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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 34 KB, 500x750, 10671239_459677600840193_4544138430589660111_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9555282 No.9555282 [Reply] [Original]


how real is that statement /fa?

>> No.9555289

Very much, whoever wants to deny this is delusional. Call me a hipster idc.

>> No.9555304

The funny part is that anything that goes mainstream was never truly good in the first place

>> No.9555308

That's also true

>> No.9555311

what do you mean?

>> No.9555312

Not universally true. In fact most things become mainstream eventually

>> No.9555350


Maybe whats good wouldnt go mainstream if you faggots didn't keep posting it all over the internet to feed your egos.

Maybe if you truly appreciated something for how good it was, you kept it to yourself? It would never go mainstream.

Except you cant, because posting 'fashun' on a Laotian cave painting board validates your existence.

>> No.9555360

what clothes do you wear?

i assume you dont wear any sort of shirts/t shirts or sweaters etc.
what about underwear? any of that?

>> No.9555381

this is an idiot thing to say tbh, cause when you can make money on something that people would consider "fresh" - you will. And if it will not be you, then it would be someone else. You can not stop that procedure.

>> No.9555385

nearly everything eventually becomes mainstream.
obviously specific garments wont, that doesn't make sense, but particular aesthetics will always trickle down. it's guaranteed.

>> No.9555388

Quite the opposite
If it's mainstream, it has gained mass approval

>> No.9555393

My little brother has a better version than in OPs pic,his at least light up.

>> No.9555408

That didn't "go" mainstream, it is mainstream.
It's like you think you're being clever or something.
Look at joggers, new balance, v-necks, boat shoes, cargo shorts, baggy clothes, skin-tight clothes, etc.
Anything that was once a trend and turned mainstream was always shit and will always be shit.

>> No.9555410
File: 20 KB, 329x357, feelsgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw living in 3rd world country
>tfw trends come here 3 years after they're popular in USA/UK
>tfw i'm always in the future aka nxtlvl

>> No.9555413

Are you retarded?

Fashion will trickle down regardless of it being discussed on the internet--it's a natural part of fashion itself. There is absolutely nothing wrong with discussion. It allows you to develop your taste and further your knowledge at an accelerated rate while also being exposed to other types of fashion and pieces/designers you've yet to explore.

In what world do people keep things they like to themselves. Ask yourself if that makes any fucking sense at all. 'I like this thing but I'm not going to discuss it and exchange information with people who also like this thing because I don't want other people to eventually start doing things that are similar to this thing.'

This 'ego' business makes even less sense. Who on here is posting because it 'validates their existence?' Did you think before you posted that? You actually think people come to fashion forums not because they like fashion and want to discuss it, but because it validates their fucking existence. Bit of a stretch to be honest.

>> No.9555418

You know what else had at some point gained mass approval?
Nickelback and Hitler, to name a couple

>> No.9555426

Everything becomes a trend or mainstream.

This man is out here trying to say that v-neck t-shirts are a mainstream trend. Rah.

Name one concept for high fashion that hasn't tricked down.

What do you wear?

>> No.9555457

I take you live in central america?
That happens to me sometimes too.

>> No.9555460

Nope, Europe!

>> No.9555480


>tries to talk down to others about following trends
>regurgitates the "random country + random hobby" meme when referring to 4chan


>> No.9555499


>being assblasted because your hobby is for women and faeries.

Why dont you go build something.

>> No.9555536

this feel but in semi-rural midwest

>> No.9555580

>Look at how manly I am lads
>I have no interest in fashion and it isn't a hobby of mine
>But I like to go to the fashion section of anime discussion forums and TOTALLY rip these fuckers a new one
>That is manly, right? Wasting hours on end posting about things I know nothing about and don't care about while totally WRECKING guys I'll never see in person left and right? It so it

You're gay as fuck for thinking the pansy time wasting shit you're doing now is manly.

>> No.9555782


>Clothes are for women and fags

I feel btfo

>> No.9555812


Shut up ya pouf.

>> No.9556603


>> No.9556624

Why is it so bad for something to be mainstream? Are no good things mainstream?

>> No.9556766


>> No.9556868

>ITT a clusterfuck of autists

Normcore is what all the cool kids are doing now.

Meaning it has become avant garde to embace the mainstream.

All of you claiming that trends are dead when they hit the mainstream are all clinging to a dead trend that peaked back in late 2009. Oh the irony...

>> No.9556881

this is so pseudo-philosophical and stupid lol

>> No.9557088


these are fucking dope doe

>> No.9557143

i know this feel, oklahoma city here. yet to see a pair of joggers IRL

>> No.9557167

normcore is not mainstream lol. its like distilled mainstream from the 90s. even as a total pleb you would be able to tell a teen in normcore is dressed "fashionably"

>> No.9557173

this is contrarian 4chan BS, not real life. dont take it too seriously.

>> No.9557175


Mexico is like 5 years late on everything, when i started being /fa/ (heroinchic4lyfe) everyone here was still wearing moccasins, in fucking 2013, now desert boots and coloured chinos are the hot shit when IRL that shit is stale as fuck

memechrome started to catchup but people think if you wear all black you´re dressing classy and that goes against the "hurrh durrh swag, muh dropcrocth jogeers and slip ons are better"

>> No.9557248

Hitler was running a police state so people were forced to pretend to like him though...

Nickelback made that photograph song, right?

>> No.9557250

>That didn't "go" mainstream, it is mainstream.

That is probably the most retarded sentence i've read on this board.

Yeah, i'm pretty sure that those kind of clothes as soon as were created everyone in the world started using them.

It's like you think you're being clever or something.

>> No.9557277

hitler was democratically elected

>> No.9557281

That means he was literally mass approved

>> No.9557420

You obviously didn't read the actual k-hole piece that spawned the whole trend. Normcore is about inclusiveness, fitting in, and belonging.

>> No.9557548

Fashion is inherently reliant on popularity so that's not entirely true

>> No.9557568

the problem for me is once something gets popular, people wear it just cause it's in. it sounds gay but i still think fashion is about self expression, and if everyone mindlessly wears the same thing it kinda ruins it

>> No.9557589

seconded, its not being popular that makes something bad, its the hivemind wearing it thoughtlessly just to look the same as everyone else

>> No.9558011

I like what you posted here anon