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/fa/ - Fashion

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9552309 No.9552309 [Reply] [Original]

>want effay eyebags
>stop sleeping
>get eyebags
>start to get pimples because of lack of sleep

now what

>> No.9552951

Now you grow up

>> No.9552964

Was he adopted? Because I look exactly like this guy

>> No.9552968
File: 17 KB, 304x280, 1417818240248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my whole life i tried to get rid of them and now i read this.

>> No.9553030

You dont stop sleeping right away, you start little by little, decrease like half an hour or maybe a whole hour of sleep every week untill you start feeling like shit or too tired/annoyed to go outside. Remember to drink a lot of water

>> No.9553051

god this is so retarded

eat red meat sparingly and chain drink black tea

tannin reduces iron absorption

lack of iron=eyebags

careful though make good dietary choices

i bet some suburban mouth breather will read this and end up hospitilized with anemia

>> No.9553099

>tfw anemia but still skinnyfat
just kill me now

>> No.9553101

post pics

>> No.9553158

sucks to be u

tfw anaemic gymnast figure

also fyi lack of sleep causes low testosterone among other problems

>> No.9553173

Finally found a hairstyle I could pull off and also like! Thanks /fa/gs!

>> No.9553219

Wait, so my genetically thin skin causing permanent dark under eye is popular now?

If you're really white/little pigmentation with thin under eye skin. The darkness isn't coming from anything unhealthy, but actually the light reflecting off of the underlying muscle since the skin is so thin and translucent. Unless you have fat deposits there. I don't

>> No.9553239

its not popular

>> No.9553744
File: 678 KB, 518x692, shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you most likely did not get acne because you slept too little.

But anyways, my normal approach is useless here. Asking someone to do bad things to their body would feel a bit counter-intuitive.

I mean, I would never suggest that people should drink less water, eat more salt, drink more coffee/tea (with plenty of caffeine), staring at a computer screen for long periods of time, sleeping too little, using no/a flat pillow to help fluid accumulate in your face (this could lead to general puffiness in the face area as well), drinking alcohol, rubbing your eyes to increase fluid accumulation in the general area, as well as smoking...

The above was mostly applicable for the puffiness "eyebags" part. The guy in the pick seems to mostly have "dark circles" rather than eyebags. I mean, he has some eyebags but the dark circles underneath the eyes are more prominent.

Q: DO YOU WANT EYEBAGS (puffiness), OR DARK CIRCLES (color)?

>> No.9553750
File: 85 KB, 800x800, yis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dark circles (and not eyebags) copypasta:
There are two main kinds of dark circles under eyes ("periorbital"- around the eye):
- Those caused by highly visible superficial blood vessels
- Those caused by local excess skin melanin (hyperpigmentation)

Re. the first kind of dark circles around eyes: What you have under your eyes are red-blue blood vessels that for some reason has become more visible.

Sleep deprivation may increase the prominence of dark circles below the eyes, as the area becomes irritated. Puffy eyelids from lack of sleep can help darken the area below the eyelids. Sleep deprivation can lead to pallor (pale skin), which can highlight the unaffected blood vessels under the eyes.

Being underweight can make the blood vessels more visible, as the skin above it becomes thinner. Rubbing the eyes, or making the eye area irritated in general, can contribute to increased blood flow in the area.

tldr: sleep well. check for allergies. gain weight. do not irritate the area. use make-up. check for anemia. and if you're still bothered by it: see a doctor (dermatologist)
For hyperpigmentation, I wrote a response to a guy:
>What you have /are/ periorbital dark circles, but yours seems to be related to an excess of pigmentation in the area rather than overly visible blood vessels. What you seem to have is called "periorbital hyperpigmentation".
>Without intervention, the pigmentation often increases slowly over time. Treatment options include chemical dermabrasion, laser, filler injection. Sunscreen is good to prevent further pigmentation in the area.
>The quick beauty fix: BB cream with sunscreen.
>Actually fixing it: possibly by the use of chemical dermabrasion/chemical peeling. Ask your doctor/a dermatologist.
To see what you /may/ have, google "periorbital dark circles" as well as "periorbital hyperpigmentation". Hyperpigmentation is more common for people with darker skin.

>> No.9554022

>tfw you have genetic dark circles and you've been trying to get rid of them your entire life
T-thanks for the confidence boost, /fa/

>> No.9554029

You could probably do something with makeup to make your dark circles more prominent (matte eye-shadow in grey/taupe)

>> No.9554429

How do I get rid of itachi creases under my eye? I don't have eye bags but I have these huge lines underneath my eyes. I get 8 hours of sleep daily now so idk what's causing it

>> No.9554493

idk i like dark circles, especially when qt grills have em. maybe its cuz i have them pretty bad but w.e

>> No.9554648


It's mainly genetic, I've had dark circles under my eyes like in your pic for as long as I can remember, they're a bit more defined and saturated when I haven't slept but otherwise they stay the same no matter how well-rested I am.

I have a NEET friend who eats crap food everyday and plays videogames all the time and he has no circles at all.