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/fa/ - Fashion

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9545087 No.9545087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>about to order clothes off a website
>realise I don't ever leave the house and I don't have an reason to either because I'm alone
>cancel order and just lie in bed for a few hours

How do I make friends /fa/?

I've messaged literally everyone I have on facebook, even people I really don't want to see, but none of them have time for me or don't want to see me or idk.

>> No.9545092

I'll be your friend. Where are you from?

>> No.9545099

Once you get that desperate it's too late.

>> No.9545105

Thanks for offering but I want real life friends to go out and do things with. I'm from the UK though.

>> No.9545110

Okay, just go to uni or school or something, get people you work with do do something?

>> No.9545115

I'm in the same boat OP and also in the UK (Newcastle to be specific.) I'm literally considering buying an english heritage membership and travelling around going to see them all by myself. Maybe my plan is too pathetic for you though.

>> No.9545133

Get a puppy. Take him out for effay walks with your sickest fits.

>> No.9545140

I'm in the same boat as OP. I'm considering going to a Magic the gathering club tonight for the first time just so I have a reason to talk to someone my age for the first time in two years

I'm only 20 ffs.

>> No.9545148


>> No.9545161


work on improving yourself, doing things alone, and just generally being happy with your own company. People are attracted to people who seem like they have a purpose in life and believe in themselves. That's basically what I did and I went from being lonely and socially awkward to being considered a very cool and interesting person. People like to be around me and I enjoy that, but I also know that I'd be just fine without friends because my favorite person is still myself. Read some books, exercise, watch movies, try new sports, try psychedelic drugs, buy clothes, draw. That's how you become a more interesting person.

>> No.9545170

Organise a meetup there. I would come.

>> No.9545181

>tfw you would go to a meetup but you'd find half the people cringy or the other half would be top lads and you wouldn't be able to relax with them
Why can't I just clone myself :(

>> No.9545182
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Get an offline hobby. Use the hobby to meet people.

Drugs worked for me. Then AA. YMMV.

>> No.9545198

I'm 20 and started uni a few weeks ago. I don't know how to talk to anyone within 4 years of my own age, I'm so used to only interacting with people I worked with.
That's what happens when you don't make the effort to maintain friendships after high school, I've gone from being a bit awkward to a full on sperg.

>> No.9545201

I'm very lonely but at the same time I don't really like most people and I'm too awkward for anyone to like me so the last thing I can think of is hopping on cheap trains to heritage sites and trying to have a good time by myself like a normal person. It's a tough life m8s

>> No.9545210

It's as hard as you make it.

>> No.9545220


you guys need to watch this.

>> No.9545222

This. Even if you just talk to people online about your hobby you're probably going to feel better because you'll be contributing something you have learned to other people.

If you like fashion and design get a cheap sewing machine and then keep going until you get good and you're bound to make some new friends as long as you try, even if it's just the little old ladies at joann fabrics. Plus making something physical feels awesome because you have something to show for how you worked to create something even if it is horrible because you'll be terrible at sewing before you get better.

If you're into anime you can go to a con, there will be bus loads of awkward, lonely people.

>> No.9545233

>If you're into anime you can go to a con
Not him. I joined an anime club recently. I didn't go because the welcoming email was something along the lines of


>> No.9545240

solid advice

>> No.9545241

>going to an anime con by yourself
oh god what do i cosplay?! i have to cosplay or no-one will initiate conversations with me and I'm too scared to do it myself! oh god im going out dressed up alone this is so stupid fuck it maybe i can do it nah fuck it i can't. forget it they're all sweaty weebs anyway oh god i hate myself"

>> No.9545246

>tfw i do this

>> No.9545250

go to tennis classes, or soccer, or learn to play an instrument you'll meet people there.

>> No.9545271

There are a lot of people like you out there. Go to a class or a meetup sort of thing. You don't even have to be into that into the activities since it's just a way of finding some sort of common ground to make friends.

>> No.9545278


>this is who judges your fits

>> No.9545330

Im gonna be alone soon anon. Im only 18, made no new friends in uni. All my old friends seem to have somehow drifted away from me, its like im not even noticed. I have one best friend who i can rely on which is good i guess.
i just wish i had a group of people to do shit with like back in the day :(

>> No.9545336

lol that's pretty accurate. But it also makes it a lot easier to practice conversation and talking to people when you can be super awkward and they don't even care. OP just needs to make sure he knows when he's being awkward so he can stop it, the only bad part about interacting with a bunch of other awkward people is that there's going to be little negative punishment that gives a person incentive to stop awkward/strange behaviors in an anime convention.

Bring a camera and when you see a cool cosplay ask for their picture. Cosplayers put a lot of effort into their outfits and like it when you compliment them even if a few don't want their picture taken. Then you can talk to them about the anime they're from, but only if you watch it. Also you can get tips on how to sew shit there since a lot of it's homemade.

>> No.9545352
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u r me.

>> No.9545487

In my 20's I found out how boring friends can be, it just ends up being a clubbing/ drinking cycle 3 days a week. Most of the time I'm doing the things I'd be doing with a friend with my girlfriend.

Having friends without sharing a strong hobby is boring. Smart thing to do is get out more do solo stuff build up confidence and find a girlfriend.

>> No.9545577

why are you asking me?
I don't know either please enlighten me fashionable friends

>> No.9545588

>clubbing/ drinking cycle 3 days a week

This is literally all I want

>> No.9545594

ikr my friends don't invite me anymore to drink or do drugs. Sounds lame but its what I want to do now, whereas I wasn't bothered before

>> No.9545615
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>most of my friends moved to another city for college
>they come back up during the holidays
>often have social gatherings that i dont even want to go to
>dont get invited anyway

>> No.9545633
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Kek. Hello me. I met like 3 people so far and I talk to none of them now. Only talk to like 2 people from high school and that's only when we play games. Heh

I'm so alone

>> No.9545637

Shouldn't be too hard to get, go to clubs or events solo for awhile find a music taste you like, talk to be people at the event or club, or find people at uni to do so with. The start of the year is best to do this, as you know.

confidence and social skills is something you have to work at like everything else, like lifting weight it's easy for some and a struggle for others.

Also try to talk to other solo people at a event. Yes plenty of people go solo, meet a cute girl once at a show because her friends weren't into the same music.

>> No.9545642
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>spend 2.7k on guitar and amp
>never play it
>spend money on clothes
>never wear them
>only wear a pair of cheap monday skinnys I bought from ebay and a dirty white tshirt
>built 3k pc
>never use it
>buy d3200 camera
>rarely use it
>buy lots of drugs
>never do them
>end up selling them to a friend

>> No.9545666



>> No.9545669

just get a job. talk to your coworkers.

>> No.9545686


>> No.9546063
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>4 years of uni, thankfully almost done
>never made friends in this city also due to me being older than most and keeping a long distance relationship in my home town
>break up, focus on studies
>days are basically always sleeping long, eating at uni, studying, lifting
>on weekends too bored to even watch TV or read
>spend last Sunday walking around town for 4 hours listening to podcasts

It's not fucking cool being lonely guise.. Don't waste your best years at uni, get into organisations, sports, whatever, force yourself to have conversations and actively keep contact. I really regret isolating myself this much.

>> No.9546138

it's never too late anon, you can still join a club, educated people are the last ones to judge
at least make something out of those last few months

>> No.9546156

theres nothing pathetic about travelling by yourself.

>> No.9546158

Don't do it. Just hang out at a coffeeshop when you do the shit you'd do at home or go to concerts or something. Going to nerd shit will only make things worse.

>> No.9546170

Travelling alone isn't pathetic, it's way better

>> No.9546201

>Don't waste your best years at uni, get into organisations, sports, whatever, force yourself to have conversations and actively keep contact

Easier said than done. I don't have much trouble talking to people, but I just don't relate well to many and find them boring, which probably means they find me boring too.

My first few weeks have been pretty much what you described, but I don't have anyone back at home either so the loneliness is getting damn depressing.
Silly as it sounds, I think all the time I've spent on 4chan really has affected me as a person.

>> No.9546233

First year at uni after doing nothing for 4 years after graduating high school

First semester I didn't do shit. Checked out a few clubs / organizations but never committed to any of them.

This semester I'm continuously meeting new people and making new friends. Being way more active. I was never socially awkward to begin with, just reserved due to lack of desire to interact with other people. Now I interact with everyone I encounter, even over simple shit like someone asking if they can sit near my friends and I at the a dorm cafeteria because they can't find anywhere else. I get them involved in our conversation and occasionally make a new friend that way. Or most of the time everyone just carries on about their day. No harm either way.

It wouldn't surprise me if I've watched more anime and read more manga/LNs/VNs than anyone else on my entire campus. I don't participate in the anime club though. They're all unattractive and socially awkward. I don't consider anime etc. a hobby that I can share with others and discuss. I don't talk about House of Cards with people that also watch the show. I don't discuss Game of Thrones novels or TV series etc. At best the only way I'd consider it a shared experience is watching/reading something together with a qt girl. No different than cuddling up and watching Netflix with a girl.

Instead I participate in the Japanese and Korean culture organizations. There I get to meet exchange students that are generally fun to hang out with and are more than willing to help me with my Japanese homework. This week I'm going to go check out the English club (oriented for exchange students, not for the study of literature). I'll probably start participating in that too. Three clubs a week is more than enough for me I think. I did try out archery club but the commitment for that was too much for me to stick with.

>> No.9546252

I don't get why everyone is so sad that they don't have friends. I hate almost everyone, even people who like the stuff I do, they're all fucking cringy and I don't want to associate with them. Literally can't wait to get out of highschool so I don't have to maintain relationships with other people. I finally want to enjoy myself, life has so much to offer, like going around the fucking world alone. Yeah, you need money for that but if you can't earn money then you're fucking useless. Learn about internet marketing and be independent, best decision of my life. Friends are overrated, I have good friends now but will probably lose them all in a couple of months when I finish HS. Drinking and going out is so fucking boring, I used to go out 3 days per week but you get to a point when you realize what kind of a fucking idiot you are spending all that money on alcohol just to have a hangover the next day. I guess if you're an extrovert then you need friends, well then you're fucked what's there more to say.

>>buy lots of drugs
>>never do them
>>end up selling them to a friend

>> No.9546272

Most of the people I hang out with are exchange students at this point. Other students I've made friends with simply my association with the exchange students. Networking in school is about finding your roots somewhere and branching off. Meeting people through mutual friends is the easiest way to expand your social circle.

Some of my Japanese friends ask me how I know what would be considered really obscure or highly academic words for my class level and I just shrug and tell them I just know what I know. The only thing anime ever did for me with regards to learning the language was making me accustomed to hearing it so that I can for the most part understand spoken language at normal speaking speed. Most people need to hear things multiple times or slowed down to understand something. And I know some "academic" words, some memes, and otaku culture stuff. Having this type of knowledge tends to confuse the Japanese native kids because they don't associate me with someone who's super into anime/manga. I don't talk, act like, or dress like any of the "anime club" kids on campus.

Making friends takes work. And it's a long-term commitment. You need to put yourself out there and sometimes that's to your own detriment in hopes that your efforts will pay off later. Do things like organize group study sessions with your classmates. You can start by chatting with the people sitting around you and gauging their interest in participating. From there just make an announcement to the whole class that you're going to have a group study to go over the exam review at (location) and (time frame). Then while you're studying make small talk and try to make a connection with any of the people there.

>> No.9546307

Why is everything revolved around anime here? Maybe that's the fucking problem

>> No.9546308

Report back in 5 years if you haven't killed yourself by then.
I felt the exact same way in those last couple of years of HS. I enjoyed "independence" for a while and still consider myself an introvert, but shutting myself out from other people has made me a very unhappy person.

>> No.9546372

This is me too. I hated uni, everyone just seemed so childish even though they were all my age. Honestly, unless there is an exact job that you want that requires a degree it's not worth the time or money (and I did a STEM). As soon as I was done I packed up and moved to Tokyo (not a weebo), never looked back. I don't keep in contact with anyone from high school or uni and refuse their FB requests. Even now I only have one real friend, an Ivy league professor and some acquaintances my own age. I plan to keep traveling for as long as I can.

>> No.9546375
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>but I just don't relate well to many and find them boring, which probably means they find me boring too.

Holy shit this. I don't find anyone interesting anymore save for my high school friends when we game together. Am I just a really boring person? Or is it everyone else who's uninteresting?

Hold me /fa/

>> No.9546381

In my opinion nobody is your "friend" until they invite you out to do shit. Honestly it upsets me when people I've become acquainted with talk about all this shit they're doing over the weekend or recently the talk is about spring break.

What you can do is invite them out to shit and hope they will return the favor. For example I had a small get together at my house. Paid for dinner for my two JP brothers. Bought more than enough alcohol for everyone that was coming. Paid for everyone's breakfast the next morning. Girls take free shit without a second thought no matter what culture they come from, that's the first thing I'll claim as a universal truth. Most self-respecting men will want to repay favors. If my brothers hold true to their promises I won't have to worry about where I'll be staying when I go on a trip to Japan which would save me way more money than I spent that weekend. If all goes forgotten then at least I have a very fond memory of the qt Japanese girl I cuddled with in my bed that night. (I didn't know how drunk she was so I wasn't gonna try for sex unless she grabbed my dick. I was more than content to leave it at cuddling. No way I want to risk potentially ruining the rest of my life.)

All in all what I succeeded in was making sure everyone had a good time. We didn't do much. It was just hanging out, drinking, chatting, watching Netflix, messing with the first person to pass out, pretty boring shit just on paper. But some people, myself included, enjoy simple evenings of just hanging out. I've also met people that enjoy going out to bars and find that sort of environment to be fun. I go do those things as well with those people. You can quickly learn what people do for fun just by talking to them, and if that's something that interests you then you can invite them out to do shit or ask them to bring you along the next time they go out.

>> No.9546383

Actually good advice. I am amazed.

>> No.9546445

The most difficult thing to deal with in my opinion is the desire for immediate results. That's just not how things work. Shit takes time and effort. I really hit it off with a girl who's organizing a spring break thing over a weekend. They're renting some estate and basically having a party over a weekend out of spring break. As much as she wanted me to attend she had 1. only met me recently and I pointed out to her that 2. I wasn't friends with anyone that would be going, only acquainted with a couple people in that group. The cards were stacked against me due to the unfortunate timing of us meeting each other and me not having expanded my social circle enough yet.

An important thing is to find some kind of middle ground where you don't make it seem like you're super busy all the time but also don't make it seem like you're boring and don't ever go out and do shit. Both ends of the spectrum will make people think there's no point in inviting you out to stuff. So you need to present yourself as fitting somewhere in the middle.

>> No.9546458

>buy lots of drugs
>never do them
>end up selling them to a friend

this happens to me at least once a month

>> No.9546465

Most people are boring because they don't have their shit together. They have no ambitions. They don't have any real hobbies that they're genuinely passionate about.They might have some faint dreams of things they wish for, but not a single dream that they're committing themselves to. They're living their lives one day at a time with no real plans for their future. Everything is vague and they've not yet chosen a path for themselves. They have nothing going on in their lives that they themselves are interested in.

If you correct that shit in your own life then people will think you're an interesting person simply because you know what you're all about.

>> No.9546475

>not sitting on a bench wearing your sickest fits while smoking and generally looking uninterested in things but in a cool way

>> No.9546489

Just wear your fits to uni.

I learn everything from books but I still go to the lectures sometimes to take my clothes for a walk.

>> No.9546492

What do you want to hear then?

During a 6 month internship in Munich last year, tinder actually helped me a lot and I had two fairly meaningful fwb relationships and got to know their circle of friends. A different city can help.

I can also confirm that I get along most with foreigners. Somehow being culturally different is interesting enough to open up a bit and have good conversations

>> No.9546495

This. Nothing is more attractive in a potential friend than being passionate about something. It gives you more of a personality and is something that others can relate to or ask you about. Also, depending what it is, it can just make you seem much more fun to be around.

>> No.9546497

Real life isn't a photoshoot. There's nothing cool or interesting about some dude smoking on a bench to the point where you wanna go up and chat with him. The most you'll get is someone asking to bum a cigarette off you. And then they thank you and walk off. Or it's some creepy homeless looking girl that looks like she'll suck your dick for a slice of pizza.

>> No.9546506

I think just going outside would help OP a lot, he doesn't have to be doing something specific or trying to find friends all the time. Would also help him to get used to wearing new clothes so he feels less awkward when he does go to some social event.

>> No.9546510

I would also attended

>> No.9546513

I'm always amazed at how unambitious and boring the girls at my uni are.
>tell them about the jobs I had, things I set up, interviews I'm about to have while finishing uni
>blank faces
>"oh my gah anon, I'm just gonna keep studying until I know what I want"

>> No.9546520

That's what I currently want from my life. I'm aware I'll probably be lonely. I'd rather be alone than have shallow friends who just wanna get fucked up with alcohol. Even if I kill myself but have lived the past years doing stuff I'd like, it'd be a success. I don't look on suicide negatively so it doesn't bother me.

If you find this amusing then do it, you sound like a fucking white knight weeabo neckebard beta fag though. At least 3 of these are true :)

Most of you might be depressed, get yourself checked.

>> No.9546525

Eh, I don't really see the point in setting up an interview for a job that you're not sure you want. Further study opens more doors and widens your horizons to what you might end up deciding on.

>> No.9546528

I'll also add that finding friends with interests that greatly differ from yours can be its own reward. Those people can help you experience new things that you might not normally be exposed to. It's good to try out new things and getting out of your comfort zone.

The problem with people that you make friends with out of common interests is that those interests may not hold enough substance to create a meaningful friendship.

>> No.9546530

Interestingly, the more isolated I was at uni, the less I was afraid to stand out and overdress. I feel especially comfortable now knowing I dress different.

>tfw finding a fit it my highlight of my day

>> No.9546540

Feel free to try again without so many memes and buzzwords.

>> No.9546553

Underrated post. It's hard to hang out with my new friends without having alcohol in my system. Our "group" hangs out at either house parties, bars or pubs. Purely because we would be bored to death by each other if we weren't drinking.

For god sakes develop hobbies. Dancing is one of the best. Preferably a social one.

>> No.9546555

Yeah but once I knew what I wanted uni was an absolute waste of time. I could have used it to indulge in my job choice, reading relevant books, starting projects etc

>> No.9546558

I was the same, always over dressed compared to everyone else and their jeans/graphic tees. Went through a bunch of stuff that I only ended up wearing once but I don't regret experimenting, really tightened up my eye for what suits me and what doesn't.

>> No.9546563

fuck me /fa/, I got feels now

18, confident, socially active, massive group of friends, but still virgin despite a ton of action at parties and clubs, not saying i got pressure, but it's story time. rewinding 3 weeks

>a cruise full of 18-year-old high school students
>see a chick on the cruise, 4.8/5, literally one of the hottest women on the fucking ship
>have to talk to her (I had a good fit on btw)
>immediately, she says she's taken
>fine, chat anyway
>at this point i'm kinda piss drunk so can't remember much past this point

>saturday morning
>see her
>go for a chat not remembering the things you did
>hear later that you hanged out for a while, she said that at one point i slapped her ass to the beat of a shitty rap song
>anyway, both tired af, feeling pretty distant
>think that she's just another person you'll forget the next day
>she contacts you on fb and asks for ig
>start chatting

>chat from morning til well past midnight, she's the one keeping the conversation up
>realize that there's a good connection

>keep chatting, she wants me to come and meet 100km away
>arrange shit and say that you're coming tomorrow
>decide to go skiing at the local resort for a day
>she only tells one friend about me, nobody else knows
>i tell a couple of my closest friends
>agree to keep this a secret

>arrive at her place, her family is pretty rich, a niiiice big home with a lakeshore
>change clothes and go skiing
>a bit of awkwardness, ofc
>ski off piste and end up at a forest spot which she mentioned earlier
>decide to stop and talk
>she opens up and we share our feelings
>spend 3 hours in the snow talking and cuddling, cold af
>ski a bit, then go to a restaurant next to the slopes
>in the restaurant's upper floor is an empty lounge, go there
>there's a goofy "sexual level indicator" which measures your level when you place your hand on a sensor
>get the highest level 3 times straight
continue? it's looong...

>> No.9546565

Uni is a waste of time unless you need it for a specific job or have a deep interest in the subject.

>> No.9546572

It's not hard to stand out at my uni because all I see is either green parkas, uggs or both.
Why would anyone want to look like everyone else?

>> No.9546577

Keep going but don't have a shitty meme ending.

>> No.9546587

I'm 28, my parents are poor and your story bores me to death

>> No.9546588
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>> No.9546590

I guess if you don't care about fashion or don't know what suits you or just really want to fit in, it's easiest to just buy the same as everyone.

>> No.9546627
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Yeah i'm just gonna sum it up, it wasn't intended for any ebin entertainment anyway.
We pulled on the side of the road in my car, started making out but she couldn't go all the way yet. Next day she said she's gonna dump her bf, and it looked all good for me.
Anyway she couldn't dump him. He knows everything now, forgave her and they're still together. All i've heard since was that because of him she can't talk anywhere, in any way, but she still has feelings for me.


>> No.9546645

>fucking up the chance to cuck someone irl and becoming an actual mememeister
ya blew it kid

>> No.9546651

She's bored in her relationship but is afraid to leave. You were excitement but she likes her old jumper comfy boyfriend. They'll break up soon and you can swoop in then. Trust me.

>> No.9546653

Haha yeah. She actually wanted me to come over on saturday, which obviously didn't happen.

>> No.9546659


Yawn is that u bro??

>> No.9546670

Literally everyone of my trusted friends has said the exact same thing. She's never dumped anyone as she's always been with her, so that's understandably a bit difficult. We exchanged our last words on fb last monday, she confirmed that she has feelings for me but because of him she can't talk at all. Being tired of the rollercoaster ride, I told her to make up her mind and contact me when the time comes. After she said that she can't talk, she blocked me on whatsapp and fb as well. Don't know about phone though.
I think she's gonna try to forget me, but I know that it won't be easy.

>> No.9546675

obviously not , i dont have FB retard

>> No.9546683

Don't contact her, let her come to you. When she does don't seem over eager, she has to earn you back for the shitty treatment. She'll be gagging for you. Probably will stalk you on FB etc so post lots of sexy pics, maybe with some girls just to add mystery.

>> No.9546713

Yeeah thats what i figured i should do. I don't have to look any hotter than I already do, she told me I'm way better looking than her hockey-playing bf. I play football, tbh that might help. One of the special things in her is that she's not dull and artificial like 90% of the chicks of her caliber. She really stands out with that, which, if anything attracted me.

>> No.9546724

Try and think about what she liked about you and accentuate these things.

>> No.9546738

u r both me

>> No.9546820
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The thing that gets me most is that I just want to do normal things and I have relatively plebby interests, but I just can't make any friends

These are the following things I'd like to do

>hang out in places, or at people's homes playing vidya or just talking a while
>go to pubs, play some pub games like pool or darts or anything like that
>go out clubbing
>fucking around whilst drunk or joking with eachother and shit #ebinbantsm8
>eat meals out
>visiting places or even some glorious urban exploration (ok, this one isn't too normal)

I just missed out on all my teenage years and now my 20s are going to shit too.

>> No.9546846
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I have a feel to share

>go to gay club the other night
>dance and then make out with qtp2t grill
>so drunk I forgot to ask for her number


>> No.9546854

whats ur issue

r u a fat ugly neckbeard or what because such simple interests should be easily achieved, especially going out and playing pool cuz u dont even needs to do that. Just og make friends with the local pool junkies ask them if u can get next game and put ur quarters on the table

>> No.9546859
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where's Sieg

this thread was made for him

>> No.9546874

at least im not some thirsty uggo bitch
don't talk about me again

>> No.9546900
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pls dont bulli my newtrip waifu

>> No.9546902

>have a pretty big circle of male friends
>mostly engineers and tradies so very few female hangers on
>im a law student
>faculty ratio is at worst 1:1
>yet my interactions with women are limited to clubs and friends gfs, and occasional smalltalk in class

how do i make friends with girls
i dont even want them for sex, just friends and good yarns
i feel like the past year ive been the most outgoing i ever have, and im pretty happy, but i feel empty

>> No.9546903

The darts one sounds like the easiest. Go to a pub, start playing on your own. If someone is there already, ask if you can play the next game with them. If no one is there keep playing until someone else comes along who wants to play. Note: this might take several attempts in different pubs.
Start some light conversation with whoever you are playing with: "which beer are you drinking?" "oh, I hear that's blah blah blah". Doesn't have to be deep stuff to start, just get the convo started.

Don't let a rejection or brush off let you down, remember you will have learnt something from that experience and you never have to see or speak to that person again.

>> No.9546908

yes mum

>> No.9546928
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you beta motherfuckers

I'm really glad that you won't be able to procreate, but please stay the fuck out of /fa/

>>>/r9k/ is that way

>> No.9546934

I can't think of anything more beta than shitting on people for trying to improve themselves. That's some real weak ass shit.

>> No.9546947
File: 5 KB, 273x184, images(9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sieg plz i downloaded at least 10 cat image macros, i will enjoy looking at these adoraburu fuckers while replying to you for some time
ty friend

but sieg doesn't bother me. he's been bitter since at least 2013 and ive gotten used to his charades by now.

>> No.9546948

hey, just go right ahead and tell yourself whatever that makes you feel better about yourself.

>> No.9546955

>which beer are you drinking?



10/10 social skills

>> No.9546972

Seconded :DD

>> No.9547081

Ok, give me something better then.

>> No.9547155

Hey, can I sit here?
you have to be pretty creepy to get a negative answer

>> No.9547190

Yeah, that's works if you're not sitting near each other already. The beer one was for the situation I suggested where you start playing darts with some random, not an ice-breaker.

>> No.9547209

>tfw the security guard at your supermarket mentions how every young guy comes in with a girlfriend except you and asks why
I wanted to kill myself

>> No.9547213


I know exactly what you mean. None of my friends ever do anything and meeting new ones to do simple things like that seems impossible. I haven't been to a party or a gig in years and it makes me so sad. It's practically impossible to make friends in your mid-twenties. To keep it /fa/, there's no point in having a good wardrobe if you've got no friends to do stuff with because then you can't show it off.

>> No.9547214

"I don't need to buy a girl things to fuck her"

>> No.9547237

THIS x 1000!

>> No.9547238

>tfw 23 and making tons of new friends at uni
I used to think that way too. Not even sure what I started doing to turn things around. My eyes just opened to opportunities and I took it upon myself not to let them pass by.

>> No.9547255


That's why. I graduated four years ago. Meeting new people on the other side of it is really hard.

>> No.9547265
File: 50 KB, 722x349, r9k - Sum _1415143945619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to get my friends into Fashion.
>Tell them not to buy cheap, Chinese shit that referenced their favorite vidya or TV show
>Two of then buy a Bazinga goodies and another one buys two Assassin's hoodies.

End me.

>> No.9547301


too true. i got involved with a qt who basically introduced me to hanging out late and dancing and drinking shitloads (i have no idea why she did, lol i was a total sperg at the time), but i never had a meaningful relationship with her. neither romantic, nor some closer friendship. we still just go out, drink and dance and thats what our relationship essentially is.

>> No.9547509

i feel u breh

If you were in sydney i'd hang out with you

>> No.9547682

>tfw I've never kissed a girl in my life
Where did it go wrong

>> No.9547871

>set goal to lose 120 lbs by 18
>tfw reach goal 2 months after 18th birthday
>tfw wear dream clothing
>tfw girls actually look and smile at you
>tfw realize you are good looking from compliments
>tfw gain a little self esteem
>tfw get treated better by the public
>tfw realize you have no friends
>mostly because you enrolled in an independent study charter school after failing entire freshman year because you "realized that traditional school wasn't a good fit"
>real reason was I didn't like going to school because i was teased by friends for being a fat kid
>tfw actually am interested in education now
>going to uni when I finish when I'm 19
>probably won't make friends
>tfw still have fatboy lvl confidence
>only reason I lost weight is because mom forced me to lose weight with her
>we lost almost the same amount of weight
>she goes out more than me
>mom and bros tell me to go out more because I have no reason not to have any friends or a girlfriend anymore
>always make people laugh and family thinks I'm funny but when they all leave i feel so lonely
pathetic i know

any previously fat people here?

>> No.9547892

Have you tried going out with your brothers and their friends? If you can relax around them maybe you get used to being around other people and telling jokes to them too. It might feel awkward to ask to tag along but if they're saying you need to go out more it sounds like they should be open to the idea.

>> No.9547894

How old are you m8?

>> No.9547901

it's because you're boring

fake it until you make it

go to shows, gigs and bar

take photos of aesthetic scenes from said places

make an insta, make yourself look interesting

hit up some people and ask them to said places, they'll probably respond better because they'll see you at least have some taste now

>> No.9547922

18, but it feels like all the people around me are getting tons of action

>> No.9547927


>> No.9547931

i used to be really fat. i still want to lose 15-20 lb though. i lost ~100 over the past 2 years. i have a similar situation to you except i'm a senior in college and i have a couple really good friends. i don't see them much but i've kind of gotten used to being alone a lot and accepting it. i also have a thing where i think i'm better than everyone else after i get to know them and don't want to waste my time being friends with someone who will not help me become a better person. it gets easier meeting new people in college though because you are forced to go to class and will have lab partners if you are STEM. you'll be fine bro

>> No.9547932

I was the same. Honestly, unless you go around telling people or someone asks, no one knows or cares. If someone does ask just say "haven't found the right girl/guy/whatever yet". If you really want to score though, just set up a game of spin the bottle.

>> No.9548666

not (ex)fat, but if you live in a city, try going out to some small shows of bands you like. People at underground shows are usually quite passionate and nice, and you have plenty of time while the band sets up/openers play to talk to people around you.

>> No.9548728
File: 419 KB, 500x243, band camp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, learn an instrument, you have no idea how many friends you can make in an orchestra - learn something relatively easy but still in demand so you can quickly join an orchestra (viola, double bass maybe tuba) and preferably a youth orchestra if your young enough

>> No.9548746

I mean, I actually sorta do. My brothers and their friends are all gay, which I have no problem with, just that I can't go to a bar with them or anywhere without someone looking after me, I feel like a burden.

I feel I "know" alot of people, just have no friends. My mom took care of alot of homeless gay kids in the area, gave them employment in her boutique, shelter, food, etc. so a whole bunch of people know me as her kid.

I just want a friend. I mean the people I know are nice people, but they're like family. Every time its like going to some salon where every body wants to know if I have a girlfriend and why not. I mean their drag queens so what do you expect, but I just want a dude as a friend. A dude that likes music and art and shit. The last time I had a guy to talk to was when I was 14 in freshmen year of high school. I know this sounds homophobic, but I'm the last person who'd even be homophobic.

>> No.9548749

haha you sound insufferable

>> No.9548753

Thanks dude, I'm going into STEM for either compsci or mechanical engineering so that's good to hear.

>> No.9548763

I'll try this out if something comes up. Thanks for advice anon.

>> No.9548771

Why are there so mamy gays in your life wtf

>> No.9548776

>buy lots of drugs
>never do them
fuck i do this too
I really enjoy just buying them and hoarding them
probably because im so anti-drugwar

>> No.9548777

West Hollywood

>> No.9548781

Also, I don't get out of the circle much.

>> No.9548784

you say that like there is a way to force yourself to know what you want to do
it doesnt work that way

>> No.9548792

Traveling along can and most likely bring u closer to ur self
As u go on ur trip try to explore more of what u like and u will become more comfortable with ur self, that place ur at, and hopefully the community there.
If u got any family members ur cool with ask to meetup and - since they're family - I assume they are willing to help u at with socializing.

I wish u the best
From fa

>> No.9548793

this is possibly the most disgusting post ive ever read in my life

ungenuine vapid piece of shit; the waste of time of sifting through people like you is the problem

>> No.9548796

Meet people through what u like to do
Meet people through family members

I know ur problem is with the actual talking, I am horrible at that too
I just wish u the best

>> No.9548817

For some reason
I feel like he'd be a great friend
I'm pretty sure he meant it in a friendly jerky way to get comfortable with u

I kno it made u feel bad but hey, u see him a bunch I'm assuming so try befriending him?
Casually greet him every time u go there and ask if he wanted to get a drink or something after work? - just trying to help good luck bro

>> No.9548825

I feel u man
Hey become a girl and kiss me anon lawl xDDDD

>> No.9548922

can i have half of your uber gaymen PC? Shoot, even a third is plenty. I only need $1000.