302

you sound jelly. im cringing at you hard, OP.

>> No.9560309



>> No.9560312


at your jealousy... delete the thread before the whole board points out how autistic you are for taking a screenshot of other people's (who are probably even in a relationship!) shoes from instagram

fuckin cringe at you

>> No.9560318


people with fucked up priorities make me PB & J

>> No.9560321

not going to make his statement any less true

it's entirely obvious there isn't anything cringe about the pic

read your own post again, print it out and frame it if you have to

if you need to talk, let me know

>> No.9560330

why does it matter what other people's priorities are?

do you know these people personally? got cucked? bullied in high school?

>> No.9560332

all of the above

>> No.9560347

the cringe threads are the replica generals

>> No.9560373

I'm sorry you had to go through that but you need to move on with your life

Stalking their social media profiles endlessly and posting pictures on 4chan thinking it will get other people to be jealous too just doesn't work

Are you really going to go on like this forever

Go do something about it so they will end up being the jealous one one day

>> No.9560416


>> No.9560428

I dare you to call them out, pussy.

>> No.9560483
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>> No.9560503 [DELETED] 

looks like he's pretty well adjusted and probably has a lot of friends

>> No.9560516

>tfw cringe threads on /fa/ will never be successful because /fa/ users are human cringe incarnates

>> No.9560517

Why bother removing the username when simply by browsing the #visvimfbt hashtag I found that girl. Poor hiding skills OP, dunno if I'm allowed to paste it here.

>> No.9560798


>heh 2clever4u

Do you want a cookie?

>> No.9560845

op lives a sad life and im cringing at him

>> No.9561342

"lel u live with ur parents but ur flexin designers on instagran"

do it

>> No.9561398

I am 26, I live at my parents house.
I have a degree and a professional career.
My savings account is over 100k as I will copping a house soon.

What about you fuccboi?

>> No.9561406

So you mean, half of /fa/ are real people and the rest are NEETs who post on cringe threads?

>> No.9561413

>would bee NEETs except for their shitty retail jobs


Isn't this like saying "he'd be a felon if he committed a felony"? Almost EVERYONE would be NEET except for their shitty jobs.

>> No.9561423

>Almost EVERYONE would be NEET except for their shitty jobs.
except most people under 22 who are full time students

>> No.9561435
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>> No.9561450

Congrats on your whiteness

Don't think you're anything special

>> No.9561456

He never said he was white

You're fucking stupid

>> No.9561460
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>> No.9561483
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>> No.9561489
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>> No.9561501

Posting teenagers? That makes you the one to be cringed at, m8. It's proper for them to be experimenting with aesthetics and defining their taste, it's like mocking a trapeze artist for practicing with a net.

>> No.9561515
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>> No.9561522

damn is that white kid balding

>> No.9561526
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>> No.9561529

without the pyrex shorts this would just be regular high school-tier

>> No.9561530
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I bet he is white or female

Black parents kick you out at 18

I have no sympathy for white poorbois tbh

A white person without at least 100k net worth is borderline /brokeboy/

You had control of the world for all human history

My parents couldnt even go to the same school as you until 1965

If you are white and aren't /oldmoney/ your entire family tree was a bunch of inbred retarded failures.

Your great grandparents had access to free labor for over 400 years and you're buying replicas? Ayy lmao kys

>> No.9561534

Sick shoes

>> No.9561538

shes... huge

>> No.9561541

holy shit trunks looked like garbage

>> No.9561557

this post is pants on head retarded but I can't say anything because of the new janitors

>> No.9561558
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>> No.9561569 [DELETED] 

Are niggers really this dumb?

>> No.9561578 [DELETED] 
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Do you really have to ask?

>> No.9561587

>Black parents kick you out at 18

Of course, jails and prisons provide room and board after that.

>> No.9561596

You're blaming your own failures on not being white?

just give up now and spend the rest of your life like a NEET posting anime tshirts on 4chan then, if you believe that.

>> No.9561597

Could be a LOT worse.

>> No.9561605


>you're wrong and dumb because i say so
>not attacking your flawless logic though


>> No.9561621


>You're blaming your own failures on not being white?


>just give up now and spend the rest of your life like a NEET posting anime tshirts on 4chan then, if you believe that.


>> No.9561625

I said I would attack your logic, but I can't because of the janitors.

>> No.9561670

>all whites are pre-civil war
>irish and italians were handed jobs immediately after they immigrated
>whites get let into college just for being white
>whites get any financial aid
>oldmoney isnt european only
>all whites have control

man all these implications, and no actual facts.

>> No.9561689


I dont see how a logical, rational argument would get you banned

Is it not true that whites had access to slaves for over 400 years?

Is it not true that almost all ceos are white?

Is it not true that europeans conquered the entire world?

If you aren't incredibly wealthy as a white person; your ancestors were pretty much retards.

>sure is hard to turn a profit off of 400 years of cotton seasons when we dont have to pay workers to plant it or pick it and pass that money and business expertise down 3 generations

When i see white homeless all i can think is


>> No.9561707


all whites are pre-civil war

>not bumrushing the fuck over to africa/america and rounding up some slaves when you hear that its cool to own people.

Only a retard would pass that up

irish and italians were handed jobs immediately after they immigrated

>irish died off because of a lack of potatos, all irish are retards by default. Italians are literally white

whites get let into college just for being white

>no they get into (good) colleges because their parents have money and sent thm to the right schools

whites get any financial aid

>You dont need it. And if you are white and need financial aid, ayy lmao

oldmoney isnt european only

>all whites are from europe numbnuts

all whites have control

>never said this

>> No.9561722

>revealing yourself as a negro when you could be pretending to be white

4chan was made for you, embrace that

>> No.9561731

>thinking this isnt /fa/

>> No.9561749


Wow man, you have a really negative and skewed view of reality. Did you parents tell you all this stuff or something?

Yes I am white, but most of this board is white too so not too hard to guess. I would have said Asian though because they are the ones that don't kick children out of your house. A lot of white Americans like their children to leave around 18.

You seem to think that once a family has money they are set forever. That is false and statistically speaking, most of the time wealth does not stay for many generations. It is really easy for people to blow away money, just look at all the broke lottery winners. These slave owners you talk about were really only a small group of whites that had that ability. It is more than just having the skin.

Of course it is easier to be white as we have been controlling a good part of the world for some time now. You are still delusional and setting yourself up for failure if you let this get to your head.

You also seem to be forgetting about Asians. They are succesful in their own countries and have very strong economies. Their culture is something quite opposite of American Blacks. Asians actually care about education and doing things that are good for your family, and your life. They are a minority but yet are still successful in America without being white. What do you make of that? There seems to be something more here than just skin color.

>> No.9561801

Italians were actually considered black until the 1910s, shows how much you know about history.

>only a retard would pass that up

I don't think you realize that most European countries weren't focused on the conquest of the new world, and were fighting each other. Also, i doubt they'd find out about the slave trade until it was already set up and capitalized by one country, namely England. So it wouldnt actually be possible to bumrush over to a place where you don't speak the language and buy something you don't fully understand.

And not having 100k makes you a brokeboi? seriously? Thats a sweeping generalization, like saying a black man who cant dunk or doesnt have 8 pairs of jordans or an 11 in dick.is a fucking failure in life.

see how stupid you sound?

>> No.9561803

posting teenagers is basically cheating

>> No.9561805

shits sad af meng
ok face, big titties, and not fat
all that wasted potential......

>> No.9561829

A lot of slaves were actually purchased from Africa, where they were already slaves. So like Africans had slaves themselves.

>> No.9561845

thank you but you really shouldn't bother

there are an infinite number of idiots like him on this board, and you really can't educate them all

>> No.9561926


Brokeboy detected


Not negative just self aware

Being white and anything below upper middle class is failing easymode tbh

I only had one generation before mine to add wealth to my family surname (jim crow). Parents went to uni in the 80s, made their money. Grandparents could only work service jobs, great grandparents were alive during slavery.

Average white: family tree's wealth had the oppurtunity to grow with no glass ceiling whatsoever for 100,00 years

Next time you see a supercar IRL, tell me what race and gender is in the drivers seat.


They are hard workers, good studiers but they are not innovative free thinkers. They are herd-mentality, copiers.

>> No.9561938

>They are hard workers, good studiers but they are not innovative free thinkers. They are herd-mentality, copiers.

[citation needed]

>> No.9561976


Idk pay attention to the world around you

Lowest estrogen & testosterone compared to any race means more streamlined, less erratic personality traits

Good grades & mastery of an instrument = parental love

Look up child suicide rates in asian countries

Kids will fail their midterms or whatever and kill themselves because they disgraced their families

>> No.9561993
File: 2.45 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_5201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got back from Asia. There was no shortage of supercars and these things are taxed heavily so cost much more. Also, the city I live in the US is filled with Asian people buying expensive cars. Both men and women.

Pretty sure this is just Japan, something to do with their specific cultural values. (samurai seppuku)

>> No.9561999

I browse these threads because I'm scared someone will take a photo of me in public and post it here.

>> No.9562006

>entire argumant about race relations in america

>posts his observations about supercars in some asian country

How about you read the comments before commenting because you look dumb

>> No.9562029

The black dude is actually going beyond just America and saying life is hard globally if you are not white. Thats why I brought another country into the picture. Also in my comment I answered his question relating to America and my answer was Asian people.

>> No.9562032
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>> No.9562038 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1366x768, you're stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lowest estrogen & testosterone compared to any race means more streamlined, less erratic personality traits
citation needed

>Good grades & mastery of an instrument
what makes you think all/most asians do this

>child suicide rates in asian countries

>> No.9562040

maybe you should think a little harder buddy, this discussion is not only about amerifat

>> No.9562044

>Lowest estrogen & testosterone compared to any race means more streamlined, less erratic personality traits
citation needed

>Good grades & mastery of an instrument
what makes you think all/most asians do this

>child suicide rates in asian countries
god damn you are stupid

how many countries in this list are in asia?

like 1: sri lanka
dunno if kazakhstan counts

source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1414751/

"Global suicide rates among young people aged 15-19"

>> No.9562048

Im the same guy

Life is not hard in asian countries as an asian because asian countries are predominantly asian.


>> No.9562063

Citation needed aka spoonfeed me pls


I said

>Look up child suicide rates in asian countries

So you went ahead and looked up child suicide rates in non-asian countries?

I feel btfo

>> No.9562074

Plus i dont even care about asia wtf the original assertion was that whites a have hundred thousand year financial head start on black americans so if you're a poor white you are grossly incompetent

Also drop trip you are a retard

>> No.9562076

That's a regular width belt.

>> No.9562079

countries worldwide

because you seem to be implying asia has an abnormally high child suicide rate

which is not the case....

>> No.9562094

Because asians are successful in the US and have low incarceration rates. Yet they are not white.

>> No.9562101

why the arbitrary $100k?

>> No.9562140

It is easier to be white but you are calling the majority of the white population grossly incompetent. I think you are giving too much weight to this race thing.

>> No.9562149


Asians in america immigrated from asia of their own volition. Only the middle class and up can afford the move

Blacks in america are the descendants of poor slaves and the byproduct of jim crow and toxic hip hop culture

You'd be a fool to say the average black american and the average asian american were victims of the same circumstances

Blacks also have a lower iq on average cant deny facts


At 100k you leave middle class

>> No.9562161


>I think you are giving too much weight to this race thing.

What is the proper amount of weight i should be giving

>> No.9562176

Oh sorry, that wasnt $100k, that was a 100,000 year head start

As in the emergence of modern humans, homo sapiens or however long it took

Your ancestors had guns and ships while mine had spears and poop huts

>> No.9562249

>At 100k you leave middle class

poor people actually believe this

>> No.9562286

>Isn't anything cringe

The top pair of shoes are cringey

Bottom pair are inoffensive.

>> No.9562287


>> No.9562288


>> No.9562829

Literally read through all of that and as an 'on paper' caucasian living in the poorer part of Europe I can agree circumstances are crucial to personal development, and I do blame the previous generations of my family for landing in middle, if not lower middle class. But the whole discussion is basically you pointing out why other races are insignificant, yet they're the cause of your own personal failures.

>> No.9562831


>> No.9562850

she's pretty effay except for the whole believing in god thing

>> No.9562857

She seems like a basic bitch, more about brand names just for the sake of flaunting, nothing wrong with that, but not effay, and that instagram description is just fucking appaling.

>> No.9562863

You're making a lot of assumptions about me

>> No.9562867

So basically a fuccgirl

>> No.9562903

this one is still proper kek , where'd he go now ?

>> No.9562908

All that wasted potential
I actually felt kinda sad when I read
''Actually making me feel like myself again'' perhaps implying how she used to feel when she wasn't huge

>> No.9562910

you are absolutely the worst tripfag this board has ever had I hope you get tittycancer

>> No.9562943

looks like something that came out straight out of the hills have eyes

>> No.9562951

>these people are age 21 and 25, and still live with their parents

And ?

>> No.9562970

I wrote that with the notion you were OP in mind, if you're not, disregard statement

>> No.9563030

It goes against the status quo you doofus. Therefor it's unbelievably stupid and childish.
Haha look someone who lives with their parents and he or she surpassed the age of 21 haha lol !!

>> No.9563072

I came here to cringe, instead i got a shitty discussion about racial background. Fuck your ethnicity, get back on topic.

>> No.9563080
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Hahahah wtf. The fit is straight up Ukrainian 70-year-old homeless woman or something.

>> No.9563106
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>> No.9563134

>pigcuck tier generalizations

Idk if you noticed, but he's having a laugh at you